What’s the most traumatizing thing you’ve seen on the internet? What are some of your internet horror stories?
When I was like 12 years old, I found an Iraqi beheading video. It really fucked me up. What really messed me up was the way the guy was screaming “I don’t wanna die.” I felt sick for days. Unfortunately, I’m pretty desensitized to that stuff now.
I visited a website called 4channel. It's located at https://4-ch.net/
I remember downloading a "Faces of Death" video from Limewire back in the day and watched what I assume was a Russian soldier being beheaded with a dull knife. Just the sounds of him gargling on his own blood as the other sawed his head off slowly was very hard to watch.
>>3 I think I saw that one too.
For me the one that stands out was seeing the footage of the Tom Pryce formula 1 crash. It was actually on youtube at the time when I saw it, maybe 2006? If you don't know about it, it was from a formula 1 race in the 70s. A car broke down mid-race and pulled up on the side of the track, where it caught fire. A marshall ran across the track with a fire extinguisher, but the race was still going and he got hit at 170mph by Welsh driver Tom Pryce. In the video you see the marshall cartwheel away through the air so fast his clothes fly off, he looks like he turns to spaghetti... but the fire extinguisher hit Pryce in the helmet, which partially decapitated him with the chin strap. You see him all bloody on the stretcher, it's horrific. I feel a bit dizzy thinking about it now... really sad...
Oh, I've seen plenty of worse things than that too, but that's one that stands out as maybe the first horrible thing I saw online. And it was on youtube!
I was a naive mod for a small site and we got hit flooded by CP. Had to go through and delete it all because we had no backups. I can understand shock videos of adults but this was just something else entirely. It’s just depressing that people can do that to kids. Really makes you loose faith in humanity.
The images some of you guys post on /img/ are probably creating traumatic experiences for the 12 year olds of today.
Personally it was probably a first person perspective video of a guy bleeding out during a terrorist attack in Chechnya during the early 2000s I believe. You didn't really see anything too graphic, but the first person perspective, the sounds and then the sudden silence and lack of camera movement, I can still remember vividly. It wasn't really traumatizing and I've seen things that were visually more horrifying, but it's made me deliberately avoid those kind of videos. I'm not sure if he actually died, but if he did may he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Those spambots really make the idea of running a public site with uploads not very tempting these days. Just the other day I saw a new imageboard get hit and it went private because of that, which inherently is likely to kill it, since there wasn't much activity to begin with and the registration process requires an email.
Worst I can think of would probably have to be a LiveLeak video of kids finding their parents guns left out in the open with parents missing and one of them shoots themselves and the other kids panicing not knowing what to do.
Kid recording was mostly aiming around so you don't see any gore, but you do hear a lot of depressing commotion.
Second worst would have to be drawings of toddlercon images on some random image board. This was one of the last image boards I had checked out because every other one I visited was either dead, 4chan clone, or trying to be 100% freedom speech 0% bans which just translates to toddlercon and lolicon heaven.
Better off anyways since most people who post on image boards don't have anything interesting to bring to the table, mostly posting reaction images or some other dumb shit.
Doesn't help the new ones can get flooded with real life CP.
Era of text and image boards are over I suppose.
I came across a bunch of gore stuff from torrents and random places online as a teenager. Remember a bunch of Faces of Death videos from the early to mid 2000s. For some reason nothing like that ever really bothered me. The only video online that's ever really fucked with me is some video I came across where someone's eyes were being cut out with a scalpel. I guess what fucks with me is anything to do with heavily damaging or fucking up someone's eyes.
I remember watching that on YouTube as well. 2006 seems about right. There was plenty of content like that on the website back then. Including many of the things that were being torrented around the time. Was a different time and didn't have the level of censorship and content moderation going on back then. Even Google's own video platform that was still around at the time would have similar content on it as well. Remember watching compliations there at one point.
Yeah, 2006. I remember feeling bad for the fire marshal that was pulverized who was only 19, at least Pryce died instantly. Looking back on it, it's kinda crazy just how easy it was to find this stuff on mainstream video sharing sites even unintentionally. I remember a lot of brutal Iraq war footage (suicide bombings, beheadings, US choppers mowing down civilians) and then Syria came along. I remember the footage from Douma.
I wonder where those things come from? They're pretty much killing small imageboards where there aren't enough mods to deal with that shit. I was thinking of setting up my own chan, and then I saw a site I frequent get flooded with real CP. Maybe I'll just make a textboard instead? Seriously, real CP is the most fucked up thing I've ever had the misfotune of seeing. People who produce and spread that stuff should be executed in the most painful way possible.
I look at efukt maybe twice a year, it's not like I enjoy it but it's interesting to witness the levels of human depravity... it kinda puts things in perspective if that makes sense
Live leak China videos
>OP fishing for "scary" web stories
>Every post is about normalfag tier liveleak beheading videos and lolicon of all things
How did you kids even find this site? Chanlists were a mistake.
You can't kill bots, retard.
Internet gore culture has always been pretty dumb. It just became porn for cushy first world kids who could brag about how strong their stomach was, except they aren’t as mentally tough as they make themselves out to be. I’ve seen the aftermath of a suicide bombing irl and I can safely say nothing prepares you for that. I’m all for people seeing gruesome content to educate them on the realities of life and death but gore culture isn’t that. It’s a shame liveleak went down because I know for a fact they were a lot more responsible than those trashy gore sites out there.
>>14 if you read again, most of them are talking about things nearly 20 years ago
I was brutally stabbed as a child and saw my own guts sticking out of my belly. I've frequented gore forums my whole life and was always a body horror enthusiast. Some people just like watching gore for a multitude of different reasons, don't know where you got this "everyone that likes gore is a 1st world baby that hasn't been through it LIKE I HAVE". Btw I don't think you can really "educate" yourself with gore videos, aside from maybe taking notes while watching chinese autopsy videos.
It's perfectly valid to question who is the origin of a quote
Worst thing I've seen was a baby shot in the head. The images weren't that gory, but what traumatized me was the story. Shalhevet Pass was sat happily in her baby stroller at a playground when a Palestinian sniper shot her in the head with an SVT. I've seen images of people crushed alive in the back of garbage trucks, but knowing that this guy aimed directly at toddlers head with a telescopic sight, carefully waited for a clean shot and consciously pulled the trigger hit me in the guts. I just broke down and cried.
I can see where he's coming from. A lot of people just watch this stuff to brag to other people about how brave/mentally resiliant they are and most of them are teens in first world countries. Kinda defeats the purpose for me.
I saw a video of some guys electrocuting puppies with a car battery by putting them in a water tank and running a current through it.
Finding bestiality porn when I was like 13 was another one of those wtf moments. More confusing than trauma. For a while I actually thought sex with animals was a normal thing adult pet owners did.
Don't take the piss okay, I know this is just, how you say, “the small potatoes”, but I remember I had a physical reaction the very first time I saw piss porn. It was also the very first time I overheard people in another room having sex. I came across a video, rather tame to things I've seen since, but a big fat man and woman were pissing on each other and drinking it and stuff. Guys, you are not toilets! I went pale and had to take my headphones off, utterly repulsed, Then with my headphones off I heard my flatmate and his gf having sex. This had never happened before, I was shocked by both things happening at once
Actually, bestiality is a normal thing... for woman. For them it is better than fucking a pathetic incel
/jp/ isn't really dead. Its just slow, but picks up around the holidays.
>Guys, you are not toilets!
Honestly, I think watersports is more acceptable than actual toilet use. Toilets can't consent, neither can sidewalks or brickwalls in an alleyway. That's why I cum so hard when I watch videos of girls engaging in public urination. Drunk girls being half-conscious, hoeilicious whorebags on clubby streets, letting all of their stinky booze piss ooze out of their bodies, onto the poor, unconsenting, innocent pavement. It's like rape porn I can relate to, because all girls secretly enjoy rape, but do toilets and sidewalks enjoy getting pissed, shat and puked upon? I don't think so.
4chan’s /b was pretty traumatizing when you first came across it as a naive 12 year old. It’s pretty tame considering what’s out there now.
Women pissing in public gets me off because I view them as animalistic beasts in their primal state. I think that's why I love watching women piss, shit, and fart.
I dunno why but I just love watching cute girls eat disgustingly large portions of fast food and seeing all the grease and fat slowly slide down their face and onto their neck.
your mother
jokes aside, i don't think i can attribute anything to horrible. gore, illegal porn, whatever it may be, i cannot think of it as horrible.
>Worst thing you’ve seen online?
Nietzcshean last men populating every imageboard and major social media platform.
It was quite usual to stumble upon CP and bestiality porn in local DC++ hub, when I was a teenager in 2000’s. But I don’t consider this content shocking or horrible, it was rather interesting.
The Dalai Lama getting sucked off by a kid
4chan.org (AKA reddit.com with images)
>A foreign animal rights activist basically paid them to do it so he could film the video for likes and to blackmail people into veganism.
And I'm the sick one for eating pork.
The new front page image
Literally the most overrated hyped up shithole on the World Wide Web
You're over a decade too late for this one. I still remember someone posting the coordinates of someone they murdered and buried there.
Pfft… maybe 15 years ago /b/ was something but even then it was an overrated shithole. And anyway, which forum didn’t have murders on it? Nothing new or special. In 2023, /b/ is just boring, once you look past the garbage porn and bait posts you realize there’s no community there anymore and probably never was one to begin. It’s just an insufferable soulless shithole, like staring into the abyss, and that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen online.
>someone posting the coordinates of someone they murdered and buried there.
it's like deepest corner of the clearnet after that darknet starts
OMG 4chad is soo scary :OOOOOOO
he is tis hacker who will hack you i suggetst you don't speak about him too negatively :O
Saw that Ukranine beheading video. It was disgusting. Do slavs just not know how to decapitate? And don't film your war crimes you retards!
It's the screaming that does it for me. I've watched only a few videos with a similar feel. It hits right at your empathy, it's quite shitty. I wonder what the context for this was.
Somebody sent me this fetish video where a girl in a bikini slices off the paws of a puppy with a meat cleaver and slowly crushes it to death with her stilettos. It made me pretty angry, but at least it wasn’t a cat.
I guess it’s the better video quality and the fact their a white guy, much easier to relate to than foreign Arabs etc. Or maybe it’s media brainwashing me about how good Ukrainians are? It was a pretty shitty beheading too.
There was a time you could find threads full of child porn on /b/ and that wasn’t spam it was put there by the users. Some of them were CP fappers and legit pedos but most of them did it for the lolz. That kind of brain damage there is probably the darkest thing I’ve seen online. Peoples sense of right/wrong being warped to the point you don’t even know if you should take child rape seriously.
i believe you with the for the lulz thing, i remember one thread on /b/ a guy didn't like it so he just spammed it with pictures of an old man raping a real baby so everyone ALT-F4'd the thread. can't imagine it was something he actually liked.
I once saw a video of a girl being raped. It didn't feel staged and it looked like she was really struggling and crying.
I came away from the mr hands video thinking horsefuckers actually existed and it was as common as being gay or something.
That one fat atheist shoving a banana up his asshole. In and of itself that isn’t the worst thing I’ve seen. The worst thing was watching a midwit Reddit atheist try and justify it and explain why it made him better than all Christians.
Naked pictures of my sister. Well, it wasn't really that bad, just really weird.
I think reading Nana's Everyday Life as a kid traumatized me. It was posted often on 4chan's /b/ back then. Or maybe it was Wakachan...
saw a video of a guy littering. made me sick to my stomach
When I was five my grandma showed me a video of a baby getting stomped out by an abusive caretaker; I think she found it on Facebook. She kicked me out of the room when I couldn't stop laughing. To this day, no one in the family knows why she thought showing that to a child was the right thing to do.
We were watching some stuff together when a porn pop up came up and we got a hardcore gangbang video. My mom was pissed but my 80 year old grandma immediately burst out laughing. Its weird because she used to be hardcore religious and rant about girls dressing immodestly too. Grandmas are strange.
She lived long enough, she does whatever she wants now.
Thinking of checking out the R. Budd Dwyer footage (if it still exists, idk.) Would anyone recommend/not recommend?
It's online and pretty easy to find. No idea why you'd want to watch it. Some people say he was innocent ┐(゚~゚)┌
The depravity is the same in all places, as it is nascent in all humans.
Only the moderation changes.
>I guess what fucks with me is anything to do with heavily damaging or fucking up someone's eyes.
as a kid other children scared me by lifting down their eye pockets as some kind of grimace, for some reason that bothers me even today. My eyes are sensitive, i don't like swimming for instance, even the smallest harmless thing going into my eyes bothers me. I don't like people moving their eyes too far, i would rather that they move their heads instead.
i guess it's thinking about the sudden weight gain, i find it arousing to know the fat is going to enhance their curves
Also yeah I loathe whenever an imageboard gets flooded with cp, i immediately close the tab whenever i see images of that nature being loaded because my isp could track my every move, I don't know, nobody knows, who knows
>>70 If it loaded then your computer already saved the thumbnail
Why we need to bring back the death penalty and castration
your mom
>Unfortunately, I’m pretty desensitized to that stuff now.
I have found the opposite to be true. When I was young, I would seek that stuff out, revel in it, 'watch with glee'. Take pride in being able to stomach it. Mostly contrarianism I suppose.
Now I'm older, though a little curiosity remains (a desire to see rare and taboo sights) I would rather avoid such things and not have them continue to play in my mind after I've stopped watching.
I'm sure other people must have a similar experience.
There are a bunch of unexplained stuff surrounding the Nick Berg beheading video. Berg's personal email account had been used by Zacarias Moussaoui, an al-Qaeda member involved in 9/11. Berg apparently met him on the bus in Oklahoma, which the FBI claim was just a chance encounter. But what's the likelihood of having a random encounter with an al-Qaeda member only to be decapitated by a bunch of AQ groupies years later? According to his captors, they had attempted to negotiate and trade Berg as a hostage but the US government refused. In other words, they wanted him to die because a US citizen being chopped up on camera would give the Bush regime and the war a propaganda boost. There's a theory that Berg travelled to Iraq as a contractor because he wanted to join the jihadists but that whatever group he got mixed up with decided to kill him instead. Different groups and individuals have claimed responsibility for his murder and all of them give different stories which add to the confusion.
i don't get the cp posts, unless you're talking about hurtcore. it's only really scary because of the enforcement put on it, which i really don't care about.
it's a lot more terrifying to see people die honestly
Watching kids die is the worst. Dead people don’t upset me as much as seeing dead kids.
it's because cp challenges preconceived societal notions of child sexuality.
Your saying society thinks child sexuality is okay? CP is banned because it offends people. The same reason animal crush videos and cannibalism are banned. Which begs a question. Since most ordinary fat fucks wolf down CNN live news broadcasts of people being blown up in warzones with their breakfast, why are these same subhuman sadists upset by CP? Its okay to blow up kids with precision bombs but not rape them? The anti-pedo rage isn't about pedo crimes. Its a way for normals to pretend they are good and righteous when they are actually scum and just as bad as compulsive CP fappers.
>Your saying society thinks child sexuality is okay?
i'm saying the opposite of that. people hate cp because they don't believe children can be sexual or consent at all
>>85 Lol what a stupid post. That's not what “begs a question” means btw. You're retarded
This has always baffled me. It's like people don't remember what being a child is like. Of course adults and children shouldn't mix, because it's going to hurt the latter even if it doesn't look like it at first.
But we all had a developing sexuality well before puberty. I don't understand how people can pretend they didn't. We are not angels that suddenly grow genitals when we turn 18.
In fact, I'd argue that in order to protect children from predators, it's important to acknowledge and understand children's developing sexuality and how it can expose them to danger.
Child sexuality is real. Children masturbate and have proto-sexual sensations. Those early experiences shape our sexual preferences as we go into puberty. The puritan culture of childhood innocence and the insistence that children should be shielded from anything sexual is pretty harmful and probably makes them more vulnerable to being preyed on by predators or having shitty sex lives as adults.
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