I was always a sperg but now I feel like I'm doomed to be an outcast due to my age alone.
I can't even begin to rationalize all the time I wasted, how the fuck am I gonna explain it to people?
It feels like I'll never be able to form a normal relationship.
I don't wanna die alone.
oh god, forgot to change the formatting
i'm not the other guy i swear
No you still have time left but do it now because otherwise you will regret it later on. When you're a 35 year old hikikomori or even 50 year old hikikomori then you're too far gone.
You are the other guy, aren't you?...
It's never too late, but college is good for a degree so that companies will think you're smart and qualified to do whatever it is they want you to do.
But by the looks of it, college is low on your list of things to sort out.
Your definitely NOT too late. You can do it Anon!
It's not too late until you turn 30
go to college, you may find new friends
I'm a 30y hikikomori. Since I was 14 or 15. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
I can't take it anymore. I'm so alone, I have no friends, girls don't even look at me. Everybody is having fun, they are full of love, all except me.
I'm a complete failure, 10 years of isolation, I barely finished high school, dropped out of university, and found a stoopid job anyone could do.
There's no way out, I have no idea how people become friends with each other, how they find love. Oh wait, once in 26 years I actually found that.. once in 26.. that means I have to wait another 26 to stumble on a person who likes me, and I'll be old already..
I tried to tell them.. I told them I was alone.. but no one understands.. they think it's some stoopid temporary loneliness.. they are used to have all they want, to find new friends and lovers the same way you download new games from the internet... how could they understand what it means to have no friends, no company, no woman around for the most part of ur life, and not knowing how to find them.
Everybody has a family, friends, a girl, everybody is loved... but me, and I don't know how to get out of this... once you lose all social connections, it's done. It isn't necessary to be a hikki, it just happens, you lose all childhood friends, and zzap you're alone for life.
What I have done to deserve this.
Row Row fight the power
Honestly, I self harmed and was like 6.5/10 suicidal (I wasn't actively planning on killing myself but I'd take really stupid risks and just say "if I die, I die w/e") for like 15ish years. Somehow shit just came together. If you just keep moving forward, half assing shit and drifting through life it gets better. Only thing is is that you gotta grab on TIGHT when you see your opportunity. RNGesus can't hate you forever, you'll trip and fall into a good life eventually.
In a world as messed up as ours I’d be surprised if you weren’t suicidal? I was suicidal and would spend hours researching ways to die that would be easy and peaceful. There isn’t really a painless way to lull yourself and when I realised that I stopped being so obsessed with offing myself and focused on just trying to live in the world because I got no fucking choice.
stfu, asswipe. death is never the answer. if you are feeling lonely and depressed then your choices are wrong. get the fuck out of your comfort zone, and live amongst nature. climb a hill, explore plants, insects, geology, minerals, sit underneath a tree and let your thoughts out of your mind. the world is a beautiful place but not the human society. i'm just waiting for my new bike, once i get it, i'm out of this fucking city.
i just wanna make my parents proud
death is ok, don't listen to shills. death is a logout, retuning home. why should you play a game if you don't like it. only retards chose unneeded suffering before eventual death.
You are a fucking retard. Consider ending your own life so none of us ever had to read your posts.
take meds. if your shill ass seethes that means suicide is absolutely ok.
lol i hope you got bludgeoned by a bear
I didn't know these sorts of retarded "tough-love" posts were popular back then, most probably made by a faggot who thinks life is an anime. Disgusting.
I'm addicted to fapping how do i stop chronically fapping multiple times a day?
become clinically depressed
stop cooming bro
Why did you ask this on multiple textboards? You need self control with more than just coming.
make it harder for yourself
This helped me a lot
Living with conservative parents in idiocracy America sucks right now dude. I just gotta let it out. Be safe out there and protect yourselves if you're on the left. If you're on the right,no worries,I tried what i expect you might want to tell me in the past and got help for it. Sorry sweetie,my formerly deteriorating mental health beat you to your npc punch. Stay safe and keep your heads up if you're in America rn. We can do this!
and then nothing happened
Putting your faith in politicians is stupid. When have they ever delivered? All they do is make promises to get votes and do dumb shit when they are in office, then pass on the trainwreck to whoever succeeds them and get the tax payer to foot the bill. There hasn't been a competant US politician to hold the presidency since the rapist Bill Clinton, let that sink in. Eventually an incompetant degenerate like Trump was going to come along and be the monkey wrench candidate who'll burn the house down. This is America's age of stagnation. Actually, its worse since at least Kosygin tried to fix things and Brehzhnev kept the peace whereas America in 2024 is a trashfire.
Trump is more akin to America’s Yeltsin. He’s a self-interested crook who’ll gut the the state, dynamite the economy, and cripple the judiciary.
I’m more worried about Trump starting ww3 for some dumb fucking reason
Bruh, I kind of suspect that historians in the future (if there are any) are going to say WW3 is happening now, it just hasn't fully blown into "world" status yet.
One day we'll wake up to see America has elected President Chris Chan. Trump is just the beginning of the American entertainment industry's takeover of the political system. Cabinet members who are news anchors and internet personalities. It's only a matter of time before vloggers, youtubers, twitch streamers, and ewhores get elected.
He's America's Commodus.
He'll probably trigger great depression II before he starts WW3
Probably but it all started with Bush.
I just want a king so we can defeat all the lefties ruining all of our cities and making our lives miserable. Trump won't be that but he's a step in the right direction. We'll get a dictator soon god willing.
Lets just hope that doesn't happen. I know everyones mind likes to catastrophisize things,but i hope what you're saying doesn't come true anon.
Barely a week in and he’s already wrecking stuff. I’d be happy watching the yankee ship sink, but America has nukes and they can start a nuclear holocaust if they wanted to.
pity Trump won, Dems would bring Memerica down sooner.
it better be
anything is better than 4chan
nigger jew
nigger jew
nigger jew
nigger jew
Not by much.
Infinitely better, but also slow as balls.
i wish 4chan just died already it's too mainstream thanks to fucking /pol/ /b/ and /v/. should've gatekept summerfags and electionfags but no how else would they earn $$$$
i use the internet to escape from my boring life
going on messageboards like this is interesting like exploring new countries
I'd say so - it's smaller, easier to navigate, and generally has a better community with less copypastas/random bs (although those boards can be fun to read at times).
Less popular though, so not as much posting, and not as many specific threads (but they can always be made).
4chan and Channel4 BBS have their own strengths and weaknesses, so it kinda depends on what your rating it on.
>is this place better than 4chan
That is not a high bar to clear, because 4chan continues to be the asshole of the internet, but yes. Most altchans are better than 4chan, post-for-post, but comes at a cost of them being really goddamn slow.
Like OP from 2024 is gonna still be interested in hearing your opinions. He has probably already made his mind up by now.
4chan is one huge globohomo shillery.
i literally can't stop hating niggers and women and various different groups. it drives me insane. i hate america also. i just do not mesh with niggers or women or americans and things like that. i don't know what to do about it other than leave but i also hate aeroplanes. thank god for large sea faring vessels. america is a shithole and i hate niggers a lot. women are only good for looking at.
Sir, I think you typed the wrong URL your search bar. 4chan is down the hall and to the left.
Then leave. No one is forcing you to stay.
women are cute and fun to talk to. there is no reason to hate them.
I agree. I hate niggers just a little bit more each day. I imagine the reason city liberals pretend to love them is because they don't interact with them as much as we do.
samefag bait
death to negroes
globohomo hate spam
Have you considered taking lessons yourself? Otherwise I'd just invest in a pair of good headphones, or convince your parents to pay for some extracurricular activity. Or do your homework outdoors!
Why don't you negotiate a time table? Instead of 2-3 hours straight she gives you 1 hour of silence in between so its not as intense. Maybe ask her to only start her classes an hour after you get home from skool?
I think the solution to this problem you're facing is RAPE
my mother taught piano out of the house from the time I was in elementary to middle school. It never really bothered me because I was distracted playing PlayStation/PlayStation 2 with the student's sibling
Wished you’d sucked my dick for longer
Sad I am now alone
Forced to watch porn and rub my bone
Down syndrome
It was not written.
That that, even now of all times,
We collide no more.
Nigger Nigger Nig
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nig
Nigger Nigger Nig
No going out
No friends for myself
Hikki forever
I too desire some hot chocolate
Shouldn't this thread be in /book/?
Not a haiku you buffoon. Here's one:
What do those eyes see?
Shifting, darting amber spheres
Have they seen my own?
Let's crowdfund a time machine for >>24,30 so that when Matsuo Basho (1644-1694) composes a poem with 18 音字 he can tell the silly gent "not a haiku!"
For context, I'm an autistic ass in a third world country where just randomly talking to random people is seen as creepy...
I don't know if I'm missing something simple here. But how should one meet new people outside work or uni?
Join an club or a hobby group for something your interested in. Language classes are great because you can be socially retarded and everyone thinks part of the learning process. If you live in a big city you should be able to find groups you can join.
I get the impression that in the modern age, your not supposed to meet people outside of work and college. I’ve had younger people tell me it’s considered offensive to start conversations based on chance encounters or just ask people about their day. Hopefully, your third world country is less retarded.
> I’ve had younger people tell me it’s considered offensive to start conversations based on chance encounters or just ask people about their day.
They're right you know.
How is it so difficult for some people to get through their heads that if people aren't going to some place that's designed to be a hangout/meetup type of thing, they're generally only out of their homes for business purposes that don't involve dealing with random jackasses that have no boundaries and nothing better to do than bother people?
Given that the main reasons people go around accosting others in public are either to try to sell them something, to sign them up for some cause/religion, to beg, or to be sexually creepy, the initial signal you're sending is that you either are someone annoying, or are oblivious / don't care that you're perceived as someone annoying.
Since I might as well try to add some value to this thread beyond just ranting, I would suggest that if OP is the type of autist with an obsessive interest, and can deal with that type of scene, try to find a club / convention that caters to that interest maybe. But the "third world country" bit suggests to me that might've already been looked at and found lacking.
This wouldn't make sense to someone who doesn't understand what I am saying. Which, I think, is a good a thing?
I'm a self-proclaimed INTP, ILE, 5w6, 548
I just realized 3 minutes ago how, throughout my entire life, I have tried to understand other personalities (because it's necessary for relationships), at least enough to learn their intentions and motivations. Yet frankly, I still cannot proclaim that I understand myself well enough. In the fiction and media I consume, Te, Fe, Fi, and Ni are mostly prominent. There are no Ti main characters, and if there are, they are painted as robots or inconsiderate logical jerks.
I grew up without any Fe, Ne, and Ti surrounding me. The culture of my society also doesn't prioritize Ti enough.
Basically, I want more Ti people to learn about. Or learn "with"
The MBTI is like astrology for psychologists, so you're worrying about something silly.