hi guys you see densha otoko?
no is it good?
2. (UK, slang) A person with an unusual or obsessive interest in a niche subject, especially trains.
Imagine if we started calling ourselves anime anoraks intead of otakus
What do you guys think about western animation?
The She-Ra reboot is pretty good
>>18 I very much disagree.
Especially during the late 90s there were some very good series with complex plot and realistic art styles like the Spider-Man and X-Men cartoons of the time — Cargoyles also comes to mind as a rather complicated series.
It was animated in a realistic way with well-proportioned characters and the characters were complicated. I loved Xanatos as a “villain”, who, by design did not believe in revenge and treated villainly like “simply business, nothing personal”.
Plenty of so-called “anime” also uses nonrealistic proportions.
In terms of children's cartoons I think we were spoiled by Avatar the Last Airbender. Every one I've watched afterwards is not as good.
What about SpongeBob?
i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
I thought that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic had a decent run. The brony subculture is long since over but the early seasons are pretty good, I thought. They were just good, fun stories in a fantasy land though it really lost steam in the final few seasons.
Not about cartoons but that still gave me a solid chuckle.
I tend to favor 90s-2000s era cartoons from channels like cartoon network and old nicktoons.Boyfriend has been getting me into old Hanna Barbera stuff and I'm a lover of Looney tunes as well. I just love animation in general. It's a great medium that i wish more people would take seriously as art.
Old Tex Avery shit makes me laugh harder than nearly anything else.
the first 2 seasons of spongebob are really good
I liek mission hill
A movie about 4 people who know how to cheat on each other.
Natalie Portman still sucks at acting.
Cute loli who chews off people’s heads. The gore is nice and the mansion reminds you of Resident Evil 1 but the story and characters pretty lame and they drag up old vampire cliches. The pacing feels off too and there’s some dumb mind control shit and powers that don’t make sense. But it was nice seeing the dumb hacker girl who dresses like a Twitch streamer explode into a pile of blood and guts.
INSTANT REVIEW: 12 Monkeys 5/5
In the future humans survive undergound after a deadly virus nearly wipes them out and makes the surface uninhabitable. Bruce Willis is sent back in time to stop it. He's immediately thrown in a psyche ward where he inadvertantly inspires Brad Pitt to form a terrorist group who will go on to unleash the virus, the Army of the 12 Monkeys. Turns out they were just a bunch of impressionable college kids led by a psychotic with no real motivations besides boredom and pure schizophrenia. Now Bruce has to stop them. Highly recommend this schizo monkey movie.
My favourite part of the Dune Novel is the journey to and arrival on Arrakis, establishing of Paul's background, and the Harkonen's Betrayal. Sure, it's a setup arc and mostly a vehicle to serve as motivation for a bunch of characters' actions later in the story, but the way we are introduced to so many new cultural concepts, opposing factions, and mysterious agendas fills me with excitement each time. Moreso than seeing it play out (but this might just be me). It sets the stage for this interspace conflict so expertly and efficiently.
INSTANT REVIEW: Ator, the Fighting Eagle
A bit lame compared to some of the better offerings in the genre? Yes, but probably also shat on a little more than it deserves by people who don't like fantasy to begin with. If you're a pulp sword & sorcery addict, you might as well put it on your list, but not with a high priority.
INSTANT REVIEW: Halloween II (1981) 2/5
Inferior rehash of the original. While it still has a few chilling scenes, it lacks the wonderful style and artistry of Carpenter's 1978 classic and what new elements it does add are pretty bad. The film is just boring and I was glad when the credits rolled.
INSTANT REVIEW: Friday The 13th (1980) 3/5
I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, its a surprisingly suspenseful and effective film with some intelligent moments, and on the other its full of dumb shlock and is responsible for creating the generic slasher template that ruined the subgenre. The plot twist is excellent and at least its not dull.
INSTANT REVIEW: Enter Nowhere (2011) 1/5
I seen Japanese twitter users excitedly discussing this film and had my expectations raised that it was some sort of indie hidden gem. It was actually very basic and boring. Do not recommend.
INSTANT REVIEW: The Creator (2023) 1/5
Illogical plot and worldbuilding. Standard 'minorities good, America bad' with AI and robots also being the minorities. All of East and South-East Asia in one massive superstate where all the background text is Japanese for some reason. Heavily reliant on digital effects which look okay, but the entire film looks fake. Suitable to laugh at.
Slight correction: the plot isn't illogical. It's highly predictable but does make some sense. The plot breaks because what surrounds it (worldbuilding/character decisions) make little sense.
INSTANT REVIEW: The Giant Behemoth (1959)
We have Godzilla at home.
INSTANT REVIEW: Robo Vampire (1988)
Dollar-store Robocop is created to fight a drug gang that for some reason employs a wizard who specializes in Chinese hopping vampires. Between the premise, goofy special effects, and off-kilter dubbing, fans of weird MST3K-able action/sci-fi movies should not miss this one (others should probably miss this one).
Let's share movies that are in the public domain, or otherwise freely and legally available online.
I don't think this is public domain, buy it's listed has public domain.
[b]Horror Express (1972)[/b]
Go to archive.org. Great site.
Tokyo Story
by Edgar G. Ulmer
Publication date 1944
Usage Public DomainCreative Commons Licensepublicdomain
Topics 1940s, murder, horror, John Carradine
Publisher PRC Pictures, Inc.
Young female models are being strangled inexplicably. Will law enforcement be able to stop the crime wave before more women become victims?"
I found this link as part of my research into a recent change to the archive.org website:
Flag this item for
Graphic Violence
His Girl Friday (1940)
A pretty good Cary Grant movie; love how Walter is able to use his ex's personality traits and weaknesses against her in the end to make a weakness he can manipulate.
The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928)
Just entered public domain this year!
I've never been religious, but when I saw it for the first time, it was a religious experience.
It's a good film. I saw it a few years ago in an arthouse setting screened on a wall and several people adding a live soundtrack with cello and percussion. That was cool.
steam boat Willie is a public domain thing now i guess
There's some good Bruceploitation movies from the 70s and 80s that are public domain due to their somewhat dodgy copyrights.
By no means are they anything close to high-brow artful cinema, but good popcorn fodder if you ask me.
The Image of Bruce Lee (1978) comes to mind for me, and The Street Fighter (1974) (Only the original English American version is public domain but it's the most common version)
Old Charlies Chaplin and Abbott and Costello Films are great!
And these classics:
Douglas Fairbanks in Robin Hood (1922): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x73nPX-06X8
The Lost World (1925) (Had the same special effects guy as King Kong): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcrilbuMgcs
Nosferatu (1922): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCT1YUtNOA8
It was crap.
Premium rush was a superior movie.
Rather than disappear half of the universe's animal life couldn't Thanos just have made them all smaller so they would only need half the resources?
Because deep down he didn't really care, he just wanted to kill half of the universe and be praised for it.
But where was Tom Hiddleston? Where?
This thread got old very badly
Avengers: Infinity War > Avengers: Endgame
Infinity War is setup without payoff. It's no different from saying: ‘In ten years, I promise to give you ten million dollars!!!’ and then failing to provide the promised ten million. It isn't necessarily as bad as Endgame, but it's definitely not good on its own.
How does anyone like the avengers movies or any MCU slop? Porn films have better acting and plot than MCU garbage.
Are you asking rhetorically or are you genuinely curious?
i want to see kamen rider but i dont know where
Start at the beginning.
My local autistic girl kamen rider megafan suggests starting with fourze because "it's the best"
I've only seen the first one and want to see more but there are too fucking many and some of them look like shit. What are some of the best ones worth watching?
shin godzilla
The only Godzilla film that is truly shit is Godzilla's Revenge and that's cause its a best of clip show with some wacky kid antics slapped. I'll split up recommends into 3 categories
Totally Serious: Return of Godzilla, GMK, Shin Godzilla
Middle of the road: Godzilla vs Biollante, Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla, Mothra vs Godzilla
Absolutely Goofy: Invasion of Astro Monster, Godzilla vs Megalon, Godzilla vs King Ghidorah
Godzilla Minus One
>How the fuck do you rate Shin Godzilla higher than Godzilla and Biollante WTF
My brother in kaiju lovin, its not. Those are just 3 recommendations in each category. If I listed more then I might as well just list all of them.
Has anyone seen the Monsterverse zilla films? I usually avoid anything AmeriKKKan. I saw the trailer for Godzilla X Kong New Empire and thought it looked pretty shit.
I recommend you
Nice JK movie
need more indian kino like this. any recommendations?
Thanks for the recommendations >>1
Totally different genre, but RRR is excellent nonsense and a different kind of Indian Kino, I really recommend it if you have an evening to kill. However all I could think about when watching it is how I wanted someone to make a version of it about Irish republicans instead.
Watch Gangs of Wasseypur or other Anurag Kashyap kino like Gulaal and Satya.
Depends on what you want to watch. The best classic Indian movies were musical dramas and Muslim socials. Pakeezah is a stand out and your typical nobleman meets a hooker story.