1 Name: Couch Potato 05/01/29(Sat)10:54 ID:Heaven


A movie about 4 people who know how to cheat on each other.

Natalie Portman still sucks at acting.

500 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-09 10:22 ID:lFIWKM9W

Homeward (2020): The real dad was the friends we made along the way.

501 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-29 23:41 ID:v5phLnV/

INSTANT REVIEW: Gilmore Girls (2000 to 2007)
(I watched most of this show, but didn't finish watching all of the episodes yet.) I watched the first few seasons somewhat ironically as something to watch on Netflix while eating food. However, after watching the first 1, 2, or 3 seasons, it became a show that I don't just watch to-entertain-myself-while-eating. I watched plenty even when I wasn't eating. I like this show, more than I liked "Grey's Anatomy", which is a stupid show. If you cut out the interracial stuff "Gilmore Girls" is like a pro-white TV show maybe, which is neat. Thinking about the whole "women in film/TV" thing that cucks talk about, "Gilmore Girls" pulls it off well. "Gilmore Girls" might be in the feminist genre due to the female leads and business-owning sorta-entrepreneurial single mother lead character. Compare "Gilmore Girls" with "Grey's Anatomy" and you will see that in "Grey's Anatomy" the whole powerful-wimmin woman-strong feminism thing is really too on the nose and it is annoying if I remember correctly. With "Gilmore Girls" you will laugh sometimes, be sad at least once, and will find some of the stories to be interesting. I never really got into that show "Hannibal" (even after watching the entire TV show) but I did get "Gilmore Girls".

Also, last night I dreamt that Lorelai Gilmore and Rory Gilmore went next to a train station with two men. They went to a secluded sunny area near the train station. With the men behind them they simultaneously took their tops off and then presumably dropped their pants and panties. In the next scene in my dream they were both in the doggystyle position next to each other, with their asses facing the same direction. With each girl wearing a light shirt or a bra they were both getting fucked vaginally. Presumably they had their pants and panties under their knees/legs for comfort. At some point in this series of the scenes the girls might have been passionately kissing each other. Imagine that, while each of them has a cock inside them they are French kissing each other. The dream didn't make a lot of sense though because in the last scene they were on the floor of a train car which had fencing walls (as in you could sit in a seat and get a clear view of the passing scenery to your right with the wind in your hair) but no roof. The train car had other people in it who were sorta like "WTF?" Also, in the last scene, Lorelai was wearing her work clothing (clothes she wears at the inn that she works at) as a top even though she took her jacket off previously. While the dream didn't make a lot of sense it was still pretty cash to think about and gave me an erection. In the show Rory is a momma's girl, so devoid of common behavior it makes sense that she and her mother would have sex next to each other like wild girlfriends.

Lorelai is a sexy beautiful woman who has pretty eyes, though her personality might annoy me. Rory is a doll; she is cute, young, sexy, and beautiful, and she sorta seems to have her mother's eyes. While watching the first few seasons of "Gilmore Girls" I was think about how it would be great to have a sex robot which is almost perfectly of Rory's likeness. I would fuck it all the time. I also thought or fantasized about fuck teenage Rory while she is face/stomach down on her bed and completely nude. I never had sex as a teenager; I didn't really try, but I, as any other man, would still like to have sex with a teenager. Lorelai is a total MILF, but the the utter youthfulness in her appearance has been replaced by wrinkles or the features of a grown woman. Lorelai might be a great lay though, and that part in the show were she had sex with Christopher at the Independence Inn was quite romantic.


502 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-29 23:42 ID:v5phLnV/


I had that dream after watching that episode where the Gilmore girls became reunited after Rory moves out of Lane's place. I also previously saw this video on the Internet of people fucking on a bus that was striking, even if it was faked/staged. In the dream I think a man who might have been Luke was fucking Lorelai, and a young man (possibly Logan) was pounding Rory's pussy.

XD, wut?


Split into two parts - =
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What if Rory and Lorelai 69'd each other. That would be hot.

captcha: yid


503 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-30 04:02 ID:g9oYus8p


504 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-30 04:02 ID:g9oYus8p


505 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-30 04:02 ID:g9oYus8p


506 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-03-31 21:48 ID:nHjDgDCH

> pounding Rory's pussy.

every time my eye glances over this I think it's about Rory Mercury until I read back

507 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-05-25 00:37 ID:W8v9tXMR

INSTANT REVIEW: Inland Empire (2006) (4.5/5)

Perfect Blue for your hipster movie buff friend. A combination of bizarre soundscapes, filming techniques, set pieces, and overlaid narratives that rarely coalesces into something that can be made sense of, but still manages to feel incredibly satisfying. Some Lynch exposure may be required before viewing. I agree with >>117

508 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-05-28 12:22 ID:W8v9tXMR

INSTANT REVIEW: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) (3/5)

More of an action film than a horror film. Based (on a true story).

509 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-10-25 11:13 ID:W8v9tXMR

INSTANT REVIEW: Dune: Part 1 (2021) (4/5)

The Baron wasn't very evil and they paraphrased some of the iconic quotes but the thopters were actually cool & hearing The Voice in theatre was awesome.

510 Name: Couch Potato : 2021-11-15 17:13 ID:AREblQ3b

INSTANT REVIEW: The End of Evangelion (1997) (4/5)

They were showing this at my local theatre for some reason, no Japanese dub but everyone clapped and cheered when Shinji cummed.

511 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-02-03 09:54 ID:9Bl6+Y2n


>everyone clapped and cheered when Shinji cummed.

Fake and gay (literally).

512 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-05-28 16:22 ID:GHusBz7a

INSTANT REVIEW: Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) (4.5/5)

"An action-rich multiverse story about overcoming generational trauma and nihilism through the power of love", that's easy to not like if you can't relate or don't have enough patience for rapid random weird stuff to stick around for the payoff.

513 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-07-02 05:55 ID:jXEWZf/v

INSTANT REVIEW: Yojimbo (1961) (5/5)

Up there in the pantheon of "guy decides to fuck things up because why not". The most "on a whim" I've ever decided to watch a film and I was not disappointed. Good one, Jimbo.

514 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-08-30 13:27 ID:8O9KjFe1

let's be honest, everyone normal hates this weeb garbage. only niggers and wiggers like evangelion.

515 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-09-02 20:14 ID:kWj0gKU1

[b]INSTANT REVIEW:[/b] Citizen Kane (1941)(3.5/5)
scary bird do not watch

516 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-11-01 14:25 ID:Heaven

>>515 i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

517 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-11-29 13:40 ID:cVzV1NP9

INSTANT REVIEW: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022) (3/5)
I like murder mysteries

518 Name: Couch Potato : 2022-12-03 04:05 ID:D1Nqat3s

INSTANT REVIEW: Più forte ragazzi! (1973)
I liked the parrots reacting to the fist fight.

519 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-01-08 04:22 ID:jkjDQn3D

INSTANT REVIEW: Nerve (2016) (2/5)

A friend found this DVD at the dump. Unopened. An interesting sci-fi concept involving rogue social media. It's overpowered by a soundtrack that hadn't aged well long before this was made. Definitely a vehicle for the motorcycle scene at 43:18. Low budget action done well. It’ll go back to the dump someday. But probably not this week.

520 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-01-25 08:22 ID:MI54iMTO

INSTANT REVIEW: Densha Otoko 10/10
I know, I know, this is a film talked about to death on textboards. Story of an otaku who falls in love with a normie girl after saving her from a rapist on the train, he turns to 2channel for dating advice because he's socially dysfunctional and has no friends. Basically, this film is unrealistic. We all know text/imageboard users aren't that nice, we're sadistic motherfuckers more likely to mock train man for falling for a mainstream girl or just fuck with his head in general. Also, a respectable professional girl falling for an otaku like that is just unrealistic. In real life it would all fall apart once he starts running his mouth about his favourite hentai and making lewd jokes or when she learns he can't shut the fuck up about anime. The plus side is we have a great confession scene that'll leave you drowning in cum and tears and what the heck its a movie about textboards so I'll give it a 10. Chalk it up to bias.

521 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-06 09:46 ID:DE9Q7SQT

INSTANT REVIEW: Come and See (1985)

I've known this movie by reputation, but never got around to seeing it. Now that I have, I can verify the reputation is well deserved. It's a movie that feels like a slowly unfolding nightmare. A weird mixture of realism and surrealism in presenting some of the worst atrocities in human history.
Just the way the soundtrack never lets up, with endless noises and droning whenever things go crazy. Absolutely terrifying.

522 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-09 19:27 ID:D1Nqat3s

INSTANT REVIEW: Coordinates of Death (1985)

Soviet Vietnamese film about the Vietnam War. Very bad and contains barely any plot. It's mostly compilations of Soviets dressed as Americans flying around in Hueys while drinking beer and eating burgers while mowing down villages with miniguns as funky music plays in the background. Ends with boring ass propaganda mock trial against captured American pilots.

Feels like a 70s movie with decent effects but uses a lot of stock gunfire and explosion sounds I recognize from lots of video games. Didn't realize those stock sounds were so old. My guess is their audio equipment was terrible because there's real explosions and shit, so they did this in post to salvage it.

Never been a fan of non anglos speaking English in cinema, but seeing Vietnamese actors dubbed in Russian is probably worse.

Perhaps there's a better version out there without the stock sounds and dubbing.

523 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-15 10:03 ID:r1wjxqQP

INSTANT REVIEW: Shin Godzilla (2016) 3.8/5

A remake/reimagining of the original Godzilla set in post-3/11 Japan. Rather than focusing on ordinary civillians like the original film, this movie focuses on the politicians and government bureaucrats who have to manage the crisis of a giant lizard suddenly appearing to wreck the Kanto region. The Godzilla in this looks pretty awesome, his final form is a truly awesome beast. I just wish that there were more stand alone rampage sequences. Also the ending sucks because the bureaucrats manage to stop Godzilla which is totally unrealistic, we all know the one thing pencil neck can't do is their own damn job. Also, the Evangelion battle music was a nice touch.

524 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-19 18:29 ID:jkjDQn3D

INSTANT REVIEW: Meteor (1979) 1/5

It takes its turn at being every kind of 70s action movie on the way to botching every conceivable scientific fact. Sean Connery would rather be sailing, and can you blame him? The poster is a lie, only miniatures get to go to outer space. Notable for depicting a direct hit on the World Trade Center. How insensitive! I demand 1979 apologize!

525 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-20 21:44 ID:jkjDQn3D

INSTANT REVIEW: Jail Bait (1954) 1/5

Ed Wood made this below-average noir five years before Plan 9. Disappointingly for a 21st century audience, this is not porno. At this time he still had professionals on-staff for lighting and sets. There is even one character who is deaf and dumb, meaning Wood did have quality standards for his talent. At least in 1954. Blackface vaudeville act featured at 16 minutes, and I'm not entirely sure why. Maybe Wood was just friends with them??

526 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-02-22 08:32 ID:vkz/faw/

I watched that movie "White Noise" since there was so much buzz about it from that Ohio situation. It was a garbage shit hole of a movie. I wanted my time back and hated it. Easily a 1/5 don't recommend never will watch again.

527 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-03-08 21:54 ID:jkjDQn3D

INSTANT REVIEW: White Buffalo (1977) 2/5

Charles Bronson, a nonchalant murderer of indigenous people, teams up with an indigenous man, who shares a love of murdering indigenous people, to do battle with a special effects buffalo. You can't say it didn't try something new.

528 Post deleted.

529 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-05-12 01:26 ID:YJp8OhkD

INSTANT REVIEW: John Wick Chapter 4
Action scenes are great. The story is whack. Just another John Wick movie where Keanu Reeves is seemingly impervious to bullets, jumping out of 5 story buildings and being hit by cars. Pretty boring over all. They really need to stop making these movies. Also, Osama Bin Laden gets whacked by Keanu so… yeah. Tragic.

530 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-06-22 13:40 ID:JshAwx95

INSTANT REVIEW: Anything by Disney recently.

531 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-07-16 22:53 ID:jkjDQn3D

INSTANT REVIEW: Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning Part I (2023) (4/5)

A rogue AI doesn't do what it's best at (making three-armed sexy anime girls), but instead tries to take over the world. Tom Cruise has to jump off a lot of tall things in beautiful places about it. Never boring.

532 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-09-03 22:06 ID:JIkxeXLN

Excellent style and rich philosophy that both get explored thoroughly.

533 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-12-06 13:14 ID:iM6VQwYb

INSTANT REVIEW: Paradise Now 8/10
Two buddies from the West Bank volunteer to become suicide bombers to escape their shitty lives and the threat of NEETdom, but the operation doesn't go according to plan when they get cold feet. There is a lot of bleak humor and black comedy and a few scenes where the characters give monologues about life under Israeli occupation which can come off as too preachy and forced for an otherwise subtle film.

534 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-12-12 15:35 ID:V7Va2bfG

Just watched this movie and I thought it was great. It managed to make Godzilla unique and Anno put his own spin on it without really going into pure campy territory.

535 Name: Couch Potato : 2023-12-14 01:58 ID:7Ml8spsW

INSTANT REVIEW: Napoleon (2023) (2/5)
Another bad Hollywood biopic. Bad script, bad direction, bad acting. If you didn’t know anything about the Napoleonic wars, you’d probably never know what the hell’s going on in this movie. It’s all so uninspired and dull. Neither a personal tale about the awkward weirdo who became a conqueror, or a just series of battles and politics like your typical war film. Ridley Scott deserves an award, he somehow managed to make the battle of Austerlitz boring. The worst thing about the movie is the way it’s riled up all the Bonapartists online so they won’t stfu about it now.

536 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-02-27 17:37 ID:cVzV1NP9

INSTANT REVIEW: Mr Right (2015) (3/5)
It should be (1/5) but it gets a (5/5) for Sam Rockwell, which averages out to a (3/5). Sam Rockwell.

537 Name: vc: shag : 2024-03-12 14:06 ID:Heaven

INSTANT REVIEW: Dune: Part 2 (2024) (3.5/5)
Unexpectedly, I really like all the changes they made from the source material, with the orgies and jihad replaced with much more palpable material that if anything, hit a lot harder. No Alia was a surprise. Now if only I liked the actors...
Didn't quite enjoy it as much as the first one but I hope they continue the series because I don't want to read the rest of the books and it sounds like the sequels could use some adjustments anyway.

538 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-03-14 17:02 ID:tFcGugkW

INSTANT REVIEW: Sanjuro (1962) 4/5
How did I miss this gem? The only downside is the shorter runtime.


>Didn't quite enjoy it as much as the first one

Why? The first felt like starter. Didn't really get into the meat of the story and just felt disconnected. What is Christopher Walken even doing in these movies? He's mostly comatose throughout. I hate how they keep cutting back to Zendaya giving a disapproving look whenever Paul does anything wrong. Like the audience doesn't know already.

539 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-04-19 22:18 ID:DsQT/paJ

Cute loli who chews off people’s heads. The gore is nice and the mansion reminds you of Resident Evil 1 but the story and characters pretty lame and they drag up old vampire cliches. The pacing feels off too and there’s some dumb mind control shit and powers that don’t make sense. But it was nice seeing the dumb hacker girl who dresses like a Twitch streamer explode into a pile of blood and guts.

540 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-07-03 00:15 ID:swoNEN9v

INSTANT REVIEW: 12 Monkeys 5/5
In the future humans survive undergound after a deadly virus nearly wipes them out and makes the surface uninhabitable. Bruce Willis is sent back in time to stop it. He's immediately thrown in a psyche ward where he inadvertantly inspires Brad Pitt to form a terrorist group who will go on to unleash the virus, the Army of the 12 Monkeys. Turns out they were just a bunch of impressionable college kids led by a psychotic with no real motivations besides boredom and pure schizophrenia. Now Bruce has to stop them. Highly recommend this schizo monkey movie.

541 Name: late reply : 2024-07-26 10:59 ID:Heaven



My favourite part of the Dune Novel is the journey to and arrival on Arrakis, establishing of Paul's background, and the Harkonen's Betrayal. Sure, it's a setup arc and mostly a vehicle to serve as motivation for a bunch of characters' actions later in the story, but the way we are introduced to so many new cultural concepts, opposing factions, and mysterious agendas fills me with excitement each time. Moreso than seeing it play out (but this might just be me). It sets the stage for this interspace conflict so expertly and efficiently.

542 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-11-01 19:46 ID:6C9qpc8u

INSTANT REVIEW: Ator, the Fighting Eagle
A bit lame compared to some of the better offerings in the genre? Yes, but probably also shat on a little more than it deserves by people who don't like fantasy to begin with. If you're a pulp sword & sorcery addict, you might as well put it on your list, but not with a high priority.

543 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-11-05 00:03 ID:46kB2sy6

INSTANT REVIEW: Halloween II (1981) 2/5
Inferior rehash of the original. While it still has a few chilling scenes, it lacks the wonderful style and artistry of Carpenter's 1978 classic and what new elements it does add are pretty bad. The film is just boring and I was glad when the credits rolled.

INSTANT REVIEW: Friday The 13th (1980) 3/5
I have mixed feelings on this one. On the one hand, its a surprisingly suspenseful and effective film with some intelligent moments, and on the other its full of dumb shlock and is responsible for creating the generic slasher template that ruined the subgenre. The plot twist is excellent and at least its not dull.

544 Name: Couch Potato : 2024-12-09 16:06 ID:7SvXX59H

INSTANT REVIEW: Enter Nowhere (2011) 1/5
I seen Japanese twitter users excitedly discussing this film and had my expectations raised that it was some sort of indie hidden gem. It was actually very basic and boring. Do not recommend.

545 Name: Ninjasr!Y2wfNRRL8s : 2024-12-12 09:25 ID:aZc6lIj0

INSTANT REVIEW: The Creator (2023) 1/5
Illogical plot and worldbuilding. Standard 'minorities good, America bad' with AI and robots also being the minorities. All of East and South-East Asia in one massive superstate where all the background text is Japanese for some reason. Heavily reliant on digital effects which look okay, but the entire film looks fake. Suitable to laugh at.

546 Name: Ninjasr!Y2wfNRRL8s : 2024-12-12 11:43 ID:Heaven

Slight correction: the plot isn't illogical. It's highly predictable but does make some sense. The plot breaks because what surrounds it (worldbuilding/character decisions) make little sense.

547 Name: Couch Potato : 2025-01-28 03:57 ID:6C9qpc8u

INSTANT REVIEW: The Giant Behemoth (1959)
We have Godzilla at home.

548 Name: Couch Potato : 2025-01-31 11:21 ID:6C9qpc8u

INSTANT REVIEW: Robo Vampire (1988)
Dollar-store Robocop is created to fight a drug gang that for some reason employs a wizard who specializes in Chinese hopping vampires. Between the premise, goofy special effects, and off-kilter dubbing, fans of weird MST3K-able action/sci-fi movies should not miss this one (others should probably miss this one).

549 Name: Couch Potato : 2025-02-28 16:40 ID:2DMKQQ0V

INSTANT REVIEW: Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
The online interactions and formatting was surprisingly pretty good, but the actual plot was weak. Characters act illogically and it's one of those films where you get mad at their choices. I haven't watched the original yet, but when I do, I will report back how Dark Web compares. Overall not a huge fan, might be good to watch it just to know about it, since Unfriended seems to be one of the bigger 'internet horror' films.

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