Someone will need a good dermatologist
Indeed. Somehow he doesn't look good with a tan. Makes him look older and that weird white strip at the hairline appears... He should keep his fair skin fair :)
>>453 I agree, I prefer him with his natural skin color, and his natural hair color too.
But of course he's still adorable. :)
Maybe, a new project.
>>casting rumors of Journey’s End
>>Cumberbatch, 37, best known for playing Sherlock Holmes, went to Harrow, while another name linked to the project is Eddie Redmayne, 32 — who starred in a television dramatisation of Birdsong, the Sebastian Faulks novel set in the First World War. He was at Eton in the same year as Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge.
>>Other actors set to be approached by the production company, Fluidity Films, include Tom Hiddleston, 33 — who played Loki in the Thor films, and appeared in Steven Spielberg’s War Horse — and Dominic West, 44, a star of The Wire. Both are Old Etonians. Some of the cast will be relative unknowns because some of the officers in the play are barely out of their teens.
>>A joint statement for Fluidity and the Sherriff estate said “the leading actors of their generation will be a part of what will be seen as a seminal film for the [First World War] centenary”. Cast members have not yet been formally attached to the film because the final contract for rights has not been signed.
Full article here
Oh well (tumblr is crazy. I love tumblr)
>>I would add to the whole “liking him whatever his shape” thing but I gotta say… wtf has he been doing to himself?! He does NOT look healthy in the pic to the left. Sunken eyes and signs of stress or exhaustion around his face being the big points - Too many late nights with drink and possibly drugs would be the first and most worrying conclusion I would jump to, comparing him in that pic to other people I have seen in both pictures and in person… although, given other hints I have seen at times I would not be surprised about drugs at all (glassy eyes being one, combined with shifts in his behavior and how he talks at times). Doesn’t just look like skinniness either, because I have seen him sick and/or just skinny and that shows itself differently (at his temples for example).
concerned sighs :(
>456 I could tell you a thing or two about the fangirl who wrote that utter rubbish but let's just say she's setting herself up for a massive fall in regards to her fixation with Tom. She's one of the morons who call themselves "slores", I believe she was the first to start labeling the herd who stupidly follow her tumblr as such, now they're all doing it. They all a bunch of bored, sexually frustrated women who's significant others have lost interest in them so they sit at home on tumblr all day making gifs and "edits" of photos, which they amusingly watermark as their own works of art, all whilst deriding anyone who's idea of Tom doesn't fit into their head-cannon.
As for this bread-n-butter-pudding character, well she's off the chart as far as lack of sanity is concerned.
I'm 457 BTW, I'm not sure why it posted my comment under Couch Potato's name I certainly didn't add it so I'll call myself NON if I post again.
>>458 The board names Couch Potato whoever posts without a name.
so, in the end he's a liar :)
Ok, I was reading the description of the photo
>>L'acteur qui joue loki le frere de thor est venu manger chez ns a la villa mahana.Tres sympa avec sa femme mr et mme hiddleston
mme hiddleston? Are they married already?
>>463 I noticed too. Maybe just a mistake, then if not - he's SUCH a liar :))
>>462 He could avoid it, he acted like a coward. And her? She agreed living in shadow for one year? Pathetic
>>465 It's such a strange relationship. He was hiding her, she was trying not to stay hidden with her Twitter.. Shouldn't they have had some kind of a common, mutually agreed upon strategy?
>>465 what I don't get is why he didn't keep it quiet from the start and then go public (so to speak) when it became serious. Redmayne did so. And nobody forced TH to lie in those interviews, now everything will come off in a bad light.
I really hope when asked he won't say, oh we are just friend.
>>467 I'm curious too, how he's going to justify this. It's a huge loss of credibility
The more I think about it the more I find it amusing.
Why did he allow for this pic together if the plan is to keep her secret? Are they going to go public? At Wimbledon? No wait, I'm having a deja-vu!
Tumblr is in denial, it's Emma for them. But she's definitely Jane
Wow, I really didn't think he was still dating JA. The whole thing just seemed too bizarre, and he didn't seem like the type who'd lie about a relationship. I stand corrected.
>>472 I think nobody did for the same reasons and let's face it, the girl is meh.
>>471 Not only tumblr, I think they are in shock at CB. Anyway, I'd be very surprised if that wasn't JA.
The only doubt is about whether they are already married or not.
On twitter people have been mentioning him with the photo attached so he knows the news is out.
Him her and Luke, they've managed all the situation in the worst way
>>473 I'm kind of in shock too, haha. And it's definitely JA, I recognize her from all the other pictures that have been floating around on the internet for the last year (from her twitter and whatnot).
Previously I would have assumed that the person who posted the picture was wrong about them being married, but based on how TH has handled this relationship I don't think it's safe to assume anything anymore.
>>475 I get what you mean, it defies any logical behaviour. I have so much respect for Redmayne right now.
>> I have so much respect for Redmayne right now.
I couldn't say better myself
Ok, this is for fun while we wait for the real fun to begin, aka when he'll be back.
He isn't even squeezing her! His hand isn't on her waist. I swear I saw him having more contact with his fans, like in that pic at Crimson Peak party haha
I couldn't stop thinking he unfollowed her on twitter the day her name popped out, kinda lame
>>479 I thought that was ridiculous as well. People used the excuse that he was trying to protect her, but once everyone knew her name unfollowing her was useless.
everthing is ridiculous
>>481 especially doing it **after* he brought her to a public and prominent event like the Wimbledon final.
When I said earlier that it would be funny if someone asked the flight attendant (or whatever her job title is) if it was JA travelling with him by posting her picture, I didn't think it would actually be her. Wow. And all this time I thought she was a pathetic dumped fangirl who stalked her ex on Twitter. They both just seem a bit pathetic now. Are they seriously still thinking that's Emma? eye roll Oh, and how did Redmayne handle his girlfriend, exactly? Not as familiar with him, though I do know he's had a longtime girlfriend.
P.S. I was one of the old Couch Potatoes lurking around, changing my name and not being lazy to help confusion haha
I think they've already come back (she cleaned her twitter yesterday) it looks like the news accidentally slipped rather than doing some big announcement. Cowards both of them
CB just closed down commenting on all the Hiddleston articles... I guess they thought things were getting out of hand.
>>484 not necessarily, I imagine there is internet connection in BoraBora.
>>483 I'm not a major Redmayne expert either, but from the little I read, he dated her under the radar for a year or so before going together to a public event with her and after that they went on dating normally. They announce today he proposed.
>>485 Strange, I was following the comments but, unless I missed something, it didn't seem like they were writing anything worth a shut down.
Maybe CB will make a TH post tomorrow about this and decided to close comments so tomorrow they'll go on commenting?
I was also lazy today with the names :) OK, putting one now.
>>483 From what I glimpsed, most of Tumblr don't think it's Emma. Also, as usual there are two camps - the ones "OMG, happy for them" (the majority, I think) and the ones "OMG, I'm crying". Twitter is crazier - I saw at least one message twitting to TH about jumping off the cliff or something. And at least one asking about babies. And the thing hasn't even been confirmed yet.
>>488 Yes, people always make like all the crazies are on tumblr, but from my experience the twitter lot gets way crazier - not just about Hiddleston, either.
TH has what 1,5 mln followers on twitter, more numbers more talk, the Tahiti tumblr post has almost 2,000 reblog, it's nothing in comparison.
I wonder what Lorraine Candy will make of this, she spent most of last year making up for her Wimbledon tweet. In my experience, journalists don't like to be played for a fool. It's possible to spin things with those two journalists he told JA was nothing home to writeabout/I'm single (GQ and Standard?), but with ELLEUK is more personal.
Well, I'm bored, no official statement, no denial, boring :) occurred to me that the Olivier Awards happened in mid April, a month later TH will be flying to BoraBora with his present gf or future fiancee/wife...isn't a bit strange that you don't bring the person you should be madly in love with to an event that is so meaningful? I know this relationship is bizarre, but come on, you are nominated for best actor, you must want the most important person in your life to be seated there to share the moment. It's basic human nature.
Instead JA was briefly following hayley atwell to check if TH will be in a pic squeezing her (somebody should send her the CrimsonPeak party pic =P).
So maybe the wife thing is the staff person misreading the situation, possibly even fiancee is taking it too far, but she is his gf isn't she? ;) But we all noticed TH's hand in that photo (lol), and JA isn't leaning toward him or is turned toward him, it reminded me of pics with Sian, the same awkwardness. (yes, it's 1 photo only but whatever). Maybe this holiday was to find out if they want to be serious.....
>>491 Also, it's like some commenter on another site mentioned - she follows and favourites various silly fangirly stuff, but not his Olivier Best Actor nomination. Bizarre, to say the least.
Oh, and I don't think there will be an official statement, denial, or anything. If some journalist asks him, maybe he will have to comment, but otherwise I think he will be quiet.
I agree with the no direct statement thing, but he (or Luke) could at least tweet something like, " I am NOT married." He's not mentioning her, but he's putting the silly side of the rumor to rest.
Oh well, I expect an official statement only if it's true they are engaged/married. And not from TH directly but from his rep.
If the relationship is justfriend/fwb/gf I agree there won't be anything unless TH is asked about.
She looks really uncomfortable in the pic she is clenching her fist, while everyone else is all smiles, you are in bora bora with an handsome man, what's wrong with you honey?
They must really think high of themself if they guess someone outside tumblr or twitter is interested in their relantionship
Haha it looks to me that she doesn't want to put her arm around the other guy that isn't her boyfriend, yet he has his arm around her. Her other arm is around Tom. Honestly, though, lookwise, I think she looks really good in the picture. The minimal makeup look really works for her; it's the best I've ever seen her look.
Nice she's nice but she's too much a devoted puppy gf for my taste
And this confirms some theories I ahve about him
Oh well nothing serious. I just think that, despite what he said in elle interview, he doesn't like strong women. Contrary, a gf who desperately needs him. He's an insecure IHMO, and he doesn't like conflicts and doesn't want problems that's why I'm sure he lied on purpose. But, as I already said, someone should say to him that no one care IRL
The caption to the photo was changed, it doesn't mention JA anymore.
https://www.facebook .com/photo.php?fbid=762875343733223&set=a.489934497693977.110154.100000322924946&type=1&relevant_count=1
>>499 JA by all account is an aggressive type, head over heels about him but aggressive in everything else. I doubt you could call Susannah weak and she dumped him. But I agree that he likes to be needed, to be helpful to people.
But like I said yesterday, JA is not gf/fiancee/wife. She would have been to the Olivier Awards if she was. He would have wanted her there, he wouldn't have given less of a care about a thousand or so of disgruntled fans (especially when he has 1,5mln that at 99% have never heard of JA)
JA is nothing more than Sian 2.0, (only more desperate imo), TH hangs out with her occasionally and since she is smitten with him she is more than happy to provide benefits if he wants them.
The difference with Sian is that with this holiday+photo, if he is asked about it, he'll have a hard time answering "she is just a friend" because everybody will snigger and think "fuck buddy". So in a way this holiday might be a turning point, either he decides to get serious with her or it's a sort of parting gift. That hand suggest the second.
But catwalk show is in little more than a week, so we'll know what we guessed right soon enough. :)
Aggressive and strong are not synonymous for me, on the contrary
>>505 haha yes, you have a point :) Strength of character doesn't usually manifest as aggressive attitude, which is usually a sign of insecurity. I guess what I meant is that she's not exactly a push over.
Opinions, you think she's not his gf. I think she is and he's a liar and coward :)
>>507 absolutely! we'll find out in a week or so ;)
Found this on LipstickAlley, it made me smile because I was just thinking about TH introducing JA to his family. I can imagine his sisters doing a google on her. Actually media in general will if she is his gf.
>>Arthy is older than Tom - she's 35-ish, she may be a promo person but she is not very well spoken in that she uses a lot of swear words, she comes off as rude sometimes because she doesn't have a classy way of speaking honestly. Not someone you would imagine next to that Hiddleston dude.
No idea how this person knows about it, the same poster also wrote that JA got her job because of her family connections.
You can read here
It's not unusual for someone to get a job because of someone they know. The old saying is definitely true - "it's not what you know, it's who you know." She did seem a bit trashy in her uncensored Twitter, but Hiddleston is no prince. The Amsterdam Trip for one, and he is also no shy about swearing or drinking. Who knows what either of them are really like?
>>but Hiddleston is no prince
unless you ask to Jim Beaver :)
Hiddleston seems, to me, a guy who has lived his teenage years very late
I think that ELLEUK journalist who did his latest interview was right in saying he's a difficult one to point down.
To me he seems like a guy who likes to be friendly with many, but lets very few get really close. And he seems to like the idea of having people counting on him, he likes taking responsibilities upon himself. Those aren't traits of a teenager, but of a grown-up man.
At the same time he likes people to like him, the circus bear act like he called it, revealing a certain degree of personal insecurity. Like that journalist wrote, he's very confident when it comes to his work, less when it comes to himself. Which probably makes it easier for fangirls like JA to get his interest. In this it's a luck that he has sisters, he'd be very easy to manipulate otherwise.
(I wrote this thinking you were referring in general about his character and not to a particular event)
What's more funny, the number of fans who started following JA on twitter while TH still doesn't, possibly one of the strangest aspect in this story, or the number of fans that seriously think Luke had anything to do with the change in the Tahiti photo caption? Luke doesn't have the power to force a person in another nation to do that, nor the stupidity to think that changing the caption while leaving the photo would make any difference at this point, not when the original one is everywhere on the internet.
>>514 Yep I was talking in general, it seem to me that he was a overachiever striver at school and university (and job) not very much fun until late (after Cambridge maybe?)
>>515 He didn't say a word to defend Sian, he's not gonna say a word not even remotely about jane
>>516 He seems quite focused and diligent even now, tbh. Maybe he is sort of more relaxed now that his career is more solid and possibly more confidence in his looks ;)
...didn't he say he had his first relationship at 18/19?
>>517 I wasn't around for Sian, but I read some tweets of her where she was defending him(?), saying people were talking about him without even knowing him, he replied to her saying she was a treasure.
>>519 Was she defending him from his own fans or from her own friends? Curious, how they stopped hanging out. Her last twitter activity related to TH was a RT about his Unicef trip, so they lasted a year or so. But in her case, at least, they still follow each other.
If I've understood well (not sure) she was defending him from someone who said a classically trained actor couldn't do a marvel films
JA started following a TH fangirl who posted these
https://twitter .com/lessgreatgatsby/status/473884192280150019
https://twitter .com/lessgreatgatsby/status/473885013969498112
She is actually tracking herself and trolling the world?!
How is Luke even allowing this?!
For the life of me, I can't understand what the man sees in this woman (benefits aside)
About High Rise, Reece Shearsmith joined the cast.
https://twitter .com/ReeceShearsmith/status/474889673157128192
She's definitely had her nose done and probably some other work too.
I find it laughable that his fans, it appears the younger more gullible ones, think he's married. He took his f-buddy on holiday for some r&r, stupidly gets his pic taken with her and the waitress who took the photo assumes its his wife. When this happened the last time it was a photog who labelled his gf as wife, and that was press. This time it's a waitress where he was on holiday. As for her, she's either drinking when she does this or she's baiting, I think she's enjoying every minute of it.
These two have some serious problems
>>523 well she's submissive, docile, in her little corner where he put her
>>527 Maybe more passive-aggressive. Imagine what she'll do when he walks away.
Little update, JA just unfollowed that fan.
This is fun.
Now we know what they have in common, they're not able to use twitter!
So according to this
JA came back to London last weekend.
I have a feeling this holiday didn't go so well after all.
Plot twist, after much trolling and the deleting of twitter fans accounts and TH work related accounts of past days, JA changed her twitter name or she deleted her twitter account.
In the meanwhile here some new pics of the Crimson Peak there a single person that left that party without a photo with him? :)
>>532 she deactivated it. I remember she favorited this gem. https://twitter. com/HiddleDeeDee/status/422196305914785792
She'll be back. How else can she fangirl?
Funny move for her, surely it's not because of TH's fans,, they all tweeted her how gorgeous she looked in the Tahiti photo, and she wasn't exactly shy in baiting them.
If she finally decided she wanted some privacy she could have just made her account private.
JA deleted her twitter. I'm sure she'll be back though in some capacity because wouldn't she need to use twitter for promo work?
She deleted her twitter account? AHAHAHAHAHAHA What a pathetic human being
>>535 She does, she'll probably create a new one under another name...considering everybody knows which artists she promotes it won't make much of a difference, so I honestly don't see the logic behind it.
I wouldn't take it as a sign that TH is about to introduce her as his gf because let's face it, she didn't make a secret of her interest for him, why all of the sudden she'd need to disappear from twitter? Luke can't possibly be so bad at PR!
The first thing coming to my mind is somebody wanting a clean slate, but we'll see.
She works with Twitter, she promotes people. Delete your work for one man and his reputation and some crazy fangirls? I understand you can be in love but my goodness, I'm speechless
apparently she deleted her myspace account (who the hell still uses myspace?) but not facebook, where in date 3 june she changed her profile photo and started following TH's facebook page.
Maybe she decided to move everything to facebook.
Always from her facebook, on Wednesday last week she was here:
Tahitisari, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
Her facebook url is "jane.arthy.cutie"? Really?
So if that's her real facebook then this would be Tom's real facebook:
Something feels off about this to me.
Cutie patootie? UNICEF Ambassador? She's not in love she's lobotomized
I've been skulking around on those two facebook pages for the last 15 minutes and I'd place pretty hefty bets that they're both fake and run by the same person.
Sorry, it didn't occur to me that somebody might create a fake jane arthy facebook account, I read that she made her photo private after Wimbledon last year so it seemed to fit.
My bad.
>>545 Hey, for all we know it could be real. The one that really has me perplexed is the Tom Hiddleston account that likes all of her photos. They've had a couple conversations on his page, and it just feels... off.
...especially since Tom's previous facebook page was private and under a false name.
Definitely both fakes. Tom seems close enough (even more so) to his family to at least be Facebook friends with them. The real Jane would be connected enough to Tom to know that isn't his and wouldn't friend a fake Tom.
I suppose, this is the real TH's facebook account
It's in the list of fake Tom's "Likes".