Tom Hiddleston 6 (1000)

1 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-01-08 09:53 ID:Heaven

851 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-12 18:56 ID:YO42PGlY

>>850 Torilla also has the video up on Weibo, along with a few new TNM trailer screengrabs.

852 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-12 21:49 ID:6D1UQBWs


Seems that week is going to be TIFF 2.0. Lots of THEO.

853 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-12 21:54 ID:6D1UQBWs

>>850 I'm just going to say that I also had buttons with my picture on them at one of my birthday parties...I was ten and my mother thought it would be a good idea. What's your excuse, TH?

I bet Olly thought they would be the perfect gift for his boss. Or they might use the extras as a diversion tactic: if they're being chased by fangirls, Olly will throw a load of TH buttons on the ground and when the girls stop to pick them up, TH and Olly will make their escape.

Smart thinking, Olly.

854 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-12 22:05 ID:6D1UQBWs

>>845 >>846 I'm an outlier as well, in that my boy looks nothing like TH. He's tall as well (6' 3"), but his peeps are from Southern Italy, so he's got an olive complexion with dark eyes and hair.

And he was pre-med; I was the Classics major.

855 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-12 22:15 ID:YO42PGlY

>>852 It'll be more of the same. My predictions for ISTL Premiere Week:

  1. Everyone on the internet asking "are they or aren't they" regardless of what either of them say or have said in the past
  2. Journalists referencing the "rumored" relationship in the intros of their interview write ups
  3. People on tumblr posting kpopstarz articles as though they were fact
  4. Over-analyzation of body language
  5. At least one photo caption that mistakenly labels them a couple
  6. At least two completely disprovable Twitter sightings
  7. Tom will bring up the quote about Hank being the "hillbilly Shakespeare"

I highly doubt this would happen, but the total long-shot that I'd love to see would be EO walking the red carpet with Marc Abraham as a couple. Wouldn't THAT be a riot?

856 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-12 22:32 ID:6D1UQBWs

>>855 I'd like all three to walk the red carpet as a polyamorous trio. THAT would blow away the winter blues.

Failing a - as the French would say, House of Three - I'd like THEO to come out as a couple - just so I could read the tumblr/twitter/gossip mag taglines:

"She's not hiding behind a purse NOW: TH proudly shows off his new girlfriend EO."


"She's something to write home about: EO steps out with boyfriend TH."

And because the Lex meltdown would be epic (I know, I'm a monster).

857 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-12 22:37 ID:YO42PGlY

>>856 Someday he's gonna show up with some random woman and everyone is going to be so confused.

"I thought he was married to Susannah Fielding?"
"Wasn't he dating Elizabeth Olsen?"
"Isn't he gay with his publicist Luke?"

858 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-12 22:56 ID:6D1UQBWs

>>857 You forgot secretly married to JA.

I'd also like to live in a world where TH and Luke use EO/JA as a surrogate.

859 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-12 23:00 ID:YO42PGlY

>>858 HOW could I forget secret wife JA?! I must need another cup of coffee.

860 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-13 01:15 ID:5qEt5bUn

Now I'm not so sure Olly was responsible for the buttons....

861 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-13 05:09 ID:YO42PGlY

862 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-13 06:55 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>861 I didn't even recognize him - until his smile in the last one.

863 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-13 07:10 ID:YO42PGlY

>>862 I don't think it's him in those photos - if you open the picture and zoom in it looks like it's someone else, especially in the very first one.

864 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 07:34 ID:Heaven

>>861 I knew he threw the party for all the crew, no way production would pay for the extra as well.

>>862 From that photo with the Asian actress he was dressed differently.

865 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 07:36 ID:Heaven

>>855 one daring journalist asking The question on the red carpet where Luke can't intervene.

866 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 07:36 ID:Heaven

Who explain the buttons to a very tired Couch?

867 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 07:45 ID:Heaven

>>861 I suppose it's fair to say EO wasn't at the party or it would have been mentioned.

868 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-13 07:54 ID:YO42PGlY

>>867 According to Instagram she was on vacation with a friend in California this weekend. Her friend posted a photo of her, so it's legit - not the usual "my friends grandfather's poker buddy saw the back of her head through a restaurant window and didn't take a picture" nonsense.

>>866 Tom was apparently voted #3 on Glamour's 100 Sexiest Men of the Year poll, and either Tom or one of his SI friends thought it would be funny to have all the party guests wear buttons that said so. Seems like it was quite a silly party. :)

869 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 08:01 ID:Heaven

>>868 thanks! :) Do you have the instagram account?

870 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 08:04 ID:Heaven

>>868 never mind found it, instagram it's surprisingly easier to search than twitter.

872 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 08:14 ID:Heaven

>>868 by the way, not just this weekend, she was already at VentanaInn&Spa on the 9th

873 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-13 08:32 ID:Heaven

Jason Mitchell RT this
https://twitter. com/MileysFeels/status/697008161170067458

I'm guessing because he thought it was an accurate description?

874 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-13 09:24 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>863 >>864 thank goodness, at least I know my eyes weren't broken.

JVR is playing it safe and being vague after the instagram post debacle a few weeks ago. He has adopted a 'chaotic neutral' stance when someone asks him about Tom. See this post: http://insanely-smart(.)tumblr(.)com/post/139046691643/hey-guys-look-beaglebitch

875 Name: NewAnon : 2016-02-13 09:43 ID:SKuCBz5r

>>874 No, that's the Tumblr being idiots and trolls again. JVR never replied "chaotic neutral" to anyone. His bio on Twitter says Chaotic Neutral. Go check. I don't know who did that copy paste job in that image but you can clearly see the verified check mark next to JVR's name in the image which shows it's not a tweet but the bio header on Twitter.

I'm waiting on pics of Tom for his birthday bash! Did he dance til he was so sweaty that his t-shirt became see thru?!? Karaoke videos of Tom!!! Tom eating his Kong cake!

876 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-13 10:10 ID:YO42PGlY

>>874 >>875 Nobody was trolling. Insanely-smart tweeted JVR about Tom and he favorited the tweet, so it's a like and not a reply. Twitter app just shows the bios under the usernames when someone favorites something. No photoshop, just an unclear app interface.

And I'm with you NewAnon, who do we have to pay to get video of Tom singing karaoke? We could use the credit card number the spammer keeps posting!

877 Name: NewAnon : 2016-02-13 14:13 ID:SKuCBz5r

>>876 gotcha! In any case, JVR certainly isn't evading any Tom related stuff if he's favoriting tweets about him then. Just Elizabeth Olsen related stuff :P

I'm still wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin' for those pics and videos of Tom singing and dancing! Even a pic of Tom eating his own cake figurine would work!

878 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-13 18:23 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>875 >>876 >>877 Wow I really bungled that one, sorry. Thank you NA and anonsy. Serves me right for trying to interpret twitter when I'm sleepy and about to go to bed.

A couple of people unrelated to the fandom videoed the fireworks during the party. It appears it was a joint bday and Australia wrap party before they move on to VN in two weeks; THEO speculation has started up again since she's been spotted in Cali and the cast has a couple of weeks off. :/

TH will be on Steve Wright's BBC2 Radio show Tuesday Feb. 16 talking about TNM, so he may be headed home. Is this show usually interview live with in-house guests or does he do interviews by phone or pre-recording?

879 Name: Anon : 2016-02-13 21:16 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>878 I think they tend to be pre-recorded - current affairs would be live, by phone or in the studio. The interview with Nick Kershaw for R1 a few months ago was recorded IIRC.

My guess is he will be home in the UK. Whether alone or unaccompanied I wouldn't care to speculate....

880 Name: Anon : 2016-02-13 21:16 ID:bgcXLLLp

accompanied - long day

881 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-13 21:32 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>872 Spending Valentine's Day weekend on vacation with one of your BFFs doesn't seem like something someone in a serious relationship would do - especially if your alleged boyfriend is throwing his 35th birthday party that same weekend and is also on a break from work. Just saying.

882 Name: Anon : 2016-02-13 22:03 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>881 My thoughts exactly.

883 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-14 08:29 ID:Heaven

He is still in Oz

I think this guy works at the rodeo place they went to, Roberts has a video on instagram.

884 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 08:31 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>881 I took the "72 hours with this beauty" comment as in they went on a 3-day vacation together, from Feb 8 to Feb 10 judging from Jade's instagram. I don't think they're spending the weekend together (Jade's apparently staying at a friends' house now, following a possible split from Felton). Guess we'll see what happens now.

885 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 08:33 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>883 That was last night. I'm chuffed for the guy

886 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-14 08:37 ID:Heaven

>>884 nonetheless, she wasn't in OZ for his bd party.

887 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 08:41 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>886 Why fly to Oz when Tom is about to be on a short filming break? If they spend the break (and her birthday) together or not will be telling though.

888 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-14 08:44 ID:Heaven

>>887 right...

889 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-14 09:37 ID:dGY2h7yk

We should just start crossing things off the "if ______ happens, that will be telling" list:

If Tom attends EO's sister's wedding - didn't happen
If EO attends Tom's sister's wedding - didn't happen
If they spend the holidays together - didn't happen
If she flies out to Oz - didn't happen
If they spend Tom's birthday together - didn't happen
If they spend Valentine's Day together - not looking like it
If they spend her birthday together - doubt this as well
If they spend the break together - they didn't spend the last break together so I'm calling this highly unlikely as well

I think whatever was going on ended in November when she flew out to Hawaii.

890 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 10:01 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>889 Yes.

If I had money, and time on my hands for a vacation, and a hot boyfriend who was a 14 hour plane ride away celebrating a significant birthday, I know what I would do. It would not involve hanging out with a female friend and posing for sappy photos on a beach while looking out to sea.

891 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 10:14 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>889 Actually, they did spend the last break together. They were seen in LA together in December (date brunch) and she was spotted in London on NYE.

892 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-14 10:21 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>891 Both of those were one-off sightings on Twitter with no proof.

As for the December brunch, Brie Larson did an interview where she mentioned having lunch with Tom in LA the day the guy on Twitter thought he saw him with EO, so that was likely mistaken identity.

If EO was indeed in London on NYE - again, only one person claimed to see her on the tube, of all places - she wasn't with Tom. He was seen all over London alone on NYE, New Years Day, and the day after. There were multiple Twitter sightings confirming this, including ones with photo and video.

893 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 10:30 ID:s/pIh3Nv

The only source for the Brie Larson interview came from an anon on a tumblr blog full of THEO speculation and trolling. So the twitter sighting seems way more trustworthy imo.

There were zero sightings of Tom on NYE and NYD.

894 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 10:46 ID:s/pIh3Nv

Besides, Brie is still dating Alex Greenwald. So I doubt that something that looked like a date could have been a case of mistaken identity.

895 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-14 10:47 ID:Heaven

>>893 and the only sources for your sightings are just as unreliable, actually even more so since they are completely illogical. So, going by what we have proof for, while you are entitled to your wrong opinion, it's still just an opinion.

896 Name: anon1 : 2016-02-14 11:01 ID:s/pIh3Nv

>>895 How exactly are they illogical?

897 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-14 11:08 ID:Heaven

>>896 Listen anon1, I have no interest in dragging this out, clearly you are set, clearly we disagree with you, clearly making a list of whys will get us nowhere. Let's agree to disagree.

898 Name: NewAnon : 2016-02-14 14:42 ID:SKuCBz5r

They seem to be convenient hookups for each other rather than a serious couple. She seems a little more eager because of how she's always flying to wherever to meet him whereas he was only spotted with her during a layover. Not sure if they met up while he did the TCA in Pasadena but if they did, again it was while he was already in town for business. He doesn't seem to go out of his way to see her.

So even if they are spotted together for her birthday, for me it'll still be a case of her being more into him than vice versa since he had this big party and she was still in LA (pic on IG with a hairdresser the day of the party or maybe before but either way definitely not in Oz).

If she mattered to him beyond a convenient lay, he would've invited her to his party and she'd be there. She's already visited him once on set, she could've done it again if he wanted her around. He probably started ignoring her after the JVR pic debacle and she got pissed and leaked the tabloid about Tom pining for Jessica to get back at him LOL!

899 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 14:45 ID:bgcXLLLp

I had a little Google for an updated BAFTA list and there isn't one yet. Still what was posted on 11.02.

900 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:00 ID:efLsAACg

>>889 I like this list, anonsy, it's sensible and reasonable - and I just like lists.

But it assumes that they're in a serious relationship (weddings, major holidays) which (because of time and distance) doesn't seem to be the case. We've all see-sawed on this issue, but I think most of us agreed it is/was casual - for lack of other more specific qualifiers.

And it doesn't fit TH's MO. I came into the fandom after JA (oh, the regrets!) but like any decent researcher, I looked back into the annals of the fandom. I read the old threads here and at LSA and the other board at which I lurk. And right-thinking people were making these same lists and comments about TH and JA: It's over because: he didn't take her to Wim. this year, he didn't take her to the BAFTAs, they weren't seen doing this or that. And then Bora Bora.

We were even doing this before IGate or JVRGate: they were so cold at TIFF, they didn't walk the carpet together in Nashville, that one sighting in HI was from a fangirl who deleted it, the other sightings were from attention-seekers and were fake too - it must be over. And then Bora Bora 2.0ish.

I like trying to predict the future with sensible analysis of facts and situations - that's part of my job. But this guy and his relationships defy that process. Until we have irrefutable proof, I think we just have to go with bold-faced speculation and plain gut-feelings.

901 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:02 ID:efLsAACg

>>893 anon1 is right. As far as I know - there were no sightings - photographic or on social media - of TH on NYE or NYD. The only sighting was from that Saturday when he showed up alone at the Donmar.

902 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:11 ID:efLsAACg

>>893 >>894 >>895 >>896 (that might be a reference record for me!)

In the end, it is all competing twitter sightings/anon tumblr submits. No video or interview has come out of Brie saying that she had lunch with TH on that day. Nor did the guy snap a pic of THEO at brunch. So it's a toss up of which story a person wants to believe.

I think that it was THEO that the twitter guy saw. I think that they probably did spend time before Christmas together. I believe the EO sighting in London less - don't know why.

I also think that they probably still have something going (which isn't serious, but isn't PR driven). But that's my gut-feeling.

903 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:17 ID:efLsAACg

>>887 I can see this sort of situation, if only because I've done it before.

We're engaged, but I spent Christmas with my family and the boy spent it with his. Since we were apart, we did Christmas when we were back together.

I've also celebrated birthdays and holidays either before or after the fact because I couldn't be with my SO on that day. And it wasn't necessarily because of money - just distance and circumstance. We couldn't be together, so we celebrated off schedule.

904 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:27 ID:efLsAACg

Now, on to more important matters: Valentine's Day plans?

My valentine actually has the evening off (unheard of for a resident - I didn't even ask how he wrangled it), so our plans involve salsa dancing, food and sex. Not necessarily in that order - and maybe not separate. ;)

TH's plan, pure speculation, probably includes: a kangaroo plush toy, a bed not covered in flowers, but in leftover birthday buttons, a skype call and his right hand.

905 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 15:34 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>900 We know from experience that TH's love life is like an iceberg. We see the odd peak above the water (Wimbledon, Bora Bora), and I have always assumed that there is another 90% below the surface, unseen by twitter etc. Even if TH didn't regard his relationship with JA as a long term meet the parents thing, Bora Bora wasn't their third date - he must have been seeing her more than sporadically for a while. It was just that nobody spotted them as it was probably all behind closed doors - he very evidently doesn't fancy the scrutiny that a BAFTA/Oliviers date would bring. All that LSA speculation failed to take into account that he is a very private person and quite adept at keeping his private life under the radar.

What I think is interesting and different about the last couple of months is that Instagram has shown us a lot more of the 90%. I don't recall Instagram being so prevalent back in JArthy days (summer 2013) - or maybe he hung around with people who were more circumspect on social media. The Skull Island crowd really aren't so discreet, so we see where he is and who he is hanging out with. We can triangulate that with other people's Instagram so we know broadly where EO is as well. In Feb 2014 God knows who he spent his birthday with - no evidence. This year we know he had a big party and we also know his most recent GF/FWB/unspecified wasn't there.

906 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 15:45 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>904 sounds fun - and very New York!

We went out for coffee and heart shaped Valentine challah (only in multicultural Hampstead!). I gave him a mug emblazoned with "Trophy Husband", which he was delighted with, and he presented me with hyacinths and tulips, which made me feel as though Spring is coming even though it is howling a gale outside. Our plans for this evenig include homemade steak and ale pie, cuddling on the sofa in front of the wood burning stove and sex.

907 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 15:56 ID:efLsAACg

>>905 From what I can tell from old posts, Twitter was the IG of the TH and JA relationship. People used twitter to make assumptions about whether they were together. When he unfollowed her, 'well, they're done.' When she liked TH related tweets, 'they're together' or 'they're over and she's desperate to win him back.' He tweeted this, so 'he must be alone' (what? okay.).

Along with IG, TH needs to wage a war against photo booths. Or just never go in one ever again. The flirty Crimson Peak wrap party pics had everyone convinced JA was out of the picture. And the laser tag photo booth gave us IGate.

908 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 15:58 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>903 I get that and I've done it myself, but I am not sure EO's schedule or distance or what have you prevented her from being at his birthday. She isn't short of a bob or two, the flight from LA to Oz is a lot shorter than, say, the flight from London to Oz, and she isn't working. However she chose to spend that day vacationing with a friend. I do agree that there is something going on - I don't know why but something about him says "not single" - but it starts to feel even more casual than I thought it was before. Is he winding down to a bye bye Bora Bora trip? This petering out of a casual thing is also a TH repeat.

909 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 16:05 ID:efLsAACg

>>906 I LOVE challah! We're the furthest there is from Jewish, but it's the only bread we eat.

The food will be very un-New York: homemade meatloaf in the shape of a heart with a red ketchup/chili glaze - ah, the romance.

Nothing says 'you're going to get some' like homemade steak and ale pie! Enjoy.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone else!

910 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 16:08 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>907 I recall the Twitter interpretation. It was all pretty thin, wasn't it? It wasn't even sightings from fans, by and large. And really almost no photos. As you say it was "he favourited x, therefore he feels/thinks/ is going out with y." I remember writing undergraduate essays about the inner thoughts of various poets which were much the same!

Whereas now we have IG from reliable third parties, including photos (so it did happen!) and video (thanks Jason!)(more than once - I loved the party video where TH is so obviously only interested in the food laid out on the kitchen island)

911 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-14 16:10 ID:efLsAACg

>>908 I'm imagining a conversation like:

TH: Nah, don't fly out, we'll celebrate when I fly into LA.

EO: Are you sure? I don't mind flying out.

TH: No, we'll go some place nice next week. Take a trip...maybe somewhere tropical....

Famous last words, TH, famous last words.

912 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 16:19 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>909 We're not either, but after 15 years living near some truly excellent Jewish bakeries, I'd push my grandma down a manhole to get the last braided challah in the shop on Sunday morning!

Bejjamin Disraeli was once made happy by his wife waiting up after a long Parliamentary debate to feed him steak pie that she herself had made. "My dear," he said, "you're far more like a mistress than a wife." This is one of my husband's favourite anecdotes, hence the pie.

Happy Valentine, all. If only the BBC had agreed to put TNM on this evening, we could all get a cuddle with TH!

913 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 18:22 ID:bgcXLLLp

Apparently di Caprio has arrived on the RC for the BAFTAs. I assume that someone tells them all when to arrive, in order of importance, so I guess they are close to all having arrived now. Whoever is in charge of BAFTA's Twitter and IG accounts should be taken away for retraining, possibly having been shown this board. Either that or it really is a star-free (and hence a virtually tweet-free) zone tonight.

914 Name: Anon : 2016-02-14 23:56 ID:bgcXLLLp

Luke arrives in Berlin with a familiar looking guitar case.

915 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-15 00:40 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>914 There's a screening of TNM in Berlin later this week, right? If Tom is going to be in Berlin and Luke brought him his guitar, then probably the BBC radio interview is prerecorded - otherwise Tom could have just picked up his own guitar in London. Though the radio interview could still be live via phone or satellite, of course.

Wonder why Tom needs his guitar... maybe since the birthday party was a big hit he's going to put on a one man show for the SI cast in Vietnam.

916 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-15 03:44 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>914 Colin Firth in the foreground - Luke handles his PR too. Colin is there for the film 'Genius.'

Intel from the internet: Colin is into guitars, so the one Luke's holding could be Colin's, not TH's. (See http://www(.)

>>915 TNM premiere in Berlin is on the 18th, yes.

917 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-15 04:09 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>916 Ahh I love Colin Firth! I only glanced at the post for a second so I didn't realize it was him, I'm so ashamed of myself!

918 Name: Anon : 2016-02-15 07:38 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>916 Luke represents Colin? I never cease to be amazed at his success as publicist given that he seems to be so bad at it (viz apparent inability to control or really have any input into the TH relationship publicity car crash).

919 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-15 07:56 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>918 You know, it's just occurred to me that maybe everything would have been much, much worse without Luke. We have no way of knowing what he's stopped from getting into the press. For all we know there's a sex tape and photos of THEO cheating on Boyd, but Luke managed to get it down to a handful of tabloid articles and a couple Instagram sightings.

920 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-15 07:59 ID:dGY2h7yk

And before Cabbage Anon/Lex shows up to murder me, I'm just making a point, I don't actually think Tom made a sex tape with EO. Maybe with JA. ;)

921 Name: Anon : 2016-02-15 08:00 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>919 I'd have paid good money to watch a TH sex tape! This confirms my view that Luke is no good ;-)

922 Name: anonymous : 2016-02-15 11:36 ID:vJKQGwZm

anyone else catching Tom (bless) accidentally "liking" random fan tweets about himself that he then unlikes? He's done it a few times and even if it is just a matter of accidentally clicking on the wrong icon, it does show that he (or "Team Tom") are monitoring what he's being tweeted about ..

923 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-02-15 12:34 ID:5qEt5bUn

>>922 I only know of the most recent Deadpool tweet that he liked but now doesn't seem to be on his account - that I can see on my phone display.

OT: I know because the tweeter was semi-bombarded with fan tweets telling her/him that TH himself (!) had liked one of her/his tweets. The tweeter then crowed about it slightly in two tweets - he's only liked ten tweets and one of them is mine sort of stuff. That crow must have been killed and now is beng consumed after the 'unlike.'

I don't know of him liking and unliking tweets about himself.

3,2,1 until the theories start: THEO were going to see Deadpool together (hence the like), but they've broken up, so he unliked it. Clearly.

924 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-16 00:59 ID:u1vu1eqv

>>918 Apparently/maybe he does? It's hidden to non-subscribers on his IMDBpro acct. When he first started his firm I think he created a talent gallery like his former place, but now the website is only a front page with a link to email and social media. The Instagram link has the client gallery now, but Colin is absent so perhaps he's a recent acquisition. There's an FB page, that points to Luke's LinkedIn which is public (no need for an acct: https://uk(.) The interesting thing about the LinkedIn is the 'People Also Looked At" column on the right, where you can see who all the thirsty fans searched for. Finally, it looks like Luke is hiring.

925 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 09:43 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>924 Hee hee re thirsty fan searches!

BTW for anything but Twitter links you should be able to ditch the brackets and post the full link. I've never posted LinkedIn but you certainly can for tumblr and websites generally.

926 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 10:17 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>924 God I am a third degree connection, BTW. England is such a small place!

927 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 16:03 ID:bgcXLLLp

According to Twitter TH will be on R2 at 4.15. There is a new (to me) pic of him at the BBC studios on Twitter as well, which I don't think was taken on a previous occasion, so he may have come back to the UK to record/appear live: https://mobile.twitter(.)com/HughLaurious/status/699613024718557185

928 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 16:34 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>927 I listened in. Don't worry if you didn't as it was about 5 minutes and it was pretty unilluminating.

Half of it was about ISTL (Steve Wright was basically saying, last time you were here it was about ISTL, er, any sign of a release date?)(answer: there is a US release date and TH "hopes" it will be released soon after in the UK. No specific date given though).

The rest was bog standard boilerplate about TNM: Le Carre comes from that world, he was very involved in the production, Hugh Laurie is a funny guy.

Only interesting thing (to me). He sounds very mid-Atlantic suddenly. The accent is not nearly so cut glass as he has started saying things like "two thousand four" for the year 2004.

Couldn't tell if it was pre recorded or not. Steve did say "he is in the studio with me" not "I caught up with"; I don't know if the BEEB is allowed to pretend it's live when it's not. He was in a studio and definitely not over the phone - could be another studio elsewhere although there was no sound lag and they do usually say something like "joining us live from a studio in LA" if that's where the person is- radio 2 needs all the glamour it can get (!!).

929 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-16 17:02 ID:I47D5H6G

>>928 A Brit once said to me that listening to Radio 2 - and enjoying it - was a sign of impending death. I don't know if it's that bad, but....

I'll agree about the new pic - that seems to be his 'Oz hair.' Maybe he has returned to the UK to top up his accent! I know that I sounded nearly-British after living in the UK for about three months (my mother played me a phone message I'd left and I hardly recognized myself!). So, it's not surprising that after hanging around Americans for the past 5ish months, that his accent might have altered slightly. Also, I wonder what accent he needs for Kong - American, I'd presume, so that's another layer.

930 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-16 17:07 ID:I47D5H6G

I don't think the ISTL mention was just some easy banter. It sounded like a proper little mention/pre-push.

Also, he did say he'd 'be back for Hank,' so it sounds like SPC is going to give ISTL a decent push in the States and UK...if Radio 2 counts as 'a push.'

931 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 17:34 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>930 I agree TH wanted to mention ISTL. I just thought it was funny that SW seemed to know it smoked already have been released and was a second time around publicity.

>>929 there comes a day when all the music you listened to and the DJs you liked are on radio 2. From then, in the words of SATC, it's just a sleigh ride into menopause.

932 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 17:34 ID:bgcXLLLp

should have been

933 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 17:38 ID:bgcXLLLp

On a side note, I am hugely impressed with the efficient publicity machine that is the BBC. When I compare how poor the publicity was for, say, CP (killing the movie with all those spoilery bottom-filled trailers and not knowing if it was a horror movie or a gothic romance or what it was), I am impressed with what the Beeb does on a comparatively tiny budget. The last few weeks have been a masterpiece of teasing and high quality production stills of our boy with a hot tan.

934 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-16 18:06 ID:I47D5H6G

>>931 In the words of Jez from Peep Show: It’s the journey of life. Radio 1, Radio 2, Classic FM, Heart, Magic, dead.

935 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 21:01 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>934 If you can quote from Peep Show I demand that you return to these shores forthwith!

937 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-16 23:20 ID:6ks3FtHT

>>925 thank you for the tip Anon!

938 Name: Anon : 2016-02-16 23:21 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>936 Bromance not available in my region apparently. Pah.

939 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-02-16 23:26 ID:6ks3FtHT

>>936 Nice exchange. That's gonna get all the girls in a tizzy.

940 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-17 00:18 ID:5qEt5bUn

>>938 What? What sort of special relationship is this? Come on AMC.

Did it say as much, or will it just not play? I'm on a mac and since it didn't want to work in Safari, I opened it in Chrome which worked a treat.

I'm sure Torrilla will have it now.

941 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-17 00:53 ID:dGY2h7yk

"Tom Hiddleston and Michelle Dockery in the same uni screening today. Chuffed to bits, me."

942 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-17 01:26 ID:WWTU3Zez

>>941 I saw this and really couldn't make heads or tales. Either they were there - which seems unlikely. Or the screening was of Cranford (their only collaboration).

I couldn't tell.

943 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-17 01:28 ID:WWTU3Zez

>>942 tails not tales!

>>942 They were in Henry IV as well - although her part was small.

944 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-17 01:33 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>943 I thought the same thing, more likely they both appeared in something than actually being there.

945 Name: Anon. : 2016-02-17 01:39 ID:E1oVjP6U

Another exclusive clip - I think we've not seen this before.

I like the final sentence: He contemplates this offer with piercingly blue eyes.

946 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-17 01:53 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>945 Sexy spy with a heart of gold. Piercingly blue eyes. Yum.

947 Name: Anon : 2016-02-17 08:27 ID:bgcXLLLp

Torrilla has posted a Twitter pic of TH on a plane, taken by an air stewardess. She works for Ethiad. Pic was posed by her on Twitter 3h ago. Ideas as to where he is off to, anyone? Not the US, I am guessing. And not Berlin.

948 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-17 08:33 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>947 Did a quick check of the airline and they fly into all Vietnam's major airports. They also fly out of Brisbane and Gold Coast airports, so I'm putting my money on leaving Oz, heading to Vietnam.

949 Name: Anon : 2016-02-17 08:38 ID:bgcXLLLp

>>940 It said not available in my region. I found it on Twitter, I think. Pine is smoking and Roper praises him for not chucking the fag when he came out. Is that the one?

950 Name: anonsy : 2016-02-17 08:43 ID:dGY2h7yk

>>949 That's the one. If it makes anyone feel better I'm in the United States and couldn't get the video to play on my computer. I ended up looking for an alternative upload on tumblr.

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