Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

247 Name: Sosorry : 2016-11-17 06:50 ID:bbgAObmX


Hysterical video from the E news staff saying that Hiddleston wins the split with TS, because his life has gone back to normal! The host said both the whole alleged relationship and the contant press coverage was ridiculous, and made TH look like a toy accessory, and not a grown man. So Hiddleston is winning by working hard and keeping his head down and staying off the PR grid. And by contrast, although TS is incredibly financially successful, TS is trapped on defense, and her image as a vanilla pop princess took a huge nose dive because it looked like she switched up bfs so quickly, in a dishonest and obnoxious way, since people thought that all of the pictures of her were annoying. Wow. The bloom is off the rose. The press aren't scared of TS any more, and they're starting to re-embrace Tom again.

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