Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

1 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-28 17:52 ID:agI/SFA7

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston.

901 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-20 13:51 ID:t7rozFwZ

There are signs of extra TH on the LA press junket. #brookemorre on twitter posted yesterday that when she asked him about his fave hip hop, they ended up doing more dancing than interviewing, but she's since edited that post. (Hmmm....)

And on instagram, has a video from yesterday that shows him waving his finger and making a shocked face before the interviewer arrives. (Am at work so can't watch it to find out WTH he was doing!) So he's not totally subdued.

902 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-20 14:14 ID:Heaven

>>901 I think it's before the interviewer leaves and it seems like he's mimicking something and then showing his/someone's reaction to it (if I were to guess I'd say the rotating finger is for a helicopter)

I don't think he is actually subdued, as Anon pointed out TGN was heavily edited. I think he is doing what he generally does: he starts with a low key approach but after a while under the spotlight, with more and more people complimenting him and flattering him and paying attention to him, he starts the bear circus act. Because in the GQ interview he out on the mask of broken-hearted puppy, he can't really be joyful.

903 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-20 16:40 ID:GSDTBTOt

>>900,901 It's hard to tell. He may be truly low (the reasons abound!) or maybe he's been told (or figured it out himself) that his puppyish enthusiasm can sometimes get him: into trouble, bad press, eyerolls, etc., and he's toned it down. He also may just have jet lag.

Do we know if there's going to be an Asian leg of this tour? That might be the litmus test. If he's still 'down' when promoting those markets, then he's really grown out of his puppy stage. If he ramps it up like Coach suggests, then the Super Subdued TH could just be a character.

904 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-20 16:55 ID:GSDTBTOt

>>894,895,897 Yes, that it was a break was obvious to the ones here. Coach and others were talking about his lack of new projects in early 2016, around the ISTL and HR promo tours. Only the crazy veranda dwellers and stans wouldn't admit that he didn't have anything lined up. They've tricked themselves into thinking he's A-list, that he's turning down scripts right and left, that directors and producers are begging him to be in their movies - when that's just not the reality of it.

The real question is whether the break is enforced. Part of me thinks that he'd never stop working. I mean, come on, he didn't have anything lined up for the summer and decided to take the part of 'Contract Boyfriend 7.' That's a worker bee for you. But hearing him talk about coming home for the first time in many months makes me think that maybe - just maybe- he might have wanted this. It maybe helped that the writing's on the wall in regards to using Tayto as a career springboard (more like a springboard into an empty pool), i.e, he doesn't need to fully take advantage of the boost he got from Tayto because there wasn't one (despite what the dears in the veranda say).

905 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-20 17:11 ID:Heaven

>>903 The film release in China is for March 24, so I guess the premiere will be a couple of days earlier (the release date for theUS is March10 but LA's premiere in on March 8th). I think there's going to be a promo tour in China and maybe Japan (Japan would be a first for him) because of the connection to Godzilla.
So basically he is going to be promoting this film for a month.

906 Name: Anon : 2017-02-20 17:41 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>904 I think he didn't take anything in the summer because it was a short window and he was training quite hard for Thor 3 (he says he has to be fitter because the costume is heavy and he does some stunts). He finished the ISTL tour in early May and Thor 3 was at that time I think scheduled to start filming in early July (and I think did without him). It would have to be a teeny tiny project to fit that precise gap.

Whether the fauxmance was designed to fit that gap, or whether it was a "project" she offered him - a summer job as a beard which he was in a position to accept - I don't know. I suspect the former as the signs are that this was brewing for a while and that she wanted him specifically (her following TH fan accounts on tumblr, his February twitter follow etc).

This break is harder to parse. It is a long one and not looking like it has any particular terminal point. Most self employed people (not just actors) get a bit antsy about that. I can't imagine it was always part of the plan.

As to why he didn't get a job: There is a possibility that Marvel kept him dangling for a while till they decided not to put him in IW; they have a reputation for messing their stars around like this. That might have put paid to the theatre project. Equally he may not have seen the project he wanted.

Once having got the enforced break he may realise that he needs to regroup and refocus. The old monkish Tom is still there underneath the stylist and the entourage and all that crap.

907 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-20 22:06 ID:agI/SFA7

>>906 In agreement. Was thinking he might be taking the break between promo touring to temporarily refocus on behind-the-scenes activity: to continue work on the South Sudan documentary (which we've already seen via photos with co-producers), to co-write/produce "Hard Boiled" with Ben Wheatley, and maybe spend time looking for and auditioning for a theatre project at home (remember talk of Richard III?), or explore another Le Carre adaptation. The tweet said he was in the midst of a long break and that makes sense to mix all of the above in with periodic hanging out with friends and visiting family. This also gives him time for personal self-care in real time rather than while on-set of some movie.

Someone on tumblr (an anon, I think) said that he travels to work and stays home to vacation, which makes sense for career jet-setters.

908 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-20 22:15 ID:bbgAObmX

Ouch. HBO comedian John Oliver making fun of fake Hiddleswift at 4:11, on his program "LastWeek Tonight." Comparing Putin's setup of fake beach pap stroll photos while "discovering" an ancient jug on the beach to the fake beach walk photos in Adleburgh. Is Putin the next PR relationship? Ha! Here’s the link -

909 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 00:28 ID:WQK6sORk

>>906 Yes, it seems likely that the summer was dedicated to Tayto well in advance of June. It was his summer project.

>>907 I would be surprised if he's co writing or producing Hard Boiled. He worked on TNM script and earned a producer credit but would BW collaborate with TH like that? His wife Amy Jump (?) tends to be his co/main writer.

Does Spy/Cold have nudity in it? If not, he won't consider it. ;) I also wonder if he'll go back to the theatre anytime soon. As has been said many times here, he could snap his fingers (especially at the Donmar) and get himself a theatre production. It seems, however, that movies are where his focus is. So many actors give lip service to theatre and tv - how that's where the real creativity is (and it's true) - but I suspect deep down most still want to be on the big screen. TH's detour into tv seems to have been in pursuit of a movie spy role.

He doesn't always stay home to vacation...Bora Bora! We need another Bora Bora. And by that I mean TH and JArthy in Bora Bora again. Jane, we miss you. Come back!

910 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-21 01:31 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>903, >>905 The director was in Japan recently to do a screening, so the PR tour probably will go there too. And the Asian market is so critical for studios these days that they're bound to hit China too.

911 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-21 01:49 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>906, >>907, >>908 Agree that Marvel may have kept him waiting. Also agree with Anon. that he's unlikely to be collaborating on Hard Boiled at this point, since BW does work with his wife on writing. I'm still surprised that WB gave this project the green light, given how poorly High-Rise did.

Let's not forget :) that he also had the Early Man voice role at the start of this break. But it sounds as though he's wrapped that. I really hope that he and his team take the time to find him a really solid overall project for his next gig - with a really good director and strong script, not just a plummy-looking role for him (ISTL, sigh).

>>908 Ow. As we've said above, the GQ article reaction just showed that hiddleswift hadn't really left the collective consciousness!

912 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-21 02:03 ID:bbgAObmX

>>909 Not sure that anyone would believe if somehow the paps were to "find" Tom on a secret romantic vacation with a woman, that it was the truth, after the summer antics. And JA looked pretty downcast and dispirited while she was catching up with Tom at Ginger and White, so I'd assume she won't be around. I think that Luke calls the paps to G&W when Tom needs a little media love, and Tom re-wears the same outfit and ropes in casual acquaintances or PR assistants to sit with him, to make it more enjoyable while not offering the press too much of interest. Sad. It was such a lovely surprise to listen to Tom speak so eloquently during the War Horse promo years ago, and now we just cross our fingers and toes that he doesn't do anything embarrassing to draw attention to himself in a negative way.

913 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-21 02:33 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>912 Suspect Tom's truthiness will be in question for some time, especially when it comes to his love life.

Best CB comment so far about the GNS appearance: "At this point, Tom should have a healthy, metaphorical fear of both sharks AND snakes."

914 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 03:30 ID:WQK6sORk

>>908 The howls from the veranda will be deafening. Those meanies. How dare they! Don't they know only tabloid rags and fans paid attention to Tayto? We were meant to forget it by 2017.

Why aren't we forgetting...oh, yeah. He reminded us.

915 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-21 03:46 ID:vHSFHHHc

A segment on tonight's Access Hollywood picked up on the "he said she said" in the GQ article and puts it front and center: "He said at least on HIS part, 'of course it was real.' "

But they give him a pass on the T-shirt story.

917 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 06:46 ID:1IVzbkeo

Tom changed his twitter pic. After god knows how many years. Slightly bizarre choice - not one of the full face GQ pics where he looks super hot, but a press junket photo in which he is wearing a faintly imploring expression.

918 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-21 08:10 ID:bbgAObmX

>>917 It's probably just a temporary pic to help promote the film. In the video below from the Kong promo where he talks about his character, Tom says that he signed onto the project before there was a script written! Interessante. I have thus made peace with the Monkey Movie. Tom wants to be an action hero in an internationally seen film, and now he is one. Would have preferred him in a Star Wars movie, but that's how it crumbles, cookie wise. But if a disciplined and Oscar-winning director like Peter Jackson couldn't create a memorable Kong film update, I don't think that Vogt-Roberts did either. Even though the 2014 Godzilla had phenomenal actors (Juliette Binoche, Bryan Cranston, Ken Watanabe, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, etc.) I remember NONE of it. Kong will come and go, make some bank along the way. And then Tom can return home and strategize.

919 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-21 13:06 ID:Heaven

>>908,909 hahaha when I said hiddleswift might make it into the Oxford dictionary I was joking, but it seems they became a universal term to indicate a faux relationship.

>>916 Oh, he's back to honesty, can we start the countdown to when he is going to say "some things are sacred"?

It seems like Tom Hanks's career took the place of Daniel Day Lewis's in his interviews. And bless the journalist asking him what was his worst job as a struggling actor, not knowing he bought he had an apartment in Kensington as a struggling actor.

920 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 13:39 ID:NguOlLQv


It was Kentish Town. In the mid 2000s it was really not a nice area (flats there I am sure would still have been beyond most struggling actors, but that's true of London as a whole when you have no job). They are worth more now - but still Kentish Town and Kensington bear no resemblance to one another. Kensington is the preserve of oligarchs and formerly hedge fund managers (probably now priced out).

921 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-21 13:46 ID:Heaven

>>920 Silly me, I confused the two and didn't check if I remembered correctly (or reread my sentence).

922 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 14:53 ID:ucnTP7t/

>>920, >>921 Ha. I was thinking it was Kennington.

He couldn't afford Kensington even now.

923 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 16:53 ID:hzvyr8GO

Don't usually link to CB stories but this one has the ring of truth:

Unlike the author I think it was precisely because KK had to hang out with Tayto on 4 July that she got annoyed with the whole thing. Imagine having to play nice for the cameras with your (girl?)friend's fake BF. That would really tick me off.

924 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 17:28 ID:TwJw1DJD

>>923 I haven't read the article but that shouldn't stop me from commenting!

My comment: In other news, TS and all her relationships are fucked up...big timey.

There's my insightful comment for the day.

TH and everyone involved in The Tayto Decision - yes, I'm capitalizing it, like The Cuban Missile Crisis - should be publically whipped for getting mixed up with her. In a figurative sense, they are, but I want it in a literal sense. TH would be allowed to wear his protective I ❤️ T.S. shirt.

925 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 17:33 ID:TwJw1DJD

>>917 Tactical distraction or more SM weirdness?

926 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 18:05 ID:2itJWY9p

>>925 I think he thinks he looks cute. The previous one was him looking winsomely out of a window, possibly a rain splattered window. I have to say I wish he would use pics that show him looking smokin' hot, of which there are plenty recent such. But it perhaps gives an insight into how he views himself.

927 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-21 18:14 ID:Heaven

>>924 hahaha

928 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 19:11 ID:1IVzbkeo

Saw some press pics on tumblr - he is already back home.

929 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 19:36 ID:WQK6sORk

>>917 He should have used this pic. Whenever I think of Tayto, this is the expression I see on his face:

>>928 I think the London premiere is at the end of Feb. or so, then prolly back to LA then onto Asia. I wonder where he'll pop up media-wise in the UK between now and the UK premiere.

930 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 20:01 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>929 Torrilla has pics of him arriving home. He looks terribly, terribly tired and quite wan. I hope he will have a few days relaxing at home and doing nothing.

931 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-21 20:20 ID:WQK6sORk

>>930 Now, Anon, he's an Anglo-Saxon Brit, he's meant to look wan. That's his job. Thou shalt have no colour in thy complexion in Feb. - it's in the Magna Carta. ;)

Is this quick return a sign that he does have UK media commitments? Full court press for this one like for CP, ISTL and HR?

932 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-21 22:18 ID:bbgAObmX

>>929 Christ on a cracker. I just looked at the hard copy of the GQ article, and now I understand why Tom went cookoo in his delivery the tank top monologue. GQ insisted on printing a photo of Tom in the TS tank top at the very beginning of the article! And, the subtitle of the article was about discovering why things "went on the rocks so Hiddleswiftly". GQ literally opened the article mocking him. Wish he had laughed off the incident, or not taken the cover at all, though. I haven't bought the magazine.

>>923 This story is from Star magazine, and is false, Karlie Kloss and TS are either best friends or girlfriends, and my money is on girlfriends. Karlie's bf, Joshua Kusher, is definitely in the closet, and Karlie stunts with him so that he has a leggy and informed girl on his arm to impress businessmen at formal functions. Karlie is not one of the TS minions, but the entire point of attending a TS gathering is to perform for the cameras and be photographed for her instagram life. Each person who attends is free to post her photos, and then can immediately can post about their independent projects. It's a business deal.

933 Name: Anon : 2017-02-21 22:22 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>931 I don't know. Have you noticed something else? No entourage. And no Olly. I have been saying for a while that I wondered if they had parted ways. I still do wonder. Wouldn't they fly back to Heathrow together? Even if they weren't seen together at press junkets you would expect Olly to be in the background of these pics.

934 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-22 02:53 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>918 If he signs on to projects before there's a script, that would explain a lot about ISTL.

In agreement about Kong updates not being memorable. But even if the movie itself is good, will people really remember the cast? Or just the monsters and special effects?

>>932 Ouch, ouch, ouch. Including that picture, parodying the t-shirt in the print title, and the end of the blurb -- however the writer might have intended the piece to come across, now we know how the editorial staff sees it. They also picked an odd picture for the cover, I think - he has a sickly smile and is looking every bit his age. (Sidenote: that's probably why he switched his twitter to a picture from the press panel - they make him look a bit younger.) It's hard to tell what audience(s) they were targeting.

I do doubt that TH knew that the picture would be included (though his team should have thought of the possibility - yet another PR fail), so I think his monologue was something he's been dying to say since Taymerica. Wish he'd handled it at the time, and laughed it off.

Captcha: tone

935 Name: Anon : 2017-02-22 20:33 ID:1IVzbkeo

Milan today for a Gucci fashion show. Jeez. Not much rest...

936 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-22 22:29 ID:vHSFHHHc

One of the first print interviews from the LA junket is up. Spends a lot of the article talking about the break TH has been on. An interesting line: "I have been reading a lot. There is virtually no anxiety that can’t be cured by an hour or two of good reading."

Tayto is mentioned is a couple of sidling ways, and TH (while supposedly talking about Trump) uses what I bet will be his standard language from now on about the reaction to the Summer Love Tour - "“This point in history is destabilizing for lots of us because it’s difficult to truly determine what is true and what isn’t. But inside the ambiguity, we have to be kind to each other as we move forward.”

No mention of a new project, but the interviewer says that "Tom said he’d jump at the chance to voice an animation movie character," and it goes on to talk about several of the small voice projects he's done, but no mention of Early Man. Wonder if TH is now targeting voice roles, but only leading ones, so he can stay out of the limelight longer while he continues to regroup?

937 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-22 22:31 ID:vHSFHHHc

938 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-22 22:37 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>936, >>937 Forgot to mention - TH does a major retcon on the casting for Thor 1, when asked how much he's ever pursued a director: "“I was not shy about letting Kenneth Branagh know how much I wanted to play the part of Loki for the first time.” Uh huh...

939 Name: Anon : 2017-02-22 22:41 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>938 I read this! Not shy in the sense that he told Branagh he wanted Thor!!

940 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-22 23:36 ID:Cfkm26Nl

>>933 Olly's in one of the huge suitcases. He was in LA for less than a week and seems to have worn two outfits. Why then does he have more luggage than I took on my two week honeymoon?

>>932 That is not surprising. Whatever the veranda thinks, that article was snarky. It reads like one of us could've written it...which means it's super snarky. She writes profile pieces for a living. She's not going to admit to painting him as a fibbing try-hard, that would be the end of her career. So she's skirted the edges of snark and empathy and some fans can't tell the difference.

>>935 That Gucci endorsement was the only thing to come out of or survive Tayto (RIP dignity, reputation, Bond hopes) - so when Gucci says 'wear the Manny Janes,' he's going to say 'yes, sir.'

Vogue did a write up of his appearance...and mentioned the I <3 TS shirt. Hahaha. The words 'haunt' and 'to the grave' must come to mind when he thinks of that shirt. It was a joke - yeah, a never-ending one on him.

941 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-22 23:46 ID:Cfkm26Nl

>>937 Your links are working, Heynon. You're linking the 'fancee way' and they are linked to your name (in blue, as opposed to green). But you can also just cut and paste the url into the body of your comment - both work.

>>936 So if he's reading to alleviate anxiety and is 'reading a lot' then those anxiety levels must be through the roof. Is he also tweeting at 2am to relieve anxiety?

>>938>>939 Yeah, remember when he hired a make-up artist to come to his house so he could do a tape for The Crow remake? And if reddit is to be believed, he asked Mendes to help him shoot a tape for Bond. Always hustling this kid. He was probably an annoying mosquito in KB's ear until KB snapped and agreed to a Thor screen-test.

942 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-23 00:04 ID:Cfkm26Nl

>>936 I'm once again left to contemplate his motives. Methinks the actor doth talk up 'his break' too much. It's standard practice to ask an actor 'what's next?' during an interview. Is he trotting out the old 'I'm taking a break' line because he doesn't have anything lined up and can't admit that?

943 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-23 00:52 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>936,941 Not one, but two mentions of anxiety in that article. He must've spent his break googling Hiddleswift and found himself trapped in a glass case of emotion.
>>938,939,941 Remember the Sony email leaks.. his brown nosing is legendary to the degree that most of London assumed he threw himself on Branagh's 'casting couch'.
>>941 I've been hired on occasion to do makeovers for casting consideration and it does read a bit thirsty and yikes but then I don't see the reaction from the producers and powers that be. Maybe they're used to it.

He looks as at home amongst the fashion set in Milan as he did with Tay Tay's friends on the 4th July.
In fact, quite a few of them are probably there...

944 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-23 01:20 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>939 haha!

>>940 Large suitcase = lots of book to ward off anxiety

>>941 Thanks, Anon., for the tip about the links!

>>942 I think you're right that lack of opportunities is why he's playing up the break. Also, starting yesterday, it seemed as though a lot of mini-interviews with him about Thor Rag were posted. I bet he's talking more about that since he has no new project to discuss.

945 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-23 03:13 ID:Cfkm26Nl

Is he a twat now? Don't twats dress like this? I'm confused.

946 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-23 04:02 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>945 Words... fail....

I can't tell if he thinks he's fitting in with the cool kids, or if he's wondering if he's been punked. Way to undo the nice images of him in the striped suit earlier in the day!

947 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-23 05:48 ID:agI/SFA7

Japanese(?) photos, casual wear, nothing to do with Wednesday's Gucci show.

948 Name: Anon : 2017-02-23 08:32 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>945 I assume these were loaned to him by Gucci to prevent him from turning up to the after party dressed like this:

949 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-24 00:54 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>945, >>948 You know your outfit is questionable when you get a look like the one from the person at the center of this photo:

950 Name: Anon : 2017-02-24 08:00 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>949 People in glass houses...

951 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-24 10:16 ID:bbgAObmX

In the Observer, Tom is unfortunately described at Gucci as being the ex- of you know who. FYI, the pics of the runway show clothes via Tom + Lorenzo are crackers.

Video of Tom at the Gucci After Party

952 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-24 12:19 ID:b9pC9w8w

>>951 Yeah people don't know what to make of this Gucci. They didn't know what to make of last year's either. I have three Gucci dresses (all bought on deep discount, thank you NM Last Call) and they are classics. They come out every tear and grab me a few compliments. This is not that Gucci. I'm not sure where the Gucci of those dresses went. I'll be interested to see how these come off the runway.

>>949>>950 Dude is owning his Eliza Doolittle at the races look. The problem is TH's look was picked out and bought for him by Yours Truly or Gucci, and it shows. Those sneaks are a No. And would he ever pick out a sweater with a bee pattern on his own? Eliza has the right to side eye.

953 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-25 06:50 ID:bbgAObmX

>>949>>950>>952 Not a fan of the sneakers b/c Tom seems to appear more comfortable, and prefer a sleeker and dressier shoe. I think that he wears the Aquatalia grey suede boots all the time because Aquatalia soles are soo comfy, and the boots give him a dressier finish when he wears casual clothing. The athletic shoe stripe on the Gucci shoe is a bit casual and flash. Even the bashed Ariat cowboy boots looked better than a sneaker. Apparently his stylist Ilaria Urbinati picked the fabric for the suit, v. theatrical, and he picked the red tie. Not sure who picked the casual outfit for the after party. I vote for Tom to wear an old-school bad a- Steve McQueen/Thomas Crown Affair brown suede desert boot. Those Tom Ford grey suede short Russell sneakers w/o the stripe that he wore last year in 2015 US GQ are OK. I usually think of extravagant pop stars/rappers/and hip hop artists when I see $900 athletic sneakers, not serious dramatic actors.

954 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-25 06:54 ID:bbgAObmX

>>953 2016 GQ. Blah.

955 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-25 17:01 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>950, >>952 Corsets are always classic. Insect sweaters with varsity jackets, not so much.

>>953 The sneakers might have been OK on their own, but with the jacket and bee-sweater (I'll skip the obligatory Hamlet pun), they were too matchy-matchy for me.

It could have been worse - much worse. Scroll down in this article to see the look Jared Leto sported (barfed up?) for the party.

Also, at least this feature only took a crack at Tom's usual footwear, not the T-Shirt of Doomed Careers: "...were in attendance as was a non-grey-velvet-shoe-wearing Tom Hiddleston."

957 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-26 01:03 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>956 In case anyone wants to read the article and can't get to it (it's supposedly subscription only), the blurb about the year off reads: " ...besides seeing Kong and Ragnarok out into the world, Hiddleston is planning to take much of 2017 off.
“I’m taking a bit of a breather, because I’ve been running quite hard for five or six years and I just need to check in with stuff at home,” he says. "

" When asked if the intense spotlight of 2016 might have contributed to his desire to hide away this year, he considers for a moment then replies: “Honestly, it is I have been working relentlessly. I’ve spent so much time away from home and after a while you realise there are other things in life that you need to check in with, like family and friends ... those things are just as important. So it’s really that.” " [Note: there's that "honestly" thing again.]

The DM has a rehash:

958 Name: Anon : 2017-02-26 21:28 ID:1IVzbkeo

959 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-27 01:17 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>958 After some tumblr and twitter searching, just these:

(first twitter post about it, are a couple more that day) /AtlantaFilming/status/834769172521431040

(more "details"/speculation on tumblr)
"I don't know how accurate the account is, but there's a Twitter feed called @AtlantaFilming, and they do seem to have a line on films in the Atlanta area. The account holder hinted a few days ago that "a god that was not an Avenger" had met up in Scotland with the cast members who just left GA to go there to film."

960 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-27 02:31 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom sighting at a bakery in London. No knowledge of whether he is involved in IW, or headed to Scotland in the future:

@AtiChowDown "When your friend is standing next to Tom Hiddleston and his first thought is "yes I'm better dressed!" 😂" "A bakery in London aha."

Thanks!! He cracks me up! Tom likes freshly baked bread? Just stoping in for a biscuit or 5?

961 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-27 08:26 ID:Heaven

>>958 Allow a little laugh first at TH's fans fretting over TS presence in London. She dumped him, but they worry she is stalking him! lol

I think TH's fanatics are, as usual, making a lot of assumptions.

Back in January it was announced that IW would also be filming in Scotland, Glasgow&Edinburgh, for 6 months. So 6 months is the duration of the filming.
This Scotland leg seems to be mostly centred on Peter Dinklage's character and his homeworld, supported by the fact that they have been doing casting call for little people. This character is connected to Thor - the dwarf king made Thor's Mjolnir - based on a concept art for IW where Thor is wielding another weapon, which means that Hemsworth will probably show up in Scotland.

You can see why TH's fans would think his presence is probable, but in reality it's impossible to say.
TH made a big thing of his sabbatical and how there are more important things in life. Now, filming a cameo wouldn't really contradict that, but a shooting longer than 3/4 weeks would. I also don't see how Marvel would be able to keep his presence a secret.

962 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-27 08:27 ID:Heaven

Ah, Anon, about Olly, wasn't there a photo of them together at G&W at the end of Nov.?

I really couldn't say if he dropped Olly or not, I suppose that if he won't be with TH during Kong's press tour then you might be right.

963 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-27 08:54 ID:bbgAObmX

>>962 Olly just posted artwork from an Asian King Kong poster just 2 weeks ago, so Olly's probably still affiliated with Luke at Prosper PR. No idea if he's still on Team Tom, specifically.
>>961 If Tom had to lie to protect the ending of Thor 3 and Marvel's privacy, I'm sure that he would. Tom used the word "honestly" and that's usually a code for a fib. Plus, Tom said he's taking "most of 2017 off" in that Australian article. Wiggle room is there for finessing the truth, methinks : )

964 Name: Anon : 2017-02-27 10:13 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>962,963 You're right Couch, they were photographed together last November, but not since, I believe. He wasn't photographed on the recent brief trip to LA or to Milan that I saw.

I know he posted the Kong poster- but he was and is good mates with Bryan (!!) and seemed to invest a lot in the project generally & identify with those who were more involved. So he might have posted the pic because of that.

As Couch says, let's see if he appears during the press tour.

965 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-27 16:55 ID:Heaven

>>963 I don't doubt he would if asked, but my point is why if people will inevitably find out he is in Scotland? They never confirmed Sif in Thor3 but we all saw the photos from set with Jamie Alexander. The same would happen with TH.

966 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-27 16:58 ID:Heaven

New Kong trailer

It's a well packaged trailer, I'll give them that, it spoils too much though. And I have a feeling this film would have been better without jokes and with more whipped cream! (yeah it's a bad joke)

what happened to Brie's boobies in this film? Padded bra? They needed to maintain at least 1 cliché?

967 Name: Anon : 2017-02-27 18:02 ID:1IVzbkeo


Well, I suppose everyone knows from the title that it is about a giant ape - so the way to get people to see it is to show them the spectacle even if that is a bit spoilery (and I guess it doesn't spoil if Kong turns out to be a good guy and if they get of the island or find the treasure or whatever).

I did hate the choice of music. Too much of an attempt at sass. It really doesn't give much of a sense of looming menace...

I don't know about the boobies. There was reference to filming on mountainous islands but I thought that was a comment about Hawaii.

968 Name: Anon : 2017-02-27 23:00 ID:1IVzbkeo

969 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-28 01:03 ID:vHSFHHHc

Homeless persons would very much like to be excluded from this narrative.

Oh my dears, the PANTS!

Tom's going-out-for-coffee wardrobe list and today's rating:

  • One of the two pairs of shoes owned? - Check
  • T-shirt that's required any time associated with a Legendary production? -- Check
  • This winter's hiddleslayering layer (hoodie) - Check
  • Coat to button really tightly to show off the torso - Check
  • Pants that look spray-painted onto legs - FAIL
  • Nothing other than blue or grey - FAIL
  • Obligatory Gucci item - Unknown (maybe the hoodie? All that color!)

970 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-28 01:27 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>968, >>969 Best comment on Tumblr: "When you’re voguing with the face but you messed up thrift shopping on the body"

971 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-28 04:15 ID:OFs8XFTg

>>968 Those clothes look unwashed. Like they have been dirty and lying in the hamper for months. Ugh ew I think I'm gonna be sick. Is he depressed? Or is he remodeling his kitchen himself and got plaster stains all over himself? The pants clearly have footprints on them...I forget who it was on here but when the GQ profile came out, they said we are seeing Tom having a breakdown. I think they were right because those clothes look legitimately dirty, like someone call CDC there could be mold or a zombie virus growing on that jacket and pants" dirty.

972 Name: Anon : 2017-02-28 07:18 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>971 It was me. I said he might if he carried on like his.

That lovely Reiss jacket was about £300 and it looks like it has been thrown on a filthy floor and then trodden on. He does look a bit bonkers here. Everyone has a pair of ancient sweat pants that they wear when they sneak out for a "don't let me meet anyone" coffee. I get that. But I do put mine in the washing machine. He looks unsanitary here.

973 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 08:18 ID:Heaven

>>967 yes, music and jokes take away the menace you expect from a monster film, the spoilers take away the surprise.

It seems like they wanted to do a film à la Spielberg, tension and jokes. I have a feeling they didn't manage the balance.

974 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 08:23 ID:Heaven

>>971,972 Maybe he has attachment issues, because here it's not a matter of being frugal, those sweat pants belong to a garbage bin. The rest to the laundry.

975 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-28 09:47 ID:bbgAObmX

>>972>>971 Tom's fashion homage to a preppy hobo does not make me nervous for his mental health. I think that he's adopted the Elizabeth Olsen method of calling the paps right before he heads into doing press for a film/festival/award show, and in calling them again in the days immediately after he finishes press for a film. She rocks the Whole Foods, farmers market, gym, and au bond pain pap runs in a slightly more casually fashionable way, though. If superstars like Daniel Craig and Jude Law don't get papped all the time, and no one can find Tom Hardy, then there is no way that the press camps outside of Tom's abode for no reason whatsoever. Can't wait for his radio interview on the Breakfast Show with Ed Sheeran!

976 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 10:57 ID:Heaven

Well, today's is London's premiere for Kong, he is attending.

Since I don't feel like doing a calendar like I used to, check here the rest of the press tour - he is already confirmed for LA's (duh!), Mexico and Japan's.

977 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-28 14:25 ID:OFs8XFTg

>>972 Yeah even the £300 jacket has a footprint on it too and it's crumpled beyond recognition. That was a nice jacket honestly. His clothes being dirty is what I find a little disconcerting, otherwise him wearing clothes until they fall apart is nothing new.

>>974 Attachment issues or not, he could be hygienic at least lol

>>975 It's not about his hobo look. It's Tom, it's expected he'd wear clothes like that. But it's their state that I find disturbing. His clothes look like they haven't been washed probably since his days in Oz for Thor. He wore that Reiss jacket then and it was this clean gorgeous black. I mean you can see footprints on both the sweatpants and the jacket. They look clearly unwashed. Elizabeth Olsen and the others at least wear clean clothes on their casual just outta the gym pap strolls, even when it's hobo chic.

978 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 16:47 ID:Heaven

>>977 Indeed! And I wasn't even willing to allow that maybe the washing machine is broken, but today gives us fresh pap photos of him running with....those same sweat pants! Footprint included.

A pair of sweatpants for every use.

979 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 16:49 ID:Heaven

>>978 *was willing

He was at some Unicef event for South Sudan last night, without sweatpants.

980 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-28 17:48 ID:bbgAObmX

>>977>>979 Hobo chic was a joke, b/c I was scared to say that Tom was channeling a homeless person because homlessness is such an issue with the economy the way it is. No idea why Tom can't dryclean the jacket, or run his clothes through the wash. He should consider it : ) Not sure if Reiss clothes wear that well, b/c even in prior closeup pics you can tell that the fabric of the Reiss jacket is bashed up w/in and inch of his life. If Tom can keep a Gucci suit clean and pressed for a Unicef photo opp, then he's just trying to trick the GP into thinking that he doesn't do pap strolls. New DM article w/o TS pics. Glad that Tom is taking a 'break', it will be nice to not see his face for a bit.

981 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-28 17:54 ID:GlfTeNg6

PhotoGate or HomelessGate! Hurrah.

I would be more concerned about the 2am tweeting than the state of these clothes. First I think the camera is tricking our eyes a bit. The jacket, I think is 'flaring' or 'ghosting' the camera light or the natural light, maybe both. So parts that are crinkled, bent, bunched or sunken appear greyish or white. This happens with drone and satellite images all the time - the angled parts of dark items look very light-colored sometimes. Personally, knowing how light can do very strange things to pictures, I wouldn't be surprised to find that there's not any dust on that jacket at all. Ghosting and flaring are crazy like that. I don't see any footprints myself.

I prefer this hot mess TH to the fucking hot mess TH that Your Truly and Gucci are going to chuck down the RC tonight. What will it be? All the patterns again, purple, weird retro pattern, bell bottoms?

982 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-28 18:36 ID:bbgAObmX

Apparently only Ken Watanabe is returning for the Godzilla sequel in 2019, so who knows if Tom will return for the Godzilla v Kong film in 2020. I think that I'm rooting for Tom to do a Shakespearean adaptation on film or TV. Or period piece on HBO, like Cumberbatch did with Parade's End. Easy Emmy nomination.

983 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-28 18:50 ID:t7rozFwZ

>>981 and above - given that he wore the same sweats for his run today, Sunday's PR fail may just have been him not bothering to change before going for breakfast, and forgetting that Luke had scheduled a pap stroll. That is one blue-stare-of-death he gave the pap! Or maybe having admitted to being at liberty for most this year, he just doesn't give a damn anymore. (But not caring about things you used to care about can be a sign of depression.)

Torilla already has pix up from the U.K. red carpet - looks like a very conservative suit. Sorry I can't link (on phone) but in a couple of the hug pictures, he has an odd expression, almost desperate (think Sir Thomas Sharpe's "oh shit, I forgot about Edith!" face while he's got death- grip hug on his sister.) But he looks happy to see Jordan V-R.

984 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-28 19:08 ID:t7rozFwZ

Also, in these red carpets pix (and some from the LA press junket) he looks even thinner than normal to me.

985 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-28 19:17 ID:Heaven

>>981 How low we have fallen, from purse gate, to the height of TayTo to sweatpants!

>>982 Why did anyone think TH was going to be part of the GodzillavsKong film? Kong's set in the '70s, Godzilla's first film was 2014. Watanabe's character appears in 1999 and 2014 so TH's character was never going to be in that film.

986 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-28 19:32 ID:OFs8XFTg

>>981 That makes more sense. Because that Reiss jacket is pretty black and it looks very faded in the pics. I really like that jacket which is why I was appalled that he'd mistreat it. Seriously, it's a gorgeous jacket.

>>983 Does he have that desperate look because he was told to contain himself and not talk too much and embarrass himself? Or maybe he's petrified a reporter will ask about the summer of love and TayTo? He did open that door in his GQ interview. I wonder if Luke is there.

987 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-28 22:13 ID:d3jPrF6S

>>983 Very reserved. Yours Truly will still take credit for something...the color blue, suits in general, pants.

>>983>>986 He's going to have a slightly desperate look while on the RC for a bit longer. It must be like entering Taytodome: he doesn't know if someone's going to throw him a Tayto question.

>>966 As to BL's mountains...I used to think that she was that most hated of creatures: a thin woman with naturally big and well-shaped breasts. But this RC carpet dress has exposed a square boobie. Square boobie = fake boobie. But that's okay, it means I can hate her less!

988 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-28 22:15 ID:d3jPrF6S

>>986 I forgot to add: Luke is probably with Emma Watson on her promo tour. EW trumps TH.

989 Name: Anon : 2017-02-28 22:56 ID:1IVzbkeo

This was not his best red carpet. He looks ok but only ok.

Square boob indeed....

990 Name: Anon : 2017-02-28 23:10 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>981 afraid I think it is just dirt. Seen him in this jacket a lot and I have never seen this effect before. Also, is that a footprint shaped flare?

991 Name: Anon. : 2017-03-01 00:37 ID:2ZCDlHYL

>>990 Light is strange like that. The dust looks different in different shots which makes me think it's a trick of the light, angle, etc. Actually now that I look again, the white is only really noticeable in the shots post-breakfast - when he's walking back with the coffee and bag. Maybe the cafe didn't have any napkins and he's so A-list now that he used a 300 quid jacket as his napkin? Or his breakfast included powdered donuts. Or he really is a cocaine freak.

I didn't see a footprint on the jacket like New Anon did. But the running pants are dirty. If it is a shoe print, it could be due to his running routine. My husband - when he goes out for a run, usually right before a DEFCON 1 diaper needs to be changed - comes back, pants off (they are just for running so they get washed after a few runs) and folded along with his running shirt. They get put on a shelf in our laundry room for the next use. His sneakers usually end up on top of the shirt and pants. Just one scenario. Or he's having people stomp on him as a ritualistic punishment for ever deciding to Tayto (new verb).

I hope he's a cocaine freak who allows a powdered donut eating dominatrix to step on him as punishment for Tayto.

Captcha: cheattness. What could it mean?

992 Name: Heynon : 2017-03-01 00:56 ID:vHSFHHHc

If Donald O'Connor had played the Gene Kelly part in Singing in the Rain, it might have looked something like this: on twitter at /TanyaLove4/status/836721172377133056/photo/1

993 Name: Heynon : 2017-03-01 01:49 ID:vHSFHHHc

994 Name: Heynon : 2017-03-01 02:00 ID:vHSFHHHc

He may have something in the works for this year, but of course won't say what it is:

995 Name: Sosorry : 2017-03-01 03:55 ID:bbgAObmX

>>985 Flashback sequences?

996 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-03-01 07:55 ID:Heaven

>>995 Kong is a prequel, Kong is the flashback.

997 Name: Anon : 2017-03-01 10:41 ID:UNWe9Kbf

>>994 Who knows what is going on in his noddle. "Finishing up" may refer to the UNICEF documentary, though quite frankly having known people who make documentary films, the post production period of this is longer than anything I have ever known save for things like nature documentaries, which are a whole different ballgame.

As for future projects - I'll believe it when I see it. I slightly feel that he has seen all the screaming headlines saying "Tom takes a year off" and immediately wants to "correct" trnposition so he doesn't sound like he is on the beach.

998 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-03-01 12:21 ID:Heaven

>>997 I thought that too, that saying you are taking a year off isn't very conducive to find work now or later.
But I also think that he might not have wanted to contradict himself (again). He has 2 films to promote, one of which is a Marvel film and that means showing up at SDCC and other comic convention, so he was never going to completely disappear from the radar.

Anyway, since we are in March and nothing has been announced, any future project won't start before May, at best.

999 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-03-01 12:41 ID:Heaven

>>987,989 Square boobs! I confess my ignorance.

1000 Name: Anon : 2017-03-01 14:05 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>999 It's the edge of the implant...on which note Board 14 draws to a close!

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