Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

977 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-28 14:25 ID:OFs8XFTg

>>972 Yeah even the £300 jacket has a footprint on it too and it's crumpled beyond recognition. That was a nice jacket honestly. His clothes being dirty is what I find a little disconcerting, otherwise him wearing clothes until they fall apart is nothing new.

>>974 Attachment issues or not, he could be hygienic at least lol

>>975 It's not about his hobo look. It's Tom, it's expected he'd wear clothes like that. But it's their state that I find disturbing. His clothes look like they haven't been washed probably since his days in Oz for Thor. He wore that Reiss jacket then and it was this clean gorgeous black. I mean you can see footprints on both the sweatpants and the jacket. They look clearly unwashed. Elizabeth Olsen and the others at least wear clean clothes on their casual just outta the gym pap strolls, even when it's hobo chic.

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