Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

764 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-11 21:37 ID:bbgAObmX

>>755 It's as if Tom never left university, in his head. When I was at college as a liberal arts student, when I was at the dining tables, sometimes I would slip and start speaking outload to friends as if I was writing a term paper on my laptop. But that was b/c We had to outline and write multiple papers every week. These florid languages pattern would pop out accidentally b/c I was required to use them all the time. Tom needs to work on addressing this, b/c it does not translate to the general public as it does to professors, esp when he is trying to rebuild or rebrand. Although a few comments said that they were able to forgive the GG speech b/c Tom seemed to be such an OTT emotional person in the interview, and therefore he didn't mean to present himself as an Anglo European saviour. Best of luck to Tom on hiring some kind of crisis PR consultant to turn this barge around. Lighting a candle.

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