[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#33] (999)

1 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9377 22:52

#1 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1213916710/
#2 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1250275007/
#3 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1292544745/
#4 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1315193920/
#5 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1326391378/
#6 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1333279425/
#7 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1340196069/
#8 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1346800288/
#9 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1353182673/
#10 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1360549149/
#11 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367260033/
#11.5 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367260120/
#12 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1372849946/-255,257-
#13 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1368127055/
#14 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1395672319/
#15 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1409746601/
#16 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1420075161/
#17 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1430947686/
#18 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1440133389/
#19 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1447380051/
#20 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1454364216/
#21 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1462941578/
#22 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1473295155/-383,385-
#23 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1480168637/
#24 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489339924/
#24.5 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489348442/
#25 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1503631448/
#26 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1519019746/
#27 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1526013591/
#28 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1529348654/
#29 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1531317324/
#30 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1534535341/
#31 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1540327913/
#32 http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1548736885/

750 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9477 08:18

Astol-Fou tbh

751 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9477 15:40

i'm the operator with my pocket calculator. bleep bloop.

752 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9477 17:04

boku wa ongakuka dentaku katate ni. bleep bloop.

753 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9478 08:50

Astarotte no omocha

754 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9478 15:08

I just took an interview where they use python and asked if they use a Django, and they answered that they weren't using any frameworks, and it just dawned on me that they might be writing cgi scripts in the year of our lord 2019, holy shit, nope.

755 Name: vc: jeitable : 1993-09-9478 15:22

Nevertheless, I hope Team YouTube doesn't mind the question and that you will make my end-user experience less shitty :V

756 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9478 16:50

"a Django"
anyway CGI is dead for new software, it'll basically boil down to a socket listen loop. There are plenty of libraries you can stitch together to do what a framework does.

757 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9478 16:53

Mike: The Pope told her that the boy was fine and to leave him be. He is a special needs child. I'll pray for you, sounds like you could use it.
Keith PhD: uhmm and you know what the Pope said? Special needs or not it's still not appropriate. I'll pray for you. Sounds like your cognative skill need it.
Mike: Thank you for that. I need them, and you need the practice.
Keith PhD: And I'll pray for you. Seems you have the "gift of prophecy" since you know what the Pope told the child and what type of prayer life I have and you never met either of us!. I'll pray for you, ego is a sin you know!
Mike: Thank you again, for twice the prayers!
Keith PhD: I hope they will help guide you toward a more spiritual path!
Mike: Thank you, God bless.

  • A passive aggressive prayer battle between two catholics, one of whom apparently doesn't understand that some people know italian.

758 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9479 00:51

yuckurry is the thigh gap youkai

759 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9479 07:08

*laughs in mild ignorance of all Romanist languages*

760 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9479 21:22

I wonder if anyone likes me.

761 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 04:49

who's stalking me online

762 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 07:31

>>761 Everyone on this web sight has to pass the test.

763 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 14:19

And what about the ghost that jerked him off to completion? Could that have really happened?

764 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 17:08

CGI or single-script servers are the way to go. Web 3.0 is dead, long live the telnet!

765 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 17:55

I am, but it's just for practice.

766 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 20:12

I don't want to alarm you, but you're browsing a CGI-based website RIGHT NOW.
That aside, what exactly is the alternative even supposed to be? I don't know what you're going on about when you say they might "still" be using CGI in 2019. And comparatively, what's supposed to make it better?

767 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 20:36

serverless architecture built on independent unikernels managed by a specialized hypervisor coordinated by a robust message broker.

tbh I'm looking for 100% buzzword compliance for future employment. I personally don't give a shit unless it looks good on my resume, CGIs are fine, really.

768 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 20:41

We have forgotten the golden rule: KISS, Kubernetes Instances for Static Sites.

769 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 20:45

I suspect that 4chan captchas are such a pain in the ass nowadays as payback for renigger.

770 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9480 22:12

Maximum gay.

771 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9481 08:37

Mom's gonna fix it all soon
Mom's coming 'round to put it back the way it ought to be

772 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9481 09:21

You've failed your DevOops buzzword exam. No mention of Docker or k8s.

With CGI you need a separate server (basically only Apache) to take http requests and format them for the script. It's also one OS process per request; even with mod_perl or mod_php it's still a thread per request. Heavy on server resources. But that doesn't matter for a forum with 3 users.

The alternative (socket bind + listen loop) can be much lighter and doesn't try to abstract away the concept of network sockets (reducing bug surface area). You get to take advantage of green threads and non-blocking IO. You also don't need a separate server unless you don't want to deal with HA or TLS yourself (and then you can just shove it behind nginx). You can use any language, too, basically, since all it needs is a handful of socket functions rather than an entire CGI library. Low OS resource usage per request also raises the bar for DoS attacks like slowloris.

TL;DR CGI works, sure, but the alternative is simpler and therefore faster and safer.

773 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9481 11:39

Since I am a huge retard, can you link me some resources for further research on this sort of material?

774 Name: vc: nughutt : 1993-09-9481 13:43

attempting to scrape a tumblr that claims to be exclusively women its anonymous owner likes because it sufficiently meets my aesthetic and i'd like unlimited reference works, before the porn detector finally makes it a fucking nightmare to scrape

problem: there are enough ladies therein to populate a substantial city-state and just crawling the links has taken the parser an hour and counting

775 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9481 14:14

i am the boner of my penis
unlimited reference works

776 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9481 17:02

It's okay to be GRAVE ME GRAVE FOR YOU

777 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 14:58

Eh, I'm not really sure of any, I feel like it's sort of folk knowledge now. Maybe there are some "CGI vs TCP socket" articles out there, I don't know.

If you want to try it yourself, I'm sure there are a few "simple TCP socket server" tutorials in your language of choice. Get to the stage where you can print out the incoming data, then point your browser at it to see what an http request looks like, and go from there.

778 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 17:51

Holding hands under the moon.

779 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 18:41

Do people actually enjoy dev ops

780 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 19:35

The same people who enjoy networking and administration

781 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 21:42

How long have you been on 4-ch?

782 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 21:54

I've been on DQN since the early-to-mid 6000s.

783 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 21:56

I remember posting in the first Grandpa thread, so about 5000 days I guess.

I did take a very long break though. I think the "Love & Sexuality" board still existed when I left (looks like it was nuked for being a pedophile haven in 2013.) So did WAKAChan, which is how I found 4-ch.

784 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9482 22:46

Since it started, I think.

785 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 05:57

I am so thankful for the rain I hear outside right now. 💙🌧

786 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 05:59

It's almost 2020 now, I think I remember posting on here as far back as 2009.

787 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 10:18

sometime before sept 5000

was only really interested in rei's diner and clonepa threads so i can't tell you much about what it was like tho

788 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 11:38

>>781 I remember September 5000th
>>786 That sounds mental...

789 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 19:44

Prolly 10 years. Jesus F Christ.

790 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9483 21:27

What do you call a FAQ for questions that aren't frequently asked at all, but may be asked?

791 Name: vc: deap : 1993-09-9484 06:50

The time of drifting is cum

792 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 07:32

793 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 07:50

a long fucking time

794 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 10:48

>>781 relative latecomer, I've been here since the late september 6000s or so

795 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 19:28


> DevOops

I love that typo

796 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 20:34


797 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 20:37


(it was intentional)

798 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 20:45

but you knew that

captcha: wow

799 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 22:58

The standard numerals drive me nuts. They're unwieldy to write. They have too many easily confused glyphs, which seems unreasonable considering they're a recombining set of ten, and a lot of shorthand systems don't touch 'em at all because they're already shorthand.

Not sure what to do except kvetch; this is something I simply haven't found a decent way around, and few seem to share my objections. Even conlangs that try to overdo simplicity rarely see a need to fuck with 'em.

800 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9484 23:30

Anxious for absolutely no reason.

801 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 03:34

Nurse my boner back to health

802 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 08:58

In Asia, do old men feed leeches in the same way that old men feed birds at parks?

803 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 13:36

if you mean 40 year old hikikomori then sure

804 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 14:38

byzantine copmutations

805 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 16:37

use CJK numerals instead

easy to tell apart at a glance, visually distinct, no need for zero as a placeholder digit, uses myriad system(based)

806 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 18:10


807 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9485 20:13

Blame the Arabs of old. There's plenty of numeral systems to choose from.

808 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 00:48

When is someone gonna write the next rails is omakase

809 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 13:49

The American dream is to become a NEET.

810 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 14:09

The American dream is to become baby

811 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 20:05

The American Dream: Prepare to Die edition

*unless you are already wealthy

812 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 20:09

they not only have more strokes that fly in different directions, they also have the too-similar-to-each-other problem even worse! e.g. the four corner codes for the digits are

1030, 1000, 1010, 1010, 6021, 1010, 0080, 4071, 8000, 4001, 4000

Meaning half of them have a horizontal upper-left corner, and three of hose also have a horizontal lower-left corner as well. The "legs" on 689 are not only infamous gaijin-killers, but it's a liability for low fi / poor vision problems.

arabic is the only one in common use that's noticeably better than "arabic", but only by a hair. plus the 2 and the 3 are almost the same goddamn symbol.

813 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9486 22:10


814 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9487 18:35

big brain

815 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9487 23:33

i'm am going to say the n word



816 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 00:09

wtf why am i the one who has to pilot this giant robot to save the earth

817 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 00:42

I miss Qresearch.

818 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 07:24

what's the deal with tree emoji twitter

819 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 09:44

(。・ω・。) I'm glad Win 10 now gives me the option to shitpost in kaomoji

820 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 17:59

*dons tinfoil hat*
The American destiny is to become monke

821 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 19:45

8chan retards begone.

822 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9488 22:55

I only posted on /erp/ though. :(

823 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 11:11

"how is that coming along, anyway?"
"mother of god i had no idea a LARP vagueposter on any chan could get that much boomer attention, TV truly has gotten that incompetent."

824 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 12:11

I've looked at a ton of Japanese porn in my lifetime and yet, to this very day I still get "Wtf am I looking at?" moments.

825 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 12:17

I totally didn't make the connection between the recent amount of shit lately and 8chan going down. You'd think from posting on a barely active site they'd be a bit accustomed to putting more effort behind their posts, but noooo, it's gotta be shitposting right out of the gate.

826 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 13:54

hear me out with this thread idea: posting your intrusive thoughts

827 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 14:26

>>826 wtf d you think i'n doing?

828 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 16:23

"They are sometimes said to take their victims for the purpose of drinking their blood, eating their livers, or gaining power by taking their shirikodama (尻子玉), a mythical ball said to contain the soul, which is located inside the anus"

That is something I learned about kappa today Kappa

829 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 18:14

Why the hell would anyone keep their soul in their ass?

830 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 19:27

It lets you do soul vore and anal vore at the same time, except the predator/prey dynamic is reversed between the two. Pretty kinky right?

831 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 20:09

it was in an episode of the recent Kitaro

captcha: noshass
Literally "snack on ass"

832 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9489 23:37

I don't want to do any of that.

833 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9490 00:14

Your loss.

834 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9490 01:20

We think that golden touch of honey makes every bowl un-bee-lievably tasty.

835 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9490 02:19

Not sure if astigmatism or display glitch....

> Have some of Column A
> Try ALL of Column B

836 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9490 13:52

> soul vore

miss me with that gay soul shit

captcha: pessad
it looks the same upside down

837 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9490 14:19

It's not gay if the souls don't touch

838 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 01:21

Chamber of Commerce, aka my sex dungeon

839 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 02:20

Progress report from dumbass trying to fix my vision (myopia) "naturally"

Basically, yeah, it's possible. I'm not good to drive or anything--it's very back and forth throughout the day--but I think it'll get there within a few weeks, the rate things are going. I'm not sure which technique has really helped the most, except that the most dramatic improvement occurred after I started trying to frequently pay attention, using my peripheral vision, to well lit long range parallax effects and (in moderate doses) bright screens. It seems it stimulates some nerve cells towards some process I don't/can't have control over. Also, it's probably the safest thing I'm doing, too.

I try to cover all the bases, so in addition flexing ciliary muscle, using conscious control over the extraocular muscles to reshape the eye (probably a simultaneous tug on opposing recti from the feel of it, with some assistance from the eyelid, like a really hard squint), and stretching them so the range of motion doesn't feel imbalanced.

Unlike claims online that it's all in one thing or the other, I think the various parts of the eye exist the way they are in part because they adjust each other and maintain multiple equilibria, as far as shape is concerned. Even down to the springiness of the eyeball--it seems its natural resting shape/position can be adjusted somewhat by what I'm doing. Binocular vision also helps one eye tell that it's not seeing clearly sometimes, so now and then I can "walk back" the range of depth by squinching the eyes alternately.

Bonus: I figured out how to have a weak orgasm just by thinking about it during this time... odd benefit to trying to find obscure muscles most people don't bother with.

840 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 05:35

sksksksk and I oop

841 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 11:10

Whatever did I do

842 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 11:51

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce

843 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 16:23

I feel like I'm slipping away again.

844 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 17:39

I used to be a romantic, mainly because I had abusive parents and tried pursuing other emotions to distract from getting hurt real bad, but it turns out that's not really a good idea if you're not okay with getting hurt real bad.

845 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9491 19:06

I wish I had abusive parents. I had neglectful parents. It's why I'm here.

846 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9492 11:01

Not afraid to call David Spade a spade

847 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9492 11:01

Not afraid to call David Spade a spade

848 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9492 11:02

Mother of fuck
This shitty captcha always trips me up

849 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9492 13:29

fiscally irresponsible, socially inept

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