I would like to know what some of the Japanese phrases mean that are mostly used online, on boards like 2ch, e.g.
There is DQN and (ry, for instance.
What do those mean? Are there other ones I need to know to understand an average online conversation?
Please enlighten me!
This thread refers to another thread, by the way:
Is there any Japanese word for "meme"?
lol, "Go to heaven!!!"
Is that the Japanese equivalent of "Go to hell"?
I thought so myself, but now I am not too sure anymore:
They are talking about SLEPT, not NETA.
NETA is very much in use, while SLEPT is rarely used if at all.
> "ネタ"(neta) means a story you make up either to amuse someone or decieve them.
In Japanese, "material" for news and stories is called "neta." The term has strong journalistic associations, but also gets used to describe material that can become the topic of conversation among friends or family: a new store seen on the way to work; a cousin who just dropped out of high school; a funny story heard on the radio. Camera phones provide a new tool for making these everyday neta not just verbally but also visually shareable.
As the mundane is elevated to a photographic object, the everyday is now the site of potential news and visual archiving. Sending camera-phone photos to major news outlets and moblogging are one end of a broad spectrum of everyday and mass photojournalism using camera phones. What counts as newsworthy, noteworthy and photo-worthy spans a broad spectrum from personally noteworthy moments that are never shared (a scene from an escalator) to intimately newsworthy moments to be shared with a spouse or lover (a new haircut, a child riding a bike). It also includes neta to be shared among family or peers (a friend captured in an embarrassing moment, a cute pet shot) and microcontent uploaded to blogs and online journals. The transformation of journalism through camera phones is as much about these everyday exchanges as it is about the latest headline.
meme n.
A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another.
[Shortening (modeled on gene), of mimeme from Greek mimma, something imitated, from mimeisthai, to imitate.]
In summary:
neta = a news item.
meme = a transmitted piece of info.
Now, news implies a transmission.
Therefore, neta = meme.
ネタ can mean alot of things. for comedians neta=material. In sushi-terminology neta=the part of the sushi that isnt rice (the meat or main ingredient). In both cases i think its used pretty interchangeably with 材料. Some people say its derived rom タネ or 種 which means seed. So rather than implying transmission or dispersion i think it has more to do with the ネタ being the base material or the root from which something sprouts (as in a gag or news item or business model).
> Now, news implies a transmission.
> Therefore, neta = meme.
I think the implication within the term "news" does not justify the kind of generalization you made. Seems like a syllogistic fallacy to me.
"Selfish gene" (利己的な遺伝子) is a funny term, but makes sense somehow. Also, ミーム seems to refer precisely to what "meme" signifies:
Now the next question is: What ENGLISH word is there for NETA?
"meme" has a very broad meaning, that's why it's such a fun word. "news" might be a subset of "meme", but they're not the same thing.
> What ENGLISH word is there for NETA?
source plz
starting point
...well, probably none of those, but something along those lines. How about "content"?
Doesn't 元ネタ=origin or source? Or is it just being redundant?
JWPce dictionary defines NETA as:
(1) material, joke material, contents, proof,
(2) topping of nigiri sushi
Funny has two meanings. It can mean 'strange,' [変] or 'amusing' [面白い/おかしい].
Fun only has one meaning - it means 'enjoyable' or 'entertaining' [たのしい].
16 名前: Anonymous 2004-11-25 15:48 ID:/547jK7A [Del]
Let me introduce some specialized vocabulary used by 2ch'er.
逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)
オマエモナー!(Omaemonar = You too!!)
Only with these two words, you can enjoy the 2ch world.
But if you use these words, you will never be able to return the right side of the life...
素人にはお勧めできない (Shiroutoniha osusume dekinai = We cannot recommend it to right person.)
23 名前: Anonymous 04/12/19(Sun)14:50 ID:RTQf6wYz [Del]
>逝ってよし!! (Itteyoshi!! = Go away!!)
逝ってよし has some complex meanings ,or rather, has some hidden meanings.
If you're a japanese and hear it without seeing the chinese character used in it,
then you will think it means "you may go" ,or "go away" in a less dominant imperative.
But if you read it while seeing the chinese character,
it means "you may kill yourself" or "kill yourself".
You can use this phrase when someone posts a silly remark or
asserts something with lame evidence.
note: "行く(iku)" means "to go", "逝く(iku)" means "to die".
クソスレ (KUSOSURE) = Shitty thread, stupid thread, a thread that serves no other purpose than being a place for trolling and flaming.
The definetions may be hard to understand, don't they?
So let me give you a quick explanation of where
those meanings come from. I will write in English
if you don't understand what's written below in Japanese.
That's because
it takes me long to write a somehow complicated
thing like this because of my poor English.
What is Saitama
Saitama is the capital of Japan.
It's the most popular city where sophisticated poeple live.
Saitama is a prefecture in Japan:
Historically, a lot of funny & weird news come from Saitama.
How this gave birth to this AA meme, I do not know,
I think it has something to do with a logo for the
capital (of the same name) or the prefecture itself
which looks the same:
AA & related info:
The latest Saitama AA threads on 2ch:
\ │ /
/ ̄\ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
─( ゚ ∀ ゚ )< さいたまさいたま!
\_/ \_________
/ │ \
∩ ∧ ∧∩ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ ∩∧ ∧∩\( ゚∀゚)< さいたまさいたまさいたま!
さいたま〜〜〜〜! >( ゚∀゚ )/ | / \__________
________/ | 〈 | |
/ /\_」 / /\」
 ̄ / /
What's "Uruse hage" and "manse"?
I'm worried about how long 4-ch can survive. Why do so few post?
Using "Uruse hage" is very rude even on the net.
It is like a curse.
"Uruse" means "shut up, don't disturb me, shut your big mouth"
or whatever(anyway very rude).
"hage" means bald as an adjective. As a noun
You can call someone
who's bald "hage" as well(Very offensive indeed).
On the other hand, "manse" is not the Japanese language.
It's Korean, meaning "I'll say, I couldn't agree more" or
something like that, I think.
The reason why some Japanese people use it online is because
they've watched on the tube that North Korean people
obey anything their leader commands, saying "Manse".
It's because of the autocracy of North Korea, I think...
Thank you for clearing that up for me. That was very educational indeed.
I see the phrase "うp" very often on Japanese BBS. What does it mean?
When you type "うp", you push "U" and "P" on your keyboard.
So "うp" is "up".
And when they say "うp", it means they ask someone
to "up"load photos/music/articles or whatever.
In a nutshell, うp means uploading such a thing.
Thank you very much. You have been of great help to me!
I have come across "UMA" some times now. It seems like it is used to characterize something weird or unusual, but I am not sure. Can anyone shed any light on this?
Is it a kind of Japanese acronym?
Honestly, I've never seen it..
I guess I can be of help, if you let me get the context of
how UMA was used, as long as it's Japanese.
And when I wrote the above, something sprung to mind.
Is it "(゚Д゚)ウマー"? that you meant?
If so, I can tell you what it's like.
So Uma- often means one's feelings(often a very positive ones),
such as when some food hits the spot, tastes delicious,
or has a good flavour to the extent that you want to shout,
"I love it!", "Very delicious!!" or something like that.
And another meaning is that what's happened is very favorable
to you and you love the situation, so you want to shout,
"It's veeery nice!!", "It couldn't be better!" or what not.
Anyway, both of the usages are slangy, though.
Sorry if I took you wrong.
Think this thread is useful.
I have a question too: what means 「萌える」?
For example the phrase:
kono sure mechamecha houeru.
==> "This confused thread buds." ??
Hmm, that's a tough question to answer,
because 萌える has mistakenly been used online,
especially on 2ch, as a result of which the wrong
usage spread offline in Japan.
So I believe the online usage of 萌える is hard to find
in the Japanese dictionaries, let alone in the ones
for Japanese learners.
Anyway, 萌える originally(rightly) means burgeon.
But as you see, we use that word to express our feelings,
for instance, "I love sth because it's very pretty/cute/
interesting". it's used very humorously.
You don't want to say it when people are serious.
Note: this expression also implies sexuality (also humorous).
Did I make myself clear?
And let me make a comment on your sample sentence.
First 萌える is pronounced moeru.
The sencence makes me think he/she loved the thread
to the extent they were highly motivated/
horribly haunted to keep posting on it/reading it,
because the thread was extremely to their taste.
And I'm sorry they sound not well-educated to me if
they often use 萌える (of course, I know they may be
just kidding, though).
Sorry to post three times in a row, but
I think it's better to explain about one more word(めちゃめちゃ)
so that you can understand the sentence more clearly.
So めちゃめちゃ is used mainly in three ways(all of them very slangy).
A) (as an adverb) really, extremely, all too, or something like that
Sample:"めちゃめちゃ良い" means "really good"
B) (as an adjective)(in head)confused, deluded, messed up, etc.
Sample:"頭の中がめちゃめちゃだ" means "I'm confused"
C) (as an adjective)(about things such as a place), littered with sth, in disorder, messed up, etc.
Sample:"部屋がめちゃめちゃだ" means "My room is messed up".
Thank you very much.
I'll translate the sentence as "This excellent thread is hot."
Context: magical.m0ds.jp/futaba/uma/imgboard.htm
(Replace m0ds with mods. Sorry, that one particular link is still in a spam database @ http://wakaba.c3.cx/antispam/ - I took it out, but it still needs to be updated on here)
Your explanation does make sense anyway, thanks for that. I just can't come up with a single English term that would be equivalent to it, though.
My next question: what means「ブッチギリ」?
ee . bucchigiri desu !
Where did you take the sample from, anyway?:)
As an adjective, ブッチギリ sounds to me
very informal and a bit old (sometimes humorous),
meaning "going farther than the point that others expect", "winning sth such as a race completely", "doing something far better than expected", "dominant" or whatever.
The point is, you can use ブッチギリ
when you do something far too enough so
nobody can catch up with you and they are left far behind.
I hear the expression, such as when a marathon runner
wins a race a minute or two before another runner is finished:
And it's usually used in a affirmative way like
I said above.
If you use ブッチギリ in a negative way, however,
you're very sarcastic.
A sample context: if your friends and
you watch a baseball game together and
your favarite team is beaten by 10-0 and you get very mad
at and derogatory to the team, you can say to your friends(who
may love the opposite team), "今日はブッチギリで負けたよ".
Sounds great!
You're very concise and to the point!
If I were a good translater, I could think up expressions
that sound natural to English-speaking people.
All I can do is explain wordily.
>Where did you take the sample from, anyway?:)
It's from siokara.ath.cx/sio/res/1108881907478g.htm
Post No.289994.
What does レロレロ mean? (rero/relo/lelo/lero?)
Dizzy? Drunk? Head is spinning?
You guessed right.
I guess it comes from this expression ろれつが回らない, meaning
somebody got so drunk that they don't pronunce clearly or
what they say makes no sense.
And レロレロ may sound like "dedo dedo" in English.
I mean the "Flap T sound" like ta in 'wha"t a"re you doing?'.
Thanks. I'll use "inarticulated speech" for my translation. Or maybe "mumble-mumble".
Don't mention it.
I'd say "mumble-mumble" suits the manga, because レロレロ is what's called a imitative word.
What' 『マジか』?
that was an answer, not a question
Are you kidding?
It stands for commercial on TV:"C"o"M"mercial.
Thank you very much, that was also what I thought.
Another question: What does マジ or マジレス mean?
Also I'd like to know what "コラ" means (in combination with other words).
-a serious response
or more practically,
-a naively straightforward reply to a joke post
> -a serious response
> or more practically,
> -a naively straightforward reply to a joke post
That makes sense. How to translate this into a phrase of two or less words, though?
> -"photo-shopped"
I guessed as much.
Thank you once again!
BTW, that one thread in /music/ reminds me... What's 電波? I've figured out from the context that it probably means some altered state of mind like being drunk or in trance. Wondering if that's right, though...
I don't know in what context 電波 was used, but if you are referring to the specific online usage, you're almost right. If someone says something silly/ridicurous/over-the-top, sticks to it and never adopts to more acceptable one, then we often refer to them as if harmful radiowave. Note: 電波 means radiowave in Japanese.
I don't know if these are subsculture-specific terms, but what do うまろ and マターリ (or マタリー) mean? I see them all the time on the 2ch boards I read.
Also, this is a very late response but 萌え also means "to have a crush on" someone.
マターリ is very informal, used alomst all the time only online, meaning being laid back. On the other hand, I have no idea what うまろ means, though. I guess it was a typo, or someone just tried to spread it, but it still has not been acceptable to most of us even if you see it often.
Good thread. Now can I ask the following:
Why is this on the main site? What is Gangare?
Why is this used instead of neko?
Is this something ilke "thanks"? (osu?)
Desu-tane? Is it something like "overdone/cliche"? I've seen it used a lot in anime circles.
Ripoff? Hackjob?
gangare = ganbare(no meaning on 2ch local)
nuko = neko(no meaning on 2ch local)
乙 = おつかれさま(2ch local))
パクリ = Violation of writing or Unauthorized copying , etc..(not hack)
乙 = zzZZZzz ?
乙(おつ) = おつかれさま(not sleep)
Oh, okay. Thank your for explaining.
おつかれさま doesn't mean not sleep, but it means "Thanks for the hard work" (Otsukare-sama)
I was always wondering about desu-tane. Thank you soooo much 119!
Does 'tanasinn' mean 'harbl'?
No, yes, no and no.
Don't think. Feel and you'll be tanasinn.
Most of us have the "Don't think." part down pat.
尻穴貸してやって Is this another one of those kanji-swapping things?
and it seems like a lot of Japanese refer to John from Ask John as ジョン妻 (John-tsuma) WHY?!
Never mind, they were not referring to John when they kept barking John-tsuma John-tsuma. But someone explain the first thing pls kthx.
I keep seeing 池沼, and it's usually used to refer to idiots/dim-witted people/slow people/mentally retarded people
My question is, why?
And how is it read, chishou or ikenuma?
知的障害 -> 知障(ちしょう) -> 池沼(ちしょう)
THANK YOU so much! Really, thanks.
Is that how uyosayo comes out? And does it refer to idiots who bring politics and off-topic discussions into threads? Or does it mean trolls (people who like to provoke others and create arguments)
does anyone know where (ry originated from? just like how DQN is originated from a show.
I think it's short form for 略 (ryaku) which means omission
When 略 is pronounced "hobo", it means "or summat". So they're simply abbrievating the wrong pronunciation. oh 2ch
ryaku = noun & hobo = adverb
nobody pronounces "hobo" in this case. シッタカ
Please note that a lot of (online) vocabulary is now covered here:
Here's another one
When you say you're sick of something or tired of something (e.g. anime) you say 飽きた (akita) but a common kanji 'misconversion' is 秋田
also, another one is アフォ for アホ (cos of the f/h thing)
English idioms are very interesting but I sometimes encounter so mysterious ones I have no idea where the meanings come from. I looked up "Go the whole hog" in my learners' dictionary and found it meant "do something completely/thoroughly" or something like that. And I also looked up hog in it. The dictionary said it meant pig. But it was hard for me to understand why going the whole hog(pig) meant doing something thoroughly. Could you explain it, please?
To be honest, I've never heard the phrase "Go the whole hog" in my life. If you said it to an American, they probably wouldn't understand you.
But I agree, many english idioms can be very confusing.
Thanks for your information. I didn't know it wasn't used in the US. In Japan, both English and American must be mixed up. I couldn't figure out which is which, though...
Someone answer >>137
>>149 Thank you!!
キティ 基地外
きちがい 気違い
魚竿 うおさお うおうさおう 右往左往
土人 どじん どうじん 同人 同人誌
I am English and I have heard this expression before. It's quite old fashioned, and you wouldn't hear 'city/rich' younger people saying it, but more 'country/rural' people may well use it.
The expression apparently was made popular by an American political campaign which used it as a catchphrase: it referred to butchers at the time (1820s) asking customers if they wanted 'the whole hog' or just part of the pig.
Interesting web translation play from E to J , J to E , and so on.
from E to J from J to E from E to J again
・Go the whole hog → 全ブタは 行く → All cover goes → カバーすべては行く
・ whole hog → 全ブタ → All cover → すべては覆う(subete ha oou)
※ブタ→ 豚(pig,hog), 蓋(cover,lid) , I have not heard this word(全ブタ). lol(藁)lol
*Exite Translation
from E to J from J to E from E to J again
・Go the whole hog → とことんまで やってください。→ Please go the whole way.→とことん までやってください。
・whole hog → 徹底的に(tetteiteki ni) →To a thorough target →徹底的な目標に(tetteiteki na mokuhyou ni)
Excite and Babelfish always have very amusing translations... The thing is they don't cover less common expressions like 'go the whole hog' so it won't translate that into "going the whole way".
Translation of >>151 :
キティ (kiti/kitty) 基地外 (kichigai [wrong kanji - means outside of base])
きちがい (kichigai - hiragana) 気違い (kichigai [correct])
Kichigai means crazy.
魚竿 (uosao - fish rod, not a real word iirc) うおさお (uosao - hiragana)
うおうさおう (uousaou - hiragana) 右往左往 (uousaou - moving about in confusion)
尻 (shiri - means butt)
Refers to serial (シイラル - SHIRIaru)
ダウソ (dauso)
Refers to download (ダウンロード download -> ダウン down (short form) -> ダウソ dauso (common miswriting of n -> so cause they look similar*)
[*- another example is すみません→すまん→スマン→スマソ]
目欄 (meran - means eye column)
Refers to the 'column' for email (ran = column sort of thing). You know, the blank space in any form where you put it in (thus "Email:").
It should be メール欄 or something like that, but obviously the "me" in "meran" is referring to "me" in "me-ru (mail)".
キチガイ(気違い kichigai)
Basicaly the word "キチガイ" is one of the "放送禁止用語=Broadcasting prohibition term" in Japan.
But the other day the former Minister of Finance Shio-ji(塩ジイ=塩川正十郎)) used this word on TV.show.(藁
γ'',, '''…、
〆.' ' ̄'' ヽヽ http://gazo05.chbox.jp/news-movie/src/1113731563345.wmv
. i;;i' 'i;i
.i;;;i' u .i; TV.staffs wanted to stop him in vain.
.i;:/ ..二_ヽ '_二`,::
l''l~.{..-‐ }- {.¬....}l'l
ヽ| .`ー '. `ー ´|/
| ノ、l |,ヽ .ノ
ヽ~(、___, )ノ < Kichigai Kichigai Kichigai
/|.ヽ..__ ___/|
/l \ //l\
ヽ \/ /
*Other expressions Kichigai in 2ch.
iヽ、 | nヽ.
ノn -─‐-'^.! '
/ /_.>ェ_ヽ
/ `\_丿 i
/ G; ,っ |
-‐+--./ _,,, .--- |
ニキ=! (つ ==ニー ノ
ヽ `-┴--' / <I'm not a Kitty Guy.
\_ ,!、
__j、 _,,.-‐'/ /ヽ、
,イ i' ``====‐''" / / ヽ.
/ .| | / / ,,.--、. i
l-‐‐|└─────┘| |
LOL. Kitty guy...
So I suppose Kichigai is the equivalent of "retard" in English?
what means グダグダ/GUDAGUDA?
I see it used in blogs, maybe it means "rambling"?
Yeah, you're right.
If someone's talkings are rambling and not understandable, you will feel the talkings are "グダグダしている" in Japanese.
If something that has to be done is left unfinished or ends up in an anticlimax, some of us also use it to imply that it should've been done earlier. Note: the word often expresses one's irritation if someone speaks against other people.
Well, I feel this expression is very slangy/informal, though.
How does "retard" sound to native speakers? Very offensive? I couldn't translate it correctly, but from my point of view, people use Kichigai to attack verbally perverts and trolls, especially in 2ch.
>>158 Thanks.
Does the word have an origin?
Maybe a combination of ぐずぐず (or ぐちゃぐちゃ) and だらだら?
“グダグダ” is Adverb(副詞) which is used mainly with the verb such as "Write" and "Speak".
And it means too much redundancy for others.
For hearing or reading side, グダグダ speech or sentences is not what other than boredom.
Synonym is "ウダウダ(uda uda)"
Maybe "グダグダ"'s original style was "クタクタ(kuta kuta)"
"クタクタ"=It seems to have been exhausted.
Both クタクタ and グダグダ are possible to use it for the expression that shows the conditions
of the body in the same meaning(fatigue). But "クタクタ" is not used for above mentioned case.
*Because my specialty is not a Japanese grammar, 100% cannot be guaranteed.
>>161 Thanks, I like your explanation.
Insted of <<156
If you say to the other, "You are Kichigai", it is the same as the "Declaration of the War".
But originally this word"キチガイ(気違い)"contains not so much bad(offensive) words.
In this case, 気(ki) means not a air, but Mind. 違う(chigau) means different, then キチガイ
means "Different minded (person)."
This word becomes "Broadcasting prohibition term"now, but old person uses as a nomal word
such as 「キチガイ病院」=Mental Hospital(Hospital with Iron-barred window).
The meaning of the word changes in the age passing.
As you know, there are many Personal pronouns in Japanese. Nomally the second personal
pronoun(You) is used as 貴方(anata) or 君(kimi) in Japanese, but with use these words it does
not start quarre or fight.
In this case(quarre or fight),we have to use different Personal pronouns,貴様(kisama) or お前
(Omae). Those second personal pronouns are very vulgar word now in Japan. Nevertheless,
I beleave that more than 500years ago these word was very porite and elegant words.
・貴様=貴(Nobility)+様(Polite Additions )=Noble you ←original meanings
・お前=御前[様]=御(Polite Additions )+前(in front of me)+様(Polite Additions )
=Noble you who stay before me ←original meanings
*お前(Omae) is vulgar word now ,but お前様 or お前さん is still polite ward (you will find this
word in Period (adventure) drama.
*The public place and the person who is not well known you do not have to use貴様(kisama)
or お前(Omae), but in the intimate friend it will be no problem to use it
A littele bit similar to the usage of German Sie and Du.
If you finid the word 「喪前(momae)」 in 2ch. this is the intentional mistake of 「お前(omae)」
same as「漏れ(more)」⇒「俺(ore)」
Wow, thanks for the interesting posts.
As for 'retard' it's quite an offensive word still. Unlike 'bastard' and 'idiot', when people use 'retard' it seems that they're more likely to be serious. So if you hear someone calling you 'retard' it's more likely they mean it rather than just being 'friendly'.
And I've heard Kisama and Omae... how offensive is "temee" then? てめー
It is just as bad.
・テメエ/テメー(Temee ,Te may) is also offensive word for 2nd person pronoun(You).
In 2ch world(or in the Manga),it sometimes changes to チメー(Chimee, Chi may).
I think the word テメエ is changed from てまえ(手前 te mae).
手前(te mae)is old polite(euphemism) expression of " I ". 手前=this side
There might be a question ,“Why dose it change "I (Te mae)" to "you(Te mee)"”
Unfortunatly I am not a linguist.
I can find the same changes in Osaka diarect.
・ワレSynonyms(considerably offensive) of 貴方(you) in Osaka area.
ワレ(wa re), Basically ワレ(我/吾)=我(we)/吾( I ) means "We or I".
exmp.of Osaka style expression (please try to translate these)
* こらゴミ!ワレはあちこちで悪臭を漂わすな!迷惑じゃ!この生ゴミが!
* 臭いんじゃ!ワレ!迷惑なんじゃ!ワレ!ひっこんどれや!
* ワレは何を聞いとったんや!!(激怒)
* ワレはコンビニやスーパーで値切るんか?(爆)
[ワレ(wa re)=you] is only popular in Osaka area or in the Yakuza Manga.
・自分(Ji bun)
nomally 自分 means " I "but in Osaka area , this means sometime different (You).
One day when I was in Osaka I was asked from Osaka natives.
Osaka "自分は何処の出身か? "Where am I come from?"
I "貴方の出身地を私は知りません"I don't know where you come from"
In this case,I had to translate the word 自分( I ) to ⇒貴方(you)
Then his question meaned "Where are you come from"
The expression that the meaning becomes opposite by the region is an embarrassed
thing even for Japanese.
*Old expression of "You" which is only find in Histrical (Samurai) Drama/Manga.
・ヌシ(nu shi) original meaning ヌシ=主(master).
・ウヌ(u nu ) offensive I dont know this origin.
・貴殿(ki den) very polite (貴=Nobility)+(殿=Lord)=you ・貴公(Ki kou same as 貴殿)
↑Antonym of 貴殿 is 拙者(setsu sha) (拙=inferior)+(者=person)= I
>>166 Thank you very much for the informative post!
Now I want to ask, what is 中田氏して (nakata-shi shite) and 四様/4様 (yon-sama)
oh, you mean 中出しして"nakadashi shite" maybe? XD
> I think here is no more than just one "Chu-Bo" who is attacking you.
> You must ignore an "Aori".
> This is one of the most basic social rule in 2ch.
> If you don't know that rule, you are the silly one.
What is "Chu-Bo"? What is "Aori"?
Please explain!
nomally chu-bou means, Chu bou=厨房(kitchin) , but there is Homonym
Chu bou= 中坊 = 中学生坊主(junior highschool kids)
⇒net初心者(Beginner who don't knou net rules)≒DQN
Shou bou=消防(Fire fighting)⇒小坊=小学生坊主(elementaly school kids)⇒ worse than Chu bou
Kou bou =工房(Atelier)⇒高坊=高校生坊主(senior high school kids)⇒a little better than Chu bou
Pse imagine from followings
the chinease charactor "煽(sen) is consist of 火(fire)+扇(fan)
therefore "煽"= to strength the thermal power , add a fue etc.
煽動(sen dou)=Agitation
煽動者(sendou sha)=Firebrand
simply, chu-bo means a brat, aori means a flame, i guess
I sometimes see 「ホロン部乙。」 in threads about Korea.
Now, I know 「乙」 means something like "thx" (thanks) but what does the rest mean?
I assume it has to do something with emulating "warota" in Korean?
「ホロン部乙」means 「ホロン部の工作員の方、お疲れさん」
>>178 事故レス
I don't understand the "holon part" thing...
but I get the gist, I think. 「ホロン部乙」 means a (Korean or foreign) "agent" in Japan who tries to disrupt the general conduct by posting foolish slander about Japan - right?
ホロン部(horon bu) means 滅ぶ(horo bu=be ruined,fall).
A Korean agent tried to type "nihon ha horobu"(日本は滅ぶ), but he typed "nihon ha horonbu"(日本はホロン部) by mistake.
Since then 2CHANNELers call Korean agents "ホロン部".
So, ホロン部 makes no sense in itself.
Interesting, thank you.
That's something like -shiru instead of -shiro, right? Apology juice!
>>184 I kow you can read the Japanese.
反省しる おじさん⇒金泳鎭【キムヨンジン】 minister of Korea
|::|::::| ||:||:||:||:||:||:| |::::|::|
台 |::::| !!:!!:!!:!!:!!:!!:! |::::| 台
_ __.iェェェ:|;;;;|二二二二二|;;;;|:ェェェi.___
.... |:::,-、::[.__[((〜.)()(.〜))].__]:: ,-、:::|
__ . |:::IIII :|:::┌┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┬┐:::|:: IIII:::|_____
[]|::|[]|:::「」 :|:::││││││││││::.|:::「」 ::||[]|:::|[]|:::|[
[]|::|[]|:::「」 :|:::││││││││││::.|:::「」 ::||[]|:::|[]|/
|;;||..__..|___|..│││┌─────┐__ ...:::||__|:;;|./"⌒
¬¬:::|::::::::|./. ┴┴┴..| 日本は |.:i::::::::|¬¬;;;(, ..
....ニニ三三三三三三三| . 反省しる! |_三三ニニ−
. .... ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧_∧ . ̄.└──┬──┘ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
<丶`Д´> 彡 ⌒ ミ .||<`Д´ >
/~ヽつ つ < #.`Д´>||と と ヽ
(⌒' ノ ) ( //つ (⌒(⌒ )
〈_フ(_フ (__Y__) <_<_〉
Today I learned that 暴打ホォン and 剛田フォン ... is actually Vodaphone ボーだフォン
( ゚д゚)<Vodafone
Shi-! Monamoto Sakura?! Gikoberos?! Daitouji Monayo?!
another one:
I see that there is still confusion over what 801 stands for on http://4-ch.net/2chportal/
801 stands for YAOI (やおい). I don't know exactly about the origins of the term, but I figure it has something to do with
や(つ)、や(っつ) = 8
零/〇 (or zerO?) = 0
いち、いつ = 1
By the way, people, let's help out with correcting or coming up with appropriate board titles for http://4-ch.net/2chportal/ - the ones that still need attention have a question mark ("?") next to them. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
( ´д)ヒソ(´д`)ヒソ(д` )
WHat's "hiso"? Is it a misspelling of "hin"?
hiso hiso = whisper whisper
コソコソ is a mimetic sound doing something out of sight.
シーン is a mimetic sound that something is not heard.
I think そ行 sound is often used for a state of hidden.
What means をいをい/woiwoi?
orz? ^_^;? マジか?
Is it a combination of わい/wai+おい/oi?
「をぃ、をぃ」 is mere a character play(Joke). Of course, formally is 「おい、おい」
I dont't know the ancent Japanese grammar, but in present Japanese
there is nothing that 「を」comes to TOP of sentences ,being used only
as a Postpositional particle(助詞=jyoshi).
*助詞(jyoshi)is no relation with 腐女子(fu jyoshi)
There is often using the expression that cannot be in BBS and speach bubbles in Manga similarly.
・「あ゛っ!」、 「い゛っ!」
おいおい means "Hey, Hey".
It have a nuance that "Hey, wait for it! you said/doing something improper"
>>198 Thanks.
What means ズッポリ/zuppori?
Complete? Full? End?
焦ったのがいけなかったのか、シナリオの分岐点が見つからずズッポリはまった。そりゃもうズッポリ6時間 (泣)。
And from which word/verb does "Zuppori" come from?
'ri' at the end of an onomatopoeia turns it into an adverb (sort of like -ly in English)
ずぽずぽ + り = ずっぽり (deeply)
ひそひそ + り = ひっそり (quietly)
こそこそ + り = こっそり (secretly)
>>202 I see. Thanks!
What means ゴリゴリ/gorigori?
Force? Energy? Power? Vigor?
And from where does ゴリ/gori come from?
"ゴリゴリ(gori gori) " → Synonym "コリコリ(kori kori) gori gori>kori kori
I thought "gorigori" and "korokori" are only onomatopoeic word which came from
the appearance with hard touch (stiffness).
Word that repeats the same sound is called 繰り返し語(畳語) .in Japan.
*繰り返し語(畳語) =kurikaeshi go (jou go) → repeatedly a word
>And from where does ゴリ/gori come from?
This question is very difficult in reality.
Perhaps, it is likely to have to go back even to the origin of "Repeatedly a word " in Japanese.
As I am not a linguist (only an engineer), I searched the web site about this and found this.
I hope that you have a good translation soft wear.
The site explained comparatively politely with Japanese repeatedly word dictionaly.
∧_∧ / このサイトには ホルホル (horu horu)の
<丶`∀´> < 事が書かれていないニダ!
( ) \ >>205 に謝罪と賠償を(ry
| | |
>>205 Thank you very much!
>>205 <丶`∀´>Nida san about 「ホルホル(horu horu)」
We often see the scene in 2ch.AA(s-JIS) that Nida-san is satisfactory loughing "ホルホル".
The word "Horu horu" is neither Chinese, Korean nor English.
"Horu horu" is neither Korean nor English.
It originates in the name of the game software that was at the dawn of the personal computer in Japan.
The game software of the name "ディグダグ(Dig dag)" was put on the market from namco in 1982 for Fujitsu
PC FM7 & 8 (Dig dug is still sold in the market.)
Immediately, the game software "Horu horu" was put on the market from a certain soft house (1982).
Japanese translation of "Dig dug" means 「掘る(horu)掘る(horu)」.
As you can understand from the name ,this was the plagiarized game software.
The same act which was done by a certain neighboring country people was called "Horu Horu"by some
net persons in Japanese.. It has changed into Mr. Nidar's laughter while time passes why.
Quotation :
Pubulisher Minmei-shobou "Peninsula person Five thousand years of Paku-ri Culture"
As I am not good at English, I describes above in Japanese.
1982年に富士通のFM7、8用にNamcoから「dig dug(ディグダグ)」と言う名前のゲームソフトが発売
「ディグダグ(Dig dug)」は日本語に直すと「掘る(ほる)、掘る(ほる)」です。
出典: 民明書房刊 「半島人半万年の朴李文化」より
Very useful thread. What is 'merupo'? 2ch people often use it as their ID. Is it Japanese for 'anonymous'?
Also, is there a famous anime/Japanese show where people scream, "UNIVEEEEERSE!" Because there are many AA characters screaming "universe" on the 2ch Phantasy Star Universe thread.
You missed the joke of 民生書房.
hol hol is true Korean.
(チョソン語) (日本語訳)
キックキックキック =クスクスクス
キキキ =キャッキャッキャッ
キャキャキャ (嘲笑)
キョキョキョ (嘲笑)
クヘルヘルヘル (化け物や魔女の笑い声)
民明書房(Minmei shobou)、 民明書房刊(published by Minmei shobou)
*Minmei shobou
The most notorious publisher to affect good-natured boys in Japan negatively for 30years.
A lot of boys went to the bookstore in the town to order the book on this publisher, and
coming home being gotten angry from the bookstore.
PTA specified the book on this publisher for harmful books is a thing no need to say.
However, the manga男塾(=otoko juku)in whichi many a thing is quoted from this publisher
is very popular among Taiwan.
Even Mr. Li Teng-hei(李登輝)who is former Generalissimo in Taiwan did the costume play of
this manga's hero Heihachi Etajima(江田島 平八)
,r'"´丿ヽ ̄`ヽ、
/ ,r;:;:、 ⌒ ,ィ;:!
/ ,イ;:;:;;:;::ゞ、 i ,r;:;:;:,、j
_」 ,′'´r ェェ-、 j;:イェェ、l、 >>210
/ ゝ,イ j `ヽ`"´.::;; ト、"´ ヾi / If you could not jump to above
! ,イl〈〈 ,ィjハノ。 。,j、、,,. l < Mr. Li's costume play picture,
| Y」 i; ,r'´r-、ニニニ = i! ,/ ヽ altanatives are bellows
! ,' / ,イ,ゞ-j!ーi!ーl-{ i! |
,>,イ ,! i/ ,! il,!
/.:.:/ i .,' / -‐' "´ ̄ ̄``、ハヽ
/.:.:/ | ,' / ‐'´ ̄ ̄`ヽ
j ,!
/.:.:.:.:i l ゝ、 ,:;' ヽ ー' /ヽ
_,,,/.:i|.:.:.:.:.:.:| ゙、 ,:' /.:.:.:\_
_,ィ´.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:i|.:.:.:.:.:.:| `ゝ、. : . : . : . : . : . : ./.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.`ヽ___
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:i|.:.:.:.:.:.:| i ``ー 、.:.:.:.,、-‐,イ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:i|.:.:.:.:.:.:| l  ̄ //.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:
What exactly is JISAKU JIEN?
JISAKU JIEN - used to refer to the action of pretending to be multiple persons online or the person(s) who do so. Usually easily uncovered by looking at the cryptcode ID of the posts.
I actually wanted an explanation by a native speaker and
not the copypasted definition I wrote myself in that other thread...
An English one, smartypants
As I said, I wrote that definition MYSELF.
Pay attention and contribute helpful replies or just don't reply at all, please.
What is ほすぃ
(2)[AA] キャラ「(・∀・)」の通称。
AA、(・∀・)ジエンクン、(・∀・)ネニチリーン など。
You did a good job!
>>224-225 are Jisaku Jien by 223
Yesterday I went to Yoshinoya, the most famous beef bowl chain in Japan.
There were so many people that I couldn't sit in the counter.
Then, I happened to see the billboard that said,"Discount \150"
Were the Yoshinoya staff fool or crazy?
Hey, you, the not so frequent comers in Yoshinoya, don't come to Yoshinoya attracted by the "discount \150"!
It seemed that the four people were a family. The family in Yoshinoya! Were they serious?
The father said I would order Tokumori, the biggest size in the shop. I was embarrassed to see you!
Make room for me, and I will give you \150.
Yoshinoya should be barbarous. It should have the situation in which quarrels with the person across the U-designed table,
killing with knives.
I like the situations. Women and children, don't come there!
I could sit at last! Hearing what the person next to me, he or she said, "Oomori-tuyu-daku please", which meant a large serving and a large amount of sauce, please.
This went out of fashion now. Be careful, a fool!
You ordered Oomori-tuyu-daku proudly, did you?
I want to continue to discuss that you really want to eat Oomori-tuyu-daku, well, for one hour!
Do you want ONLY to say Tuyu-daku ?
From the Yoshinoya expert's point, the more fashionable order between Yoshinoya experts is Negi-daku, a large amount of leeks.
Oomori-negi-daku, many Negis and a little beef, is most fashionable.
The most powerful order is Oomori-Gyoku-daku, a large amount of eggs
I don't want to persuade this to amateurs because you would be watched from the next visit to Yoshinoya.
In short, because you would be in a double-edged situation.
You had better eat a set lunch of Gyu-zyake, a set lunch of beef and a part of salmon.
What does "sarashi" mean?
as in
晒す expose
晒し exposure
オhル =おわっとる = おわってる だよね?
心配しなんでください。私たちは全人生にも多分日本人と会えないんだろう... 突然フツーの日本人に「orz」とか言ってはしないんだろう
今日のシンプルトリビア: The anime Bleach is usually written in short on 2ch as 鰤 (buri) coming from the katakana ブリーチ (buriichi) which is "Bleach". 鰤 is a type of fish.
363の訳のほうが (゚Д゚ )ウマー
他にもdj、ありがd とかね。
What's "ksk" mean?
ksk = KaSoKu = 加速(Acceleration)
What's g?
It's not a kanji, isn't it?
How do I type it?
When I input it into Google no hits appear, it behaves like an invisible character. Yes I know I can google for リットル, but it's g I'm curious about. I guess it's an unicode symbol?
Google seems to be not to correspond to the reduction unit characters.
1リットル=1g =1l = One Litter = 1000cm^3
If you are using IME, it is possible to put it out , only tying "リットル" ⇒"g"
Other reduced unit characters are possible also in same manner.
b=m(メートル) 、c=g(グラム)、`c=kg(キログラム)、d=t(トン)
You can make the idioms by combining these reduced characters
for exmp.
>>242 Thanks!
>>243 you must said アリガd in this situation...
warata w
I'm sorry in a slow response.
Little chin-chin (=Little penis)
by the way, `_ (君 ロリ?)
It's looks like ○○.
It's sounds like ○○.
It's tastes like ○○.
also, -ish, -like, -ly, -esqul...
こどもっぽい = childish, childlike
おとこっぽい = mannish, manly
ピカソっぽい絵 = a Picassoesque picture
sorry. not "-esqul", but " -esque".
wktk: An abbreviation of "wakuwaku tekateka (ワクワクテカテカ)" roughly translates to "storked" or "excited".
kwsk: Abbreviation of "Kuwashiku (詳しく)". "Details Please".
sneg: Abbreviation of "sore nante eroge? (それなんてエロゲ?)" Translates to "What's the name of the hentai game?" Used to insult serious poster.
1 形や状態を変えること。また、その形や状態。
2 普通の状態と違うこと。異常な、または病的な状態。
3 性的倒錯があって、性行動が普通とは変わっている状態。変態性欲。
4 動物で、幼生から成体になる過程で形態を変えること。おたまじゃくしがカエルに、蛹(さなぎ)がチョウになるなど。
5 植物で、根・茎・葉などが本来の形から変化し、著しく異なる形態をとること。葉がとげとなるなど。
6 同じ化学組成で物理的性質の異なる物質の状態。温度変化などによって生じることが多い。単体の場合には同素体という。転位。
>>258 "storked"? What does that mean?
Thanks for all the explanations of 2ch slang!
welcome welcome!
Thank you bell mark
What does 「マシ」mean?
relatively good
And see also:
Ouah le forum de Densho otoko O_O
What does IV mean if it's not referring to idol videos?
I don't know what IV means, but a quick search on the web shows that these files are archives created by a kind of worm, which live in the share network.
Oh, so that's what it is! I guess my computer ain't infected, though, because I haven't gotten that first error message. It wouldn't matter if that worm infected it either, because that computer's sole purpose is to use Share.
Dear Saori
I hope you enjoyed your time in australia. we will miss you very much and don't forget to e-mail me. i enjoyed your company and so did my friends.come back so to vist as at msj collage. Enjoy yourself and your gift today.
love addy
Hello, I have a question. What's the origin of BackBeard? It's a giant floating eyeball monster that's posted whenever lolicon is posted. Where is it originally from? Thank you.
It's from a horror manga by some famous dude. Originally, Backbeard didn't have anything to do with lolicon, but some toshiaki photoshopped in "KONO RORIKON DOMOME" on a panel, and Futaba took it from there.
ktkr=キタコレ... nseg=何そのエロゲー...
>>280 Wasn't it from "Gegege no kitaro"? (that manga)
.. / /||___|^ l
おっ(^ω^ )//|| |口| |ω^ ) おっ
. ./(^(^ .//||...|| |口| |c )
... / // ||...|| |口| ||し
..... おっ(^ω^ ) //.... ||...|| |口| ||
/(^(^ // .... .||...|| |口| ||
"" :::'' |/ |/ '' " ::: ⌒ :: ⌒⌒⌒ :: "" `
:: ,, ::::: ,, ; ̄ ̄ ̄ "、 :::: " ,, , ::: " :: " ::::
Well, probably something like this. Because they are 2-channelers.
You seem 2ch expert.
I have a question about 2-channel.
Check your mailbox.
逝ってよし=立ち去れ、get away(行って良し)
it means "slowly" or "sluggishly"
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
"I have arrived!"
>>291 lol
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
is an egzaggerated form of 「キター!」,
combined with a crazy face "(゚∀゚)"
キタ=kita=(来た)=(came/ has come). =
someone you've been waiting for has arrived ,
something you've been expected has happened , or
something beyond your expectation occured
When your favourite baseball player hits a
homerun , you can express your joy and surprise by
"キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ "
instead of
Doesn't "Uma" also mean "Horse"?
I'll introduse some HOT Online Idioms!
I'm grad if you point out my English mistakes.
JK (Jyoshi Kousei;女子高生) = Female senior high school student
JC (Jyoshi Chyugakusei;女子中学生) = Junior high girl
KY (Kuuki Yomenai:空気読めない) = Someone who can't manage the situation well.
"grad" == glad.
"introduse" == introduce
女子高生=highschool girls
空気が読めない=can't read the atmosphare
300 get
Someone tell me what インピオ means other than a misspell of インポ (impotence). What's the significance? Is it supposed to be an insult? Who the hell cares? Kids are a nuisance. Or is it a reference to sth else?
I've seen a lot of "ちょww" on nicovideo. Could someone explain that one?
I'd like to know more about the emotes, and what exactly they mean. For instance (;´Д`)'`ァ'`ァ means fapping, right? And (´・ω・`) is shy?
(´・ω・`) my name is "syobon", means Lonesomely.
インピオ is nothing more than typo of インポ. I think impotence is worth insulting term. Doesn't it work in English?
Anyway, to be exact, they insult the one who mispelled it when they use インピオ.
ちょww is an abbreviation of ちょっと待て(笑). Literally, ちょっと待て is Wait a minute! or Hold it!. In this situation, Hey(, don't make me laugh/this is hysterical)! lolol.
Other emocons are,
(=゚ω゚)ノ Yo!
(´ι _` )disregard
Σ(゚Д゚;≡;゚д゚) surprised and gaze around
( ゚Д゚)⊃旦 (´∀`)つ□ tea is ready
щ(゚Д゚щ) C'mon!
(((((((( ;゚Д゚))))))) shake like a leaf
(゚ε゚) I don't care.
(ヽ゚д)ヽ give me
(*゚ー゚) happy
(´-`).。oO(I wonder why...)
( ̄ー ̄) defiant laugh
(-_-) hikikomori
ヽ(`Д´)ノ pissed
( ゚д゚) stunned
( ´ー`)y-~~ relax
┐(゚〜゚)┌ shrug
(・へ・)no good
\(゚∀゚)/ cheer
( ^∀^)laugh derisively
ヽ(`Д´)ノ self-despair
ガ━━ΣΣ(゚Д゚;)━━ン shock
<丶`∀´> nida
(▼Д▼メ) mafia
φ(。。)I should take a note
= "lol game over" kind of
キムタク says ちょww,ちょww待てよ!very often in dramas.
I say ちょwwwおまwww in my dreams a lot :(
that, and 工エエェェ(´д`)ェェエエ工
Sorry I mistaken bombing.
This reply is late coming, but マジレス might be translated well by an acronym used on alt.religion.kibology back in the day: "YHBT", for "you have been trolled." Expanded often to "YHBT, YHL, HAND." which continues "you have lost. have a nice day."
We don't have clever words to refer to troll victims, though.
Can someone explain to me exactly what the hell is so funny about いいえ、ケフィアです。
What situation do people use it in? I watched the original CM and still don't get it.
Okay, this took me really long, but after being brainwashed by 2059309029409 videos on niconico, I think it's fair to say that I simply understand it that when anyone says "This is ________" the joke reply to say "No, it is kefir" (いいえ、ケフィアです。)
[jap stuff]
hay 4-ch sensei i has another question
Why do Japanese refer to "cockroaches" as "G"?
Oh for fuck's sake, why didn't I think before pressing "書き込む". Of course it's because cockroach = "Gokiburi" = "G". Why did I keep thinking cockroach = kokiburi.
×ちょっと頭吊ってくる(Hanging head)
○ちょっと首吊ってくる(Hanging neck)
Also, G is the codename of Golgo13. It sounds really tough.
How many idioms do you understand?
imo you need to know belowing items at least.
Rozen Aso = Taro Aso. Named so because he is known for liking Rozen Maiden.
Fullbokko. I think it means to be beat up rather badly.
Asahiru. Does this have something to do with Asahi Shimbun, which is apparently very sympathetic to Koreans and all things liberal? I know a lot of net-rightwingers hate them.
"This isn't on the level of selling stuff!" I dunno what's so special about this, I only have a vague awareness that the ×○レベルじゃねーぞ is apparently from Gundam or something...?
kawayusu. Another way of saying kawaii. Popularized by Shouko-tan, was it?
gugurekasu. Fucking google it.
Noto kawaii yo Noto. I don't think she's all that cute, but it's been used for many other things... nanoha kawaii yo nanoha
Konmai Quality? Is this a gaming term and does it have something to do with Konami? I don't play games so I dunno. Does it refer to idiotic kid gamers who can't even spell Konami?
Sekai-kei. A "genre" of anime. I can only think of SaiKano, which I disliked.
Mikku-miku. Referring to Hatsune Miku and a famous song utilizing Hatsune Miku called "Mikku-miku ni shite yan yo"... but well it plays on the idiom "bokko-boko ni shite yan yo" meaning "I'll beat it up for you."
Itasha. Cars with decals and other decorations that show off your wonderful otaku taste. However they are painful (itai) to everyone else.
Seichi junrei (Holy pilgrimage?) Going to real-life places that were either featured in anime/games or served as an inspiration/base for locations in anime/games.
Zutto ore no turn (It's always my turn!) Wasn't this spawned from that video of an awful episode of Yugioh where Yugi was pwning HAGAAAAAAA three ways from Thursday? He kept attacking him although he had already won the battle. It's used to imply that something is going to keep going on and on and it isn't going away, I guess.
And now I have a question.
Does 割れ = warez?
> Rozen Aso = Taro Aso. Named so because he is known for liking Rozen Maiden.
To be exact, he had been witnessed reading a manga "Rozen Maiden" in Tokyo International Airport.(Wikipedia)
> Fullbokko. I think it means to be beat up rather badly.
Correct. It's an abbreviation for Full Power de Bokkoboko. Beat up at full power!
> Asahiru. Does this have something to do with Asahi Shimbun, which is apparently very sympathetic to Koreans and all things liberal? I know a lot of net-rightwingers hate them.
Wrong. To fabricate stories (based on alleged behaviour of the Asahi newspaper)
> "This isn't on the level of selling stuff!" I dunno what's so special about this, I only have a vague awareness that the ×○レベルじゃねーぞ is apparently from Gundam or something...?
At the release date of Playstation 3, surging crowd caused panic in front of a game shop in Yurakucho. TV news show shot a guy who was shouting this line, and he became online legend.
> kawayusu. Another way of saying kawaii. Popularized by Shouko-tan, was it?
> gugurekasu. Fucking google it.
Correct. And offen followed by a description of imaginary ancient Roman thinker called Gugurecus.
Gugurecus (date of birth and death unknown) was an ancient Roman thinker born in a city near Albania. His father was a bureaucrat of... blah-blah-blah.
> Noto kawaii yo Noto. I don't think she's all that cute, but it's been used for many other things... nanoha kawaii yo nanoha
No, Noto Mamiko's angelic voice is heavenly cute, seriously. (^^)
> Konmai Quality? Is this a gaming term and does it have something to do with Konami? I don't play games so I dunno. Does it refer to idiotic kid gamers who can't even spell Konami?
Not kid, but Konami themselves made this stupid misspelling in their games. Konmai Quality is used to tell how shitty Konami games are.
> Sekai-kei. A "genre" of anime. I can only think of SaiKano, which I disliked.
It's not only for anime but also all other cultural genres like novel, manga, etc. Usually in storytelling, a hero changes a social structure, and then the society changes the world. However in Sekai-kei, hero changes the world directly without any logical explanation. The most well-known example is Neon Genesis Evangelion. This genre bacame popular after Eva.
> Mikku-miku. Referring to Hatsune Miku and a famous song utilizing Hatsune Miku called "Mikku-miku ni shite yan yo"... but well it plays on the idiom "bokko-boko ni shite yan yo" meaning "I'll beat it up for you."
> Itasha. Cars with decals and other decorations that show off your wonderful otaku taste. However they are painful (itai) to everyone else.
Correct. But itai is not painful in this connection. The nuance is delicate, so I dare not to explain it here. >>325 is also correct.
> Seichi junrei (Holy pilgrimage?) Going to real-life places that were either featured in anime/games or served as an inspiration/base for locations in anime/games.
> Zutto ore no turn (It's always my turn!) Wasn't this spawned from that video of an awful episode of Yugioh where Yugi was pwning HAGAAAAAAA three ways from Thursday? He kept attacking him although he had already won the battle. It's used to imply that something is going to keep going on and on and it isn't going away, I guess.
Correct. Often associated with the card Berserker Soul as well as Yugi's line "Draw... Moster card!! Draw... Moster card!! (endlessly)" and the heroine's line "Please stop, Yugi! Haga's life is already ZERO!!"
Oh, and about Kawayusu, her nickname is Shokotan, not Shouko-tan.
What about 麺?
What, you seen noodles used in an unusual context?
What do "ktkr" and "wktk" mean?
# "wktk" = Shortened form of waku teku, which is an onomatopoeia for showing anticipation.
# "ktkr" = Another short form for kita kore, which is probably closest to "woot" or something.
I hope this is write.
And if I'm not mistaken, gdgd is short for "gudaguda" which means tedious, drawn-out or sluggish (something along those lines)
I used to be confused for a while thinking it was "gd gd" (gd being short for "good" in English) and wondering why boring things were being called good...
You're not as bad as me, I assumed "wthk" was "what the heck" and "ktkr" short for "knigkt rider"
knigkt rider, lmfao
Thanks for today's chuckle, I admit that's kinda funny even if it might not be true.
K guys, I've been wondering for a while but what's "jk"?
Eg: 韓国でエロ規制したら、さらにレイプ率が上がるだろjk
(from itai news)
I know JK sometimes means "joshi kousei" but in this context what is it?
常識的に考えて → 常考 → jk
For a while now I've been rather curious on the meaning of 石バカ...
It's nothing more than a nickname.
For what?
For an annoying troll-er in 2channel. Maybe his real name is 石原 or something.
石バカ dont have meaning.and it is maybe his original word.
if it have meaning,it is not general^^
Can someone explain ゴミムシ to me?
can you understand this is the rude word,cant you?
Okay, I gots a question.
Internet meme ですね。
Oh I get it! Thanks so much, that was a really informative (and funny link).
I get the impression tacking "全裸で" onto everything is an old gag by now though, and only lives on in "全裸で待機します" because of the uh... delightful image of anime otaku kneeling in seiza position in front of their tv stark naked waiting for their favourite animu to begin
what's an animu?
"animu" is an intentional misspelling of "anime".
Isn't it analogous to アヌメ
thread delivers
sYレにならんしょ <-- any idea how this is read and what it means?
thx! ^^ been encountering that term too much of late
what is おぬぬ?
間違えた orz
oh, bravo, very nice thread!
I've learned so much, so let me share with you some English idioms that you may not understand:
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth"
Don't inspect the quality of a gift, just take it gratefully.
This phrase originates from the practise of inspecting a horse's mouth to determine its quality and health.
"Mind your Ps and Qs."
Behave nicely, and be mindful of your limits.
This originates from when bars used to serve beers in Pints and Quarts (Ps and Qs), a bartender would tell a patron to mind them, so they wouldn't get overly drunk and cause a disturbance.
Question: what does this mean?
Seems like someone mashed the keyboard with Microsoft IME but I see this ever so often, with only slight variation (like q instead of く or missing lp at the end, but the whole thing is basically the same).
As far as I know, "Merupo" refers to Merlin Prismriver from Touhou Youyoumu and a joke on Nurupo. I could be wrong, though.
It is one of those keyboard thingies that turned memetic for no particularly good reason (ever heard of DSFARGEG?). The keys that produce this sequence are qawsedrftgyhujikolp (basically, alternate between the top and middle row of letters on a QWERTY keyboard from left to right). Through a bizarre coincidence, this yields the perfectly readable "fujiko" in the middle, and that, besides the ease of producing the phrase, is probably what sealed its popularity.
メルポ [merupo]
ヌルポ [nullpo]
I think it is only reason that it looks like [nurupo/nullpo].
ggrks means, "Idiot, please search it on Google's site."
Sorry my wrong english.
Another english idiom is " it was a piece of cake" meaning it was very easy to do
there is also a wikipedia page on this
what does it mean?
Never mind, this is on the 2ch portal page already...
It might be interesting to the Japanese in this thread that, in English (especially Britain) the slit/opening in the head of the penis is called the 'jap's eye'.
Typing, blogging; Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, Word, Excel, Powerpoint.
meaw meaw meaw~~~~~DQN
what about テラワロス?
"Finally, the rain stops, and a rainbow appears there" means world peace in knowledge which a Japanese tourist needs.
so many deletes
Delet This
do not spam the Japanese board unless you do it in Japanese!
I am in a certain national university in Japan now.
I help the person who wants to learn Japanese slowly and carefully.
The instruction method supports by a chat, an email.
In the case of meeting hope, I am limited to Japan towards a house.
At first, please talk once.
The rate is 15 dollars for one hour.
Contact information
E-mail: emma.sunshine777@gmail.com
Do you like penis btw?
Well, excuse me on that now,