Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

494 Name: Sorrybutithastobesaid : 2016-06-13 19:02 ID:m0evxpV7


Really? The impression I get is an unhealthy obsession to keep track of their movements.This board is essentially THEO Anons's and Toby but without the Tumblr angle. A TH board where every other post is a version of: "where in the world is Elizabeth Olsen because if she's within 1,000 miles of Hiddleston well that's serious shiz yo!!!". Seriously?

What I am trying to say is, I thought this was a TH board to talk about him/his career not a board about some chick he used to/might still be/never did but whatever screw.

Why do people have an obsession with who this guy screws? @492.

Anyway back to lurkdom..

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