Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

886 Name: Anon : 2016-06-22 12:06 ID:gIPGuddk

>>876 Yes, all of this.

He has all the "dating a cute 26 year old blonde" feels that most 35-yo men would have, plus the huge boost to what increasingly seems like a fragile ego of having TS dump Calvin for him.

Plus the lifestyle bump - as I was trying to say a few days ago he isn't so rich in London rich terms. He lives the life of a one percenter, but in London earning £500k or even a million a year buys you a nice 4 bedroom house in a posh area with maybe a housekeeper who comes in 2 days a week, and pays your kids' school fees and for a couple of splashy foreign holidays a year. Nice if you can get it, but there is still a huge difference between that and being the 0.1% - living in a £30 million apartment in Knightsbridge and having a private jet and chef and all that stuff. He looks at the moment like someone who's living the dream and it must be fascinating to have a window into that lifestyle. As Anon. said, hanging out with ehr is probably fun and relaxing - another holiday romance situation.

So my take is also that he knows in his brain it smells of career suicide, ridicule, and a future full of having to dance to crap teeny music and hang out with Kendall Jenner and whatever other airheads TS has in her squad. But at the moment he is choosing not to allow his brain to make his decisions.

I am not sure how long I give it, and the absence in Australia plus defiance at being laughed at may actually prolong the relationship. However after a time the 10-year age gap and the "personal interests" gap will start to cause strain (unless he really is so shallow that his entire past life experience has failed to rub off). I also do still think that he has a sizeable streak in his personality that is monkish, spends a lot of time alone or with a very small group of friends, and isn't at all interested in material things. It is a big change from that to being with TS and her crowd 24/7.

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