[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought.[Brains] [Thinking] [Personal] [#4] (999)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 03:38

The saga continues from http://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1292544745

@@@@@@@@ @Chat thread WasshoiII
@@@@@__@ Chat thread WasshoiI@^^
@+@@@+@__Chat thread WasshoiI^+
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2 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 05:37

From earth we come and to earth we go. Water washes the mud off of us and grows our food. Fire cooks our food and keeps us warm. But our body is driven by our electric soul.

3 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 06:57

I kind of wanted the 999GET.

4 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 07:32

I should be watching Here And There, Now And Then but I know it's just going to depress me.

5 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 07:40

‚r‚‚Ž ‚‚† ‚‚‚‰‚”‚ƒ‚ˆ ‚‚‚‚”
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‚Œ‚‚—‚„‚…‚’ ‚‰‚“ ‚ ‚‚•‚’‚„‚…‚’‚…‚’
‚†‚•‚ƒ‚‹‚‰‚Ž‚‡ ‚‚‚‚”‚“

6 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 09:07

This is a perfect example of a board that needs no moderation.

It's slow to the point where anything needs moderating is moderated quickly, but fast to the point where shunned content is shunned fairly quickly.

7 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 11:11

That fucking cat.

8 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 12:15

Hello DQN!

9 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 13:18

Hello >>8! How are you today?

10 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 14:03

Didn't take long for this to continue.

11 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 14:22

>>10 oh hush I like to hear what other dokyuns get up to, because one is a feeling that lives in your heart

12 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 19:00

Haruhi is mai waifu~

13 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 20:25

Looks like I'm not the only person on this board with a waifu. That means at least 40% of DQN has one!

14 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 22:21

How do you get rid of seemingly permanent thought bubbles that say "I wish I was dead"? I've tried writing songs and painting but I'm looking for a more long term solution

15 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 22:49

If a guy who is an anime nerd talks about his waifu, does a girl who is an anime nerd talk about a hasubandu?

16 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6579 22:56


Yes, there is such a thing as a husbando.

17 Name: Ϊ€( l _ l ),€T!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6580 16:21

>>14, as a person who loves number 14, I suggest you study rocket science of some kind! Believe it or not, but mathematics will fix you up.

18 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6580 18:12

>>17 I already love mathematics, the feeling of magnificent insignificance it gives me cheers me up for a while but only so much

19 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6580 22:51

My charisma stat must be higher than I thought, uguu`.

20 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6580 23:58

If you saw someone you knew in a porn film, just finding it by pure coincidence, would you say anything to the person? What if it was a somewhat memorable film, like if they were wearing weird face paint or they did something particularly outlandish or kinky?

21 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6581 04:39

I've wondered this before too. I actually met somebody once that I almost swore had been in some porn I'd seen, but it was impossible to say for sure (they wear a lot of makeup in porn anyway) and of course I wouldn't say anything unless I was absolutely sure, and even then I would wait until I knew them better.

22 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6581 08:35

This used up tissue on my desk smells sweet.

It's not because of food either...

23 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6581 10:50

>>21 I'm almost positive this girl is in my class at college
We're not best friends but we talk a fair amount... I'm going to get her drunk one night and ask if she has any tattoos. It's always the quiet ones...

24 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6581 11:18

I had no idea penguins could be so damn terrifying. I think I'm traumatised for life.

25 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6582 10:29


>It's always the quiet ones...

Indeed. Speaking along those lines, I'm sure my manager and several coworkers had a fair bit a trouble joining my silent, hard-working demeanor to the boisterous, androgynous boy who showed up with his friends to collect a paycheck. The looks were collectively priceless.

26 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6582 16:27

what would it be like to tittyfuck Card Captor Sakura?

27 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6582 17:22

Holy fuck, that was the worst fucking porn video that I've ever seen.

28 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6583 07:40

I'm wondering what you mean by this. Do you mean the girl in the series? Isn't she like ten? I'm not sure it would technically be "tittyfucking."

Do you instead mean the entire franchise as a whole? How would one tittyfuck an entire franchise? I'm open to suggestions.

29 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6583 19:29

All threads were created this year (1993), therefore all threads are less than a year old.

30 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6583 20:14

>>29 there's that (finally) permasage'd 4chan drama thread that's so old it's in the future, actually.

31 Name: Ϊ€( l _ l ),€T!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6583 21:06

>>30 4chan is something from the future as well, isn't it? I can't find any references to it in the central library.

32 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6584 14:03

ESpeoN's mom sounded like a kid dying of cancer asking a star baseball player to hit a home run for her. She didn't know what kind of pressure pleads like that can put on a man's shoulders. Kids don't know the intricacies of the baseball: who is pitching, the direction of the wind, or the dimensions of the ballpark and she certainly didn't know how complicated his game could be...

Please ESpeoN, don't get arrested for giving hand jobs in the park again!

33 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6584 22:07

Why is crossdressing sexualized?

34 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6584 23:27

>>33 Because it's considered deviant behaviour.

35 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 01:37

I don't understand. A woman in man's clothing isn't sexy. Also, a man in man's clothing isn't sexy. I think I'm missing part of the equation.

36 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 03:26

I'm the kind of person who would throw away a successful life in a heartbeat for no reason other than to see what would happen next.

37 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 03:28

>>35 speak for yourself. A sexy woman in man's clothing is extra-sexy to some.

38 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 03:36

>>36 me too dude high five. ever try to get girls pregnant for funsies?

39 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 04:39

>>38, I wackyparsed your question as "ever try to get girls pregnant for furries?"

40 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 09:54


41 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 14:46

>>35, I'd argue that men in men's clothing are very sexy.

42 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6585 17:53

>>40 the attempts are just as fulfilling as the results hopefully are!

43 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 15:44

Jingle cats are hilarious

44 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 18:02

Can anyone help me real quick, does this look like a correct spelling in katakana for "native melody"?

ƒlƒC[ƒ`ƒ” ƒƒƒa

My Japanese is quite rusty as it was discontinued in my second year at university but I did get a B. Any help from DQN would be very much appreciated

45 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 18:08

Ah wait that should be a small ƒC shouldn't it? How do I type small letters like that on a katakana keyboard?

46 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 19:54

Copy and paste.

Also, what?
Ne-tiv merodi ? ƒl[ƒ`ƒ” ƒƒƒfƒBis my guess. I'm bad at this, so don't listen to me.

The small kana enter the equation when you combine things. You can't do NYI. That is a fun sound to make, though.

47 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 20:08

Just use the Character Map. ƒB

Anyway, you don't need the small 'ƒB' if you're talking about erasing the normal 'ƒC'. But you should probably consider replacing 'ƒa' with ƒhƒB since ƒa is Ji

48 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 21:52

Use 'la' 'li' 'lu' le' 'lo' for ‚Ÿ‚‘‚£‚₯‚§

49 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6586 23:04

>>48 is the Lalilulelo! >_<;

50 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 01:39


51 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 02:03

I'm pretty sure there is a link to intelligence and shitty taste in music. All my really smart friends listen to horrible music.

52 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 02:34

>>46 >>47 is there no way to type small letters for like inflections?

>>47 ƒhƒB makes more sense so thanks but does ƒlƒB[ not make more sense than ƒlƒC? For the "nay" sound?

53 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 04:24

First of all, ƒlƒCƒeƒBƒuƒƒƒfƒB

Second of all, ask /nihongo/ next time.

54 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 06:58

This is the only board with traffic. Please forgive >>44.

After post-modernism comes post-meaningful. So it is with all art.

55 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 07:54

i@KƒB@Bjfeeling sideways

56 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 07:58

I have anger issues.

57 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 08:38

(BƒB) feeling upside down

58 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 09:05

(‹_o) dərp

59 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 12:21

(⊙ _ ⊙)
feeling wide awake

or possibly like I have boobs for eyes

60 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 15:32

>>53 thank you very much, reading that now it seems so very obvious haha. Thank you.

Also, although I have been active on DQN for a good few years, I know nothing at all of the rest of 4-ch.net, which I am a little ashamed of...

61 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 16:28

Oh, god. My life has become Welcome to the NHK.

62 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 20:40

>>54, it is not true that this is the only board with traffic. My suggestion to ask /nihongo/ is because it drives needed traffic there, it has a few regular readers, and also happens to yield less horse-puckey answers like >>44 initially received.

63 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6587 21:34

>>62 I'll keep that in mind for the future, thanks again

64 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6588 09:03

One of my rat traps was tripped last week and dragged some ways away. I figured I had fucked up the animal and it crawled off to die. Today I found a three-legged rat dead in a trap. You'd think it would have learned a lesson after chewing off its own leg, but no...

One of its siblings was caught by the leg too and survived a headshot from a pellet gun. It was still twitching after two shots to the skull. I was trying to be humane but they're just too tough.

I hate them, but I respect them.

65 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6588 09:42

My friend and I once found an empty trapped splattered with guts and what looked like a little bit of rats' brains. It was both troubling and very confusing.

66 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6588 10:08

They're extremely tough animals.

My neighborhood is having a problem at the moment because they're cleaning up this epic hoarding case a few houses down (and across the street!) from mine. This guy was really bad. He had stuff in plastic containers stacked up to the sidewalk at one point. The place was finally condemned and now they're destroying the rats' happy little home. So they're moving in with neighbors...

Every house around here has avocado and orange trees, so there's plenty for them to eat pretty much year-round. That doesn't help either. Anyway, itfs just my hobby at the moment. My disgusting hobby...

67 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6588 19:31

>>65 i dare you to rub your willy in the rat brains

68 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6588 23:26

Looks like I'm back again...

69 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6589 01:38

>>68 hello

70 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6589 09:15

I consider eating the rats I catch alive. I have no idea what they've been eating, though and I know my neighbors put out poison.

Seriously, that's the only reason I don't eat them. Either I'm crazy or my brain is being eaten away by some rat-bourne virus...

71 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6589 10:18

I DON'T WANT A FUCKING SHOT! I hate fucking shots and I don't want them GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!

I rather just die!

72 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6589 10:46

What are you dying of?

73 Name: Ϊ€( l _ l ),€T!ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-6589 18:15

Hello, customer services?

I bought this telescope off you. The sky is too bright and I don't see any stars on it. What are you going to do about it?

74 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 03:42

Don't ponce my ride, bro.

75 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 09:18

Ken Tapping an astronomer at the NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics notes: "If we were on the Moon's surface, where there is no atmosphere, we could simply shade out the Sun and the reflected glare from the ground and see the stars perfectly well. On the Earth, our atmosphere tends to scatter the sunlight...

It's simple: go to the moon.

76 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 10:26

My throat is sore.

77 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 12:30

>>75, do you like bananas?

78 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 14:32

>>77 bitch please

79 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 16:03

Thank you >>161 in the demanding from the next poster thread for recommending zenkai girl, i am certainly enjoying it ( ί ƒŽί)

80 Name: >>79 : 1993-09-6590 16:38

ahhh >>161 i'm so happy

81 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6590 19:26

After eating I look forward to shitting, just for something to occupy myself with

82 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6591 01:56

I want to enjoy zenkai girl but I'm worried it will be about her finding joy in a man and family life which just makes the feminist inside me cringe. Please tell me it doesn't really turn out this way?

83 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6591 02:23

I don't mind if it plays out with such predictability, some of the love scenes have made tears of happiness trickle down my cheeks like when i posted >>80

84 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 02:17

Wish I had vodka, but sake will do for now.

85 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 06:33

Man I feel so good right now, hot scandinavian girls telling me they think I'm cute and telling me how to say "i love you" in their native languages... DQN minä rakastan sinua! i'm so drunk and i'm going to drink more now until i pass out xxxxxx

86 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 07:07

I am sad and drunk and I just got back from too many wakes and I have no idea how I got home and is this my house? Did I pay that taxi driver? Did I have a taxi driver?

This monitor seems small. Is that a girl asleep in my bed? What is that?


87 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 08:44

She is your wife, you insensitive cunt.

88 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 09:45

>>86 is a hot mess.

89 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 11:14

Fuck the sun!

90 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6592 16:36

Fuck you, >>89. Also, Oracle is a bloody cock garage.

91 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 09:43

This gigantic lump on my ass is annoying me

92 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 12:34

>>89 Wouldn't fucking the sun incinerate my dick, if not my whole body?

93 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 15:48

Buun > blue moon

94 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 21:37

Ah, you're right. You'll have to use a condom then.

95 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 22:08

Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi OƒΦOj“ρ½ bu-un

96 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6593 22:50

I'm rubbing my glans through my pajama pants.

97 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6594 01:05

I'm actually pretty damn happy that ITT threads no longer dominate the front page like they once did. Hello, DQN!

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.