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757 Name: Tokiko!bRebfsVsjw : 1993-09-6918 05:20

It's true!!! Espeon made me a shitposter!!! *buries his head in >>755's shoulder* It's so hard.. I've been wondering what it was for all these years... but after reading your post, I sat down and thought long and hard about things for a long time....

When I was just about to turn 12 years old, my dad let me have some friends stay over in the Elitist Superstructure's party room. There's a swimming pool, cake, N64, you name it; everything a kid could want, the Awesome Partyroom of DQN had it all.

The party started out well enough. After friends received their security clearance and passed through checkpoints on the automated tram, guards would escort them to the space we had rented out. But my friends, they weren't worried or anxious about it at all; they thought the elaborate and extravagant air surrounding the Superstructure was just rad! I mean, come on! What boy DOESN'T love playing secret agents? Three friends of mine came by around 13:00. The last one didn't show up until about an hour later. I think his dad was having car problems or soemthing. Anyway, the night started out great. It was fun. We were just having a blast for a few hours.

The problems started just after 00:30, when bedtime came. (The Awesome Party room has a very strict bedtime policy, you see). I threw some water on the campfire and finished eating my smores as I watched the fire smolder out. Friend A and Friend B headed off for their tent together and Friend C had already been asleep for about an hour. (He must seem like a pretty lame guy to you, but he's really good. Has his heart in the right place.) But my point is, I was left all alone. I was just wiping smore residue from my lips onto my plaid jacket's sleeves when I figured I'd hit the little boy's room before passing out myself.

I shouted to my friends something about ``makin piss" as I walked away from where their tents were and headed through a door hidden behind a tree into the hallway. Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp... I passed door after door as I went deeper and deeper within the Elitist Superstructure. What secrets did it hide? It felt like I was walking deep within a dream... the hallway stretched longer and longer. The world seemed thousands of miles away. After what seemed like hours of walking (in reality, it must have been only about four or five minutes!) I finally arrived at the toilets.

This was a bad omen, something I should have picked up on.

Unbeknown to myself, that's where Espeon had been hiding.

Waiting. Lurking.


No sooner did I open the door to the restroom than did h
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