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929 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7911 09:52

They are, >>924 was too lazy to read the thread.

Those succession games seem fun. I've read Boatmurdered and a couple of others before. It tempted me to try Dorf Fortress, but all those characters proved too much. I also spent too much time looking through the history of the world.

There was a dark fortress full of goblins who apparently never worked. There were a lot of children snatchers who kidnapped humans and dwarves alike, and exploited them and used them for entertainment: every year there was a wave of murders, young adults were killing each other in Battle Royale.

I suppose it was actually just the way sorting of events works, but it looked pretty damn impressive, because this happened for centuries. However, the tradition was slowly dying out as the list of deaths became shorter towards the end of world generation.

930 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7911 11:48

Also, "It was inevitable."

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