[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#18] (999)

431 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8054 21:02

I ran into a guy I knew in middle school, he stopped me and said "hey, is your name (*߁[)? I think we used to hang out together at school." We talked for a minute, he finished bagging my groceries, then I went home. It doesn't seem like a big event but it felt quite surreal, partially because I had just posted >>/64 before leaving. I haven't seen or thought about him in nearly the same amount of time, but when he called out to me I recognized him instantly.

It gives me a kind of otherworldly feeling like I'm gonna wake up tomorrow and find out that the last 10 years of my life have been a dream and that I'd better hurry or I'll be late for school. I couldn't even tell you what I've been doing those past ten years but I can remember things from back then like they happened yesterday. Is that just how life goes?
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