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452 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9096 01:04

I might address more of your points later, but for now, on the topic of sexuality: I think people spend too much time talking about sexuality and LGBT stuff, to the point of it being a "distraction" issue (though that might seem paranoid), and not enough time discussing other issues. It's like, democrats and republicans will debate whether they support gay marriage, but they won't talk about the pitfalls of capitalism, consumerism, how to fix poverty or climate change, etc. So it's a safe issue to bring up, regardless of their stance on it. That being said, I'm against degeneracy in a lot of ways, since I'm pro-family values and all that.

But I also feel like it's a case of a prisoner decorating their cell walls. By that, I mean people who are powerless to change or discuss other meaningful aspects of their lives fixate on things that they can change/do: pronouns, sexuality/gender identity, etc. People who are powerless, unhappy, etc. cling to the few things they feel like they have control over, and then they obsess over them, rather than working towards other things that might seem insurmountable. Sexuality is not the biggest problem in life right now, but many shift goalposts and talk about it like it's the only thing in life because they feel like they can't do anything else.

I also feel like some people only claim to be LGBT for attention, since social media makes people think that you're better if you have more friends, likes, comments, etc.

It's also used as a political weapon now too, like "this guy said 'faggot' once 10 years ago, let's get him fired" but the ulterior motive is that the person actually supports a political party they dislike, and the "homophobic" thing is just a farce.

But it also seems like an agenda is being pushed, since there is a lot of anti-white/anti-traditional rhetoric in the mainstream media now, and people are encouraging abortions, not having kids, being gay, etc. But meanwhile, the same media outlets are pushing for mass immigration. I'm not a neocon or a republican, since they're anti-environment and pro-capitalism and shit, but at the same time, I can't help but feel like there's an concerted effort to push for mass immigration. It's not about diversity, it's about capitalism. Need more people from other countries to increase sales to make fatcat shareholders happy. But it also feels like population replacement. I don't like that.

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