CTRL+V THREAD! [part XIV] (999)

943 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9614 22:31

Anime-style girl crouched down, firing what looks like a FN P90 to the left. Behind the girl is the case for the gun, shaped like a violin case. The girl's clothes and hair wave. Black and white.

Unknown. A link to user-uploaded content(?) on a server related to the "Formation Girls" game. The game appears to be defunct, and the image has expired.

Javascript-based tutorial for techniques in the game "Tetris". In Japanese.

Website describing humorous blends of films. This particular page is "The Killing Field of Dreams". Description: A New York Times journalist is driven by an unseen voice to establish a baseball field in a Cambodian rice paddy during the mad rule of Pol Pot. Tagline: "If you commit genocide, they won't come."

Humor site in the format of a newspaper. This article, "Baseball Statisticians Unveil New Analytics Model Measuring Precise Amount Of Joy They Suck From The Game", satirizes excessive use of statistics in sports.

News site. This article is an opinion piece titled "EAT CHEESE LIVE FOREVER EAT CHEESE NEVER DIE", and is almost entirely written in capital letters. It appears to be commentary that news sensationalizes and misrepresents scientific findings.

Video, titled "Yuko Sakaitsukasa & YMO - Computer Obachan Animated Promo Video". An animated Japanese music video showing an elderly Japanese woman piloting a spaceship.

Image of the Killdozer, with the caption "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything." and a Nike logo. A reference to a controversial advertising campaign by Nike.

Two videos. The first is a video from the mid 1990s about a man who wins at Japanese Pachinko machines. Commenters express nostalgia. The second is titled "Billy And The Clown Special Remastered Edition". It is three hours of Sam Hyde reading a story.

Blog about LaTeX. This post describes use of \reflectbox, \scalebox, and various unicode characters to reflect text in various ways.

Unknown. The music file has been removed from Soundcloud. The artist produces electronic music.

Blog post describing the use of compilers which output JavaScript [sic].

Unknown. The site 4x13.net is a text-based bbs.

Video titled "【Hatsune Miku_UtataP】永遠に幸せになる方法、見つけました。【Original】" A music video produced with the Vocaloid software.

Online dictionary, the entry for "hakurei", which is defined as "A type of round, white turnip from Japan." "Hakurei" is also the surname of a popular video game character.

Unknown. The site serves as a repository for user-uploaded content, but this video file has been removed.

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