[Suggestions] [Feedback] New new management [Exciting!] (247)

1 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2020-10-06 15:42 ID:muTytuBI

BPS has passed the site on to me, as you might have seen. Please use this thread for...

  • reporting anything that seems to be broken
  • any feature requests or other suggestions you might have
  • feedback for my own (and others') proposals and ideas

I'm also going to use this thread as an update log, for convenience.

For anything else, you can reach me over IRC (on #4-ch) or .

58 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-12-27 09:23 ID:4RYM8ozI


This is probably for the best.

59 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2020-12-28 10:37 ID:H7vNooyd

that is good
but i prefer b&

60 Name: Whisker's Favorite Toy : 2020-12-29 06:05 ID:Heaven

The same people asking to ban loli .jpgs from the IB are probably 2hu spammers. Ban 2hu at all costs, ssz. This is a board of elitist quality, 2hu images do not fit the standard. SAoVQ's images are terrible even with the size limit. Don't take any chances; remove images that aren't original to 4-ch.

61 Name: the guy who proposed to ban loli jpgs : 2020-12-29 06:56 ID:Heaven

I hate all anime stuff personally. I don't know what 2hu is.

62 Name: (cap: jiecking) : 2020-12-31 03:37 ID:Heaven

i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

63 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-04 15:56 ID:iKSGNOML

this in all seriousness

64 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-04 22:20 ID:G5XB5maS

How about an oekaki board instead of an imageboard? That avoids the CP problem.

65 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-05 01:04 ID:Heaven

I'll make sure to draw badly rendered dicks on it at least.

66 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-06 16:12 ID:x7WvdLWR


67 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-09 06:35 ID:iKSGNOML


68 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-09 16:49 ID:5t/t2Pd8

The number of boards should be cut by like 95%. This is a problem with a lot of sites. Way too many boards or subforums for the number of users.

Also, ban pedophiles like >>53. I almost literally cannot use the internet without constantly running into them now. Why are they everywhere?

69 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-10 20:07 ID:x7WvdLWR

If it's possible, I would rather have boards merged together than deleted. I know kareha uses flat files so I assume that while tedious and annoying it could probably be done by splicing the logs together. The annoying part would be changing the names and getting the dates sorted.

For instance, anime, manga, film & tv are similar enough to each other and overlap enough that they could probably be merged. Programming and tech support; net culture and iaa; news, politics, and debate; romance and personal issues; some others possibly.

Although I'm not in favor of messing with the boards. I treat them kinda like historical monuments.

70 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-11 06:47 ID:4RYM8ozI


Shut the fuck up faggot pedos have always been on the internet you SJW faggot nigger.

71 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-11 19:17 ID:fE8raWzJ

Is there any possibility the post limit could be raised by one, for https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610370984/?

72 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-12 03:38 ID:+Qw1/Cp2

I suspect ssz started that thread.

73 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-12 13:33 ID:5t/t2Pd8

9 times out of 10 you fucking pedos are SJWs or some other type of leftist, so fuck you and kill yourself.

74 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-12 20:54 ID:Heaven

Is someone mad that he didn't get to party hard on the 6th?

75 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-13 09:52 ID:5t/t2Pd8

I've never set foot on the American continent, and what does this have to do with topic?

76 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-13 10:01 ID:4RYM8ozI


The only pedos that are SJW are the ones on places like Twitter i am not SJW i don't care about politics politics are boring and have contributed to the downfall of society people who are both far right and far left are both fucking retarded.

77 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-13 18:28 ID:5t/t2Pd8

You're a pedo, so instead of trying to feel superior to others you should consider becoming an hero.

78 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 02:44 ID:4RYM8ozI


How about no moralfag LOL i have never touched a kid and i don't plan on it anytime soon because i don't wanna go to jail but i totally would if it was legal and the child wanted to suck my dick LOL.

79 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 02:45 ID:x7WvdLWR

Don't delete the boards, asshole cynics.

80 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 12:38 ID:5t/t2Pd8

Yeah, ok.

Since this is obviously a site catering primarily to pedophiles, I'll just go somewhere else.

81 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-14 16:41 ID:Q8O0WwnL

Last comments in this thread are not VIP quality at all, are likely just random tourists and should get b&.

82 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-15 01:33 ID:4RYM8ozI


Never comeback you triggered faggot LOL.

83 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-16 02:05 ID:QdP392rb

Amber theme's background causes the CAPTCHA text to blend in, making verification an unnecessary hassle.

84 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-01-16 02:21 ID:muTytuBI

Applied a fix, try refreshing.

85 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-16 07:36 ID:iKSGNOML

Delete everything

86 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 2021-01-17 00:13 ID:QdP392rb

A small cosmetic surprise, huh.

87 Name: thank you ssz : 2021-01-19 13:38 ID:9/JDBjl4

I enjoy the new (old) stylesheets, but it looks like the BUUN stylesheet is now gone? it was just pseudoch with red titles and light borders but I kind of miss it...

I probably won't use the imageboard but thanks for the work in bringing it back

88 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-01-20 18:05 ID:Heaven

I figured I'd just merge it into mittens.css so we could have 2 Pseud0ch-likes instead of 3... but I guess it can stay for now.

89 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-21 21:14 ID:fOFPM3c3

It would be pretty neat if subback.html could list the thread creation date as well as the last reply date.

Also, when using an alternative stylesheet, getting an error while previewing a post will result in the style being swapped to Pseud0ch.

90 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-01-28 21:45 ID:sGeZyIKD

One quirk of Kareha 3.1.2 that I've noticed is that when directly linking posts by url, sometimes the link shows only that post, other times it shows the linked post and >>1, and sometimes it shows the whole thread. I couldn't find any pattern to what post numbers create what behavior, but my testing wasn't very thorough. Any explanation for why it is like this?

91 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-01-29 13:51 ID:muTytuBI

Do you have any examples? I think you might be experiencing intended behavior.

92 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 16:12 ID:zYlGipbJ

/img/ was linked on 4chan and is now being bombarded with un-VIP anime images you see posted everywhere. Remove them before before the same thing that happened to /images/ happens to /img/.

93 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 16:45 ID:Heaven

> un-VIP anime images


94 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 20:02 ID:Yc1ww0VO

good job on keeping this site alive, admin. i still visit it from time to time, is it just me or it's more active now? also, what happened with the ideas of making some boards read-only and making a "latest posts" log? either way, keep up the good work. if this site ever shuts down i will get very sick

95 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 23:25 ID:X9wQ74Ie

If you link to a single post, or several posts separated by commas, e.g. >>90,91, then it displays only those posts. If you link to a range of posts, e.g. >>90-91, then it displays >>1 as well. If you want to link to a range without including >>1, put an "n" in front of the number, e.g. >>n90-91. If you link somewhere out of range, e.g. >>1000, then it just displays the entire thread.

There are a few others, too. You can use >>q90 for all posts linking to >>90, >>l90 for the last ninety posts, and >>r90 for ninety random posts in the thread.

96 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-11 23:40 ID:x7WvdLWR

All these years and I never knew about the q or r functions

97 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-02-12 13:48 ID:Heaven

It was only in a single thread with 36 replies on /jp/, and I didn't really notice an increase in activity. Pretty sure most of the unVIP images were already there before it, too.

Thank you! Well, there's a thread for the board situation now. Bps actually left some overboard experiments, I might try to get it running once the merge is done.

98 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 01:46 ID:Heaven

Ah, nevermind. What I was observing was the following:
https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610604190/500 links to post >>500
while https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610604190/500/ links to the full thread, as do all other improperly formatted links.
Didn't notice that I had accidentally typed that final /, nor did I think it would have any effect.

99 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 02:27 ID:trxbIkWi

wordfilter an empty comment field on /img/ to something funny and cool, like the "kitaaaaaaaaa!" kaomoji or "im gay and my dick is small" or something

100 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 07:38 ID:Heaven

Wakaba doesn't have wordfilters.

101 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-14 11:01 ID:6RlgG2EK

"im gay and my dick is small" sounds a little too on the nose, how about something in japanese?
does 僕はホモで、僕のちんこ小さいです sound correct, for any of the japanese experts on here?

102 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 00:49 ID:Si9EaARR

Can you do something about the "black penis" spammer?


103 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 16:06 ID:cCGaVjJH

>>72 It was me actually, I said it as a little joke, I didn't expect or ask the post limit to be increased, but what a larf we all had <3

104 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 16:08 ID:cCGaVjJH

A small feature I would like to see added is animated .gifs playing in the thumbnail on /img/, without having to open them! Please and thank you if it's not too much trouble

105 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 18:05 ID:PZo3en2y

Can we have the (next) DQN namefield AA be DQN-kun? ((●)トェェェイ(●))

106 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 21:55 ID:Heaven


It's incredibly easy to write a conditional in perl that fills a certain field if found blank. If ssz could write the sjis function I doubt an empty text field would be hard.

Although it is a bit juvenile. Reminds me of old 420chan.

107 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-15 23:10 ID:Heaven

it's a stock setting in both kareha and wakaba i think

108 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-16 15:26 ID:cCGaVjJH

>>106 DICKS EVERYWHERE! Haha, good times. SLAYER

109 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-16 19:40 ID:trxbIkWi

>>106 /img/ is not exactly the place for high brow discussion, it's ok to be a bit juvenile. the "kitaaa" kaomoji blankpost wordfilter is from futaba, after all.

110 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-17 04:37 ID:iKSGNOML

kill every thing

111 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-17 06:03 ID:ussDuag6

Tapan Kaikki

112 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-17 23:48 ID:Heaven

/img/ was invaded and they wont't leave. It's damn obvious who's been on this site and who's a tourist. 2hu memes, lainposting, modern anime and instagram memes. I swear to God the only way to keep these fucking cunts out is to make this site invite only. Most *chons just get swallowed in meme cancer and the admins throw the site away before the site has even turned 1 year old. But 4-ch has history. IB hoppers plaguing these grounds and dumping their memes into it like it's a toxic wastedump or an indonesian crackwhore is nothing short of sickening.

113 Name: the original meme cancer : 2021-02-18 07:22 ID:Heaven

     ∴∵∴          ∴∵∴  ∴∴
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..    ∵∴::     .::::∵/三 | 三ヽ∵ |/....:∴::     .∵  ∵∴∵
.   ∵:..:.:/⌒ヽ::l⌒`i::..| __|__ │∵|...:∵::    .. :    ∴∵
.   :/⌒ヽ|  |;; ;|  |、.|  ===  │/∴::    . :    .∵∴  ∴
.  :(  ヽ;;ヽ__ノ;;; ヽ__ノ !\___/∵ :: . ... . :      .∵    ∴
..∴ >‐ / ̄.. \;;;;ゝ__`ト、.(●)━..:∴::        . :     . ∴∵∴
∴. ( : :/    ,. i〃    l  . . . . . . . . . . .... .. . :    ..:∵∴:
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      | | |  U.::、∴∵;;/;)  ゙i∵∴∵:: ... .. ... .. . : :∵∴∵
 >>112| | |    :: . ̄ ̄ ̄   ゙i∵∴∵::.. ...::∴∵∴∵
     / / /      : . . .      ( ̄ ̄.... ::∵
    / / /      : :∴∵ : .    ̄.:∴:. tanasinn
   .しし’        :: :: ∵: : .

114 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-18 15:38 ID:Heaven

stay mad

115 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-18 22:00 ID:Heaven

The results are in. Your colon is mine for the taking.

116 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-18 22:57 ID:Heaven

jeez, what's up with all this seething and vc: copation

117 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-26 08:13 ID:mHK4YY2i

ban/blacklist emojis

118 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-27 04:38 ID:iKSGNOML


119 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-27 19:48 ID:Heaven

Don't act like you belong here

120 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-27 21:07 ID:71oQzubp

cry more seethe more lol

121 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 02:11 ID:4RYM8ozI



You don't belong here lurk more.

122 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 03:55 ID:LM/bRg9n

Is attempting to gate keep an internet forum the only bit of control you have in your life? We will do as we please, and you're more than welcome to keep crying about it.

123 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 06:27 ID:4RYM8ozI


Gatekeeping is one word kid.

124 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 13:35 ID:Heaven


125 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 13:50 ID:ussDuag6

settle down, Sergeant Mark IV

126 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 14:40 ID:4RYM8ozI


We say an hero here but you probably don't know what that means because you're a little bitch still in diapers who likes shitty mainstream normalfag culture. Zoomers like you don't understand internet culture you destroy it now get the fuck out of here this place is for old people who miss the 90s and 2000s and before.

127 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 22:47 ID:Heaven


128 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-02-28 23:57 ID:6ppCwJ5C

i literally dont even know how to use the internet, ive been on it for like a year and dont even bother trying to adapt to culture, i was born in 2006.

problem? lol epic owne!!1 so mad!!1 haha owned

129 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-01 01:06 ID:4RYM8ozI


You must be trolling.

130 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-01 20:47 ID:QdP392rb

   ∩___∩        |
   | ノ\     ヽ       | Hmm,
  /  ●゛  ● |       | iunno man. Seems debatable to me.
  | ∪  ( _●_) ミ      j
 彡、   |∪|   |       J
/     ∩ノ ⊃  ヽ  
(  \ / _ノ |  |
.\ “  /__|  |
  \ /___ /

131 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-01 23:41 ID:Heaven

I'm going to have a fucking aneurysm.

132 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-02 22:42 ID:GnEKFOZB

old people should not be allowed on the internet.

133 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-03 00:59 ID:4RYM8ozI


Fuck off and an hero zoomer.

134 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-04 02:17 ID:QdP392rb


135 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-07 01:07 ID:Eu+Rlj3L

RIP /img/

136 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-07 04:57 ID:Heaven

If you're open to some sort of way to make BUUN unique, personally, I would use it if it didn't use the brick background image and instead let the background color be the default #C5AD99 (or perhaps something lighter like #ECA if that's too ugly).

137 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-08 17:11 ID:PZo3en2y

CP spam is back

138 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-15 16:04 ID:9/JDBjl4

The site's let's encrypt cert has expired

139 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-16 05:24 ID:Heaven

Thanks for letting us know!

140 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-16 10:27 ID:PNvK0YEu

Since the imageboard is back have you considered switching to weabot? I'm not a programmer so I don't know how good it actually is but it allows for both imageboards and textboards and has a few useful features that whatever version of Kareha we're currently using doesn't.

141 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-20 19:45 ID:63JdoI+k

Thank you for fixing the post-form, Mr. ssz, appreciate it.
I may be a slowpoke, but I noticed just now.

142 Name: 141 : 2021-03-21 21:13 ID:63JdoI+k

Disregard what I said. I just entered 4-ch on my mobile phone and the postform is too large for it to fit. It doesn't depend on CSS, as I just switched from Tanasinn to others and nothing changed.

143 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-21 21:55 ID:XwIpr0IZ

Just lazily slap a responsive width:100%; to the postform, ssz.

Nevermind, postforms use tables... It'll still work but the textarea is too small.

144 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-03-22 15:06 ID:muTytuBI

It gave me a major headache the last time I tried to look at it, and I might just have to modify the templates to get it right. I'll check it out tomorrow.

Probably not. If Wakaba ever becomes inadequate, I might consider it.


145 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 01:36 ID:+Qw1/Cp2

Some feedback on the Guide pages, though I don't know how many new users actually read them, let alone discover this website in the first place:

It might not hurt to explain what the "DQN" board is on the intro page (https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction). Something like "The mysteriously titled 'DQN' is an anything-goes board for comedy threads and casual social chatter in the vein of the famous 2channel board News4VIP. Its name comes from 'dokyun', a 2channel meme meaning approximately 'dumbass.'"

When I click on "Joining in" on https://4-ch.net/guide/view/introduction within the main page frame, my browser (latest Firefox) throws the console error "Blocked loading mixed active content “http://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate”."

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/participate links to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sage_%28Internet%29 which doesn't exist.

https://4-ch.net/guide/view/history is kinda boring. It could mention that 4-ch was part of the iichan/wakachan network before it died, and possibly say something about the IAA board. (I'm not sure whether it was actually deliberate, but since IAA was never linked to from iichan, I got the impression it was originally a 'secret hangout' for elite 4-ch posters, which seems an interesting footnote at least.) Not sure any of the other removed boards are worth mentioning.

Also, possibly deliberate and not really a major issue, but Requests is linked twice on the sidebar, once at the top under General and once at the bottom.

146 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 04:07 ID:Heaven

>'DQN' is an anything-goes board for comedy threads and casual social chatter in the vein of the famous 2channel board News4VIP

This isn't even corrent (was it ever?).

147 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-23 04:07 ID:Heaven

correct*. Fuck.

148 Name: vc: uncut : 2021-03-24 04:04 ID:+Qw1/Cp2

Well, it's not much of a sample size but https://archives.4-ch.net/general/kareha.pl/1140470773/ suggests DQN was viewed as a News4VIP equivalent back in 4-ch's early days.

149 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-26 19:53 ID:rj4iTEm0

Hello new admin :) I like to visit back here every year or so, and when I do, I like to check out my old posts that go back... 7 or 8 years? I noticed that there is no longer the "Nordic" board, and going to /nordic redirects me to /language
Was this removed recently, and if so, is there an archive for it?

150 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-03-26 20:12 ID:muTytuBI

151 Name: ssz!8KKxaxpAFg (Admin) : 2021-03-26 21:10 ID:muTytuBI

>>145 et al
Fixed the http image and pointed the sage link to wiktionary. As for the introduction/history pages, I almost like how bare they are, but a rewrite might be in order for the future (at least something mentioning IIchan).
It might be interesting to have someone who was actually there for the very start of the site to verify some of the info, though (are any of those still around?).

152 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-27 19:41 ID:Heaven

(TOR posting is briefly down.)

153 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-27 20:56 ID:Heaven

(...and back again.)

154 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-29 11:46 ID:xLPIE28g

Is there no archive for expired /img/ threads?

155 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-03-31 00:02 ID:Heaven

Hi admin, not directly related to the site, but I thought I'd bring this to your attention in case you don't regularly browse every board. It should be an easy request for you to fulfill.
(I'm not OP of the linked thread, just trying to be helpful)

156 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-04-02 00:43 ID:PZo3en2y

Can we have ((●)トェェェイ(●)) or some other single line form of DQN-kun as the default name on DQN?

157 Name: Anonymous Advisor : 2021-04-02 22:26 ID:x7WvdLWR

No, the next face should be ( ̄ヘ ̄)

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