Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

1 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-28 17:52 ID:agI/SFA7

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston.

551 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-11 21:40 ID:bbgAObmX

>>549 I wish Tom well. And I like this Gucci jacket (not so sure about the tie : ) But I think that Gucci high fashion suits an actor who has a more eccentric, eclectic, and bold approach to red carpet fashion. Like Jared Leto, or Robert Downey Jr., who embrace wild styling for men. Tom is a former prep school kid, who dresses like a former prep school and university kid, but with a slight city update. The classic navy and grey pea coats, the navy sweaters from RL, a messy collegiate-like hoodie, and those suede desert boots like Steve McQueen wore in the original Thomas Crown Affair to avoid wearing sneakers. If anyone from Team Tom reads this page, please reference Mcqueen photos from the Thomas Crown Affiar to get Tom a little closer to this look, if that's what you're going for.

552 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-12 17:17 ID:haZSPOWJ

>>534 Sorry, fellow board members, but clearly I'm Lex's favorite. The Tay to her To. The Hiddle to her Swift. You're all 'bitches'(who need to burn, apparently), but remember the time she called me a 'cunt?' Good times, good memories.

>>544 What this says to me is that 'nerves' did not get the better of him. That speech was scripted to tie his management in with his charity. At least the plan was to throw a mention in. He went up there intending to make remarks on UNICEF and MSF, and his work and craft bringing joy and relief to aid workers: a perfect little parcel, as Anon said: management, charity, The Work - a hat trick. Which would have been fine...if it hadn't struck such a terrible tone. He needed to have run that speech by someone with a brain.

But I'm not sure if anyone around him has a functioning brain.

And with this press release, the apology (the sincerity of which I did not doubt, though I questioned its reasons) now reads more like: Sorry our giant promotional tie in didn't work, i.e., was 'inelegant.'

I feel like I need to watch TH through my fingers now. What's next? What is he going to do? What is going to happen? Fuck me, I need a dirty beer - humanitarian or not.

553 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-01-12 18:33 ID:agI/SFA7

>>552 He is rising higher on the embarrassingly cringeworthy / unlikable meter, season by season, year by year.

He needs un-inelegant lessons and possibly to see a psychologist to help build his self-worth.

554 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-12 22:43 ID:PrJnDKnp

Sam Neill inadvertently resurrects Tayto. How strange this intersection (license plate and car model) is!

https://twitter. com/TwoPaddocks/status/819437486103367680

555 Name: goo : 2017-01-13 10:03 ID:cLczEt9v

556 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-13 10:50 ID:bbgAObmX

Older article from the Australian paper on the relationship between celebrities and the paps they call to take their pics, and build their brands. Just thought it was interesting.

557 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-14 03:17 ID:bbgAObmX

Glad that Tom sent out the GG awards speech clarification/apology post, since so many viewers questioned it. Apparently, Riz Ahemd showed his support for Tom on twitter, and Christian Slater retweeted Ahmed's tweet support for Tom, since Slater's facial expression was used by some to indicate his mixed feelings about the speech.

558 Name: Savvy : 2017-01-14 10:32 ID:fOhqL7ye

Yesterday, Christian Slater started following Tom on Twitter and he followed him back.

559 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-14 13:16 ID:Heaven

>>557,558 TH's people must have called in favours. The GG were on the 8th, Riz's tweet happened on the 11th, Slater waited for Riz before moving and yesterday the follow on twitter. Damage control is damage control. Anyway, it hardly matters, unless media will run another series of articles about this, no one except TH's stans will even notice, what will remain is what happen soon after it, Kong's promo tour starts in a matter of weeks, I'm sure TH will be asked about it unless Luke can avoid it.

560 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-01-15 06:49 ID:agI/SFA7
These photos are of him and a journalist who interviewed him last week for GQ, Taffy Akner. It appears they ran into each other on the street. The Mirror didn't bother to name her, just called her 'mystery brunette' for the click bait.

Last night (Saturday), someone tweeted from LAX that he was ahead of them boarding a flight,. She didn't know what the destination was, but they were in the international terminal.

There's also an IG from someone with Skull Island showing him, Brie, and Sam L. Jackson doing something (reshoot? voiceovers? promos?) for the movie this past week. I can't find the link, it passed me on tumblr hours ago.

561 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-15 08:20 ID:Heaven

>>560 Thanks. This last you mentioned, Torrilla posted it.

562 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 09:19 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>560 So paps hang around his house in the evening now? I have to say I think that is a tad creepy.

563 Name: Savvy : 2017-01-15 10:36 ID:fOhqL7ye

He followed a girl by mistake. She had several retweets mocking him for his GG speech but she's deleted then by now.

564 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 12:00 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>563 no, they are still there!

565 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-15 12:31 ID:Heaven

I've always wondered how this "follow by mistake" works, particularly in a case like this. This girl hasn't sent him any tweet, nor she put a mention in those RTs, so how did he find her?

566 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 15:56 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>565 God knows. I find it hard to believe that this one was deliberate though!

567 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-15 16:43 ID:Vfuru0WV

>>565 He found her by doing something we've always suspected (and had confirmed by his LIKE of a tweet in the summer) him of doing: searching his name on twitter, not just his tag. She didn't tag his name or @ him. In fact, all she did was retweet some tweets from others. So the only way to have stumbled onto her account is by searching his name.

This is a sign he needs to use a tablet or laptop for twitter. His fingers are too big for a phone. OR this is a new PR strategy in which he follows everyone who's ever mocked him on social media. That seems silly but...check out his recent PR strategies.

Kinda OT: The homily today was about vanity. Our 'hip' priest (he is under 50) talked about how social media feeds vanity. FYI: God doesn't hand out IG likes or retweets (actual quote) - no one of true importance in your life does; that is not how your loved ones show their love and acceptance. He also talked about how social media and the desire to be liked on it/get attention causes people to change their personalities and lives in pursuit of what is most likely to gain attention. In summation: it's fucked up (not an actual quote), stay off it.

568 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 17:55 ID:B0ed2pso

>>567 That's very interesting. Presumably while scrolling through his mentions he then hits a follow button by accident - what they used in the City to call a "fat finger trade."

In re homily, I think that TH isn't after millions of followers or likes on social media. If he were he would be more assiduous about tweeting and especially about IG where one might think he could gain lots of followers by posting BTS pics from set. I might however substitute the word "awards" for likes and retweets. I think he has been/still is gunning for big awards and that that's has changed his behaviour. E.g. using the EO relationship to try and leverage publicity for ISTL, presumably in furtherance of that ever elusive Oscar nom. I do genuinely think that if you had asked him 5 years ago whether he would do such a hung he would have been appalled.

569 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 17:56 ID:B0ed2pso

Such a hung? Such a thing!!

570 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-15 18:25 ID:FKEqqDMg

>>568 I don't think he wants followers or likes either - at least, not anymore. 2011 TH maybe did. I was more thinking along the lines of 'Stay off SM because those aren't the people whose opinions count.' His tag would have been soul-crushing for him post-GG. He should really do what he says he does: not look.

Now we wait to see how long it takes him to realize what he's done. And does he unfollow right away - proving it was a mistake while searching for his name? Or does he stay following her so that it looks intentional?

571 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-15 18:28 ID:FKEqqDMg

>>568 Ixnay the elizabethyay olsenya. That's how she's summoned.

572 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-15 18:55 ID:Heaven

>>567 I thought about the GG hashtag, but your option works too.
New PR strategy is to follow people who mock him to force them to regret making fun of him, passive aggressive at his best.

573 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 19:05 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>570 It is telling that he seems to have done this in the last 24 hours. In other words, as soon as he was free of his handlers, and not hanging out with friends, he went on twitter (I guess in downtime while travelling home). Just the worst time to look, when you have nobody with you to help you laugh it off.

Speaking of alone time - I just realised who was missing from last week's jaunt. Olly. Did anyone see a pic of him?

574 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-15 19:25 ID:FKEqqDMg

>>572 Maybe. One of her retweets had a GG hashtag. But that's a very imprecise way to find out what people are saying about him in particular. The GG tag would have been mostly Meryl. The tweet he liked over the summer had no hashtag and wasn't @ him. It only had was his full name - I recall. My money would be on TH looking for opinions of TH.

>>573 Someone's a slave driver. Olly works so hard the rest of the year that he's allowed Dec. and Jan. off.

575 Name: Anon : 2017-01-15 19:32 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>574 I'm assuming your comment about being a slave driver is a joke!! I did wonder whether Olly had parted ways with TH but it strikes me as a laughably easy gig compared to, say, being a PA for a city type.

576 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-15 21:25 ID:Heaven

>>573 That's true - can't say I see the point of it, I mean seems like a big waste of time, when all he had to do was read Michael K :)

577 Name: Savvy : 2017-01-15 22:17 ID:fOhqL7ye

All his crazy fans are following the girl now. They probably think she's the mystery brunette.

578 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-16 01:31 ID:plQMGc8A

>>575 Not a joke. Olly's work ethic and hectic schedule rank alongside QEII and Prince Philip's. He's the hardest working man in PA-dom. (A total joke!)

579 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-16 04:58 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom, Hugh Laurie, and others backstage at the GG Awards, talking about what their last meals on Earth would be, etc. By ABC, GMA.

580 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-01-16 05:30 ID:agI/SFA7

New developments! Taffy is trolling Mirror. She has a request for them and the rest of humanity.

https://twitter. com/taffyakner/status/820764496750870528

She even changed her TW profile status to say 'mystery brunette.'

581 Name: Anon : 2017-01-16 08:57 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>578 I think the Queen probably works a lot harder than Olly, especially considering she is 90. Maybe that lazy pair the Duke and Duckess of Cambridge (who every year do fewer royal engagements than anyone else!).

I checked out Olly's IG and he appears to be taking a (very extended) holiday at his mother's, assuming the dog he keeps photographing is hers.

582 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-16 13:09 ID:j+cwXkYQ

>>581 Maybe Olly is with TH's mother being a surrogate son. That may be a requirement of his employment. Mindfreak! He has to wear a blonde wig and answer to the name Tom. And he has to do all of TH's apologizing for the papstrolls along the beach. Maybe Olly is the hardest working PA!

I'm assuming Duckess was a typo but you let it stand. Holidays can be grueling, you know!

583 Name: Anon : 2017-01-16 16:15 ID:/Pmhoe+W

>>582 It was a typo, but an apposite one...

584 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-17 08:22 ID:bbgAObmX

BBC One just aanounced a brand new John Le Carre adaptation of The Spy Who Came in From the Cold to follow TNM! They used Tom's name for clickbait, but no word if he, or Hugh, or Bier will be involved, yet. Richard Burton played the lead role in a feature film version, so we'll see. Tom was spotted on the tube in London, somewhere on twitter, btw.

585 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-18 00:44 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom at Twickenham Studios in London, twitter quotes below. Tom said Hi, and thank you in response.

Kate Robertson ‏@Kate_Robertson_ 4h4 hours ago
My sister works at Twickenham Studios in LDN and just snap chatted me that Tom Hiddleston was there omgggggg.

586 Name: Savvy : 2017-01-18 15:37 ID:fOhqL7ye

Twickenham Studios is launching an exclusive Private Members' Club, @TW1_TheLounge on Tuesday 17th January 2017!

587 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-18 16:11 ID:bbgAObmX

Pics of Tom, out a breakfast in London, wearing glasses and his usual duds.

588 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-20 07:44 ID:Heaven

New trailer for Shitty Island

And I say Shitty because I feel this film would end up like Crimson Peak, great visual and...that's it. All I gathered from all these trailers is that the island is full of monsters that will probably be more interesting than Kong and that there are way too many main characters in it.

589 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-22 23:31 ID:WQK6sORk

>>588 I'm going to agree with Coach. It's so choppy which makes me worry about the story. But movies like this aren't really about plot. TH will still talk about 'the amaaaaaazing myth' and 'how Kong reminds him of Prince Hal' but people will go to this to see a big gorilla crush stuff.

I'm more upset about this vid which shows a fake bearded TH (ummm, Tayto). Is it just me or does he look exactly like Olly?

590 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-23 09:06 ID:Heaven

>>589 hahaha I haven't even noticed the fake beard, I got too used to it this summer =P

I don't know about people going to see this film, the number of visualizations for these trailers are alarmingly low, there doesn't seem to be that much interest.

591 Name: Anon : 2017-01-23 18:16 ID:1IVzbkeo

Anyone remember the bar scene reshoot that was filmed a few months ago, and how we all said that one of the options was to provide exposition for a craply chaotic movie? Now we see a bar scene with TH asking "who or what am I tracking?"

Just saying.

592 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-23 18:29 ID:0v3qpwoI

Who or what am I tracking?

  1. Taylor Swift's plane
  2. Your mentions on Google
  3. Daniel Craig's contract negotiations

Come on, everyone play along!

593 Name: NewAnon : 2017-01-23 19:47 ID:TnoYwGZx

>>592 Oohhhh I wanna try!

4. His sinking public image
5. How many times he's ridiculed in his Twitter mentions
6. Other leggy blondes he could've stunted with in summer 2016 and not crashed and burned
7. EO's single status and whether she's up for a dinner and a show
8. Eddie Redmayne's continued success

594 Name: Anon : 2017-01-23 20:57 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>592 Price per wear of the grey suede boots.

595 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-23 22:18 ID:0v3qpwoI

Razzies noms were announced today. Neither TH or any of his films received nominations (didn't expect they would; they weren't that bad and neither was he)...and since Worst Showmance and Worst Performance as a Fake Boyfriend aren't categories, TH will need to wait for the BAFTAs for his next PR cock-up...I mean possible acceptance speech (and subsequent apology).

I can't remember what categories BAFTA has for tv, but I know that Paul Dano in War and Peace will give TH a run for his money. That kid's got acting chops and did very good work with what I thought was a mediocre script for W&P. Don't know about any others. Robbie Coltrane for National Treasure? I didn't see it myself but heard a lot of scuttlebutt about it.

596 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-23 23:05 ID:0v3qpwoI

Ouch and OUCH.

The author goes in hard on TS and TH is really little more than a mere afterthought. I will say that she only scores half points on the criticism against TH. The speech was tone deaf though it didn't smack of white saviorism - not to me. Perhaps just saviorism in general.

On another level, this article made me realize that he will never be fully rid of her. I know some people - mostly those over in the veranda - talk about J. Gyllenhaal and how he's lived down their showmance. But he hasn't, not really. Every time TS gets a new bf, they trot out mentions of the old. Those pics of JG and TS get a new release, the pics with TS and his niece do as well. The same will probably be the case for TH. Talk about mortgaging yourself to the hilt.

597 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-24 06:55 ID:Heaven

>>591 isn't it amazing how in films, whenever you need a former soldier capable of dealing with the end of times, you can always find one in a bar? He is never ploughing the land pretending to be crazy!

598 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-24 06:57 ID:Heaven


  1. The next script (no announcement yet!)
  2. His mary janes
  3. The next tropical island to visit

599 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-24 07:08 ID:Heaven

>>595 BAFTA TV are in May, in the meatime, while he obviously didn't get any nomination for BAFTA film, he will probably atttend as a presenter, so red carpet and interviews!

>>596 That's what I have been saying all along. Worse, because Jake was much younger, 27/28, so what happened with TS it's easier to dismiss. 35 years old TH doesn't get a pass, he should have known better than that.

600 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-24 07:27 ID:Heaven

>>596 She makes a fair point about TS and the march, if you tweet about it you might as well joined the crowd. The veen went global so it wasn't that difficult to find a march to join.
As for TH, too bad the journalist ignores TH's proclaims of supporting women, or she would have another reason to base her theory on.

601 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-25 00:48 ID:zsXnFAhA

TH is currently sending JVR the world's biggest muffin basket. He's not going to have the most problematic personal life on the Shit Island promo tour!!!!

OT: How was she one of 2015's most influential people on the internet?

602 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-25 01:12 ID:zsXnFAhA

>>597 Classics reference from Coach!! She wins the internet today.

>>599 Yes maybe another presenting gig. A self-deprecating quip about sticking to presenting rather than accepting awards might gain back some goodwill. Not from me, but maybe from someone.

>>599 Right?!? Learn from others' mistakes. I bet there isn't a TS ex who doesn't regret 'going out' with her. I bet those stories are told all the time BTS in Hollywood/publicists offices. How did he not hear them?

603 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-25 07:34 ID:Heaven

>>601 Holy! Has TH already stopped following her on twitter?
We were right in naming the film Shitty Island.

Google and youtube trends already showed little interest in this film, now it's DOA. Legendary is probably wishing they sacked JVR when they could, because JVR isn't denying the event in the hotel, he's complaining about it going public - and the blackmail, but he needs to provide evidence to support that one.

What a mess, just before the promo tour begins.

OT: Mysteries of social networks.

604 Name: Anon : 2017-01-25 09:27 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>603 et al

Best comment in the DM: "She is trash and he should never be photographed naked."

I have always said that JVR was a peanut brain. The fact that he can't imagine a better Friday night than smoking a lot of weed and having a hooker party tends to confirm this. It seems that one of the hookers he was with took a violent dislike to him and leaked the photo.

And did TH really follow the GF on twitter? I know he likes looking at breasts, but really...

605 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-25 12:29 ID:Heaven

>>604 Yes, your nickname for him was spot on. I remember when JVR was scouting for locations we talked about him and his twitter full of boobs. I think we even wondered if JK Simmons and Keaton left because of him.

Of course TH followed her! It happened when they were filming in Hawaii (we were busy with the whole EO&Hawaii situation), Furlan was there too. Even Olly followed her on twitter (although she didn't follow him back, only TH).

They even took a photo together at SDCC

606 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-25 16:25 ID:AduRCjf/

>>605 The attention hog and the peanut can commiserate about selecting the wrong women with which to be in relationships. (Feel like the grammar is dodgy there!)

>>604 You do yourself a disservice. You said he had the emotional intelligence and intellect of a peanut. You nailed him exactly.

How does a studio think it wise to give this man the reins of a $195m movie?

I bet Brittney - and her sizeable assets - has been crossed off the potential showmancers list.

607 Name: Anon : 2017-01-25 19:11 ID:1IVzbkeo


Why do all these reality TV stars look the same?

And I have wondered many times what made any studio allow this moron to direct a major movie. I read somewhere that this is only his second feature length movie full stop. Heaven knows I don't want TH to have another flop on his hands, but if I were him I really would have thought twice about this project on that ground alone.

608 Name: Anonon : 2017-01-25 23:07 ID:9XOTNeyP

While JVR is not the first stoner to make feature films, I do hope he surrounded himself with some clear minded people to help put his chaotic thought processes into action. What a peanut. I wonder if his assistants main task was to source reefer and strippers.
That pickup and fill in all the plot holes bar scene looks cheap. Seems they ran out of budget for a decent beard. I very much doubt TH's personal makeup artist applied it- Bill Corso is a genius.
>>607 I get the distinct impression TH has been desperate for a leading man action hero roll and the offers weren't exactly flooding in. If he pulls it off it'll polish off most of his turds and finally gain him some of the following he expected to gain through TayTo.
Here's the first print article from Shit Island. Lots of pretty photos, I can't be bothered reading the article...

609 Name: Anonon : 2017-01-25 23:26 ID:9XOTNeyP

PS. What a twat, cheating on his high profile social media star gf, leaving evidence on his phone and being shocked and outraged she leaked them. I see no other outcome from this scenario, it's a forgone conclusion.
Let's hope his inability to see the forest for the trees doesn't play out in cinemascope.

610 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-26 08:12 ID:Heaven

A director betrayed by a camera is highly amusing. I suppose he didn't read TH's memo about unsolicited photo/video and everyone having a smartphone these days.

611 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-01-26 08:16 ID:Heaven

>>606,607,608 I thought the budget would be higher than that, moving all that equipment to so many different locations, not to mention luxury hotels and post production.

As for TH, the possible reasons might go from money to better to work than not. But I fail to see how this film helps him. If it's a success, the cast is star studded and TH's role doesn't seem to be central, so it'll be a shared merit. If it's a flop, the blame will be at JVR's and TH's feet, they certainly aren't going to blaming it on Oscar winner Larson and SLJ.

612 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-27 06:24 ID:bbgAObmX

Does anyone know what cafe Tom had breakfast in, in the recent instagram pic, because it didn't look like Chamomile or G&W?

>>611>>606>>607>>608 IMO, this film is a no win, no loss deal for Tom. People are not particularly interested in a King Kong film, and are certainly more interested in Godzilla. Not to be mean to the cast, but this series of films is just about raking in special effects dollars from the international markets. Tom gets to play a macho, kind of a leading man part, but it's an ensemble film, and he's not the designated star. If the script isn't cohesive, the editing is disjointed, the effects dodgy, and the film under performs, it will be JVRs fault, and reviewers will just continue to question why studios make these tent pole films. I wish Tom success, but I kind of wish he wanted a career like Damian Lewis. He could rock a mature, sophisticated Homeland type of show, and bring in an award or two, and do theatre in between seasons. But Tom wants to be up there with Macavoy, Fassbender and Hardy. I could have seen him in the Fassbender part in A Dangerous Method. I also could see him as Amy Schumers nerdy love interest in a comedy like in Train Wreck. Weird thought, though.

613 Name: Anon. : 2017-01-28 01:57 ID:plQMGc8A

OT: What did Italy do to deserve this?

Maybe this is true love (like Tayto) but I'm thinking Selena took a page out of squad-leader TS's playbook because this set up looks awfully familiar:

  1. Italy
  2. Cultural engagement, art and shit
  3. Handholding and PDA
  4. Her shoes. I've been to plenty of museums and art galleries in my time. Never once have I worn anything but fugly ass sensible shoes. SG is sporting 4-inch heels. The Lady Swift did the same thing when she and TH tainted The Vatican. Presumably both wanted to look great while walking around for the half-hour it took the snappers to get pics.

Lesson of this post: You can spot a fake relationship by the shoes?

614 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-28 03:38 ID:bbgAObmX

>>613 You are so spot on. This article from refinery29 asks are Selena and Weeknd "Hiddleswifting" us? Ouch. Selena can get away with this probably because she hasn't been stunting with bfs for 10 years to create lyrics, like TS. At 23 you get a pass with a few PR relationips, but at 27 and older, people side-eye you. And this couple is OTT, but not utterly physically awkward with each other. Selena is a bit better with body language. Although she is wearing a sundress and heels in the middle of winter, with everyone else in coats...

615 Name: Sosorry : 2017-01-29 01:03 ID:bbgAObmX

More silly Bond rumors. Tom is mentioned. Priyanka Chopra wants to play Bond, apparently. Daniel Craig is Bond, period. B Broccoli is even producing his off broadway production of Othello.

616 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-01 20:51 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom's on Graham Norton again on February 17, with Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe, Ricky Gervais, and reunited with Tinie Tempah. I hope it goes well. Gervais is a loose cannon.

617 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-01 23:37 ID:0//i5H+y

Who's ready for Kong Skull Island? Anyone? Yeah, me neither. But it's coming!

This article makes me nervous. This SM post smacks of the same self-importance that got TH in trouble at the GG. I understand the idea of actors as representatives and mirrors for society, but not in a Kong movie. Here's hoping BL and TH keep the promo tour light and fun: no 'I hope this movie brings relief to the aid workers of Sudan,' or 'our battle with Kong is like the battle against the travel ban.' Light and fun means less opportunity for TH's foot-in-mouth disease to return.

>>616 There will probably be a moratorium on Tayto questions. However, Ricky Gervais...soooooo, good luck with that, TH.

Luke, stop off before the show to buy some adult diapers. TH looks the type to get the nervous shits.

618 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-02 14:49 ID:Heaven

>>613,614 They became a verb! Maybe they'll make it into the Oxford Dicitonary.

619 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-02 14:52 ID:Heaven

>>616,617 Well, even if Norton were to make a joke, it's pre-recorded isn't it?

>>617 Brie, no. Just no. Don't even try to make it look as if this film is anything besides CG monsters fighting each other. Plus, TH doesn't really need a new flop and Marvel doesn't want Captain Marvel to be their first. Follow Anon. advice, do your promo for comic nerds and be happy with that.

620 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-02 14:52 ID:Heaven

Speaking of Kong there was this article that digs into Kong and Associated Monsters and the film in general

I only skimmed through, but I think there might be some spoilers.

And a couple of boring things about Thor3

621 Name: Anon : 2017-02-02 19:02 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>620 What an atrociously written article (the Coming Soon one).

Sample sentence: "The main conflict in the film centers on the divide between the group in how they’re going to fulfill a mission they may have gotten in over their heads about."

622 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-03 03:16 ID:I7C+5gQK

623 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-03 06:15 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom was seen last night, with a friend in London seeing his old Suburban Shootout costar in Ivo Van Hove's new production of Hedda Gabler, at the National Theatre, twitter @chrishobbs_

624 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-03 07:44 ID:Heaven

>>622 These Kong articles are certainly good for a laugh,
"It turns out as well as doing his research, Hiddleston worked closely with director Jordan Vogt-Roberts" - was whipped cream involved?

But yesterday I read this pearl "Kong: Skull Island's Creatures Inspired By Miyazaki Anime"

625 Name: Anon : 2017-02-03 10:12 ID:/Pmhoe+W

>>624 I have to say, I think TH has finally found his métier with this film. He is right on message with the pretentious crap that is spewing out of the publicity department. Not eh case with his previous films: Marvel clearly wasn't interested in the Shakespearean arc of his character since they fired Branagh after one movie; and Legendary marketed CP as a straight up horror movie, not as a "Gothic Romance"....

626 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-03 11:03 ID:Heaven

>>625 That's true and if her interviews are anything to go by, he even found a partner in crime in Brie. Not that this is a good thing for him.

627 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-03 23:21 ID:ANH9vr4F

>>625 His pretentious, bullshit-filled forte. I predict 'myth' will be the buzzword for this tour. I can we see him waxing about Shit Island being just like the Odyssey?

>>626 She's onboard. I glimpsed an article where she talked about how the male characters in the film represent the 'animus' and her character is more about the 'anima.' This is why her character is better able to connect with the giant CGI monkey...obviously. I stopped reading.

628 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-04 01:08 ID:9XOTNeyP

I recall reading that TH was on board this project from the concept/ origin stage (conceived most likely in seedy hotel rooms with reefers, strippers and whipped cream) with particular emphasis on character design.
I would conclude that all pretentious referencing in this press tour is entirely his fault.
Hopefully they're saving the Odyssey namedrop for Samuel L

629 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-04 12:20 ID:Heaven

>>627 Maybe they should just let Kong do the promo
"Mr Kong, please tell us how it was working with TH?"
"Well enough, he came up with this idea that his character would show his love for me by wearing a tshirt, but I told him I'm no leggy blonde"

>>627,628 For the moment he's mentioning Indiana Jones and Jurassic Park. I suppose he considers this his adventurous film. Or, he really wants to be the lead in a Spielberg movie.

630 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-04 14:25 ID:7ZW+q/Ax

>>629 The boy is always hustling. We saw that in 2016: never-ending promo tour, never-ending showmance, DEFCON 2 with fans to recoup goodwill lost in Storm Tayto. Then it was off to sunny Sudan and the GG speech to tie in with his Unicef charity. It's been a whirlwind of shitty PR followed by apologetic behavior or actual apologies.

But where is my handwritten note apologizing for the $15 and 2 hours I wasted on ISTL? Where is that, TH?

OT: The Daily Mail tells me that 'brand Beckham is RIP' because some of his emails about honors and charity work leaked. The emails suggest his work with Unicef was part of a conscious effort to secure a knighthood. When a PR guru suggested he make a large donation to a Unicef event, he told them to take a hike. Requests from Unicef for business class flights were also leaked - more demands than requests.

I wouldn't expect this to touch TH and his work with Unicef. I think we all can admit on some level that TH is not working with Unicef out of the pure goodness of his heart. I'm going to continue to believe that he does want to help people and is concerned about the situation in S. Sudan. However, there are benefits for him. And given it seems to be Luke's go-to PR strategy (nearly everyone in his stable is involved with a UN subsidiary), PR must play a role.

But I bet he's going to be praying that his emails stay safe and sound. He's probably going to install an extra firewall or two as well.

631 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-04 15:26 ID:Heaven

>>630 About Beckam, if true it wouldn't surprise me, his(their) lifestyle makes it look like Unicef is a means to an end. It'd be sad for the kids he visited with Unicef, who tend not to care about actors/actresses, but idolize football players.

About TH, I can't but agree with you, pre Tayto I gave him the benefit of the doubt about everything, now I question everything. I do hope his work with Unicef is done more seriously than his commitment to climate changes, conveniently forgotten when enjoying private jets and SUVs, and that his documentary isn't some self-serving work.

He's an Apple user, he probably uses their email and doesn't even now what an end-to-end encryption is. Which is why I always thought TH wasn't one for escorts or shady stuff, he'd be too worried about leaks of videos/photos. But I do wonder if he wrings his hands in concern over emails sent to TS.

632 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-05 20:22 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom was seen at a BP gas station in line on twitter. Maybe driving to see family for an early bday get together? Happy weekend, everyone.


633 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-06 17:03 ID:nW1AoVqt

>>631 My American brain didn't think of this! Those kids are probably confused when TH shows up (Loki who?) but a football star like Beckham would be unforgettable.

>>632 Was it the same one he stopped off at when they were having a PR motorcade to mummy's house? Did he buy two coffees out of habit? Was he smiling maniacally until he realized there were no paps or people with cameraphones? And most importantly, was his mother surprised TS and the Daily Mail didn't come along for the visit?

Why didn't TH dedicate his GG to whales? Don't they binge watch TNM

I can only hope I'm not passing on sarcasm in my milk.

634 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-06 19:48 ID:Heaven

>>633 "I was in Australia doing 'Thor: Ragnarok' and I had a house in Queensland and I could run along the beach and I saw humpback whales."

I suppose all of this happened after TayTo ended, Tayto took over a hotel and TH's runs were supervised and photographed for posterity. The lack of private jet and SUVs allowed the man to go back respecting nature. How surprising.

I think sarcasm is more likely to raise the immune power of your milk. Congrats btw :)

635 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-06 19:49 ID:Heaven

And no Kong trailer for the Superbowl!

636 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-06 21:49 ID:bbgAObmX

Naomie Harris claims that she empathized with Tom during his GG speech, because it's so hard to tell an effective story when you're nervous, and she thought it was unfair that he was criticized to the extent that he was.

>>633>>634 Ha ha. Not sure when the whale watching took place, could have been during or post Tayto fauxmance. The lack of a cotilla of paparazzi and bodyguards reminds one to savour the simple things in life. I remember that Tom was seen on a hotel balcony with a bodyguard. But there never were any pics of TS anywhere near the hotel. So I thought that she leaked the name of the hotel for PR, and she stayed somewhere else. Sadly, reading so much about Hollywood is making me more aware of the games that all of the publicists and actors play, and now all I think when I see any interview or quote from an actor is "what are you trying to sell me right now", "why do you need my attention right now," and "what are you campaigning for?"

637 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-07 02:56 ID:bbgAObmX

According to Elizabeth Debicki of TNM, Tom is perfectly perfect in every way. Hmmm...Tom is right up there with Mary Poppins, her magical snaps, and talking umbrella that flies, apparently. Blah. The Dailymail is so silly.

638 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-07 12:53 ID:Heaven

Do you remember when a couple of months ago we read about TH and Hard Boiled

and we laughed about the idea? (we weren't the only ones

Turns out that's it wasn't just talk

"Speaking of, what’s up next from you? There are several projects rumored…
Yeah, there’s [monster movie] “Freakshift” which we’re still trying to make — probably, hopefully shooting that in June. And I’m writing stuff for Warners at the moment for “Hard Boiled,” the Frank Miller adaptation.

And is that still due to star Tom Hiddleston?
Yes it is. And then “Wages of Fear” is bouncing around too."

639 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-07 21:22 ID:7uhrB/pp

>>638 I know nothing about Hard Boiled except that this title does not describe all. Also I think I've worked out his process for 'picking' a project:

  1. Will it get me an Oscar nomination?
  2. Will it get me James Bond?
  3. Is it with a well-known director I can later humblebrag about working with?
  4. Will I get to be the 'leading man?' (Okay, I misspelled 'leading' and it autocorrected to 'balding' - the irony!)
  5. Is the character the absolute opposite of me in every way because then...ACTING...and I get to show my range...and win an Oscar?

Going by what others are saying about the material, I think he's going with a combo of 4 and 5 (without the Oscar bit) for this one. Maybe some 2 thrown in because this sounds action-packed and ultra-violent...just like a modern day James Bond...coincidence?

I don't pretend to know how acting works but there's something to be said about sticking close to the shoreline in every profession. Highlighting natural abilities and affiliations seems a far easier and better course.

640 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-08 00:53 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>638,639 Maybe it's also a therapeutic choice for him. He seems to go a bit method in his technique.
Some Tay Tay cardboard cutouts placed directly in his line of fire while filming could really draw out his inner demon.
Also, the character has a lot in common with his hairline.

I'm going to have a lot of trouble with this film if they color his hair bright orange.

641 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-08 03:16 ID:bbgAObmX

>>638>>639>>640 In my humble opinion, Tom needs to pick better written, more cohesive scripts, with propulsive dramatic narrative arcs. Tom's problem is that he seems to pick creative and avant garde directors (del Toro, Ben Wheatley) and picks leading man roles, at the expense of the strenghth of the scripts that he choses. Tom kicked his tail preparing for and acting in Crimson Peak, High Rise, and I Saw the Light. Lighting a candle for King Kong : ) But the films were uneven because they had uneven scripts, and had odd pacing. Tom was a great supporting player in Midnight in Paris and War Horse. I would like him to focus more in that direction, and keep and eye out for a leading man role in TV, theater, or an indie film. Not sure how I feel about anyone else besides Daniel Craig as Bond, but Daniel got Bond due to his performance in the indie gangster drama Layer Cake, and his theatre credits.

642 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-08 10:51 ID:bbgAObmX

Tom's not mentioned as a cast member of Jez Butterworth's new play, The Ferryman. Oh well.

643 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 11:59 ID:ukyAgO7A

>>642 I remember Anon called this one when the Crazy Intelligent blog was speculating about it (and probably making travel arrangements). I can't recall what CI said about it but she was probably as wrong about it as she is about most things, e.g., the voyeur movie, Tayto being real, half of her blog's name.

I think TH on stage may be on hold as he tries to be a leading him announce a play today now that I've said that.

644 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 13:21 ID:Heaven

>>639 Yes, it does help to show your fortes from time to time.

>>640 lol

>>642,643 I would have been surprised if he were part of the cast.

Speaking of good script and such, I'm surprised he didn't try to get a role in the new Murder on the Orient Express. Or maybe he did, who knows. I agree that his acting is better when the scripts are good (as his theatre work shows), he isn't the kind of actor who can sell everything.

645 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 13:25 ID:GTIRq8EL


I did say I thought it unlikely - it was slated for a West End transfer from the start (now confirmed), which I thought unlikely, as it would seriously interfere with movie ambitions. I also have never thought he is a Royal Court kind of man. As you probably know they only do new drama. I see him preferring tried and tested theatre, not new writing (not but what, Jez Butterworth is pretty much a sure thing).

>>641 I think what you say about his duff choices is spot on. I think he chooses for the character, for all the reasons you and Dottie identified - Oscar, leading man etc. He seems to believe that a great character, or his acting chops, can save a badly plotted movie. This has repeatedly been proven wrong.

646 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 14:18 ID:1IVzbkeo

Tom's latest GQ interview is out. Here are his thoughts about Tayto. I am leaving them here without comment because I am, for once, speechless:

“He explains that he wants to be honest with me, that it would be hypocritical of him to talk about honesty in the world and then not be with me. I have to understand, he says, that a relationship is between two people, that it doesn’t belong to him alone. But like David Cameron now knows, it is neither practical nor wise to let rumors hang in the air. He wants me to know that he has no regrets, he says, “because you have to fight for love. You can’t live in fear of what people might say. You know, you have to be true to yourself.”
I turn my tape recorder off and I stand up, but he doesn’t. He shakes his head again, his hands clasped together, and he hangs his head. I sit back down and we talk some more because I finally understand that he isn’t here as someone who needs to explain his side in a PR battle; he’s here as someone who is still crushed by the end of a relationship.
So we sit and talk for a while. We talk about how relationships go sideways, how the ripples of a breakup can still pin you to a wall even months later. We talk about heartache. We talk about sadness and healing. We talk about what it’s like to love and what happens when the object of that love withdraws but all your love is still there. We talk about how those things can really change a person. The world will chip away at your optimism, and you just have to fight back. You have to be someone who is still full of joy and full of love, who can still use a word like “obsessed” about porridge. You have to be bold and open. You have to be honest. You have to be like Tom Hanks. We all have to be more like Tom Hanks.”

647 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 14:20 ID:1IVzbkeo

This is the whole article, for anyone who cares to read:

648 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 14:35 ID:Heaven

>>646 I had just seen the photos at Torrilla and read the cover "Tom Hiddleston is here to conquer America" and laughed and thought 'wow, we are always on time discussing this guy', but this! I think a need a moment.

But, as someone who studied in Italy, don't ask for Bolognese in Italy, it doesn't exist there.

649 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 14:48 ID:1IVzbkeo

Actually you have to read the article. All of you. And play a game I just invented called "count the lies." Here's one obvious one to get you all started. There are more subtle lies in the article as well:

“The truth is, it was the Fourth of July and a public holiday and we were playing a game and I slipped and hurt my back. And I wanted to protect the graze from the sun and said, ’Does anyone have a T-shirt?’ And one of her friends said, ’I’ve got this.’ ” The friend pulled out the “I ♥ T.S.” tank top that Taylor’s friends are contractually obligated to own. “And we all laughed about it. It was a joke.”

650 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 14:58 ID:Heaven

Goodness, is this even an interview? It's like she started with the intention of doing an interview and she ended writing an apology for TayTo. Honestly, this might just be my nail in the coffin.

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