Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

1 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-28 17:52 ID:agI/SFA7

Thread to talk about the actor Tom Hiddleston.

651 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 14:59 ID:GlfTeNg6

>>646 Son of a bitch. Son.of.a.bitch.

>>649 Does anyone have a tshirt...because I don't. I traveled here without tshirts.

Yes, that is the story, I just didn't have one, single tshirt with me. That's the truth...I didn't have a tshirt...thank you for asking.

652 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 15:09 ID:Heaven

>>649 I lost count and I don't even know where to begin with the content.
Her friends are contractually obligated to own a “I ♥ T.S.” tshirt, and you, 35 year old man, didn't find that idiotic?

I'm speechless, is this fanfiction supposed to help him?

“I only know the woman I met. She’s incredible.” Because the rest of us, plebes, only know people they don't meet.

653 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 15:12 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>651 He actually might not have brought a t shirt. He was depicted in one picture standing in a corner holding a glass of wine and wearing a blazer and slacks. I think Whatsinaname baptised that photo "the wallflower".

But the rest of it. Jesus H Christ. "“Taylor is an amazing woman,” reads the prepared statement Tom Hiddleston has memorized and is now giving me."

Yes, I bet he fucking did. That was the whole point of this set up, wasn't it? Give this bird 2 days' access (I think unparalleled in TH interview history), wait till she is gagging for the scoop, among other things, and then drop Tayto: the Tom Hiddleston version. ("I laaaaaaarved her!!!!!!").

How sweetly post modern to manipulate the media simultaneously with giving an interview about media manipulation.

654 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 15:19 ID:1IVzbkeo

I just noticed something hilarious. When Tom lies, he starts his sentence with "the truth is..." Anyone recall that interview with THR in July?

"Well, um. How best to put this? That notion is — look, the truth is that Taylor Swift and I are together, and we're very happy. Thanks for asking. That's the truth. It's not a publicity stunt."

655 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 15:21 ID:CE/5pgoT

I can't figure out if half the things in the interview are sarcasm or truth. I feel like Sheldon from Big Bang going "was that sarcasm?" From the "contractually obligated TS tank top joke among friends" to the "officially prepared statement" to the whole him being unprepared for the cameras following them around on their tour. It's a great interview for his stans though but I seriously can't figure out the sarcasm-honesty level in this...

656 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 15:22 ID:Heaven

It's embarrassing on both sides. How could a journalist worth this name buy this crap? A girl had a tshirt that fitted TH? None of the other dudes had a tshirt?

657 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 15:27 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>652 You can tell the way the interviewer wrote him telling that TS tank story and him saying it's a joke among friends, he knows HE was the joke. That's the one thing I was able to understand in that mess of an interview. I'm still shaking my head over his supposed awe at the cameras following them. Please don't expect us to believe the nonsense that they weren't called in by the publicist.

658 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 15:29 ID:Heaven

Maybe this is an alternativeinterview and in a few days GQ will publish the real one.

659 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 15:31 ID:1IVzbkeo


I am afraid I think this was a calculated and untruthful attempt to kick over the traces of a fake relationship that went badly wrong, and in such a way as to restore his reputation with his stans. Which it has done. Tumblr is already awash with dewy-eyed comments about his bravery and his sad puppy dog face when talking about how he loved TayTay and was bravely trying to be open about his relationships.

660 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 15:32 ID:Heaven

>>655 I bet his stans and nannies are in tears over how pure and sweet he is.

>>657 I'm shaking my head with you.

661 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 15:32 ID:1IVzbkeo



662 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 15:58 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>658 hahahahahahah! Given how things have been lately, I'm not surprised. Maybe Buzzfeed will leak the real interview lol

>>659 Yeah, it's a great interview for this fans who were looking to forgive him. If he hadn't worn the TS tank, I'd say Tom is cunning and did a sob story to win back his gullible female fanbase but this summer proves he's anything but cunning and neither is his PR. I'm also from the "relationship was real but sold to the highest bidder for fame" camp. I always felt they both decided to go extra hard on the fame by pretending they wanted to control the narrative but really he wanted to be a famous celebrity and she wanted to drown out Kimye but it all backfired. However with that in mind, I do believe Taylor forms friendships and relationships solely with publicity in mind because that's always been her MO and I don't think Tom is smart or savvy enough to play that game despite his thirst and that's why he got screwed over in the end which is not what he signed up for.

663 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 16:04 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>659 Also, let's be honest lol we all know Tom really loves his career. To expect us to believe he was in "love" in a supposed three month relationship...nope. Even the interviewer picked up on it that he didn't do impressions to make her laugh but rather got some sort of self validation out of the whole thing. The thirst is very real.

664 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 16:12 ID:Heaven

>>659 His stans already thought it was all TS's fault, he only provided them with the material to make it official. I'm not sure though how this will appeal to the general public.

665 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 16:18 ID:Heaven

Do you think he realizes that now he opened the TayTo door, everyone will want a piece? Or was that the purpose? Because, if I'm reading this interview right, difficult as it is, TS was the one who did the breaking and the one who wanted the publicity? So you can bet TS won't stay mum.

666 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 16:40 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>662 Oh, I think he was up for wearing the tank top and that proves he is cunning. Just not cunning enough to realise that it was going to make him look like a tool.

I do however think he is easily cunning enough to sell the sob story to his fan base. This whole interview is a leaf out of the TH playbook: the "authenticity", the impressions, the recycled anecdotes about the family, talking about Purity by Jonathan Frantzen (has he actually read any other books?), and the insistence on the bare faced lies about how they were "just acting normal, the photos were taken without consent" etc. He has added cooking to the repertoire of cliché, though. He was telling everyone about his spag bog at the BAFTA GG tea party.

And having her round to his house. He has never done that before for any interviewer. That said to me that this whole thing was a calculated publicity stunt. When a celeb "offers unprecedented access" it is 99% because they have a specific story to shill (all this to publicise Kong? I don't believe it for a second).

667 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 16:54 ID:+YxnGR9H

I don't want to harp on the t-shirt story because there is so much other shit to cover but...he had a t-shirt. He flew out of Heathrow in a perfectly fine, graze-covering tee. So unless he threw this t-shirt out of the escape hatch on his BA flight (those don't exist), he had a shirt. I want to also point out that there are two pictures of him - one on the slide and one in the pool - without a shirt. I suppose those pictures were taken before the injury requiring a doctor-recommended I <3 T.S. t-shirt. Also, he went from Taymerica straight to Oz...where he was spotted many times in...wait for it....wait...t-shirts. I don't think he picked those up at duty free. It's a small lie in a sea of bigger lies but it makes my blood boil because it is saying, to some extent, 'People will buy this weak shit.' It insults my intelligence.

I am genuinely surprised at how he just keeps getting it so so many ways. Who the fuck is advising him, really? REALLY. This was not the way to address either the relationship or the t-shirt. sighs are back.

668 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 16:59 ID:+YxnGR9H

>>654 Yep. That's the truth...I didn't have a tshirt...thank you for asking. The text between the ellipses can be filled in with any load of shit.

669 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 17:00 ID:Heaven

>>666 I agree, parts of this interview are off record, but magically makes it on record. It feels calculated and badly executed.

>>667 Thank you, I did remember but was too annoyed to look. it's as insulting as that interview with his buddy Cumberbatch and his unsolicited photos. They are taking us all for idiots.

670 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 17:06 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>666 You know what it is? I just read it on someone's tumblr and they are correct - Tom is playing victim. Just like Taylor. He's going the whole being personable and getting his heart broken when all he was doing was being "authentic and honest". He is playing victim and doing a whole boo hoo sob story so his willing stans will forgive him.
I guess now we get to sit back and watch who plays victim better - Tom or Taylor. Because I'm sure we're going to get something from Camp Swift on this interview.

671 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 17:14 ID:+YxnGR9H

To those of you saying his die-hards will eat this up...yes, they already have. I went to have a look at his twitter tag. Here's a general sampling:

  1. Thanks to the author for such a wonderful portrait of the man TH is - the best article on him EVER written. One called it beautiful and humane - so she has a random adjective machine.
  2. TS fans and his talking about how 'heartbreaking' and 'sad' their 'totally authentic' love was...yep, Romeo and Juliet Part Duh.
  3. TH is such a positive, kind, lovely human...why are people always trying to drag him down? WHY?

I hate him, his blindly loyal stans, twitter, maybe everything. I have to go kiss baby feet because that is the only thing that can dampen the fires of hate I have raging inside me.

672 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 17:26 ID:+YxnGR9H

>>649 I've read it. It might be easier to play 'Find the Truths' - it will take less time but more concentration.

Also, did this woman suggest that all solidly middle-class families need to do to send three children to private schools, one of them being the eye-wateringly expensive Eton, is 'sacrifice?' Sacrifice what? Organs on the black market?

I'm going to go kiss those baby feet now....

673 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 17:29 ID:Heaven

>>670 No, no, New Anon, as a board we are the only sibyls, we were already saying he'll be using the victim strategy in

and July,965,969,971,981

674 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 17:31 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>671 Fires of hate about says it. I feel very over him. What is left of the shrivelled heart of my fandom? I like looking at pictures of him naked. That's about it, really. The photos accompanying the article show that he is still pretty beautiful, with fabulous bone structure.

675 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 17:35 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>672 Does Taffy know that it costs £30k a year to send a kid to Eton? My father didn't earn that much so he would have had to sacrifice food, shelter and paying taxes (sorry, HM Treasury! We are all in this together!). And when I was a kid, £30k a year was well above the average salary and solidly into middle class territory - still is above average salary even now.

676 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 17:43 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>673 Dammit I forgot! You guys DID predict it right then. Well now I definitely believe this whole GQ thing is an even bigger farce than the summer romance tour.

677 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 17:45 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>676 Couch even said sad puppy back then!

678 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 18:04 ID:Heaven

>>671,674 There isn't much left to save at this point, except for pretty pictures. But not today.

>>672,675 He spinned this story in so many interviews I didn't even notice the incongruity.

679 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-08 18:05 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>677 Yeah! He's really playing it up to the stans. He tries so hard to be cunning but too bad all his schemes blow up in his face though lol Not this one though, it's won him his disheartened stans back.

680 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-08 18:07 ID:Heaven

spinned? spun

681 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-08 19:08 ID:t7rozFwZ

Hi - new here, but had to de-lurk after the GQ puff-pastry forcefeed. Does his team really think no one will notice the timing of this attempt in relation to SI promotion?

682 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-08 20:06 ID:bbgAObmX

>>681 Welcome!! >>678 Nothing much to say about the article except, I feel as if I need some Scotch to wash it down with. Obviously, I'm not buying what he's selling. Fake Tayto had to be addressed in a controlled environment/interview environment before the maelstrom of Monkey movie PR starts. The only positive things were that Tom took back his narrative. Also, Tom said such glowing things about TS, that in the eyes of the general public, she will look foolish/mean spirited if she writes a cruel song about him. And if you are casual reader of GQ or a Stan Tom fan, he could come off as a humble quiet living/nerdy guy who seemed overwhelmed and wounded by the media's coverage relationship and the split itself, unlike TS, who is known to court and manipulate the press. She swanned out of that gym in from of the press on break-up day like she didn't give a hoot about him. We'll see how this blue-eyed Bambi works for Tom. My goodness.

683 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-08 20:38 ID:agI/SFA7

So many comments; instead of referencing as a reply, I'll just add my comments after reading this article twice.

  1. The tone was weird - tepid embarrassment wrapped in sarcastic sympathy. The second read felt like I was viewing Chapter 1 of a fan fiction, introducing an ambitious, naive guy with a humiliation kink. (I'd love to know more about that pathology.)
  2. The t-shirt explanation (>>649 >>652 >>657) - I believe that even though he thought he was in on a group joke, the real joke was on him. He now gets it and it hurts and he's trying to save face.
  3. He slid into the grey area of victim mode, blaming Cupid rather than everyone else (himself, her, her PR, his PR, etc). He sounds beaten down (and I think it's honest, not an acting job. Call me crazy...)
  4. I got that the relationship on lasted 2 months - when he went back to Australia by himself in early-mid August, it was over privately, though not announced for another month. Is that what you all read?


684 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-08 20:55 ID:agI/SFA7

>>653 Ah yes, the endearing Wallflower photo. Joke was on him there, no matter what the HS stans say.

What I want to know is what TS said when she 'withdrew her love.' Was it on that weird flight where there's footage of her getting on her plane at the airport then leaving (off camera?)?

Okay >>683, revising #3, not beaten down, but angry, ready to say whatever it takes to take back the narrative.

685 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-08 20:59 ID:t7rozFwZ

Even Lainey Gossip is giving this article and TH's performance the side eye.

686 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 21:06 ID:equ2U3s6

>>681,682 Yes, yes they do. Because they take us for mugs. He doesn't want to have to Charleston around questions or have his people sprinkle Tayto moratoria around. Enter Taffy and her fluff piece (with a weird tone, yes >>683). He's heartbroken about this real relationship, he's the good guy, she's the bad one, etc. He's hoping the ensuing sympathy will work on journalists as much as on the fans. Journalists probably won't buy what he's selling either (so many of them didn't when Tayto was touring). But because of this sob story, they'll maybe be reticent to ask about Tayto for fear of being seen as cruel, i.e., he's already addressed that, he's upset about the end of the 'relationship,' why did you have to bring it up in the middle of his movie promo?!?

It will probably work too...ugh, back to the feet.

Welcome >>681.

687 Name: ?? : 2017-02-08 21:50 ID:0lSV+cGJ

Good lord, I honestly can't make it all the way through the article it gives me so much second hand embarrassment. And as much as he says authentic the entire thing seems anything but.

688 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-08 23:05 ID:bbgAObmX

Not even laineygossip is going for the interview. Really picked up on Taffy's tone.

689 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 23:42 ID:equ2U3s6

Has this been posted? Were we all so shellshocked by the GQ article that this didn't get posted?♥-t-s-tank-top-is-cringe-fuel/

Captcha: yeish - as in, Yeish, this shit is embarrassing cringe fuel.

690 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-08 23:45 ID:equ2U3s6

>>689 Of the 60 reactions to the article, 45 of them are 'Bitch, please.' And only one of them is mine! I swear.

TH can fool the moist-eyed fangirls but not the Dlisted readers.

691 Name: Anon : 2017-02-08 23:51 ID:1IVzbkeo

Just to finish Shirtgate here is a pic of him on the same day wearing a quite different t shirt:

692 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 00:08 ID:equ2U3s6

>>691 Looky there: the shirt from the airport pics, I believe. To quote Buddy the elf: You sit on a throne of lies.

If only there hadn't been photographic evidence to contradict your story, TH. If only TS hadn't so carefully and completely documented that entire weekend.

The irony is so deliciously sweet that I might be diabetic now.

693 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-09 00:53 ID:vHSFHHHc

And his PR team has already gotten to Gossip Cop to reinforce the spin! (I'd link but I don't know how to yet).

694 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-09 02:12 ID:agI/SFA7

>>693 Heynon - You need just copy and paste the URL. If you're on your phone, it may be harder to isolate the page in your phone's browser first before you copy it.

695 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-09 02:40 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>694 Thanks; I was on my phone. Here's the Gossip Cop link:

It rehashes the article and - surprise - rates it "10 - Real" that TH said that the relationship was real. I'm dizzy from all the spinning.

696 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-09 03:20 ID:bbgAObmX

Dear me. The blind posts are already claiming that Tom is in the closet, Luke is the bf, and the US GQ cover was the deal if Tom talked about Tayto. If that were true, I would actually empathize with the entire situation.

697 Name: Anon : 2017-02-09 07:22 ID:1IVzbkeo

Welcome Heynon! You're our first delurker for a while. Enjoy the madness!

698 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 08:08 ID:Heaven

>>689 Michael K gives me life. Like New Anon he also sees the sarcasm and snark in the interview. I read the interview again, I see it as well, but from what I read at CB, Taffy says on twitter she adores TH so I don't know.

699 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 08:12 ID:Heaven

>>682 Sosorry, there was no narrative to take back though, I don't think TS was ever going to say anything about it. Not only there's no point in attacking someone like TH out of the blue, but Tayto, 7 months later, is only an issue for TH, for obvious reasons.

Better to stay quiet or limit himself to a short comment, this interview instead gives reason to journalists to ask her about it and she has the chance to walk away as the classy one, because unless I'm mistaken, he is not so subtly shading her.

First he says
“Taylor is an amazing woman,” “She’s generous and kind and lovely, and we had the best time.” But the article tells us it was the memorized PR answer.

Second he says
So that’s his statement on the entire relationship: an explanation of the tank top. “It was a joke,” he repeats. “Among friends.” Which sounds a lot like saying the entire relationship was a joke.

Third he says
none of this has anything to do with the person he fell in love with. “I only know the woman I met. She’s incredible.” But, man, all those cameras. “A relationship in the limelight… A relationship always takes work. A relationship in the limelight takes work. And it’s not just the limelight. It’s everything else.” He wanted a regular relationship. So did she, he says she said. “So we decided to go out for dinner, we decided to travel.” Translated it means he fell in love with the persona that was presented to him and that persona had nothing to do with personalized tanktop, or hearts draw on your biceps, or a feud with Kayne. Then he says that the limelights and everything else made it difficult, he doesn't specify what everything else is, but he is blaming it on her here and later when he says He wanted a regular relationship, she said she wanted it too. This is top class shading.

Fourth he says that after the breakup, they didn't leave him alone to the point his friends had to support him, famous names mentioned to support his version of the story.

Last come the pestering of the journalist to tell us she was the one who broke up and that he is still heartbroken but not about the end of their relationship, but about misplaced and unrequited love. We talk about what it’s like to love and what happens when the object of that love withdraws but all your love is still there.

All TS needs to do, if asked, is using his own words against him. Something like "TH is so passionate and earnest, you know, and I went with the flow, you know, he wanted us to go to Rome, you know, because he studied classics, you know, and I told him I only ever visited London, you know, so he proposed to visit his mother in Suffolk, you know, but in the end it was nice but we wanted different things, you know, it was mutual".

And where does this interview leave him? To square one.

700 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 08:22 ID:Heaven

I read the thread about this at CB, the stans didn't disappoint me in their hypocrisy.

Do you remember when EO's former fiancée, Boyd, in an interview a year after the fact said how heartbroken he was when she broke up their engagement (an engagement after a couple of years of relationship) on the phone? Do you remember TH's stans calling him whiny, to get over it? Because they needed to defend their precious TH from the accuse of being the cause? Ok.

Do you remember when Calvin Harris made a scene (he is a drama queen) because TS ended their relationship (almost 2 year long) to run off with TH? Do you remember TH's stans calling him whiny, to get over it? Because they needed to defend their precious TH from the accuse of being the cause? Ok.

Now we have TH crying on a journalist shoulder at 6 in the morning over the end of a relationship that lasted 3 months, do they call him whiny? Do they tell him to get over it? No, it's all "How sweet, how endearing". Where do I find a substitute for baby feet?

701 Name: Sosrry : 2017-02-09 09:39 ID:bbgAObmX

>>699 That is the most well analyzed and deft interpretation of the entire article Couch! So multi-layered. I agree with you completely on the subtle shading about her saying she 'said' she wanted a relationship, him being infatuated with the persona she presented, etc. FYI, by framing a narrative, I just meaant that was 'a version' of a story to the press. The average reader is no where near as insightful or as informed as you are, sadly. IMO, Tom seems to not only LOVE being LIKED by co-workers/fans/journalists, but revel in the spectacle of the affect he has on people. Not sure if that is b/c he has a 'trained seal' bit like most actors, or b/c he is a middle child, or b/c he was sent to boarding school Thus, rather than stay silent on TS, or joke of the tank top (either would have worked for me), he chose this faux wounded sensitive soul, bit. He longs for that 2012 version on Tom to still resonate with people. TS is on thin ice, b/c no one believes that she doesn't have the press on speed dial, unlike Tom whose private life is comparably less recorded.

702 Name: Anon : 2017-02-09 10:28 ID:1IVzbkeo

Tom liked this tweet. I am going to hurl.



703 Name: Anon : 2017-02-09 10:29 ID:1IVzbkeo

>>702 In case he unlikes it, it said: "@taffyakner When us, his fans, think we can't possibly adore him more, you give us this, and we swoon all over again. Thank you."

704 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 11:38 ID:Heaven

>>703 yuck, quite the narcissist

705 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 12:50 ID:Heaven

>>701 I'm not sure it's a matter of how much you know, outside UK and US, TH is Loki and the guy who dated TS, this interview changes nothing. Outside the US and UK, TS is a pop idol who writes songs about her ex-bfs, nobody bothered with Kanye, which is why she is capable of staying afloat, so I wouldn't say at all that she is on thin ice.

706 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 13:03 ID:Za6/Zd61

>>702 If you can, make your way to a pair of baby feet or emergency alcohol. Or just do what TH did during Taymerica: sob/scream into a pillow. Make sure you wear your protective tshirt so the screaming doesn't aggravate your graze.

Wait, news breaking on the pillow: I did not scream into a pillow during TAymerica...that's the truth...thanks for asking. I just know the pillow I met. She's kind and generous. We just wanted to travel the world.

707 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 13:24 ID:Za6/Zd61

>>700 Did we expect anything less than this level of hypocrisy from that lot?

>>701,705 I think they may both be on shaky ground. Tayto got a rough ride from all levels of print and social media during their tour. And from fans. They are still occasionally mocked and compared to other possible fauxmances. If either pull another fake relationship anytime soon, it will need to be very convincing or people will light the coals and get out the rakes. The shaky ground is perhaps evidenced by their behavior. He's done this laughable interview because he's fearful of what he may be asked on promo or he 'wants to alter the narrative' - not take it back - but fundamentally change it because the one out there now is dangerous to his reputation and career. She's gone to ground save for a few SM posts and one off concerts, something she rarely does. They seem to know that they're not in Kansas anymore.

708 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-09 13:28 ID:t7rozFwZ

Captcha: fiquition (fiction that gives you the sqiucks?)

>>699 "...what happens when the object of that love withdraws but all your love is still there..." could also be read as TH pining for the love many of his fans have withdrawn.

709 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 13:41 ID:Heaven

>>707 haha, no I suppose no.

I still think TS is the one who risks less, much less, she was working on her new album so she did few appearances and since she claimed it was TH who wanted the limelight, it makes sense.

Look at googletrends for both, particularly the interest by country, does it look like this interview made a difference?

710 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 13:44 ID:Heaven

>>708 TH doesn't pine over his fans, for the simple reason that as an actor his fans are irrelevant, as CrimsonPeak clearly proved.

This interview was for people in the industry and journalists, it works well as a consequence with his fans, but won't get him new ones. If he had really wanted to clear the air with his fans and merely dispel rumour, posting on facebook would have been enough.

711 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-09 14:50 ID:t7rozFwZ

>>710 I agree that TH doesn't care about his fans when he picks roles (like his character in CP, he doesn't seem to have learned that one's choices have consequences!).

And for the article being aimed at the industry and press - yes, it's so obviously timed to SI promotion and trying to fend off hiddleswift questions during the tour ("I've said everything I think need to be said about that in a recent article. Now, back to the mythology of Kong and my charismatic character").

I think the industry people care about his fans, though, because the fans' "tushies on cushies" are how money is made. If a good portion of his former fans will now wait for reviews rather than blindly rushing to see anything he's in, at the least that could affect the important opening-weekend results. And I'm not sure this sob-sister story dispelled any questions in the industry about his good judgment.

712 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 16:50 ID:2fa9YndI

713 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 17:07 ID:Heaven

>>712 Ouch! (maybe, as a board, we should start a PR company, we nail it most often than not)

I agree with both of them, I only disagree with the executive editor of Variety when he shows sympathy for TayTo.

714 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 18:19 ID:Za6/Zd61

>>713 I don't know if I agree with any of it. The 'shit' was a shit sigh. I understand why he had to do it with the impending promo tour but Tayto has been well and truly brought to the surface again. If the BBC is reporting on it and taking advice from 'experts' then Tayto is back.

The most important question is: how will this sob story go over with Ricky Gervaise? On to the GNS....

715 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-09 18:26 ID:t7rozFwZ

>>712 This, a thousand times this! I've been thinking lately that TH doesn't understand that he's not an artiste - he's a business owner whose product is himself and whose brand is his public persona. So he can't see that the cumulative impression he gave this summer downgraded his brand and disappointed his 'customers.'

I do agree with the Variety guy that this will be only a temporary issue. Public figures have come back quite successfully from doing much worse things than just looking like a twit in public.

716 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-09 19:15 ID:bbgAObmX

Luke just had to deny to gossipcop that Tom and TS are reuniting.

717 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-09 19:48 ID:Heaven

>>714 True, as I said today to Sosorry, Tayto was only still an issue to him and now he gave the excuse to other media to ask him about it.

The part I agreed with was about his brand taking a hit, not thinking things through, and that this interview was damage control. But I also think that there are so many hits one can take, one single bad event is easier to forget and forgive than a sequence of bad choices. TH is piling up bad moves with great speed.

GNS is pre-recorded, but it's going to be interesting.

718 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-09 22:49 ID:PLIQ7EGj

>>713 I should have said that 'I don't know if I agree' meant that I really don't know what to think. I have no opinion. His brand has been damaged with me but not with the veranda-dwellers so it's hard to say for certain.

>>716 The sound of Tayto fans' hearts breaking. Actually no, they'll just think this denial is their way of keeping true love hidden from...say it with me...people with cameraphones. They are probably convinced TH is cooking her his famous bolognese right now. I hope they both get food poisoning at this imaginary dinner party.

>>717 GNS may be pre-recorded but a few tweets from the audience might hit the internet.

720 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-10 02:32 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>719 Best part of this article is:

<i>The curious phrase here is “pictures that were taken without consent or permission, with no context.” Given that every attendee at Swift’s July 4 party released a slew of Instagram photos, Hiddleston presumably means the mountain of paparazzi photos on their trips around the world; the morning shows in Australia practically had a meltdown when they arrived. However, Swift is very skilled at avoiding the paparazzi when she wants to.

So essentially, he’s blaming the media and observers for “extrapolating narratives” — when really, the fact that he and Swift were photographed so often (and so professionally) made it seem like they were, in fact, telling a very clear story about their relationship. So assuming Hiddleston isn’t being purposefully misleading, he is either is very naive about the way celebrity works, or he is just completely unaware.</i>

None of the three options in the last sentence reflect well on him. So far, I think this is the first mainstream news outlet to offer commentary on the article rather than just summarize it (looking at you, USA Today and Time).

And I don't know why I find this video that goes with the GQ article particularly annoying:

721 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-02-10 05:25 ID:agI/SFA7

Those two either-ors: again, his PR should have picked up that slack. If not them, then his managers. To say something like that this many months after the fact is a huge failure of his support staff, IMHO

722 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-10 07:25 ID:bbgAObmX

>>720>>721 It's disconcerting seeing someone you think you respect make multiple career slips like this in such a seemingly obvious way, and continue to watch him clearly distort the truth (silly t shirt story) to save his rep. However, I kind of like that Tom a good actor, but a terrible liar. Even though Tom accidentily shortened the TS relationship by half its entire time frame when he admitted that they had ended as soon as he flew back to AU for Thor 3 following Emmy/SAG campaigning, Tom's ability to seem wounded by the consequential public humilation, loss of his rep, and judgement by the general public (his own fault) in vocal tone, body language, etc. allowed Taffy to portray him as if he is in pain, and hence some STANS and undecided readers do empathize with him. Wild.

723 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-10 07:30 ID:Heaven

>>718 I see. I don't know, the best I can offer is the numbers on his SM (very low) and googletrend showing a decrease in interest.

I forgot that GNS has the audience present! And there's Bafta this weekend, though I have no idea if he is attending.

724 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-10 07:52 ID:bbgAObmX

>>723 No BAFTA attendance for Tom, So far.

Nominees confirmed to date include (in alphabetical order): Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Amy Adams, Andrea Arnold, Andrew Garfield, Anya Taylor-Joy, Barry Jenkins, Casey Affleck, Damien Chazelle, David Hare, David Heyman, David Yates, Denis Villeneuve, Dev Patel, Emily Blunt, Emma Stone, Hayley Squires, Hugh Grant, J.K. Rowling, Ken Loach, Kenneth Lonergan, Laia Costa, Meryl Streep, Michelle Williams, Naomie Harris, Nicole Kidman, Pedro Almodóvar, Ron Howard, Ryan Gosling, Tom Ford, Tom Holland, Viggo Mortensen and Viola Davis.

Presenters and other attendees confirmed to date include (in alphabetical order): Andrea Riseborough, Bryce Dallas Howard, Carmen Ejogo, Daisy Ridley, Eddie Redmayne, Ella Purnell, Ewen Bremner, Felicity Jones, George MacKay, Holliday Grainger, Isabelle Huppert, Jamie Dornan, Julia Stiles, Lin Manuel Miranda, Luke Evans, Sir Mark Rylance, Noel Clarke, Noomi Rapace, Penelope Cruz, Rafe Spall, Riz Ahmed, Russell Tovey, Simon Pegg, Sophie Turner, Stanley Tucci and Thandie Newton.

Their Royal Highnesses The Duke, BAFTA’s President, and The Duchess of Cambridge will also attend the ceremony.

725 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-10 08:25 ID:bbgAObmX

Dear me. Tom's 'chit chat' amateur recipe for spaghetti bolognese is now posted on the bonappetit website, and heavily critiqued. Hand Tom some crocs, b/c he's the new Mario Batali. Apparently Tom served the pasta sauce to Taffy w/o any pasta! I guess he's a toast by day, low carb guy by night, apparently. Beauty first, I guess. Love the honesty.
Taffy Akner

4:33 PM - 9 Feb 2017

726 Name: Anon : 2017-02-10 09:14 ID:1IVzbkeo

I just can't with all of this. Taffy's continued desire to be the story, the endless tumblr debates about whether Tom's is the echt recipe for spag bog, the think pieces about whether talking about TayTay was deliberate/inept/shady/helpful/harmful/hearteyes.

I need to go and have a lie down and it is only 9.11am.

BTW I saw a pic of someone arranging the headshots on sticks for the BAFTAS. There was a stick with a pic of TH in his white tie from the Met Gala. Is he coming? Is it a conspiracy to not announce his presence to make us all watch the show? Has he been put 10 rows back to prevent Excitement Boner from impeding the camera angles?

727 Name: Sosorry : 2017-02-10 09:30 ID:bbgAObmX

>>726 Ha Ha! I vote that it's a conspiracy to make us watch, Anon. Missed the BAFTA prep pic. Maybe he's walking the carpet or will just take pics to promote Kong, but he has to stay incognito by just sitting in the theatre afterwards, like he did at the Evening Standard Theatre Awards in Nov 2016? Now watch him turn around and present. Annoying. If not for this summer, and the weird GG speech, the BAFTAs would be a gosh darn victory lap for his GG awards win! Blah for weird decision making!

728 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-10 10:35 ID:Heaven

Here's the BAFTAS stick for TH, and of course he is going to attend! He is no John Lee Miller.

>>726 I'm not reading anything on tumblr, actually I haven't been there since September. But, writing that long post yesterday exhausted me so I can imagine reading many others. From now on it's back to mocking only.

729 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-10 17:09 ID:zXYw7EXf

>>728 He's so far back. Don't the organizers know about his bolognese? Rather than the Met pic they should have used a big pot of bolognese. I don't think people are talking about his bolognese enough. Taffy, do another article about it. ;)

>>727 I personally hope that he's not there to present but to cater the show. Hmmm, now what dish could he serve?

730 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-10 17:29 ID:zXYw7EXf

>>722 I hate that we have to know that he is a bad liar and lies about silly stuff like that shirt. At this point Anon has all but worked out his tell. I don't want to watch his movies anymore but I do want to play poker with him. He'd be signing over the deed to that house in an hour tops. 'The truth is I don't have a very good hand.' I'd probably get Olly in the deal as well.

Captcha: spade - no lie...which in TH's world means that I'm lying.

731 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-10 18:59 ID:t7rozFwZ

>>722 Disconcerted is just how I feel about this (on a good day). I really wish this had been a video interview so we could have assessed his body language directly. What adds to my suspicions about his truthiness is that he speaks so fluently; usually when he has to talk about his personal life, he ties himself into a a pretzel.

732 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-10 19:07 ID:CE/5pgoT

Lol Tom just followed Ed Sheeran on twitter. Well isn't that something?

733 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-10 19:10 ID:t7rozFwZ

CBS News summary provides some inadvertent mockery: "In a wide-ranging, soul- bearing interview...." Is soul-bearing related to dancing-bearing?

>>720 I figured out why I dislike that "TH does accents for GQ" video so much: It's just a staged, pretending-to-be-adult variation of his linguistic dancing-bear act. Wonder if he will ever realize that what's cute in a 26-year old guy is at best questionnable in a 36-year old man. I join in the group sighing.

735 Name: Anon : 2017-02-10 22:13 ID:1IVzbkeo

Well, the great man went on twitter today to follow Ed Sheeran and make an onanistic comment in response to Samuel West posting a pic of an early TH theatre ticket.

What he didn't do, the self-obsessed little twerp, was tweet about the fact that his fans raised £15 grand for UNICEF. He must know about this because it is all over his tag and because he has tweeted about it in previous years. He hasn't seemingly been on twitter for a couple of weeks and it looks like he went on to collect his birthday greetings. Can't be bothered to teeet 2 words to the fans who donated to charity for his birthday.

736 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-10 23:07 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>732,735 I'm no lover of Tay Tay and am certainly not a believer of Hiddleswift #2 but I have to say this Sheeran follow is a rather disconcerting move. Is he trolling his ex?

737 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-10 23:34 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>735>>736 I think he's throwing himself a pity party instead of a birthday party and probably still pining after his ex. Dunno if he genuinely cared for her or if he's just sad over his career trajectory so far. Based on that so overly dramatic "halcyon days" tweet combined with that weepy GQ profile, I'd say his follow of Ed Sheeran makes me think he probably wants a second chance with Taylor. God knows why but guess he must have some humiliation kink or some terribly low self esteem.

738 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-11 00:12 ID:xkDkawLy

>>737 Or maybe he followed Ed Sheeran for a normal reason, like he's got two chart topping new singles in the U.K. currently.

739 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-11 00:41 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>738 Well, if we go by this summer's hypothesis that "if Team Tom denies something on Gossip Cop, it's probably true," maybe TH <em>does</em> want that second chance. And low self esteem is supposed to be one symptom of boarding school syndrome. Heaven help him, and us, if we get Hiddleswift 2.0. (Going to stock up on tinfoil now....)

740 Name: NewAnon : 2017-02-11 01:45 ID:CE/5pgoT

>>739 Hiddleswift 2.0 won't happen because Miss Swift does not do takebacksies. I'm sure she uses that word too. Tom is entertaining to watch right now but for all the wrong reasons.

741 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-11 02:19 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>740 A word like "takebacksies" just captures the maturity level of hiddleswift so well! And the BAFTA after party pictures of TH should be telling.

Meanwhile, one segment of the fandom is having fun with #pastagate

742 Name: Heynon : 2017-02-11 02:33 ID:vHSFHHHc

>>735 Not thanking fans for contributions to the charity that he's supposedly so passionate about is beyond tacky. Maybe he was afraid to look because someone might have referenced his GG speech, which has to be another sad memory.

He can't seem to get even the simplest things right now.

743 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-11 07:46 ID:Heaven

(This >>738 was not me forgetting to make myself blue)

744 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-11 08:19 ID:Heaven

>>729 I swear I'll be so disappointed if nobody makes a bolognese joke!

745 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-11 08:21 ID:Heaven

>>735,736,737 Iirc, Sheeran was at the 4th of July party, so they met already and TH does have a habit of following trendy people. But yeah, a strange move to make, since one can listen to music without following the artist on SM and this one is bff with your ex.

Have a laugh a read Shape of you lyrics.

746 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-11 09:38 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>743 Haha at an impostor Couch coming here to emphatically and dramatically suggest it's perfectly normal to follow your ex's bff.

As someone who has many ex's, most of whom are estranged, I find it a bit creepy and stalkerish considering there' s a world of potential friends out there. Go find and follow your own.

>>737 The pity party is in full swing. I'd love to know the ham to heartbreak ratio. Something like 90/ 10 I imagine.
I'd be more concerned about Tay's low self esteem if she takes him back in this state.

>>741,744 No need to ridicule his meat soup recipe further, the joke is on all the fangirls eating it this weekend sans pasta

747 Name: Anon : 2017-02-11 10:24 ID:1IVzbkeo

I watched the "Tom does accents" video and I have only just managed to uncurl
my toes. I hate it. When he used to do the dancing bear routine he came across as eager to please, which I found rather sweet - this made him look like a smart arse (all that smirking at the camera and the knowing, patronising tone). I also hated his chirpy lower class British person which was the worst stereotype of what a very posh person who never meets anybody working class thinks they sound like.

748 Name: Anon : 2017-02-11 10:35 ID:1IVzbkeo

I am also very over his tumblr fans and their infantile obsession with the goddamn recipe:

1) TA did not disclose the recipe to a waiting world because of your pressure, losers. She was always going to do that because she milks her association with TH to the max.

2) What is wrong with people who scream "He put CELERY in his PASTA" as if he had made a bowl of spaghetti and laid an uncooked celery stick over the top of it?

3) Ditto people who scream "celery, eeeeew". If you have been to an Italian or French restaurant you are almost certain to have eaten something that has celery in it. Get over yourselves.

4) Almost all Italian recipes for ragù include milk (cf Anna del Conte, the Bologna tourist board website etc etc). I don't personally put it in, but if you are bleating about the "inauthenticity" of his recipe then please actually do the research.

5) I am over this interview and all the goo-ha surrounding it. Can you tell?

749 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-11 12:17 ID:89ut6YRh


Clause (ii) of subsection (24) of 49c in the contract reads: PR Boyfriend will at a time determined by PR girlfriend follow on his social media accounts no less than one (1) member of the PR girlfriend's squad members (see attached list).

It was ES or some Victoria Secret model. He went with the lesser or two evils. Or ES really does write all her songs and TH is hoping a follow will gain him some sympathy.

750 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-11 12:24 ID:89ut6YRh

>>745 Yes! ES and his girlfriend were in the foreground of the pic where TH is in the background looking like a mix of deer-in-headlights and Frankenstein's monster (the casual blazer edition).

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