Tom Hiddleston (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2017-03-01 15:14 ID:JdqnTY+R

Thread to talk about the actor...oh fuck it. You know what to do

451 Name: Anon : 2017-04-12 10:19 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>450 The new outfit appears to be devoid of the infamous modesty flap that covered the Hiddlebulge in Avengers and TTDW! I have now seen enough outtakes of Thor to see that his crotch was indeed reduced in post production to make it look less obtrusive in the final cut In the outtakes it is so comically large that it looks like he has socks down there. Taika doesn't appear to have a problem with this!!

452 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-12 13:40 ID:hkduSz1A

TH: I've had a rough summer. Can I show off my bulge?
TW: Okay, fine.

453 Name: Anon : 2017-04-12 15:57 ID:ce/581dr

>>452 Welcome back!

454 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-12 18:49 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>452 You were missed. :)

455 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-13 02:22 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>451 I have to ask - modesty flap? I never noticed that. What did it consist of/do/look like? (I have seen at least one Thor outtake in which Loki really seems to have Mjolnir down his pants!)


TW: Thor must be the star of his movie.
TH: (bulge)
CH: (pounds TW into ground)

456 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-14 08:47 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>455 Compare his outfit in the first Thor to the second film. In the first, behind the scenes photos show a prominent bulge, which was flattened post-production via CGI for the final edit. In the second, his outfit was redesigned to hide his groin; this was confirmed by one of the wardrobe designers.


Second -

This third movie, the outfit seems redesigned again, no flap. Giving the fans what they want, I suppose.

457 Name: Hey you over there : 2017-04-15 08:43 ID:BgZs/rxn

>>456 Imagine being the digital artist who had to come in day after day to retouch Tom's crotch. Wonder how you'd go about putting that on your resume?

458 Name: Anon : 2017-04-15 10:44 ID:ce/581dr

>>457 Thor: Executive Sausage Technician

459 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-15 16:04 ID:Cby8Bxls

>>453>>454 Thanks. So remember last year when I joked about the crazy Russian giving Syrian Hitler chemical weapons? Yeah, it was a bit of a joke around the office too, mostly people telling me that Assad had gotten rid of his weapons, would never use them, the Russians would never support their use, etc. Recent events meant my paper was dusted off and my maternity leave interrupted. I've been answering lots of questions from men in uniform in not NYC while trying not to yell 'I told you so' at the top of my lungs - all with an infant in tow. Thank Jesus, I got to come home for Holy Week.

I could really use some TH fuckery to lighten the mood. On the upside, I'm not the North Korean expert in the office! I'm going to go eat my body weight in chocolate and maybe try to score some Lithium.

Happy Easter everyone!

460 Name: Anon : 2017-04-16 09:14 ID:ce/581dr

Happy Easter, everyone! 🐰🐣

>>459 It is so good to hear from you again - I love the idea of you telling defence bigwigs how it is while Junior glares at them from your arms.

I see from the papers that mercifully the new N Korean missile did a Wily Coyote style Acme bomb fail and exploded shortly after being launched.

TH has been rather quiet in your absence save for a brief trip to Atlanta, probably to shoot pickups. Now laying low. There is a rumour circulating on tumblr that he is involved in a project about Robert the Bruce, starting shooting in September. No announcement from his people, but apparently a subscription-only production site is showing activity for a movie now called Outlaw King. This rumour has been circulating for a looooong time, since about 2014 - I recall we posted about a DM article saying he would play RTB in a project which was then called Lion Rampant.

And he is back chez mama this weekend. Arrived late Friday night or yesterday.

461 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-16 20:17 ID:Efyef8Wk

I think it's more solid than a rumor at this point; it's listed on IMDBPro as "Outlaw King" with his name attached and filming in Scotland to begin in September or October, I forget which. I'm crossing fingers and toes they take him back to his The Hollow Crown/Henry V hair and beard.

462 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-17 00:54 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>461 Yes please to his Henriad hair and beard. In chain mail for the battle scenes, he looks like a knight from a medieval tomb come to life.

463 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-17 16:46 ID:Nqx/PiLe

>>460 Far less impressive. Baby was in the hotel room with my MIL - the only person I could get to come as babysitter on short notice. It was me and my supervisor facing questions we couldnt answer, which was on me since it was a shitty paper. My whole argument was he did it once, he will likely do it again, and he values power more than human life - those people are happy to use chemical weapons. The kicker was we were slapped on the wrist for not Erin Brockovitching it enough by pressing the paper further up in govt channels. Not the best few days of my professional life. Probably karma for me criticizing TH so much!

TL; DR I really needed a dirty beer, as we say in humitarian circles.

>>461 Am I alone in fearing another case of accent overload? Scottish instead of Southern, which is better, but trotted out for every interview. It will be good as it really is a return to his wheelhouse.

464 Name: Anon : 2017-04-17 16:59 ID:ce/581dr

>>463 Sounds like a classic case of Orwellian doublethink: we ignored what you told us so it is your fault for not telling us repeatedly!

What interests me most about the project is that the reports about it back in 2015 seem to have been accurate. Another case of my theory that many stories have that grain of truth. It is not as if there have been loads of "shot in the dark" stories over the last couple of years about projects - just this one and the dreaded Richard II (maybe that is true as well - or maybe James Ivory met TH at a party and he said "oh that sounds nice" and JI has been fantasising about casting him ever since).

Something nobody has mentioned yet: kilts!

I am worried about the accent now. The Scottish accent he did in that ghastly BTS GQ vid was not good.....

465 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-17 17:27 ID:+oV/cJsA

>>464 I think this project was in the leaked Sony emails. I can't remember the circumstances though but it's been in the pipeline for a while. Don't forget about Bond, although I think that shot came from him and his people.

Oh those chicken calves of his! Mini kilts to get some thigh in there?

Sorry to plant the seed! I think it is a project suited to him. However, the actor who played RTB in Braveheart really captured my idea of the man: dark, brooding, a little shaggy. Maybe worlds away from the real man, but the stuff of my imagination.

466 Name: Anon : 2017-04-17 19:30 ID:ce/581dr

>>465 I hadn't forgotten Bond - I was thinking more in terms of him being rumoured to be attached to a specific project as opposed to generically to a role (Hard Boiled is another, though sine that comes from Ben Wheatley I think we can say that is not really a rumour).

The legs in a kilt - not so good, unless the wind blows. It is true what they say.

467 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-17 20:44 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>466 Windy Scottish Highlands - don't fail us!

>>426 Speaking of being unbelievably good looking, you'll want to click on these:

468 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-17 20:48 ID:Efyef8Wk

I forgot to add: Click on the Sam L. Jackson archive on the left sidebar; there are pictures of him, Brie and Tom. Looking over the rest of the archive, this photographer really did an excellent job with everyone.

469 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-18 03:17 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>464, >>465 Well, he finally figured out how to beef up his arms for KSI. So perhaps he can fill out his calves for a kilt. If not , they could hire that post-production touch-up specialist from Thor....

470 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-18 03:22 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>463, >>464 Methinks if he looks good enough in a kilt, audiences and interviewers won't pay much attention to his accent....

471 Name: Anon : 2017-04-18 20:55 ID:ce/581dr

Speaking at the Cambridge Union this term.

I think this is notable because he has been very little (if at all) in evidence at his college or at Cambridge since he became famous. He has done a lot more for RADA over the years.

Time on his hands?

472 Name: Anon : 2017-04-18 20:59 ID:ce/581dr

Also seen by the paps carrying 2 coffees and 2 bags of food back to his home (on Good Friday, I think). Pics on Torrilla. A lot of speculation on tumblr about who that second coffee was for.

473 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-18 22:07 ID:T/TwZGtS

>>471 He's probably turned down so many invitations over the years due to work, plus the posh actor flap, that I'm going to call this 'being more conscious of giving back.'

>>472 Also arguing about the order of the pictures, as if that matters. Silly.

474 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-19 01:37 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>471, >>472 The Varsity article says that he'll be speaking about his work with UNICEF, so it may be a combo of giving back to Cambridge and having an opportunity to discuss his other charitable work (and maybe the documentary). Of course, the other announcement I saw about this had to throw in a TS reference.

In other news, it sounds as though Ben Wheatley is still working on the Hard Boiled script. So I'm guessing it won't be until next year that that project really starts for Tom.

475 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-19 20:35 ID:CWiHRkgt

It was Good Friday so the second cup was for Jesus.

I am now hoping he doesn't have a showmance with Jesus this summer.

476 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-19 22:32 ID:BrWuH4Zi

Speaking of... Gossip Cop is debunking an 'article' from Celeb Dirty Laundry (who? what?) which says that TH is still pining after TS.

'The unfounded allegation comes from the repeatedly discredited Celeb Dirty Laundry, which claims the actor is still “carrying a torch for his former flame.” Without any proof or information from sources, the often disproven site purports, “In [Hiddleston’s] most recent GQ interview, the actor gushed about his former girlfriend.” “Many thought” the actor was still “pining” for Swift,” adds the outlet with absolutely zero evidence to back up its speculation.

Let Gossip Cop set the record straight. A source close to Hiddleston assures us the entire report is “baseless” and “not true.” The actor had a great time dating Swift, but he is not “still in love” with the singer. While Hiddleston spoke kindly of Swift in his GQ interview, describing her as an “incredible” and “amazing” woman, it does not mean he’s “pining” for his ex.'

What did he expect after that article?!? I joked up above about a Jesus showmance but I hope this isn't the run up to Summer of Fuckery '17. Why even both denying an article from a publication no one has ever heard of? There's clearing the air and then there's laying the ground work. I can't tell which one this is. My mommy sense is tingling but that could just be because the WHCD and the Met are coming up. Shudders.

477 Name: NewAnon : 2017-04-19 23:11 ID:6pJ0qTkL

>>476 If I compare it to 2016, then most likely laying down the groundwork. He banged the drum a lot about being single and not being with EO before the Met gala. Then the Met shenanigans happened and BAM! Summer of 2016 blinded everyone.
I wouldn't be surprised if he walks out with a new summer girlfriend. Who may or may not end up pregnant and engaged to him before the year is up. He could follow in his dear friend Benedict's footsteps. Or maybe I'm just being cynical because of last summer.

478 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-20 06:52 ID:36tT7wtT

>>476>>477 No no. It's such a funny story, because the crazy Hiddleswift followers who refuse to let the dream of the former fake romance die, assumed that the Easter Weekend pics of Tom carrying 2 cups of coffee meant that one of the coffees was for TS, and that they were headed up to Suffolk to visit his family b/c TS is pregnant with his baby! I am not joking. Apparently there was a charter jet that flew from Nashville to London and the Swifties track those flights for evidence of their alleged relationship. This is ridiculous b/c not only is the fauxmance long over, but TS has her own planes when she wants to travel. Anyway, a Tom tumblr blog so quickly got fed up with the rumours that she personally contacted gossip cop, and Tom's people immediately debunked the story w/in a handful of hours. No idea about what is coming this summer (hopefully Wimbledon) but Tom's worker bees seem to be determined to disassociate Tom from last summers' madness. Thank goodness.

479 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-20 07:36 ID:tW8pBDat

>>478>>477>>476 So sorry. Forgot to say that the crazy Swiftie Hiddleswift rumors started the rumors that TS was with Tom Easter weekend and specifically that the GQ article meant that he was definitely still in love with her, the Celebrity Dirty Laundry website picked up on the HS shipper hysteria and wrote an article about their conspiracy about a reunion, the Tom blog reported the BS to Gossip Cop, and Team Tom quickly debunked the rumors before morning. Can't wait for Ben Wheatley's Hardboiled film, with Tom. I'm definitely going to see his last film, Free Fire, this weekend. I hope the reviews are wrong.

480 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-21 02:26 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>476 In their article, GC mentions that a couple of their "debunks" (my quotation marks) last summer were of Celebrity Dirty Laundry TayTo articles. Maybe that site is a hot button for Tom's team - at least something finally woke them up!

>>476, >>477, >>478 Suspect Sosorry is right that this is more about continuing to kill the dead horse as publicly as possible, rather than a set up for a new gf this summer, they jumped on it so quickly. At least I hope so - because I really doubt that either he or his team is ready to avoid all the potential landmines of going public with a new romance. A showmance with Jesus might be preferable.

482 Name: Anon : 2017-04-24 17:49 ID:ZNynuMfe

>>481 Terrible skinny legs; great sporran-area definition. And this was on a bloody cold day in London.

483 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-24 17:56 ID:CMLPKxOa

>>482 Maybe he's toughening up for fall and winter outdoor shoots in Scotland?

484 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-24 22:06 ID:tW8pBDat

>>483>>482>>481 Apparently the entire "Hell or High Water" team is most likely reuniting for "Outlaw King" on Netflix with American actors Chris Pine and Ben Foster. No kilt for Tom, for better or worse.

485 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-25 01:10 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>484 Well, that would stink for Tom; even if he didn't want the role, the gossip sites will treat it as a slap. The new casting hasn't been officially announced yet, though. So at least we can think about kilts for a wee bit longer.

486 Name: Anon : 2017-04-25 07:12 ID:ZNynuMfe


Tumblr meltdown. Amazingly Clever has finally admitted that not having any projects announced for this length of time is Not Normal. That this may mean that TH has been adversely affected by the Summer of Tayto.

487 Name: NewAnon : 2017-04-25 16:39 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>486 hahaha! She really thought his career wasn't going to take a hit after that terrible summer? She better rethink that "producer" part in her Tumblr bio because she does not posses any producer instincts. Anyone could see whatever momentum Tom had after TNM, the snake charmer role dashed it all. He might take some more hits after she comes out with new music.

He's going to struggle for a bit and still being with Marvel won't help with getting dates for any projects he does land.

488 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-25 17:40 ID:CMLPKxOa

>>487 Another example of having fallen from the Hot list to the Mocked one. Some of the guys proposed for these bedtime stories get praised, but TH gets made fun of (though fairly gently). Doubt he'll be at the WHCD this year as the Guardian's guest....

489 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-26 22:27 ID:36tT7wtT

Apparently the dapper older gentleman speaking with Tom in his running clothes in front of the cafe is Simon Cornwall, one of the sons of author John Le Carre. Simon and his brother Stephen were both producers of the Night Manager. It looks like TH and Simon just ran into each other spontaneously, or perhaps TNM sequel is really happening, whether there is a plausible an engaging continuing story, or not. Also, a Gossip Cop just had to deny that TH blames former faux belle TS for loss of the James Bond role, and again states he is not clamoring to get back together with her. My oh my.

490 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-26 22:29 ID:36tT7wtT

>>489 Simon Cornwell! My auto correct changed the name.

491 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-27 02:04 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>489 Gossip Cop gave their denial a "1" rather than a "0." So does he blame her for losing Bond, but just a little bit? Wasn't in talks for Bond so blames her for losing other work? Or someone GC contacted forgot about the NDA for a minute?

492 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-27 02:07 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>489, >>491 Oh, and could they have used a less flattering photo of Tom? All neck and no chin!

493 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-27 16:40 ID:tW8pBDat

Yay for career news! TH is speaking in June 2017 at the Cannes Festival of Creativity.

494 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-27 21:52 ID:hvNceZVM

>>484,486 Ruh roh. Has anyone informed the veranda? The rose tinted glasses had to fog up at some point. Of course Fuckery '16 was going to affect his career. The Pollyannas were mad to think that it wouldn't. We sensible lot never suggested that he would never work in Hollywood again. All we said was there would be repercussions - maybe small, maybe large but something.

>>491 That 1 is odd. Remember they gave the article about TS paying for everything a 1 because she paid for the jet fuel but TH picked up the tab for the swan pastries or his medicinal t-shirt? Maybe a 1 because TH doesn't blame her directly but the relationship in general. Of course the only one to blame is....

>>493 This actually makes me worry. I wouldn't class this as career news strictly. It's not scraping the barrel's bottom, the line-up is wonderful. But this seems like a networking thing, an attempt to meet people as a career move. Surely what he'd want to be doing is filming something, not talking about how creative he is. Do we think this is a paid gig? Is the Cambridge union paid? My gut tells me 'yes' to both.

495 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-27 22:05 ID:hvNceZVM

>>493 Also note the descriptors: Oscar winning actress, multi-Grammy award-winning, Academy award-winning, actress and entrepreneur. TH gets 'heart-throb actor.'

Are we not mentioning the Oldengay Obeglay because of the circumstances which followed?

496 Name: Sosorry : 2017-04-27 22:57 ID:tW8pBDat

>>494>>495 I am in favor of any new conversation that is not about personal life rumors : ) I'm having an idea. Tom seems to idealize his coworker from High Rise and the Hollow Crown Series, Jeremy Irons. Irons worked with a series of phenomenal international directors in smaller art house films. With Louis Malle in the deliciously twisted Damage film based on the Hart novel, and in the Schlondorff adaptation of the Proust novel Remembrance of Things Past, the french period piece Swann in Love, where a wealthy intellectual falls in love with his courtesan lover to the detriment of his social standing in 1890s Paris. Does anyone else remember Irons as a diplomat in M. Butterfly, who accidentally falls in love with a Japanese performer who turns out to be a man? Anyway,I think Tom would be awesome working in a small french film with a costar like Isabelle Huppert in a film like Elle, or just working in any cohesive and innovative sexual thriller wih GB director, Adrian Lyne? I think TH has to find a well written script and a proven consistent director, and he has a much better chance of that with smaller projects, with a French or Danish director? Cannes networking could be great for this. Alternatively, he could try for a supporting role in a Wes Anderson film? Would love to see him in a comedy.

497 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-28 02:08 ID:hvNceZVM

>>496 This would be great; it's a respectable career trajectory. You should probably be directing his career. Problem is this doesn't seem to be what he wants or what he can get. He's not busy emulating JI and working with IH. He's busy making monkey movies, voicing an animated caveman and fauxmancing with popstars.

I'm sure he can tun this around. How and when will be the interesting bits.

498 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-28 02:25 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>493, >>494 This could be really productive networking for him - there's an Entertainment sub-conference:

And while it's not performing, I think he'll find it intellectually stimulating. (Plus, if he's given a talk rather than being interviewed, he'll get to work on his public speaking....) Agree that it probably is a paid gig, though likely at an honorarium level.

>>495 At least "heart-throb" is better than last summer's description of "tabloid headliner"! And they did use a picture of him holding up his GG in the photo carousel in the announcement (though that could be taken two ways).

What I hope that he gets out of this is that a bunch of branding and PR experts take him out and get just enough booze into him to make him receptive. Then they should drill into his head an understanding of branding (and what last summer's escapade did to his brand) and what strong PR representation looks like!

499 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-28 02:43 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>496, >>497 He should be so lucky as to have a JI kind of career! And I think Tom is well suited to be a leading man in those kinds of films. But I agree that may not be what he wants at this point, especially since his last few indies weren't well reviewed (even if his performances were).

Hard to tell if he could get those kind of top-notch indie directors and scripts right now, at least without having to fight for them. My gut says that those are the kinds of people who may want to wait another year or so for the Tayto images to fade. On the other hand, he seems to be very good at forming relationships with directors quickly during casting discussions, so he might be able to get someone to take a chance on him that way.

Does anyone else have the feeling that he tends to take whatever bright, shiny project comes his way rather than being more strategic about his career? (Or perhaps I should say realistic, since he might think he's being strategic in going for a supposed lead in an action movie, without thinking it through enough to remember than no one really remembers the actors who were in a monster movie.) I think "ooh, bright shiny" might explain taking Early Man - though no disrespect to Aardman intended! Or he just needed to work on something fun to cheer himself up after his disastrous summer.

500 Name: Anon : 2017-04-29 15:34 ID:JdqnTY+R

Hello all!

It's all most odd isn't it? I believe that the Cambridge gig is not paid - or not more than minimally (in terms of free travel etc). Appearing at the Oxford or Cambridge Union is a big deal and you are meant to do it for the honour, because it means you have arrived as a sleb/intellectual/politician. The Union couldn't possibly afford to have paid half the people I saw when I was a student - Stephen Fry, Seamus Heaney, Ian McKellen etc.

I totally agree that attending Cannes to talk about anything other than an actual project looks like networking - and/or an attempt to keep his name "out there."

As for whether he is strategic - I think he thinks he is. But as with many things in TH's career, he overthinks it and tries to be too clever by half. Appearing desperate or overkeen or overambitious isn't a huge turn on in many professions. Trying to be a bit more relaxed gets you more gigs. Works in my line of business too.

I also think he has the tin ear for projects that many stars have - if the idea is good, they think that their genius will make a star project out of a stinker script. Never happens. Or rarely - KSI has performed well (still haven't seen it) without anything like a good script from what I hear.

501 Name: Anon : 2017-04-29 15:41 ID:JdqnTY+R

PS though - he was spotted in Durham in the last couple of days and it has been strongly rumoured that filming of a Large Project is taking place in Durham Cathedral. (i.e. Marvel). For once the insanely clever one might be onto something - she suggested that there may be another "is Loki dead?" cliffhanger at the end of TR. Hence if he is in IW he has to keep it super secret or the cliffhanger will be spoiled. She did then ruin it by saying he couldn't possibly have made it to Durham on the day he was seen (he was seen at the theatre in London only the evening before) as it was a 6h drive! This slightly forgets the fact that Durham is less than 3h by train from London.

502 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-04-29 20:14 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>500 Re: Cannes - unless there's a surprise announcement about an upcoming project, about which they may be waiting until closer to June, I agree with Anon that it's networking.

And it doesn't look as obvious at something more serious like a talk, compared to showing up at a bunch of movie openings that he's not involved in (which he did in 2010/11), or at a bunch events. Whoopi Goldberg once said she went through a particularly thirsty period between The Color Purple and Ghost where she would "show up at the opening of an envelope" to keep her name out there.

>>501 I saw the tweet from someone saying he was in Durham but there was no photo evidence. How do we know for sure? I'm not saying I don't want to see him in the movie, just wondering if it was verified. Since they're filming in multiple cities, the tweet may be a decoy and he may secretly be at the Atlanta location instead.

503 Name: Heynon : 2017-04-30 00:34 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>500 KSI did not have anything like a good script; some of the dialogue made me laugh for the wrong reasons! But a giant monkey smashing helicopters obviously made up for that in terms of box office.

>>501, >>502 No pix of him in Durham that I've seen, at least. A lot of "oh, the rumor is..." tweets. And I think it was the insanely clever one who questioned why he'd be in Durham already when the rest of the cast isn't due there until next week.

I hope Marvel doesn't pull another "is Loki dead?" They've already used his supposed death twice. If they keep it up, Tom could just keep playing Loki into old age - "He's Back!" version 42....

504 Name: Anon. : 2017-04-30 02:02 ID:EWRlTTmc

Yeah, the Cambridge gig probably isn't paid, beyond travel and such. I was thinking it was like a commencement address, but it's not. Perhaps another side to this and the Cannes event is an attempt to grab back a little seriousness from the blackhole of Tayto.

>>503 Yes to the no more 'dead' Loki cliffhanger. Besides Crazy Intelligent has proven one thing: she doesn't know her ass from her elbow. The Marvel spoilers posted earlier said that Loki would be in IW as an ally. If those are correct, maybe that will show up at the end of Thor III.

Anyone else hoping that he has to film with EO? TH must have some WTF questions for her. Not only did she happily stroll with her new man but she's posting often on IG! He would be forgiven for thinking it was about a year or so too late!

505 Name: Anon : 2017-04-30 08:08 ID:JdqnTY+R


EO's attitude is interesting - she was completely open about her fiancé and happy to be photographed with him, and she is open about this new guy. Yet in the middle.....

I personally think it is because she had overlap, or because TH was her rebound guy. Most people wouldn't wish to shout it from the rooftops that they ended their engagement after cheating, or that having done so they hopped into the sack with someone else within weeks. The relationship having lasted longer than filming it appears that someone (and now we know who) wanted to take advantage of it for publicity....

506 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-01 00:40 ID:tW8pBDat

>>501 Tom was spotted north of London on the A1in Grantham/UK on twitter sophie_allen13 on twitter. Perhaps on his way to Durham for IW, but no one knows.
>>504>>505 I have no idea what happened b/twn EO and TH on the set of ISTL (I wasn't under the bed and they're both young and attractive people) but those G&W pics and date night were all staged for PR. Tom only goes to G&W when he wants to be papped. Period. He's always "found" there. And EO has always been media mindful with her PR Au Bon Pain, farmers market, and staged gym pics. EO just hasn't done social media till recently b/c despite being in the Godzilla and Avengers franchises, EO doesn't get consistent big dramatic roles like JLaw, Rooney Mara, or Emily Blunt. Brie L somehow broke out through her indie work. TH was never spotted with a woman the whole 5 months he filmed TNM abroad, at any time. And we know that EO was vacationing with girlfriends in Hawaii b/c her gal pals posted to Instagram. I think that TH assumed that people would automatically believe the TS stunt b/c the only thing his PR team did to build the Loki/Scarlett Witch narrative previously was post two days of pics with EO, and leak rumours to the paps for months till ISTL underperformed at the film festivals.

507 Name: Hey you over there : 2017-05-01 07:50 ID:s0LTqZ+j

>>506 >>501 Well...I'm guessing it's not likely he'll be jetting from Grantham/Surham to the Met Ball. Perhaps it'll be a dance-off free year.

508 Name: Hey you over there : 2017-05-01 07:52 ID:s0LTqZ+j

>>506 >>501 well...I doubt he'll be jetting from Grantham/Durham to the Met Ball then. Someone else will have to have a dance off this year.

509 Name: Hey you over there : 2017-05-01 07:53 ID:s0LTqZ+j

Well, I buggered that right up, didn't I?

510 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-01 11:04 ID:yJqenzwX

>>509 Hahah. The board is temperamental sometimes. It's happened to all of us.

>>508 At the time so many thought it was just more cringey Korea type dancing. A few here who knew TS's track record and glimpsed TH's thirst were suspicious. Anonon I think was one. This board can pull out its crystal ball from time to time!

In hindsight a comment on Dlisted described one of his dance moves as looking like he was digging a grave for his career. Were his dance moves prophetic?

So to celebrate Tayto Contract Day, here's a question: hindsight is 20/20; given what he knows now, would TH refuse the offer or still say yes but do it differently?

511 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-01 11:11 ID:yJqenzwX

>>508 You know that swifties are praying this will happen. She'll send the jet and they'll make their triumphant return to couplehood.

512 Name: Anon : 2017-05-01 14:57 ID:YjgHX1oM


Interesting conundrum! I actually think/hope/believe/am still deluded enough to believe that he would say no. His vast publicity team didn't exactly manage the situation - and who could? I don't think any publicist could have predicted how badly that pairing would turn out, how instantly everyone would shout "fake" - it never happened wth any of her previous beards. Thus nobody could have contained it once it started down its preordained path. So doing it differently wasn't an option, I think.

I also think "doing it differently" isn't in the Taylor lexicon, or the point of a fake relationship. If a celebrity couple fall over in a forest and nobody sees them, does it make a noise? (Or something!!) My point is that there is no point in doing a fauxmance subtly. You have to get the pics out there. Not least because subtlety drags the whole process out for months longer, which any tolerably normal person would decline.

Would TH do it again assuming it could not have been executed better and ended the same way? I guess not. He can't possibly think this has improved his career or personal life - can he?!

513 Name: Anon : 2017-05-01 16:27 ID:JdqnTY+R

Allegedly was at a wedding in Lincolnshire. Not sure what to make of this one:



514 Name: Anon : 2017-05-01 16:29 ID:JdqnTY+R

You would go up the A1 to get to Lincolnshire. But you would also go up the A1 to get to (or home from, assuming the previous sighting was right) Durham.

515 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-02 02:39 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>510, >>512 That is an interesting question! And the underlying questions are - did he really learn anything from the experience, and if so what and how much?

I'm thinking that he'd say no, because I agree with Anon that there's not much he could do to do it differently. He and his team were just so completely over-matched by her and hers. Even the bits he might have controlled (not including his family in the beach pap strolls, removing the tank-top-of-doom) couldn't have prevented her from shutting down the show once she'd gotten what she needed from it.

Unless he has a cast-iron ego, and I doubt that, the outcome cannot have improved his personal life. His integrity was questioned, he was humiliatingly thrown under the bus by a 26-year old (and by only 'sources,' at that - she's yet to say a word about him directly). The questions and paps keep coming, and will pick back up in intensity at the end of this year during T:R publicity. And if he or his team paid attention to the recent Jake G. and Harry S. interviews, they should know that last summer could come back to haunt Tom at any time.

Career effects, we can't know. But even if the publicity had gotten him Bond, for example - in the long term, how would he have felt about having gotten the role that way rather than having earned it based on his talent (if he were honest with himself)?

516 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-02 13:32 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>515 Another thing to think of: if the timing of her next album coincides with T:R, especially if it's released before the movie, it'll be worse for him, even if she finally says something complimentary about him.

517 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-03 01:41 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>516 I was thinking about the likely overlap of T:R publicity and the album release. There's also supposed to be a (presumably unauthorized) biography of him coming out in the fall; it's listed on Amazon. Let's hope that Marvel is very careful about where and to whom they send him.

518 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-03 03:44 ID:tW8pBDat

>>511 Did anyone else see that Gucci dressed tennis ace Prince Roger Federer in a tuxedo with a giant beaded Cobra Snake on the back for the Met Ball this year?! Not sure if I can imagine TH in this tuxedo, so I'm glad that Tom is relaxing in the UK.

519 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-03 07:08 ID:tW8pBDat

>>510>>512 Great hypothetical question! I think Tom would choose to do the dance off at the Met Ball with TS, only. Karlie's video of the two dancing went round the world, and since TS had a faux relationship with CH at the time, Tom would been able to quickly reap the PR benefits of Swift world with a woman who was perceived to be out of play, and then he could have extricated himself from additional speculation by minding his own business. Funny analysis of the lessons we have all learned from the PR stunt, which are given to commemorate the anniversary of faux HS.

520 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-03 07:58 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>517 Biography - whaaaa?! Link, please?

>>518 I didn't see it until now. I can' t imagine Th with it either.

>>510 >>512 >>519 I think #4 of the article is the key. A lot of people realize how driven he is, but since most of us don't deal with him day to day, we don't realize how intense he is.

So I'm going with - yes, he might want to do it again and hope for a better outcome using what he learned about her, but he WON'T because he's too ambitious to shoot himself in the foot twice.


522 Name: NewAnon : 2017-05-03 13:59 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>521 Oh that's weird. I know it's unofficial but even then I don't think he's achieved enough to warrant a biography. I don't think he's even done one singular thing of significance yet that's had some magnitude effect impact on the world (dating TS and wearing the tank that was heard around the world doesn't count) to justify a biography. He's not even 40 yet lol What is up with this biography business? confused

523 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-03 16:52 ID:xhH0StHb

>>516 She won't ever say anything about him, complimentary or not. She lets her songs do the commenting. He'll be answering questions about her until he goes in the grave; she just drops an album.

Agree with >>520. I think he'd do it again. He has that tin ear Anon spoke about and the actor's curse of thinking he can save any project with his talent. I fear he's somewhere saying to himself that it would be fine if he didn't do the family stroll and the t-shirt. He's just crazy enough for that. Shame and regret will keep him from Tayto 2.

>>520 Hahaha. This looks like an e-book special released as a paperback - which is a thing in this modern publishing world. In theory I could spend the rest of my maternity leave writing a TH bio and have it 'published' via Amazon. (Slinks off toward laptop....)

524 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-03 17:50 ID:Efyef8Wk

Here's the bio of the book writer:

Sarah Marshall is a writer and journalist who has worked across a variety of celebrity and entertainment magazines including Mizz, Cosmogirl, Bliss, CD-UK and It's Hot! She was editor of a pre-teen title before moving to the BBC magazines Star and Top of the Pops, for which she interviewed many high-profile stars including Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Jennifer Ellison and Craig David. Alongside her celebrity writing, Sarah also works for a number of specialist music publications and occasionally contributes to the Evening Standard. Her recent publications include upmarket travel books on Berlin and Lisbon for the Hedonist Guide 2 series. Sarah lives in London.

Is this the same person on Twitter? @SarahMarshall

525 Name: NewAnon : 2017-05-03 22:57 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>524 Going by her tweets, it doesn't seem like she's the same Sarah. This one seems more into politics and the tech world. Also, she's not following Tom either (to be fair it's over 2000 ppl I could've missed his name). At a glance, I don't feel like it's her. This one also writes for Vogue International and Conde-Nast International. I don't see someone like doing unauthorized celebrity biographies. Unless it's a secret passion project for her lol

526 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-04 00:50 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>522 I think what's up with the bio is that it was announced after the Summer o' Love, and what "justifies" it is that he became a Tabloid Headliner.

>>523 Oh you should write the bio! It would be so much better, especially since the "official" author wrote one on Daniel Craig, "Britain's Best Actor" (according to its cover). One Amazon review said about that: "I'm not sure if the author actually interviewed Craig for this biography. I get the feeling most, if not all of it was taken from filmed interviews that he did for others. Also, much seems to come from tabloid sources. ... Lots of enthusiasm, explaintion [sic] points and open admiration for Craig on the part of the author." So at best it may be a blown-up GQ article, and at not best a glorified fanzine.

This may indicate what to expect - the photo of him on the cover is reversed! (Notice that the left eyebrow is the one that's slightly raised, and that the nose is slanting to the right.)

527 Name: Anon : 2017-05-04 20:09 ID:hjNgj+pb

>>526 I'd read that bio....

528 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-07 22:10 ID:tW8pBDat

Video link of Tom back in London, running at the speed of light, up Primrose Hill
: )
And a pic of TH running, as well.

529 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-09 01:31 ID:36tT7wtT

TH is no longer on the speakers' list for Cannes 2017, I think. Maybe notice of a new project will come? Or is it just the result of more IW filming?

530 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-09 01:40 ID:vcHuIQwy

There were two reported sightings of the Greater Hiddlesbird last Thursday in the vicinity of Durham Cathedral (site of some IW filming). Unfortunately, neither observer provided photographs nor noted any identifying field marks, although one observer stated that he saw the Hiddlesbird from only a few meters away, and it was flying with a Blond Hemsworth, Dark Ruffalo, and Beauteous Tessa. The Records Committee is taking these sightings under advisement.

On Twitter: /Ionaislegendary/status/860187846291988486

531 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-09 01:50 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>529 I'm guessing, given that he was announced so recently as a speaker, that it's due to IW filming schedule changes. I'd think that a new project could work around a short previous commitment that he'd already made.

532 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-11 00:34 ID:vcHuIQwy

An official video from the BFI - Radio Times Festival session on TNM is up:

Haven't watched it yet, but they must have cut quite a bit, because it's under 18 minutes.

533 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-11 20:16 ID:ZD1F+snI

This board is as dead as TH's eyes when staring across a dinner table at TS! I thought I was going to have to read through loads.

>>526 Good news is I've completed the first chapters of my TH bio (not really). Like the Amazon one, it will be written without me ever meeting TH. I saw him on a stage about 50 feet away - that's good enough for an in-depth bio.

I've decided to make it a bio that also has parenting (don't send your child to boarding school) and PR advice (don't engage in fauxmances). I want to hit all the demographics.

>>530 Is this IW filming or more Thor? Have other IW actors been spotted? The Greater Hiddlesbird is known by its more familiar name the Hiddle Tit.

>>532 Again with his recitation of the book's opening lines - boring and a tiny bit pretentious. We know you can memorize words, TH. AP with his quips about doing the role for the clothes and the loo roll airplane steals the interview like HL stole the Times Talk I saw.

534 Name: Anon : 2017-05-11 20:55 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>533 I am sorry we are dull. No gossip and no real sightings except in London. So who knows if it is IW or what it is being filmed in Durham.

I couldn't watch the BFI stuff. John le Carre is a poisionous old coot who thinks he is a literary and acting genius and is neither. He wrote some quite good spy novels and acted badly in one cameo in TNM. Big woop. I cannot listen to them licking up for hours. I just can't.

535 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-12 00:45 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>533 Did he actually stare across a dinner table at her? I thought he was too busy checking his phone!

Oh but you must write the bio! Or we could make it a group project....

Other actors were rumored for the Durham filming but not confirmed. I'm guessing it was IW, not Thor, because the Russo Brothers were photographed and briefly interviewed there. Of course, it alternatively could have been for the post-credits scene for T:R.

I'm laughing too hard at the Hiddle Tit to come up with a good rejoinder. Stay tuned.

The only gossip I've spotted is that the TS album PR is kicking into gear. Alas, that also means the appearance of the earliest of what doubtless will be many, many, many articles mentioning TH as a likely song subject.

536 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-12 18:23 ID:tW8pBDat

Tom was just seen in London at a swish bank, Coutts. Looking forward to a summer full of Wimbledon pics of Tom, and a summer-less TS. Apparently the Ben Wheatley/Amy Jump script for Tom of Frank Miller's Hard-Boiled graphic novel could take a long time. At least till after Ben does his next movie, maybe much much longer. Fine...

537 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-15 00:27 ID:vcHuIQwy

Apparently last night's Sat. Night Live had a TH sketch during dress rehearsal that wasn't used in the live show. Details from Reddit, but also several tweets reporting it too.

"Tom Hiddleston Prom I liked this one a lot. Aidy Bryant and Vanessa Bayer are at their high school prom, talking about the A-list celebrities who they asked to prom and turned them down. McCarthy tells them that she asked Tom Hiddleston to prom, and he accepted. Then Hiddleston (McKinnon) came out and, despite insisting that he hated the attention that came with being famous, took over the dance floor, first performing a really bad rendition of Man in the Mirror before showing off his abs and turning his Prom King acceptance speech into a speech about the situation in South Sudan."

A couple of the Twitter mentions:

  • /ItsAshlen/status/863588484073783296
  • various in this account: /lizvelic/with_replies

538 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-15 02:42 ID:tW8pBDat

Tom Hollander won Best Supporting Actor BAFTA TV award for his role in TNM, which was the show's only nomination! Well done Corky! Hiddleston was seen watching Hollander last month in April, starring in Stoppard's play, Travesties. Will they start dropping more hints about the possible TNM 2, do you think? And also below, an article bemoaning the lack of nominations for crowd pleasing shows on BBC 1 like TNM and Poldark. Loved the orignal, but I'm not a Poldark reboot fan, myself. FYI, The Crown was shut out.

539 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-15 17:50 ID:qdjpf5Br

>>536 Is he stopping his direct deposit to Olly? Or to whomever suggested Tayto. Or allowed him to do Tayto. The only people I knew in London who banked at Coutts were the second son of a duke and one of the Spencer-Churchills. I wouldn't have thought TH would be their usual type of customer.

>>537 Ouch. He'll need to put the I heart TS shirt back on to protect that burn. I'll leave the unnecessary outrage to the fans in the veranda. Instead: sow and reap. He's opened the door to ridicule; he should not be surprised when it shows up on the welcome mat. I still feel bad for him. It's not nice to be mocked by SNL. It's really not nice being so irrelevant that your mocking skit gets cut.

>>538 I think THol alone received all As from me during the original airing of TNM. If he was in a scene, it was his scene.

I liked the first season of Poldark. Haven't seen the second - I'm surviving just fine!

540 Name: Anon : 2017-05-15 18:05 ID:JdqnTY+R


No! You know meeeeee!!! I bank at Coutts. So do (or did) lots of barristers and City folk, before Handelsbank got sexy. They wish I wasn't a customer now. Current aspirational customer base is £3m liquid (not me).

541 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-16 00:35 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>536 >>539 Maybe the bulk of his trust fund payout resides there. Or the account for his two production companies. I don't think Olly's been employed since January, when one tumblr reported that he seemed to have moved permanently to Los Angeles after TH finished filming Thor. What I had been expecting was that LW and TH would part ways, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

>>537 >>539 Since it was a dress rehearsal it may have been recorded and show up online. SNL does that sometimes.

>>538 >>539 I thought THol was the most memorable character myself. And now none of the main cast was at BAFTATV for support. Makes me wonder if he was shunned by the cast! (Was Eurovision too important to miss? ;) )

542 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-16 01:15 ID:vcHuIQwy

The latter part of this article includes TH twice in a discussion of the two different paths actors can take, or try to balance, now - tentpole and indie/prestige. It's a little contradictory about Tom, first citing him as an example of the kind of career others could have if they found the "right Loki-style part." But then later they talk about him trying to find the balance between blockbuster and indie/prestige.

I think it's telling that while TH fives Tom Hanks as the example of the kind of career he'd like to have, Charlie H. says Daniel Day-Lewis.

543 Name: Anon : 2017-05-16 05:27 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>541 I would just mention that we discussed Olly's probable non employment a long time before tumblr latched on to it!

544 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-16 06:43 ID:tW8pBDat

>>542 I think that Tom used to mention Daniel Day-Lewis as having a career that he was inspired by and that he wanted to emulate when he was younger. But Tom has of late, flipped to Hanks. Over the last couple of years as he's continuing to build his fan base in the US, TH has mentioned Hanks because Hanks's persona and his films although more safe, middle brow, and slightly bland than Day-Lewis' films, are very well respected and popular with American audiences. The Day-Lewis quote from 2013 is below.

545 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-16 17:20 ID:Efyef8Wk

Interesting. Neither DD-L nor Hanks went the indie film route the way TH has linked himself to Ben Wheatley.

546 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-16 22:33 ID:tW8pBDat

TS officially has a brand new fake British boyfriend for her new album, whom she secretly visits in London wearing disguises, allegedly! No joke! No more silly TS conversations around Tom! Yay! Of course the article in The Sun drags Tom for wanting the their former relationship to be more public than TS was comfortable with. Back to conversations about TH, and his real life and career. Joy to the world.

547 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-17 02:43 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>545 Not sure how linked TH/Ben Wheatley are; in that interview linked above that mentions Hardboiled, Wheatley doesn't even mention working with Tom again. That said, Tom did 3 films with Joanna Hogg early in his career.

>>546 A new UNICEF Canada video with TH was posted yesterday (, but of course that's being drowned out by TS's "news."

548 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-17 02:56 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>546 And interestingly enough, apparently the Sun's line about the relationship being too public was their second choice of digs. Originally it read "The former couple split after Taylor became increasingly aware Tom was exploiting her fame to boost his own profile and standing in Hollywood." (screencaps at

I suspect the dragging isn't over yet - a few days while all the other rags pick this up, a retrospective comparison with the new Toy Boy at the July 4 bash, and then the album drop. But at least now Tom can say "She's moved on, I've moved on, so let's move on to a different question - about The Work."

Now if there could just be some project announcements.

549 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-23 15:52 ID:kOIhz14M

>>546 You're so positive, Sosorry. I wish I could be. I don't think this will end the Tayto talk. It's just that he will now have more company on the liner notes of her new album. If JG is still getting asked some seven years later, TH can expect the same.

Her PR is playing a different game - they had to, the old one stopped working - so no huge picture reveal of the new boyfriend. I'm sure she's saving the first pics for a 'special occasion' (advantageous PR moment).

What are the Tayto shippers saying? Have they all jumped overboard off the USS Tayto?

>>542 Are we surprised that he's singing a new tune? He shifts with the winds. In his defense, he never said his love for DDL was 'sacred.'

>>548 Are we still blaming IW filming for the lack of new work? Is that still the story?

550 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-23 16:00 ID:kOIhz14M

>>541 That's assuming LW was the evil genius responsible for Tayto. We don't know this for certain. I think we as a board were leaning more toward the new American team. All that time with LW and no fauxmances. Then only a few months after he signs with the Americans, it's Tayto time.

We can probably blame them for Yours Truly too. Ugh.

They are awful. They must be stopped. Given his decision-making skills, he probably signed with them for 10 years.

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