Tom Hiddleston (1000)

1 Name: Anon : 2017-03-01 15:14 ID:JdqnTY+R

Thread to talk about the actor...oh fuck it. You know what to do

551 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-23 19:26 ID:xOS185Wu

Also thoughts go out to our British members. It's all too heartbreaking for words.

552 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-24 01:23 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>551 Likewise. Words fail me.

553 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-24 01:49 ID:vcHuIQwy

Back to our distraction from the ugliness of real life.

>>549 He's been mentioned in almost every story so far about the new Boy. The Guardian was particularly harsh: . Also, some of the Tumblr bloggers think her PR's continuing to run the bus back over TH is to justify a "you done me wrong" song on the new album, and I bet they're on to something.

It's hard to tell from those blogs (I refuse to read the shipper ones) how the remnant Tayto shippers are handling the news, other than that they're still sniping at the Hiddles blogs.

The TH blogs are working hard trying to spin the lack of new work - as well as Marvel, "this has happened before," "many of Benedict's new projects are ones that he's producing himself," etc. But it feels to me as though his peers generally have at least one if not more future projects lined up; and one of the top Google results for Tom in the last week or so has been that Aussie article from KSI promo saying he was taking the year off, so that now may be the public perception. I suspect that he and his team dropped the ball and stopped hustling for work as hard as usual during the Summer o' Love Tour and its immediate aftermath, and that dried up his pipeline quite a bit.

There have been a couple mentions in conjunction with Joanna Hogg's new film that she and Tom are talking about future projects (example: "Tom Hiddleston has starred in Hogg’s previous three films but is not due to appear in The Souvenir, though the two are understood to be lining up future projects together." -- )

554 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-24 01:55 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>550 At least one of the Tumblr blogs has said Tom fired his US PR team this fall - not sure how to fact-check that. Even it that's true, I don't think that means they were responsible for Tayto; it could just be that Tom thought they didn't do a good job of rescuing his reputation from it. But even if the PR team did propose a fauxmance, it's on him that he participated in what looked like one. As you said, his decision-making skills....

For a small blessing, at least Sat. Night Live hasn't posted the prom sketch that was cut from the live show.

555 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-25 04:48 ID:tW8pBDat

>>549 I try to think positive thoughts! But I think I'm mainly just thrilled that baby TS fans have stopped tracking private jets from Nashville to London to prove that the fauxmance is still ongoing,a me that TS has been making jam and cake for Tom in the UK all this time! IMO, Tom should just work his little tail off and maintain a mature gentlemanly silence, and allow his theater projects and films to speak for him like J Gyllenhaal does. A future song about Tom can't be too mean-spirited, since the sad puppy article in GQ seemed to work to his advantage for the general public. And if TS keeps alluding to him a famewhore, he should just have team Luke leak from a "source" to the Uk media that (maybe OK magazine, for instance) that people should compare the totality of how privately and quietly Tom usually leads his life, with the exception of last summer, to how comfortable TS leads her public life, in general for a decade, including thiese new leaks to the public about a supposedly private relationship! And thus to suggest that Tom is overinterested in PR optics and tabloid coverage is illogical. Time to man up get a bit sneaky, Team Tom, then deny it came from your team : ) Also, when is Tom's next project? Not a golden globe awards fan, but doesn't that recognition give you a little more power in L.A.?

556 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-25 19:26 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>550 >>555 You should be able to see his US and UK personnel (agent/manager/PR) on his IMDBPro site to confirm who's working for him. I don't have a Pro account, or I'd have checked.

557 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-25 19:26 ID:Efyef8Wk

That should have been >>550 >>554

558 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-25 21:01 ID:+OONdLY2

>>554 Not so sure about fall as a timeframe. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Beardy from the American mgt. team? He seemed to be doing PR stuff during and after Tayto, including the GGs, in January?

Also from what little I know about these mgt. companies (jack squat tbh), it's not just a matter of firing reps. There would be a contract in place, and they seem to be airtight in the interest of the companies - they don't like to lose their meal tickets.

>>556 But maybe that Tumblr has a Pro acct. (you just know they would) and has seen the details.

559 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-26 00:33 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>556, >>557, >>558 I don't have an IMDB Pro account either, so no luck there. But as of this January, he was still with his U.S. agency (WME) according to the announcement about their partnership with UNICEF: . I checked WME's site and if you dig down, he's still listed in their database of voiceover talent.

They are a major, major agency, so it's hard to think that he and they would part ways. (Here's an article from when he signed with them in 2011: -- he left another big US agency to sign with them). If he was unhappy with them, I suspect they would change him to another agent with the firm.

I couldn't find any names for any US publicists for him, though.

560 Name: Heynon : 2017-05-26 00:55 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>555 As aggravating as it is to read about TS "sources" still dissing Tom, it seems to have died down after the first flurry of New Toy Boy articles. I think gentlemanly silence will stay the best approach even if she puts out some mean songs, because in a PR war of leaks with her team, his team would get squashed. It would be too easy to turn the "exception" he made of last summer vs. his usual privacy as evidence that he was indeed using her for fame.

At most, I think his team's response should be something like "he's so disappointed that Taylor feels this way. He... [insert standard ex-TS-BF contractual language here about how lovely it all was and she was]."

I don't know how much a GG award benefits an actor; nowhere near as much as an Oscar, certainly, but it should make him a little more bankable.

561 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-26 05:43 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>558 Beardy is from the American team, yes.
>>559 You're right, they would change agents before going through the legal process of breaking the contract.
>>560 I would think that winning the GG matters overseas, if only in a small way, for reviews. I don't know if it has any affect on foreign awards (BAFTA, etc.)

562 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-26 19:57 ID:Nqx/PiLe

>>559 No he wouldn't part with WME. He probably feels like a bona fide star by signing with them. They are huge. Beardy was from the 'talent' mtg. team, i.e., PR without calling it PR.

The GGs are more an indication that the overseas press in Hollywood like him, or I thought that was how those worked. Don't think that parlays into anything like clout or bankability. I'll whisper this so the veranda doesn't hear: I don't think he has any pull in HW. on a scale of 1 to 10, he's at a 2-3. He got Thor as a lucky break, helped by his association with Sir Ken. That got him the Avengers part by default. OLLA and CP had other actors in those roles before him. Just not a lot of pull. His biggest roles, screen time wise, have been in tv productions for the BBC.

Actual question from a mother group mom: what are you doing for baby's first Memorial Day?

My answer: nothing.

Her: shock and multiple memory rich suggestions.

Me: silent resentment accompanied by disinterested nods.

I'm convinced she has her child's first turd in a box in the freezer...or bronzed on the mantle.

Happy Memorial Day!

563 Name: Sosorry : 2017-05-27 22:24 ID:tW8pBDat

Tom isn't listed anymore on the speakers' list for the Cambridge Union either in this coming last week of April, or in May. Maybe he's scheduled to film in Atlanta for Avengers IW? Maybe he's just free as a bird.

564 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-28 08:48 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>563 Curious. Maybe something more personal is going on ; what, I have no clue. What was the original date he was set for?

565 Name: Anon : 2017-05-28 15:47 ID:Lh+ucSG3


Hello all. After a pretty crappy week in the U.K. electioneering was suspended for a time. I decided to suspend giving a shit about Tom Hiddleston. Unfortunately normal service has been resumed in political campaigning! Thanks to everyone for their kind thoughts about the UK.

The talk at the Union is in June. That may explain the confusion as the links seem to be for April May.

566 Name: Anon : 2017-05-28 15:58 ID:Lh+ucSG3

On publicity generally: I doubt he has withdrawn from WME for all the reasons Anon. identified. Also, it is an actual talent agency like Hamilton Hodell, i.e. it is responsible for getting the work in. When there is no work it wouldn't be sensible to leave one's agency I'd have thought.

As to the PR side: it seems that WME must have had some input due to Beardy's omnipresence. But I heard last year rumours of "new" PR in the US which only did PR - as he has HH and Luke in the U.K. That would also make sense given that the rumour of new representation coincided with a real change in the PR style last year. Hence - suddenly - a stylist, Instagram (first cheesetheboard and then his), presenting country music awards, a showmance etc etc. If WME had all these bright ideas it took them a long time since they signed him to put those ideas into action.

So I reckon it was a new PR agency (identity opaque, perhaps designedly so) which came on the scene and has now been fired. Hopefully.

567 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-29 19:58 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>562 His first Memorial Day? What? How should an infant memorialize dead soldiers?

FWIW, I kept my son's umbilical cord stump. I can't find it right now but I know it's languishing in a box somewhere. Yes, it's weird.

568 Name: Anon. : 2017-05-31 18:41 ID:/sNZ3OYI

>>567 Thank you! One of her suggestions was to dress him in flag themed clothes and take pictures. Dear Lord! I hardly dress him as it is. Diaper and onesie, lately a onesie without legs - that's it. And once it warms up, just a diaper.

Do we think mama Hiddleston kept TH's umbilical cord? Oh, wait, he's still attached to her by it. Nevermind!

569 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-05-31 23:05 ID:vpBRZXYd

>>568 Yanno, I have always wondered about the parental influence on his career and life in general. I've read enough speculation on tumblr about it, horoscopes and other armchair analyses, but I really want to know what the real drive is.

Leave the costumes until Halloween or something. We never dressed my son in any flag at any point in his life.

570 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-03 00:54 ID:Efyef8Wk

There's been a bit of flurry over these 2 photos, allegedly of Tom in Cannes getting off of a helicopter (with a mystery woman walking beside in the 2nd one). Too far away to be accurate, but who knows.

571 Name: huh : 2017-06-03 01:26 ID:+oJ1aeiW

>>570 Looks more likely that it's Alexander Skarsgard and his girlfriend, based on some tumblr comments.

572 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-08 15:56 ID:DM90neEp

>>570 Grey shoes or it didn't happen! ;)

I wonder if he's required to keep a low profile now that Swift and her new contract are totally having their privacy violated by not at all summoned paps.
Calvin Harris didn't but then he did not go gently into that goodnight of Swift exes.

Did he show in Cannes? Is he going to show at Cambridge? What does the all knowing crazy one say? Because then we know to assume the opposite.

Could he actually be working, or trying to get work? Nah.

573 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-08 16:10 ID:DM90neEp

Happy Election Day to our British contingent! Eyes open, breathe deeply - it looks like freedom, it smells like liberty. Enjoy it.

And a word of warning for the fans. Barring a huge upset, the Conservatives look set to take this election, maybe with a significant majority. Since TH has declared Jeremy Corbyn's integrity to be impressive, he might take this badly. The last time an election didn't go his way (Brexit), he decided to blow off some steam and have fun with a summer 'romance.' Forewarned....

574 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-09 02:26 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>572 No other sightings in Cannes (and with all the paps, it's unlikely he'd be there unnoticed). Cambridge is still unknown. The various Tumblrs are assuming he's filming IW (an anon supposedly was told by a friend who's working on it, when she asked about TH/Loki, that "she won't be disappointed). No other good theories have been put forth.

>>573 From what U.S. media are reporting from exit polls and declared seats so far, there may have been an upset, or at least not a clear Conservative victory. Supposedly TH's going for "fun" last summer was also due to his being upset about the not-great receptions for CP, ISTL, and HR. This time round, he has the ongoing direct and indirect references in the media's "advice" articles to the new Faux Boy about how to handle a romance with TS. I kind of hope his fun this summer will be with his Marvel buddies.

Someone posted on FB earlier today that she encountered Tom in London, also today, so at least he's still among the living.

575 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-09 04:02 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>574 Maybe he came back to vote.

Some light reading. Make sure you swallow your drink first.

576 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-09 09:22 ID:n7CrWHl7

>>574 I fear they will be disappointed! He'll be in it but he can't have much screen time given that nearly every Marvel character is set to feature.

I'm not in the office today but I bet our elections guy will be a zombie. He probably stayed up through the night. But TH may be celebrating...maybe. And it could mean no summer showmance, unless he goes for a different excuse: he was really upset about the hung Parliament and decided to have a bit of fun!

>>575 He wouldn't have needed to. I know some believe he's been filming during this time but I wonder if he's just been under the radar. We usually get sightings when he travels but he can virtually disappear when in his own neighborhood.

Ha! That pic of the new contract sitting alone, clutching a glass with a FML expression looks familiar. Wonder if TH sent him a club welcome packet?

577 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-09 19:31 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>574 Cannes turned out to be Skarsgard, Cambridge is still listed as 'to be announced.' Filming is the best educated guess, with Marvel keeping him under tight wraps so as not to ruin the plot, which is what All Knowing is betting. My guess - filming combined with a personal vacation.

>>576 Since The Snake has re-emerged in all her pettish glory, it's a great time for him to be a ghost. Based on the gossip reports that Toe/Jaylor have been dating for months, people are saying that TH knew about them when he did the emotional GQ interview.

Hey, it was 2014 this week or so that the pic of him and JA showed up on FB with the caption "Mr. & Mrs. Hiddleston." What a time that was. Based on that, it would not surprise me if he's off on vacation with someone new (or was until yesterday). It's smart for him to aggressively avoid the press right now.

578 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-10 03:41 ID:tW8pBDat

>>577 Tom's easy ability to ghost really shows that the neighborhood pics where he wears his capsule dressing ensembles are completely planned for PR purposes when Tom needs attention just before, and just after an event. Glad that he wants to lead a drama-free lifestyle.

>>574>>575 Tom Sighting in London on election day link

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone on the Verizon Wireless 4G LTE network.

579 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-10 09:54 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>577 It's definitely in his best interests if he stays completely off the radar for now. The Snake is being extra extra petty with her Katy feud and plus, when she unveiled her new romance, she started by slamming Tom even though they were equal partners in that mess. Then again I didn't expect any different from her pettiness.

Speaking of Tom potentially dating someone, I think he might be seeing someone and I think I know who but I'm scared to share my findings on here because of the crazies who read this board. I mean there is a chance that I'm over analyzing and I could be completely wrong but maybe I'm not. I just wish there was a way of messaging each other privately or something. I don't know how to drop hints that only we can figure out.

580 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-10 15:20 ID:tW8pBDat

>>579 Ouch. No one on this board is at all crazy IMO, just intrigued by Tom's career. We leave the craziness outside this realm. I would love some new filming project info, or news of a new appearance in a play. Someone guessed that maybe Tom was holding back career news b/c of the slew of TS articles, but he doesn't have the power to stop production companies from announcing projects. I've stopped trying to figure out Tom's personal life b/c it seems so odd to me. Susannah F was incorrectly rumored to be his wife, she popped up for some PR premiere pics, then she sent a harsh twitter post when they supposedly split. Weird. Then the casual JA banagins and shenanigans of Wimbledon, Sherlock, and Bora Bora gate. Then the EO PR games for ISTL, then the TS fauxmance for American PR boost for the Emmys and GG awards which were accompanied by fallacious James Bond rumours clearly from his camp. A lot of the alleged TS bfs have complicated love histories, and that's a whole other story. People always ship Tom with brainy/gorgeous artists like Hayley Atwell and Emma Watson, but he's known them forever and just he just seems to have a warm rapport with most people he meets.

Jessica Chastain is getting married this weekend in Italy, but Tom doesn't seem to be on the guest list with A. Hathaway and A Pacino. Pics of Tom and his other hero from Heat, Al Pacino, would have rocked!

581 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-10 16:52 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>580 Congrats to Jessica though I always figured she'd get married and then casually drop the info in some interview months later lol
I didn't mean us that post on here. This board used to be pretty well hidden but recently it's been getting it's fair share of crazies from the TH fandom that quietly read what we say and some of the lesser known TH stuff or TH related things we've figured out first on here, it ends up on Tumblr with the anons acting like they found the info first or figured it all out by themselves. Hence, me not wanting to outright post what I saw because if I'm wrong I don't wanna cause the crazies to lose it and stalk the girl. Oh well it'll all come out anyways if he's dating her or not.

582 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-10 22:15 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>579 There are people who lurk, but there was one who posted during the EO era.

Hey, I found this list by doing a google search on 'beanup' after hearing so much about her on tumblr.

>>580 JA - Sherlock shenanigans?? I don't understand, or I don't remember. Please elaborate.

Re; Susannah F - never read anything about why they broke up.

I read the DM article.I do not doubt that Tom was invited, since they're really good friends. I don't think anything would keep him away from the wedding except illness, work commitments, or prior plans that he cannot alter.

That said, I don't think the DM article would cover the full depth of the guest list so it's possible he is there but neither seen nor mentioned.

>>581 I was surprised to hear she was marrying, since I'd read a few months ago that she and Gian Carlo broke up. Maybe that was planted to keep people from snooping their wedding plans.

583 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-10 22:31 ID:Efyef8Wk

Gian Luca, I meant. And congrats to him and Jessica.
>>579 Yeah we don't have a private chat room, so unless you want to give up BI-style hints, we'll just have to wait until pics surface. If he's brought her to the wedding, we may find out sooner that expected.

584 Name: huh : 2017-06-10 22:47 ID:+oJ1aeiW

>>579 If you don't want to say who it is, maybe a hint of how you figured it out?

585 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-10 23:15 ID:tW8pBDat

>>583>>582 Many more pics of the Chastain wedding in Venice, but no Tom. Just Hathaway and Emily Blunt. People keep guessing about Unicef worker Louise O'Shea b/c she was at the Empire Awards, and some speculated that Tom brought a bevy of friensd to cloak her presence. But Louise was in Africa with Tom and Luke as far back as 2013, so who knows.

586 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-11 01:38 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>582 About the SF breakup: I read (but cannot re-find for the life of me) an interview from just before he was going off to film something (the Henriad, I think). In it he said that they'd broken up because he was very focused on his career at the moment and "didn't have time for a proper girlfriend." (Which I think is odd phrasing - it might have been nicer to say "I don't have time to be a proper boyfriend.")

I agree, congrats to Jessica and her new husband. But I think it's kind of a shame (though smart) that she didn't want to be involved with another actor, because she and Tom seem to get on so well!

Probably it is good that he's so off the radar right now with all the latest TS nonsense. But a project announcement soon might be helpful - the "Did TH damage his brand?" and "Why TH is taking off 2017" articles have reappeared in the top Google results for him.

587 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-11 01:47 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>583>>584 It was through his new FB cover. The lady I'm guessing he's with seems to have a similar cover photo on her private profile but looks like a higher angle. I could be completely wrong and it might not be the same area pics at all but they looked similar to me. Then again after all that's happened I don't think Tom would use a pic on his public page that his current gf is also using but who knows. He's not super savvy in that regards. Like I said I could be over thinking it.

>>585 I saw that but it was on the infamous townbike. Did she start and perpetuate the rumor that he brought others to distract her from being his date? Or was she repeating what others were saying? Full disclosure I haven't posted on here in a while so I don't know whether you guys discussed that already or not and I can't remember if we had discussed his Empire list of guests when the awards show had happened.

588 Name: huh : 2017-06-11 01:58 ID:+oJ1aeiW

>>587 After what happened with Jane when he followed her on twitter I don't think he would make his cover photo match a girlfriend, but I also would have thought he knew better than to do what he did last summer, so idk...

589 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-11 03:30 ID:tW8pBDat

>>586 It was odd. Tom did an interview in 2012 while he was dating SF and they simply asked him if he had a girlfriend in the Independant, and he replied "err, I dunno know, actually" he wasn't sure. Weird. Then SF had to clarify that she wasn't married (to Tom), and a friend, tweeted back to her "thank f-ing God" and SF replied, "yeah." Whatever happened at the end of their romance must have been a bit muddy and sloppy. Then SF liked a tweet that ridiculed the HS fauuxmance on her twitter in the middle of the craziness last summer. Burn.
>>587 Yep, we discussed all of the Empire Awards guests. But the Swifties started to track Louise O'Shea b/c the DM suggested that TH had replaced TS with a new lookalike blonde. And the Swifties were determined to prove that TS and Tom had been secretly dating all last year, and lying to the press about it. Delusional gals. I think someone said that Louise is already engaged, though.

590 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-11 17:24 ID:tW8pBDat

Tom spotted doing a pap walk at a London cafe, carrying a coffee and a small takeout bag. Wearing an hw embroidered ISTL baseball cap, and a goatee. I guess Tom and JC aren't close enough off of the set for him to attend the Italy wedding.

591 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-11 17:27 ID:h9ljnz9c

New pics up from Torrilla, the usual walking with coffee. Like clockwork, over analyzing by Tumblr fans would have him sickly. He just looks like his normal, serious resting bitch face self.

592 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-11 17:36 ID:h9ljnz9c

>>590 This confirms something else I read, that his family is very traditional, so maybe they considered it tacky to have an ex-boyfriend/close male friend attend.

It could also be that he is feeling under the weather.

593 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-11 18:07 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>591 >>592 Who are you?

594 Name: Anon : 2017-06-11 18:11 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>593 It's got to be Lex. She is the only one who comes on here and pretends to be someone else.

595 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-11 21:41 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>589 Damn, I missed that train. Oh well.
>>590 Is it just me or does he look like he's either recovering from being sick or having the worst hangover of his life?
I never got the vibe that Tom and Jessica were close friends. They just seemed like coworkers who jived well and were selling a movie. Her rapport with celebs who are her friends is different. I wasn't really expecting Tom at her wedding tbh.

596 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-11 21:41 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>594 I should change my name to WhatisReal or something.

>>590 and Fake Whatsinaname in >>592 may have a point. Even though JC and TH seem thick as thieves at the CP promo tour photo ops and interviews, and there's the cozy pic of JC, TH and GIan at a CP cast party, it doesn't mean he was invited. And I know of at least 2 weddings personally where an ex-bf or opposite sex close friend of the bride or groom was not invited (hashtag petty)

597 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-11 21:45 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>595 He does look sick or recovering from being sick, especially since he's dressed for fall and someone said it was 25C in London today. Fever chills, plus no body fat.

598 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-11 23:19 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>596 Wait, why do people think Tom and Jessica are exes? Was it mentioned somewhere or were dots connected? I know DM and some gossip rags printed a few years ago that Tom and Jessica were dating but Jessica immediately rubbished them and came out publicly with Gian soon after that.

599 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-12 01:33 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>598 Yes, the rags still do assert that story, and it comes up every now and again when they're pictured together. No dots connected at all.

600 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-13 01:55 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>597 Yeah, I'm leaning towards being sick or recovering from it. If it was a hangover then he wouldn't be dressed like it's late fall/ early winter. Poor THids :(

>>599 Ah okay, thanks! I was wondering if it was just a rehashing of that tabloid story or if they were actually exes.

601 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-13 05:03 ID:tW8pBDat

>>580>>582 I just meant the fascinating lengths that TH will go to protect his privacy from the general public. He sat next to JA at Wimbledon in July 2013 and held hands, and just b/c it was mentioned by Elle magazine, Tom immediately the next day did at pap walk with Sherlock star Lara Pulver at Nobu for the Andy Murray Victory Dinner. Celebs are papped at Wimbledon with their dates all the time, why do you need to rush out and distract from the situation? Then Tom implies to GQ in an interview that the JA situation wasn't something to write home about, which some found to be a bit dismissive of her, whatever the casual terms of their hanging out situation were. They were then caught by fans after a preview screening of Sherlock, shopping in theater the bookstore where JA was hidin in a pink scarf, while Tom was kind of ignoring her, so people said. Then radio silence on his love life and no sign of JA at all till she was photographed on the Bora Bora trip and incorrectly labeled as his wife in the photo where TH wouldn't even put his arm her in the photo at the restaurant . Then, just after this lovely and naughty passionate vacation, they split for good a couple weeks later. He's just a funny fish when it comes to dating. Many handsome male stars date publicly and keep their fan bases, and do critically acclaimed work. Look at Oscar Isaacs. I just find it interesting.

602 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 06:13 ID:Heaven

>>601 Ok I'm on break and I will go back to summer in a moment, but I have to write this because fake news is fake news.

Sosorry, they were not holding hands at Wimbledon, if they had we'd have a photo of it and we did not.
And He did not do a pap walk the day after with Lara Pulver. I wrote this before but clearly it needs repeating, Lara Pulver at the time was (and still is) a) a big fan of Murray, she tweeted to him just before the finals so she was going to his party on her own, b) had a boyfriend, Raza Jeffries, who became her husband in 2014, c) all of this was public knowledge. Just because the DM couldn't even recognize her, after slamming her for her Sherlock episode, thinking she was some new mysterious love interest it doesn't mean it was a covert operation at the service of TH. She deserves more credit than that.

Other than that, good luck understanding his dating life :)

603 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 06:19 ID:Heaven

But I leave after posting this, because it made me smile (even if you probably already read about it).


604 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-13 06:49 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>603 Oohhhh!!! The supposed bestie hanging out with the ex who likes to shade TH! This is certainly interesting. The whole thing when he was hanging out with Sian and being so chummy chummy on Twitter and vacationing together. Then he comes back from his UNICEF trip and suddenly it's all silent, like full on strangers. Not to mention how Sian disappeared from Twitter for a whole year. Ah memories...
I wonder if Sian and Susannah bonded over the Hiddleswift fiasco and had a laugh over it.

605 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-13 07:19 ID:tW8pBDat

>>602 I apologize unreservedly. JA linked her arms over his arm, near his hands. My point was that Tom was out in with her in a very high publicized place, and there's nothing wrong with a single man going on a date with a single woman even if he is famous.

And, I am a huge Lara Pulver and Raza Jeffries fan. Happy that they're married and they have a baby son. But their relationship, although in the public sphere, was not so highly publicized at that time, b/c they've never been fame addicted. Luke is no fool. I don't think that the papparazzi casually happened to photograph Tom with a second woman, immediately the day after Wimbledon by accident, even at a public Andy Murray party. I think Tom's London photos are all planned. Lara remonstrated the DM for not recognizing her on her twitter, but she didn't mention her bf Raza in that tweet. She and "Hiddlebum" are thick friends and I think they casually agreed to arrive at Nobu, or leave Nobu at the same time for PR. Not a crazy shenanigan, but it makes sense to me.

606 Name: Whasinaname : 2017-06-13 07:31 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>601 The 'nothing to write home about' is why people figured she was an FWB not a gf, sosorry

>>602 Wasn't his dating life with JA one of the reasons for the first thread here? LOL!

Good to have you peek back in, Couch. The tweet in >>603 is news to me. SF is still really pretty, isn't she?

PS: ID:Efyef8Wk is my laptop. This post is written from my desktop.

607 Name: Whasinaname : 2017-06-13 07:34 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>606 Apparently i was wrong, first thread started about the Thor: The Dark World promo tour.

608 Name: Anon : 2017-06-13 10:44 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>607 oddly enough the first thread (which I think Couch said came about because someone on a different platform suggested/told the Hiddles fans to set up shop elsewhere) was at a similar stage of the Hiddles career - the great drought of 2013. During this year TH would turn up to the opening of an envelope - hence I think the extended tour in the Far East for Thor 2. At the time the uber fans were doing the "he is WORKING SECRETLY ON PROJECTS" thing - though in fact he walked into CP quite late on on 2013 after Cumberbatch pulled out, i.e. he had only fixed that up late in the day.

609 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 11:07 ID:Heaven

>>605 Lara's previous husband was Josh Dallas who played Fandral in Thor 1 (Lara was often on set because of it) and her private life was talked about because he divorced her to marry Ginnifer Goodwin around the same time Thor was released and because of her popularity for Sherlock.
(actually, she didn't remonstrate the DM, she made fun of the DM for not recognizing her with her clothes on)

610 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 11:28 ID:Heaven

>>604,606 It is certainly curious. In the end, Sian was likely friend with both. We really don't see but a partial picture, do we?

611 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 11:45 ID:Heaven

>>608 To be fair, he was working on Capa in spring 2013 (I now don't remember anymore when he went to Hungary, May maybe) before it fell through. After that there was a void filled with events until he started working on Coriolanus in September (and then CP).

Maybe now it feels worse because...well we all know why. (although taytay handling of her new bf is so ridiculous that her clumsy attempts at slamming TH thankfully turned out to be a huge favour to him)

Who knows, maybe he is preparing for some role, maybe not, maybe he is getting his balance back, maybe not.
I'm not so convinced he is working on IW, I don't see why Marvel would work so hard to keep Loki's presence a secret, when so many new characters have already been announced. Besides, the Thor franchise needs all the buzz it can get, one of its problem was that you don't need to see those films to watch the Avengers films. Letting people know that even Loki is in IW would bring more people to see Thor3.

612 Name: Anon : 2017-06-13 15:31 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>611Welcome back Couch! I should have said previously.

I guess earlier this year he was doing something on his UNICEF project too. I'm not saying a total drought in either 13 or now - just relatively so given that we know he likes to be busy.

I totally agree that he is unlikely to be doing REALLY SECRET WORK on IW (anyone see a pattern in the fangirl madness?!). There was that rumour of him being in Durham for a weekend or so while they were filming there, and I suspect that may have been it. The beard in those recent photos didn't arrive in a weekend.

Whether he is recovering or getting balance back who knows. I slightly suspect he is going slowly nuts in Hiddleston Towers. He's all about the work, he's fiercely ambitious and he appears to all intents and purposes to be on the beach. There's more than a touch of the Norma Desmond about those recent pics.

613 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-06-13 16:35 ID:Heaven

>>612 Yes, for his standards the lack of announcements is strange and seemingly worse than 2013. And in contrast to the other actors involved in IW who are instead announcing projects, so IW isn't the obstacle. SDCC and D23 are next month aren't they? Maybe he'll show up and tell stuff.

(I had to google Norma Desmond, goodness!)

I go back to my break, enjoy your summer everyone and be safe.

614 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-13 16:44 ID:tW8pBDat

>>609 I'm not sure if Lara saying that the DM didn't recognize her with her clothes on was a slight tease, esp after the newspapers questioned whether her Irene Adler performance in Sherlock was independent enough, since Sherlock had to save her at the end of the episode. I think she was annoyed. And although Lara had been married to Josh, and Raza had been a part of the the whole Spooks marriage and dating tree, people in the US and internationally aren't as familiar with the behind the scenes dynamics of every single UK tv show. It's not as if the split of Josh and Lara was discussed all over the world by all Marvel fans, or examined on the front page of People magazine, b/c Lara had hung out on the set of the Thor. And Lara's popularity in the US didn't explode from being Irene in the film industry, although it was a great turn for her. As you know there are tiers of fan awareness nationally and internationally. Maybe the DM didn't recognize Lara b/c of her slight oompah loomoah tan, now that I think about it, but it was still a silly error for them. Anyway, every actor has to draw attention himself/herself, and I don't think that pretty pics with other pretty people just "happen." Not judging, just realizing that I can't buy into that anymore.

615 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-13 16:48 ID:tW8pBDat

>>612 Norma Desmond, haha! I'm seeing Tom descending the stairs of his house, while rocking a turban like Gloria Swanson, while belting out With One Look like Patti Lupone. Dear me.

616 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-13 17:19 ID:/zqWyUzu

I AM big, it's the fake romances that got small.

617 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-13 17:26 ID:/zqWyUzu

Coach and Lex? It's 2015 all over again!

Welcome back, Couch!!!! I kinda wish TH would have another showmance, maybe with a Kardashian, just so the old group would stop in. Anonsy, you, quaaaaaaazzzzzzz, anonymous1, M. With the oldies and newies, and a showmance, this place would be rocking.

Enjoy your summer, Couch

618 Name: Anon : 2017-06-13 17:46 ID:JdqnTY+R


We haven't heard from anonon, N11Anon (is that her number? Suffering from brain fade here) and a whole range of folks for a while now.

619 Name: Anon : 2017-06-13 17:49 ID:JdqnTY+R

>>618 N8Anon. I checked!

620 Name: Whasinaname : 2017-06-13 18:00 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>617 It's like old home week around here, isn't it?

>>611 >>612 I'd say that they're keeping his IW involvement under tight wraps because any clues right might give away the ending of Thor 3 - at least his part in it - before the promo tour and newer versions of the trailer are released as they get closer to November. His Thor role is small, the IW role is probably even smaller screen time-wise so I agree that the filming in Durham may have been it. Then again, it's Marvel, so who knows.

621 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-13 18:08 ID:CMLPKxOa

>>620 For all we know, Marvel might have paid him to sit out this summer to conceal that T:R willl be his last Loki. Hey, one conspiracy theory is as good as any other, right?

622 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-13 19:07 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>612 Norma Desmond! LOL! He's walking around the house in his Loki helmet, "I'm not just selling Loki, I'm selling me!"
His skin looks paler than usual. Makes me think he's been indoors for a while. Whether because he's been sick or depressed...He's very ambitious and to have been high on acclaim and accolades then fall like that with Hiddleswift, I don't think he's taking it well. I'm still in disbelief over how fast it all happened. But TS stock is falling in the public eye so he may get redeemed after Thor Ragnarok promo.

He's wearing the Hank Williams cap in the pics which I think ppl figured out because of Marc Abraham wearing his in the new BTS pics. Are they releasing anything extra for the movie and they told him to shill it so he had to drag himself out to get papped with the cap? I don't think the paps are sitting outside waiting for him anymore and have to be called now.

623 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-13 23:39 ID:P9K+nBR/

>>621 The fans are saying their prayers that Thor: R. becomes Loki: R., and IW is renamed IW: The Loki Edition. Then they can shout 'I told you his career would be fine' from the tops of their tumblrs. But it just isn't going to happen. >>620 is right, those parts, just by necessity of storyline/other characters, will be relatively small. Even his part in Avengers, where he was the main villain, was no more than 20-30 minutes of screen time. The fake romances AND the parts are getting smaller.

As for what he's going through, hard to say if it's personal or career related. Those two are so closely connected for him (whoring out his personal life to better his career). Whatever it is, it must be rough going because, to paraphrase the kind words of my mother when she first saw me after giving birth, he looks like shit. In my opinion, that suggests neither of those two areas of his life are in good shape right now.

>>622 It will officially be a year tomorrow, right? The uncomfortable beach pics heard round the world. A day that will live in fandom infamy. Maybe that is what has him so down in the dumps. When you're in the moment and even just afterwards, it passes in a flash. It was a rollercoaster from the outside, heaven knows what a full press fake relationship is like from the inside! But a year's time provides a person with greater and clearer perspective. It won't be a good anniversary: no Bond, diminished respect and boundaries from the media, a smaller fanbase, the spectre of Tayto hanging over him 4eva, no job announcements, Labour didn't win (even though they're acting like they did). An optimist would argue some of those points; a realist wouldn't.

624 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-13 23:51 ID:tW8pBDat

Maybe Tom could make his Broadway debut in the brand new King Kong Musical in the fall of 2018?! He should not do this. I am kidding. But thi show is sadly happening. The story is based on the original novel. The score is composed by Marius de Vries (a contributor to the films La La Land, Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet) with songs by Eddie Perfect, composer and lyricist of the Broadway-bound Beetlejuice and Strictly Ballroom The Musical. Why do we need this at all?

625 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-14 01:27 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>623 Ha ha ouch, your mother - though the newborn state doesn't show anyone at his or her best! And in fairness, neither did those pap photos; everyone in them was pretty darn pale. But he did look a little unkempt.

Yup, it's the anniversary of the Snogging Seen 'Round the World. Be interesting to see which if any gossip sites bring that up. One bit of good news is that none of them bothered to concoct a story this time about these coffee-run pics ("Tom Still Pines for Taylor! Distressed that New BF is Cast in Mary Q-of-S Film!").

Some of the fan blogs are really reaching and suggesting that he may on the bench because he's been asked to keep his schedule clear so he can film Bond in 2018.

>>624 Why indeed? Especially when the first thing that jumped to mind was Kong tap dancing and moan-singing like the Monster in Young Frankenstein!

626 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-14 02:15 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>608 How long was the HiddlesDrought of 2013? (It's been just about 8 months since he was announced for Early Man back in mid-October.)

627 Name: N8Anon : 2017-06-14 07:15 ID:cb7Bv3uu

>>619 Hiya! I still stop by every now and then. I tried to wean myself off and also life got in the way (moving house and ill, elderly parents etc).
I hope you're all well.
From a soon to no longer be N8Anon but a permanently TR13Anon. (Yes folks, I've quit the big city and run away to the seaside).

628 Name: Whasinaname : 2017-06-14 18:58 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>626 I don't think there were any announcements from the beginning of 2013, through the middle of the year. Then, the surprise appearance at SDCC as Loki, which kicked off the Thor 2 promo tour. Coriolaunus was then announced, shortly before he started rehearsals; and then CP, HR, and ISTL were announced in short succession, about 2 months apart from each other.

629 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-15 00:02 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>628 Thanks. So this announcements drought has been longer.

630 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-15 04:22 ID:tW8pBDat

>>603>>604 The link to the picture of Sian and Susannah Fielding on twitter doesn't work for me at all. IS there anyone who could direct me how to reach the link, or tell me the date that Sian posted the pic? Thank you so much!

631 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-15 06:17 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>630 See if this one works. Make sure to add in Twitter before her handle.


In case it doesn't work for some reason, the tweet is from May 4th this year. It's Sian tweeting at Susannah saying "About to be reunited with my long-lost LA wife. Forgive me if @Misssusannahf fails to survive the bone crushing embrace coming her way πŸ€“πŸ’•πŸ˜˜πŸ’œ" and Susannah replying, "oh I survived! Just!! Such a treat.Pjs, cats and curry. We live hard. We live fast. β€οΈπŸ’žπŸ‘ŒπŸΌπŸ˜".
Guess they are super besties now or maybe they always were who knows. Also just noticed how much she retweets Lena Dunham...ugh ew

632 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-15 06:20 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>631 By she I mean Sian. Lena D seems to ber feminist idol and just...I'm hugely anti-Lena Dunham for obvious reasons so Miss Sian earns a huge side eye from me.

633 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-16 10:24 ID:tW8pBDat

No sign of Tom at the the press night of Andrew Scott's Hamlet at the Pinter Theatre, with Jessica Brown-Findlay as Ophelia. Martin Freeman was there, as well as many Downton alums. Wonder if Tom will turn up at a performance during the run?

634 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-17 16:53 ID:r4V3FZGu

>>627 Hello! I envy you. I loved the big city in my 20s. In my 30s and with a little one tearing around an apartment, I'd like a backyard. I don't like having to take him to a bit of grass! It helps that Cornwall is just so lovely. Hope the move went well or goes well and that everything with your parents goes well too.

>>625 She said that about me after I gave birth. To be fair, she was being honest. I looked like I'd just been rescued from a cult. But she did also warn me not to take pics of the new arrival for at least a week because he'd look less alien like then. Explains why the first pic of me is from two weeks old - nothing earlier!

Bond, huh? Sure. Yeah. Yep. That's the reason. If we could monetize the narcotic effect of fan girl delusion, we'd be rich as Croesus. I guess it's possible but I also think that if he had Bond in the bag, those pap shots would be of him smiling, with a permanent semi, actually floating down the sidewalk. That doesn't look like a man who's landed a huge franchise.

>>624 Lord save us. Is he that desperate? Is anyone? Why?

635 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-17 17:48 ID:Efyef8Wk

I can't seem to find the post here to link to, but someone here within the past month noted that TH had changed his Twitter profile and cover pics. I went to look this morning, and it's back to the old pictures.

Unrelated to the above: last night I read a LONG post outlining a lot of old Hollywood blind item gossip that had panned out to be real, where the OP attached names to the stories. Contract relationships to hide sexuality were mentioned but since the post was written in 2012, TH was not mentioned - and that's NOT why I'm posting this.

The surprise was not the stories, but how many people were mentioned as the OP went down the list of gossip issues (Gays! Drugs! Evil (pedophilia)! Mean people! Secrets!). At the end they balanced it by listing the people in Hollywood that were actually nice (Tom Hanks, for example). What struck me was that as Hiddleston was riding high in the 2012-2014 timeframe and now appears on a (hopefully temporary) personal downswing, saved by the capsulized success of TNM and Kong, I wonder how many of these issues he has encountered in the past 2.5 years that have crept up to him and he has consistently resisted, being the Tom Hanks of the younger generation, only to be finally forced or pushed or strongly-suggested or volunteered into the HS relationship for the sake of boosting his career (no matter how much he really was interested in her as a person). And having failed on a large, public scale to presumably boost his chances for Bond and to have a high profile relationship. (It's been a year and I'm still, like, WHY MAN WHY??!!)

He's certainly a large talent with huge potential and a highly lauded career ahead of him. There is something missing though, like the last piece of the pie, that would zoom him up the ladder the way Tom Hardy or Cumberbatch did. What is that? Less people pleasing has got to be part of that. He's taken some risks in casting (HR especially) but I think he needs to get out from under the Loki/Disney contract so he can break away from that image pigeonhole. More character bit parts in movies. Less self-consciousness about his appearance - men can get away with that but he seems to be more vain that his two peers I just mentioned.

A lot of ramblng, been meaning to write something like this for a long time and reading that article last night reminded me that he is probably going through a disillusionment phase, having probably been told from the beginning that he could get through Hollywood being the kind, good person he is, ride Branaugh's coattails and make a big, but Hollyweird is a cesspool and the PR machine must be fed.

You may want to read the article so here it is. It is translated from Russian by Google, and written in Russian by someone for whom Russian is not their first language, so some of the phrasing is off
- for example, Cameron Diaz did not want someone to shoot her armpits, it was probably 'shave'. But you will get most of it.

636 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-19 19:46 ID:Efyef8Wk

Lots of rumor talk about TH being attached to this movie, even though it is not confirmed - repeat - not confirmed, just a rumor:
(insert the Twitter dot com first, then)

Here's an official announcement about the movie without mention of actors:

637 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-20 00:26 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>635 Let's hope none of the blind items about TH eventually prove true, because there are a few doozies (including that he's not as nice as all that).

I've been thinking about the same thing (his current career ceiling) recently and don't have any good answers. To be fair, BC and T Hardy (and Fassbender) are a few years older than Tom and therefore have a slight head start. Of the four of them, I think BC is the one who's made it farthest up the ladder, and I think that was probably due to Sherlock. He had a showy role, well-suited to him, that was being broadcast for multiple years, without taking up so much of his time that he couldn't do other major projects. That kept him in the public's consciousness and the industry's eye. TNM might do that for Tom if they can bring off a 2nd season.

Another problem for him may be that he happens to be in the same pool as a number of very good actors about his age and of a similar type (there's also Eddie Redmayne). So when a strong project comes along, he has a lot of serious competition. I don't remember, for example, that Branagh had the same sort of "pack" to contend with.

638 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-20 00:28 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>636 Now this could be the kind of project - that with the right director, excellent final script, and right co-star - that could give Tom a big career boost. But yes, it's a rumor now.

639 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-20 08:19 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>637 He's been spoiled somewhat, getting several choice roles without auditioning. I don't know how common that is, but what an ego booster. I guess creating your own project (TNM) is a way to push that forward as one's acting career matures.

If he's going head-to-head with his contemporaries, why does he lose out when he does? There's not much transparency into auditions; now there's gossip I'd like to see!

640 Name: NewAnon : 2017-06-20 23:06 ID:a5CbPO7S

>>637 Which blinds are you referring to? I've seen the ones dealing with his love life, all those affairs with Mia and cheating on Olsen then cheating on Taylor with Olsen, etc etc. Are these blinds talking about him professionally/ how he is as a person? What do they say?

641 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-21 01:25 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>640 I'll try to pull together some links tomorrow. Various trash about how he comes off in person.

642 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-21 23:31 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>641 I'm interested too Heynon, what's out there that's plausible beyond the usual 'X yelled at an assistant on set' or 'X is secretly gay' blind items.

643 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-22 02:41 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>640, >>642 Sorry for the delay; work ate my brain today. And plausibility will be a challenge!

644 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-22 02:46 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>639 Based on Google results, a lot of people also have asked if film stars have to audition or not. The only non-crowd-sourced answer I found was this - that it's more likely to be a meeting with the director:

It would be fascinating to know why some actors were chosen over him. What is it about Fassy that made him the first choice for Adam? Or Cumberbatch for CP - especially since Del Toro rewrote the part for Tom when he took it over?

645 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-22 03:09 ID:36tT7wtT

>>644 I have no evidence to support this, but I think that it's just about an actor's current visibility in the industry, and who you know in the industry. Cumberbatch is Sherlock across the globe on tv, plus he was coming off of the Oscar winning 12 years a Slave and his casting/performance in The Imitation Game. Fassy was golden globe nominated for Shame, he had a wicked turn in the period piece A Dangerous Method playing Carl Jung, and he had at least been cast as Magneto. Charlie Hunam is not a period actor at all IMO, and he was badly miscast in CP, but he knew del Toro from filming Pacific Rim and he is kind of visible on tv from years starring on Sons of Anarchy. I think that the producers just go down a list of who they perceive as being visible to audiences and who therefore might be bankable, theoretically. Teen boys identify Tom the second they see him onscreen b/c of Loki, but they're not going to follow their favorite villain into other genres of film, sadly. Even die hard TH fans don't go out to the theatre to all of his films. I think that this is all BS, b/c only Leo DiCaprio, and D Washington can open a movie guaranteed. Everyone else is hit and miss, even J Lawrence. TH is a fave of mine, but some think that Fassy had more natural approach as an actor onscreen, and that Tom is more calculated, analytical, and theatrical, and therefore better suited to stage work, at present.

646 Name: Sosorry : 2017-06-23 18:13 ID:tW8pBDat

Tom still seems to be in London recording audio for Early Man. He mentioned in a video interview following the story that he was taking a break from acting, that all of the rest of 2017 was already booked in his calendar. Maybe he just meant Early Man recording and IW and Thor 3 re shoots?
>>636 Someone mentioned that the Silent Night film could be the neo noir thriller that Tom was heard discussing in the park with his manager.

Twitter link


647 Name: Heynon : 2017-06-24 02:31 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>646 The theories on the extremely clever one's Tumblr are that he's probably been shooting IW as well as finishing up EM. Those, coupled with the D23 and/or SDCC cons, and T:R publicity, could theoretically fill up most of his calendar. Especially if Loki is also in Avengers 4, which starts shooting later this summer. But for all we really know, he could be hiding out and working on the Next Great British Screenplay.

648 Name: Whatsinaname : 2017-06-24 04:50 ID:Efyef8Wk

>>647 Don't forget about the UNICEF documentary. The rumors of him and Louise keep popping up, though without evidence.

649 Name: huh : 2017-06-24 05:44 ID:+oJ1aeiW

>>648 I read somewhere the doc got taken down from the production company's website. Anybody know about this?

The Louise rumors, I've only seen on Town Bike and they're all based on Tom bringing her and some other Unicef buddies to an awards show months ago. Like you said, without evidence, but that's Town Bike for ya. eye roll

650 Name: Anon. : 2017-06-24 17:16 ID:1YP7ddjf

>>647 We mustn't forget the other part of her name - crazy. I'm sure she has a chart for his beard growth but doesn't seem to have consulted it. As Anon said, that beard didn't show up in a weekend. He needs a month or more for a beard that long and scruffy. So he's not just come off of filming unless Loki now has a ginger beard. We also mustn't forget her track record. Her theory about that voyeur movie - strike. Her theory about the London play - strike. Didn't she also believe Tayto was real? Strike. She'd be walking back to the dugout in baseball. And that's just off the top of my head about what filtered over here. I'm sure there's more damning evidence.

My theory: he's been in London, not calling the paps (so no pics), trying to get work and giving up on his personal appearance.

>>649 Did we ever have confirmation that he was actually working on this documentary? I can't remember. If it's come off the boil it could be because of his I saved Sudan and MSF with my Bond audition series foot in mouth moment. They may want some time to pass so that memory of that can fade.

Lovely weekends to everyone.

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