why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

1 Name: Citizen 2005-07-02 05:29 ID:0o9dmARL This thread was merged from the former /politics/ board. You can view the archive here.

why do so many people hate Americans?

203 Name: non-Citizen : 2006-04-25 01:23 ID:+m6JTR1m

>>202 yeah they're coded red and blue.

and here's so many people hate the US, Penis Envy, no seriously.

204 Name: Citizen : 2006-04-25 17:30 ID:Heaven

Yes >>203, that was the joke.(;¬_¬)

205 Name: deadguy12 : 2006-05-03 11:56 ID:dvW60apa

why do you hate south korea so much?

206 Name: deadguy12 : 2006-05-03 14:01 ID:dvW60apa

I LUV ARMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

207 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-03 18:36 ID:UBDAUkUI

Perhaps people feel that way because americans can't seem to learn to stay in their own country, politically I mean. Not joining the Kyoto treaty, the CIA kidnapping and torturing people around the world (I read they are holding 10,000 prisoners in secret places around the world), ignoring bioweapons treaty, pissing on the U.N. generally, U.S. ambassador John Bolton to U.N. being a ridiculous joke that wants to destroy UN and just have american dictatorship over the world, etc. The americans' arrogant fascist attitude shows everywhere around the world. The response is justified dislike. Leave the world alone, and you will be left alone.

208 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-15 08:39 ID:hVAujh5d

>>207 The world should learn to respect their betters (US) and give us the adoration that we deserve as their betters and conquerors.

209 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-22 11:14 ID:Heaven


So you think fat, ugly, stupid and uneducated rednecks are better than other people in the world?

210 Name: Tariq_Aziz : 2006-05-23 09:53 ID:xNVLh5+v

the US pays for 90% of United Nations Equipment and operations, on top of that military provideso ver 60,000 VETCAPS,DENTCAPS and MEDCAPS Everyday in almost every Distruaght Country on the face of the planet.

I'm not sayign we should be worshipped liek gods, The US is not Perfect, but we dont get nearly enoguh Credit for the shit we do.

211 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-05-23 10:54 ID:Heaven

> The US is not Perfect, but we dont get nearly enoguh Credit for the shit we do.

You do. The good, the bad, and the ugly.

What you're seeing are the side-effects of exercising power. Get used to it.

212 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-23 20:56 ID:1p7yeacP

Dunno if you're a chilean or what, but I am and let's be honest about that as there's a lot of fud around.
1.the US didn't put pinochet in charge of the country, they just suported his operation ideologicaly (does that word exist?) and with a little money, but the cordit (or blame, whatever side of the thing you are) for that should be given to the people of the government agrupation.
2.We have to note that such 'elected president' sucked, literally. He was all 'let's take the properties away from people that have worked for it and give them to the ones that support the party', also, days before pinochet took the power, santiago had no food because a lot of factories closed because of the economic disaster and didn't want to risk their monay and that inflation at the time was so high that money was worthless.
3.All the thing that happened after that are tipical of that kind of government. Dunno if it was right, I'm not here to judge, but that's how these things work.
4.Respecting to 9-11, it was also the date of the first time the mapuches (the natives form Chile) burned down the Spanish colony-city Santiago

213 Name: Citizen : 2006-05-26 12:18 ID:Heaven


"fud" is not an English word. Neither does the abbraviation "FUD" simply mean "misinformation". This is a pretty much a Slashdotter misuse, and should not be used outside of Slashdot if you want to make yourself understood, or be taken seriously.

214 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-05 12:24 ID:z2/m4BVE

Look at what Johnny Depp said about America, and you'll understand. I fully agree with him. The prez would rather attack than take a moment to think.

215 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-05 14:16 ID:Heaven

Think about what you just said. Why should I, a rational human being, give a fuck what some dopey fucking actor has to say about politics?

216 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-05 21:09 ID:Heaven


because that actor is a part of FAG

217 Name: Mich The Weird : 2006-06-11 17:05 ID:Heaven

Because people from countries other than America tend to stereotype Americans as generic, arrogant people who mindlessly wave flags and who join the military so they can get killed by countries they're fighting against. That's a stereotype. In reality, modern America barely has much of its own culture. Things that are barely even cultures, as well as things that are cultures, are considered to need stereotypes by people outside of those cultures.

I consider America boring compared to Japan, from what I've heard about Japan. With things like 2channel being in the media rather than talk about oil prices, celebrities, and the like, less war-mongering, and a westernized but still separate culture, Japan's sure less hatable than America. But both governments are corrupt, though Japan is staying far out of Iraq nowadays and I'm pretty sure it always has.

218 Name: Citizen : 2006-06-24 16:25 ID:+HD9ydaQ

Why do anime loving Americans assume Japan is some sort of paradise?


219 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-02 14:59 ID:0hn7fp4F

I like american comics as japanese manga.

220 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-03 16:41 ID:Heaven

Ror, says person from the country that elected Reagan.

221 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-06 01:55 ID:pBcaYo5g

Why Americans keep using those old troublesome measuring systems like feet, miles, pounds (whatever) while people all over the world are using Metric system? Why Americans call epinephrine as adrenaline? Why Americans call football as soccer? Why ... ... ... ? And why most Americans think that other countries are inferior??? I'd say Americans are just plain arrogant people. They just want to be different from other people in every single fields on earth, regardless what other people think of them. And then you keep asking people why people hate Americans?
Yes I am. I hate Americans.

222 Name: Mark : 2006-07-06 02:52 ID:/c6MbqTi

Just because a culture evolves differently from yours doesn't mean that we're arrogant, thanks.

223 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-06 06:37 ID:pBcaYo5g

Yeah Americans evolves in a way that they want to control everybody under the sun. They can attack any country they wish. They can put any country under trade embargo. They can just claim any country of trying to develop nuclear weapon. They can accuse any country of terrorism. They want to control every single country under the name of democracy.

224 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-06 20:56 ID:lj1trO6E

You're a moron to blame the actions of the government on the citizens. Sure half of the citizens support every choice by the administration, but there are still the rest of those who do not agree at all, or they agree with very few of the choices. What's worse is the most they can do is just speak out against the choices, maybe email their congressmen, and pray that there will be better presidential choices in the next election. But that's pretty much all there is. Hate the government, hate the nationalists, but don't hate the people that would love to do something about it, but cannot.

225 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-06 20:57 ID:lj1trO6E

You're a moron to blame the actions of the government on the citizens. Sure half of the citizens support every choice by the administration, but there are still the rest of those who do not agree at all, or they agree with very few of the choices. What's worse is the most they can do is just speak out against the choices, maybe email their congressmen, and pray that there will be better presidential choices in the next election. But that's pretty much all there is. Hate the government, hate the nationalists, but don't hate the people that would love to do something about it, but cannot.

226 Name: Amarok : 2006-07-07 00:32 ID:wmyDDuf/


And that, ladies and gentlemen of the forign jury who have never been the the US and only know what they hear on the news, is what is actually going on sinside America.

227 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-07 00:43 ID:V5VFgA9i

Half the people is still half the people. So ya, you can blame the people.

228 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-08 21:38 ID:lwc3WvRA


Actually, only about 30% of the population support the goverment right now

229 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-15 05:17 ID:Z8uepzFs

America = Bush ?

230 Name: Bloodninja : 2006-07-21 00:18 ID:HjuuZyEu

Because they are fat cunts.

231 Name: setanbedul : 2006-07-24 06:48 ID:XFPaLivP

i hate american because they are attack iraq for take over oil!!

232 Name: Branch : 2006-07-26 17:23 ID:FsLsGdig

If all the world hates americans why do we have such an influx of people who want to live here?
If all the world hates americans why do they immediately call for american support anytime ther is even the smallest crisis?
There are enough trouble spots,famine areas, earthquakes, wars, pestilence, tidal waves, fires, epidemics, and overdue library books to last you piss and moaners till next summer
so feel free to pitch in and lend a hand.

233 Name: Citizen : 2006-07-30 02:40 ID:dzB8NdWh

Canada got more...

234 Name: 月岡 : 2006-07-30 06:31 ID:h0s7Xe7b

  1. Americans (by this I mean the US Government) is ineffectual at the smallest domestic task (Hurricane Katrina).
  2. The is corruption in all levels of government (ENRON, Iraqi contracts, Net Neutrality, Wiretapping)
  3. There is a coordinated, somewhat hostile un-checking and un-balancing of power towards the Excecutive Branch of government.
  4. There is rampant Gerrymandering and other borderline-illegal activities being done by Congress.
  5. There is gross overspending on the military (or should I say, on the defense contracts), while all other Domestic and Foreign departments lack funding. (Did you know that 60% of American teenagers do not graduate High School/Secondary School?)
  6. The United States gives less aide than many other countries and attacks Soveriegn Nations, against the oppinions of the world community.
  7. The US supports Dictators, Totalitarian Governments, and state-sponsored genocide (see: Israel).
  8. The US uses its power in the United Nations to force an automatic veto of any measure it finds "not in its best interests".

235 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-01 06:33 ID:y020W9F8

The US is like spiderman, it is a super hero trying to do good for the world, but whatever it does people will hate it just for turning up at the scene. The US doesn't send a task force to stop genocide and people say the US doesn't care. The US sends a task force to stop genocide and people say the US task force is responsible for the genocide.

I'm not saying some people's perspectives are invalid, I'm saying that the US is entitled to a perspective aswell. If the US was really a war mongerring totalitarianism you'd know it.

236 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-04 00:25 ID:Tzl/AbgZ


Ain't it funny how the US guv is so bad at handling basic domestic issues, but so good at orchestrating sinister international conspiracies?

237 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-04 13:35 ID:EhMiSL4R

Australia is the kind of country that flips off America in public, but secretly sucks up to them in private.

I don't hate America, but I don't want to be American. I am fine being Australian.

238 Name: jeffi : 2006-08-05 01:22 ID:qL5xHWt7

America gives out more international aid than the rest of the world combined. It's called the 'trade deficit', and it reliably creates self reliant people with jobs in impoverished nations the world over.


239 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-08 18:50 ID:Heaven

>I don't hate America, but I don't want to be American. I am fine being Australian.

that's the spirit! keep up the sucking up!

240 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-10 08:01 ID:dzB8NdWh


241 Name: Sai : 2006-08-10 20:52 ID:EWNqFPXu

Trade deficit = Aid? Now that is just delusional. A trade deficit means that the US is receiving real valuable goods from other countries, and giving only currency in return. If our currency gets devalued, or is hit with inflation, we will have gotten something for nothing.

In fact, most of the aid that the US does give out is done for selfish reasons. For example, money that the US gives out to Africa must be spent in the US! So all the foreign aid you hear about actually goes to US corporations. So you can't just go to africa and pay people to build a road. You have to buy the bricks here and ship them, and hire Americans to do the work. By the time it is done, the africans will get maybe a tenth what would have been possible if you just dumped the money out of a plane.

Africa has plenty of food to feed all it's people. Famines are caused when a dictator makes it impossible for an ethnic group to participate in an economy, either by ceasing their assets, or terrorizing them so that they can't farm. Even though their is plenty of food elsewhere in africa, the US sends only US grown food, because it isn't about feeding people, but subsidizing US farms. The influx of food aid depresses local farm prices, and hurts african farms.

Any time you hear Bush talking about "earmarking funds" in response to some crisis or other, most people think he is giving money. He isn't. "Earmarking" means taking existing aid, and putting mandates on what can be done with it. Effectively it means throwing red tape at the problem, and taking money away from other aid initiatives.

242 Name: Sai : 2006-08-10 20:56 ID:EWNqFPXu

BTW, what I wrote above does not apply to private charities.

243 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-12 07:43 ID:fmBRxTVd

Cause the United States is the most powerful country in the world and everyone wants to be like them.

244 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-18 20:30 ID:+HD9ydaQ

I asked my roommate this, he's an international relations major. His answer was simple. We give out aid, then make demands upon the nations we give aid to. Or we inform governments they cannot receive aid until they implement social changes. We would like the world to be a happy democracy with equal representation for all people.

Basically we (americans) are like parents saying "sure I'll give you $100 but I'll tell you what to do". Like how the US continually pressures muslim governments to give equal rights to women. We feel it only natural that women receive equality. Yet that's not their society. In fact it's in their scripture that women are inferior to men. We rude Americans come in and say things like "You need equality for women" and they say "what right do you have to tell us what to do?" Then we threaten to cut off aid/stop trade with them in order to pressure them to implement policy we want them to implement.

It causes a lot of friction with the world and makes people "hate" Americans.

As for being a totalitarian fascist regime, that sounds neat to say but it's foolish, makes you look like an idiot, and opens you up to easy retaliation.

245 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-29 20:12 ID:Krf+zIrr

Americans are foolish religious bastards. They don't want to belive that they descend from monkeys. They are still monkeys though.

246 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-30 01:37 ID:yFgZ+chw

>>244's friend may have a point there but when You're the only "super-powered" nation with national interests located overseas and when your national security policy is based on a "everyone else are trying to get you" mind set its a little hard for them NOT to feel insecure

247 Name: Citizen : 2006-08-30 03:08 ID:dzB8NdWh


248 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-08 00:43 ID:wUj7WmMn

I dont hate america
I really hate china

249 Name: Citizen : 2006-09-08 08:12 ID:70xJOsf/


You might want to descend from monkeys.

But all I know is that Odin made us in his image. You are probably a communist, socialist, or some other form of underman.

If you want to descend from an ape, fine.

It does not change the fact that Odin made his chosen out of his image.

Cast off the shackles of Democracy.

250 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-01 09:43 ID:iSlyXwLd



Odin was a monkey! Nordic monkey or maybe yeti?

251 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-02 18:09 ID:mX8QSZ6a

test i am 2ch player

252 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-02 22:30 ID:6mcGlscx

If women's rights were the extent of your meddling, everyone would fucking love the lot of you.

253 Name: Xel : 2006-10-03 10:28 ID:vmOCSrUO

We have no problems with America. America is admirable and nice. The American government on the other hand... The degree we dislike the American people is dependent on how reflective the government is of them. For example, considering you gave Bush a 90 % approval rating back when just for doing something random in response to IX XI, we are a bit wary. On the other hand, we really suck at telling Islam to STFU and behave so we aren't exactly free of blame either.

254 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-03 16:59 ID:+HD9ydaQ

>>252 I appologize I didn't mean to suggest women's rights were the only extent of our meddling. I gave it only as one example.

255 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-06 18:26 ID:uVzmaQPq

yeti sounds good. Yeti kick ass. Except the ass of disco bandits, whose asses are too moxiously fast to kick.

256 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-09 01:02 ID:XkQRSE1z


I think the 90% approval rating had more to do with "Yeah America" knee-jerk patriotism than anything specific Bush did in those days. From my memory, all he did was show up at the rubble and say that he'd protect us. That's not a policy, that's feel-good speechifying.

If Bush was still in the 90's, I'd worry.

257 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-11 16:39 ID:HFcXTFsI


Truth, among others.

258 Name: Brazilian : 2006-10-12 16:31 ID:za3KQSAY

Why ppl hate so much americans? Well, that might be 'cause of their attitude over the other countries. Their forcing "be like me" way is just a bullet in the head. They want to be the center of everything and anything. Like a guy said in the thread, using the USA as a center of culture, being the place that have lots of different cultures. NO WAY! Brazil, as a clear example, has LOTS of culture that even 50 states of USA couldn't bring. Originally our language is Portuguese(or Tupi-Guarani, as it was the language of the native people before the colonization), but some places of Brazil speak just german, english, french, spanish, japanese, italian or even some chinese sublanguages. As it might as well been shown: the places here have lots of historical diferences, and, guess what, we still try to learn as many possible around other countries.
Being a Brazilian, I must say the major example: Santos Dummont. OMG, he's the inventor of the plane. The REAL inventor. We just watch the Wright Brothers usurpating his position as the Fathers of Aviation. And I know most of the people that likes a little(just a little) of planes, knows it's true.
As a descendant of japanese, I must say that we don't like either the way that americans respond things. Well, Pearl Harbor attack, you might be imagining. Ok, thousands of deaths. BUT THAT'S AN EXCUSE TO THROW 2 ATOMIC BOMBS INTO TWO INNOCENT CITIES? I'm saying TWO Atomic Bombs. Killing not just soldiers, but women and childrens as well.
Not being enough the Brazilian way of thought and the Japanese way of thought, I show you the human way of thought: do you ever think of how many lives are lost 'cause of Iraq war? Do you ever think how many people die every day defending his ideals, IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY! Yes, the american invasion is killing in the name of american imperialism and capitalism. Why? We sure know: money. The Protocol of Kyoto wasn't signed if wasn't the pression of USA, even knowing that it would doom the human race as it's destroying the Ozone. Why? We SURE know: money. Doing such things would make the country with losses in the economy, so, instead sending food to the poor in Africa, or making invites to Medium-Orient people to live into a Democracy, they find easier to enter into their country, kill their people and their leader and do it as their own way. And instead thinking in the humanity, well, they're just trying to make more money to, I don't know, space travel? It might be, 'cause the way earth is going, it'll have no place to spent the money in some days...
Before someone says that "It's because of the Bush government and shit". That TOTALLY WRONG. Guess why: the government is made by the people that lives in the country. If the Iraq REALLY wanted the Democracy government, they would have, or, at least, asked for help. Brazil made out of the Dictatorial Government, China is, slowing, becoming a Democracy. If the people of a country really wants something, they do, 'cause the Government is what the people of the country wants. Or would a Dictator be what he is without people that's in his side? The humanity didn't went out of the Dark Age?
Big post o/ Reply please =)

259 Name: Brazilian : 2006-10-12 16:33 ID:za3KQSAY

whoops =P Pression OVER USA to sign the Protocol of Kyoto

260 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-13 03:03 ID:1DlKrNTf

If we had a third atomic bomb we'd probably drop it on Brazil. We're just badass like that.

261 Name: Citizen : 2006-10-16 23:20 ID:XkQRSE1z


Wow, had no idea.

I think America needs to grow up a lot.

262 Name: Notch : 2006-10-30 00:45 ID:FOVQyhKP

All the whiners who dog the USA in one breath turn around and come running to us like a baby to its mommy when the shit hits the fan. Brazil? What a joke. Germany? There are still people in that country walking around that voted for Hitler. France? No need to say anything about that besided the fact that we saved all of Europe's ass in 2. Bitch at us for using the Bomb? Well brainscan, there has NEVER been a nation that when at war did not use its most formidable weapon. NOT EVER. Sorry about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was a horrible thing to HAVE to do, but thats what happens to you when you partner yourself with a country that is trying to exterminate an entire people. Genocide is an ugly thing and to be partner to it means you deserve WHATEVER you get. Ozone levels? Talk to me about that when your people stop eating whales, rhino horns and a dozen other endangered species just so ya can get that little dick up easier. Oh I forgot... You are only whaling for scientific reasons...Juts happens to be that most of it ends up on your table. What a joke. Tell ya what... When N Korea starts to really fuck with your homeland why dont we just pull back and let you deal with it since we are all a bunch of idiots.

Dont forget... Bitch all ya want... But dont fuck with the big kid on the block.

263 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-11-01 00:53 ID:Heaven

Requesting this thread is moved to 4chan. >>262 would be right at home.

264 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-09 22:30 ID:FNKFdJzp

Americans are hated because their all either democrats (communists) or republicans (communists). The rest are also communists.

265 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-17 02:37 ID:yop4vuP/

>>262 Lol. So you think US is the big kid on the block now?! HAHAHA It's that attitude that got pplz to not like the US in the first place. That attitude of "We did what you could not and now we have all the right in the world to demand that you be like us, live like us, talk like us and if you dont then I will get the UN to place an embargo on your country, or rally my allies to do that for me, or even failing that go into the country ourselves and take it over in the name of freedom and democracy (sounds just like the old crusaders when they cause death and destruction in the name of God and Christ even though the latter stressed the importance of pacifism)."

266 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-17 02:42 ID:yop4vuP/

Oh, btw >>262. Yeah, US beaten Germany almost single handedly but where was US in the beginning of the war? Sitting there and saying "it's not our war". Pearl Harbour sure woke US up didnt it. Oh, and I was told recently that the nationalist China back then told the US military that Japan was going to bomb PH. What did US do?! Scoffed at nationalist China and saying it could never happen since US' own intelligence didnt catch a wind of it and therefore the 'shitty intelligence bureau' of China who just came out of the Manchu Failure couldn't possibly have the means to find out something that secret. Reminds me of how US thought about 9/11 before it happened.

267 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-11-17 03:02 ID:Heaven

> US beaten Germany almost single handedly but

I wonder what the Soviets would say?

268 Name: Soviets : 2006-11-19 15:56 ID:xThFl9i7

Thanks for letting us keep most of eastern europe.

269 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-19 23:20 ID:sOJcPIV9

In the case of Europeans, it's for the same reason that they've become so anti-semitic.

It's a guilt complex over WWII. They rolled over when Hitler showed up, and now their collective ego is hurting over owing an eternal debt to a upstart colony.

270 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-19 23:25 ID:sOJcPIV9


lol. Do you know what happened to the countries the Soviets "liberated"?

271 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-20 02:42 ID:XkQRSE1z


So Europe is getting over hitler-guilt by hating Jews? Interesting concept, but I don't see how that works. How do you atone for rolling over for an anti-semite by being anti-semitic? Maybe I just don't get Europe...


The Afghans are pretty much where they are today after we "liberated" them. They live in little dirt houses in a state with a weak currupt government hoping for someone to bring them stability. Unfortunately, just like in the 1980's, guess who's right there ready to take over -- Taliban.

Maybe we should all agree to limit our help to solutions that DON'T involve destabilizing entire regions of the world to remake them in our image. Everybody sucks at that anyway.

272 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-23 13:25 ID:1mC2nwzC

>>> US beaten Germany almost single handedly but
>> I wonder what the Soviets would say?
> lol. Do you know what happened to the countries the Soviets "liberated"?

I don't think I even have to explain that your supposed retort here it a complete non-sequitor.

273 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-11-25 01:17 ID:Heaven

Irrelevant. I'm just mocking the idea that the US was the prime military player in bringing down the Nazis. The Soviets had the US beat in that department by miles.

"US beaten Germany almost single handedly" is a telling comment on contemporary US education.

274 Name: That Stupid Yankee : 2006-11-25 20:09 ID:acy7Vx0M

Well, we certainly gave the USSR huge amounts of military equipment. I think we made the war much shorter by giving the USSR the material it needed to fight in the short term. The Soviets had lost much of their Ukrainian/Belorussian by the time the USA entered WWII, and were, despite being buoyed by their victorious defense of Moscow, desperately short on ammunition and transport vehicles, not to mention capable interceptors (a role filled rather well by the p-36).

275 Name: That Stupid Yankee : 2006-11-25 20:13 ID:acy7Vx0M

Exuse me, I was referring to the Ukrainian/Belorussian Industrial base and population centers.

276 Name: That Stupid Yankee : 2006-11-25 20:28 ID:acy7Vx0M

However, to suggest that the USA didn't make a war altering contribution is simply untrue; though the war was ultimately decided on the eastern front, the arrival of US and British troops in France, Italy and Africa ensured that the war would not end with a Communist European continent. Besides, the USA was determined to bring the Japanese Empire to its knees, which was definitely easier said than done.

277 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-25 20:38 ID:RYW5EgpO

We Koreans Love USA!!!

278 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-26 06:47 ID:QoeQoYKp

            /☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ./〓〓〓〓〓/
           / ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠/〓〓〓〓〓/
           /☠ ☠ ☠ ☠./〓〓〓〓〓/
          / .〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓/
          / 〓〓〓〓Fuck!.〓〓〓/
         / 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓/
         / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧  /
 <丶`∀´> / America will help us!
 (    |フ they still think S-Korea is their ally nida.
 | | | Because Korean love USA nida!

279 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E : 2006-11-26 23:35 ID:Heaven

> However, to suggest that the USA didn't make a war altering contribution is simply untrue

Nobody said otherwise.

280 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-26 23:50 ID:acy7Vx0M

I stand by my assertion that the USSR could not have won the war without the US, UK, and Canada.

281 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-27 15:45 ID:CXmss5D1

Also, fuck Korea...

282 Name: Citizen : 2006-11-28 07:31 ID:Heaven



283 Name: Martian : 2006-11-28 22:03 ID:Oji3yG/S

fuck USA
fuck Korea
fuck UK
fuck Africa
fuck Germany
fuck China
fuck Japan
fuck Italy

well, time to go back to Mars... see ya sub-civilizated culture

284 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-10 06:41 ID:D+25bwdv

Well lets see.
1- because when i walk in america, people stay away from me because i am middle eastern.
2- In the airport, the security keeps staring at me.
3- My cousin was arrested because he failed to voluntery get him self finger printed when leaving USA, he was not notified of this ridiculus law and the guard told him that no where in hell he would let him attend his classes.
4- If Tabas operation by amercians was success full , chances are that i was going to die.
5- in the iran-iraq war America supported the war and saddam, and one of saddam's rockets hit one street away from my home, a kilometer the other way and i was dead.
6- because now they go in middle east and claim to be the saviour angels while its a fucking lie.
7- because if they attack iran my best friend who is a good person, but belives in all that protect your land and religion crap is going to grab a AK47 and defend himself.
8- because if they attack iran while i'm in there i wont be able to get out, international flights will be canceled and i will miss my classes.
9- because americans are the most ignorant people next to japanese when it comes to knowing about foriegn culutures and have misconceptions and judje others when they don't have a fucking clue.
10- because americans are the most racist people i have ever meet.

285 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-10 06:44 ID:D+25bwdv

oh , and i am a dual citizen, i have iranian and american passport . i have lived 3 years in USA, 11 years in Iran, 5 years in canada.

286 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-10 17:10 ID:acy7Vx0M

Too bad for you. Just drop Islam and we won't have a problem (Zoroaster? Who's That?)

Just remember, we are fighting on behalf of the Western World, and we realize that wherever someone screams, "Allahu Akhbar", a jew, christian, or innocent muslim is murdered. Yes, it is an unfortunate coincidence that most muslims are identifiable by their skin color, but these things have much more to do with religion than race. Say the magic words, "I renounce Islam", and you will see peoples attitudes towards you change dramatically.

287 Name: strong guy : 2006-12-11 13:50 ID:ynABK1EX

>>284 because you are middle eastern and that can't be blamed

288 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-11 14:52 ID:XkQRSE1z


Kindly take George Bush's dick out of your mouth. We can't understand what you're saying.

And another thing, Islam is not the borg. They don't all agree on everything, and not every muslim is connected to al-qaida or other terrorist groups. They aren't a hive mind. Muslims should be treated as individuals, according to how each one behaves.

If >>285 is a moderate muslim who wants to live in peace, let him, and let him worship the way he chooses (1st amendment? what's that?). If >>285 goes to terrorist training camps and plans attacks, then arrest him for being a terrorist -- judge him on behavior, not simply that he reads the Qu'ran instead of the King James Bible.

289 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-11 15:47 ID:a+L9bYjk

Let's get one thing straight; I don't like my president. I never have, and I never will. And another thing; I am primarily secular. Muslims are predisposed to violence, because it is sanctioned not just by their holy books, Al-Qu'Ran and the Hadith, but also because of their religious leaders. The reason Christians are tamer is due to the fact that their religious leaders use the gospel as the primary theological authority, not the Old Testament (which is almost as bad as the Qu'ran).
Do I have any Idea how "muslim" he is? No, not really. However, I do recognize that his religion will get him in trouble in the West, because, frankly, his religion (in its purest form) is largely incompatible with western culture, morally and even economically. That is what I am saying. We should not accomodate them, they should accomodate us.

290 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-12 14:50 ID:XkQRSE1z


Yes, but your stated answer is "Don't be muslim". I don't care what a person's religion is, and being muslim is not in and of itself a crime. Secondly, unless >>285 is supportive of jihad, he isn't responsible for every act committed in the name of islam. Unless of course, you want to blame Christians for abortion clinic bombings, Westboro Baptist's habit of protesting millitary funerals, the Lord's Resistance Army in Uganda, and the priests that molest children.

Collective guilt is a crock of shit. People have different opinions on just about any issue, even in religion. For some, they've made it a personal fight to end Jihad and get bin Laden. Judge a man based on what he himself believes and does, not based on what "his people" believe.

As to which religions are compatable with democracy -- none that I'm aware of are. Every one of them posits a theological authority, and none of them even hint at the idea that leaders should be elected, or that the state should not promote the religion. State Shinto made the emperor God himself, Israeli kings were essentially directly chosen by God, Rome had emperor worship as well. The Dalai Lamas, up until China took over, ruled with an iron fist -- slavery was legal, and the monks lived pretty much on the backs of the peasents.

We're a secular centrist democracy despite religion, not because of it.

291 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-12 20:34 ID:acy7Vx0M

What makes moslems (as a whole) more dangerous is their degree of religious conciousness, which pretty much overrides everything they do. I'm not saying that there aren't good muslims, I'm saying they're good in spite of being muslim. Secularism always has a way of superceding religion morally, because secularism takes that which is positive from judeo-christian civilization, and distills it into something largely divorced from "heavenly affairs".

292 Name: jooje : 2006-12-13 00:04 ID:D+25bwdv

>>284 here
Sorry for the long post, please either don’t ready any of it, or read all of it.

So you are telling me to throw my ideals, the culture that i was raised up and all that came with it away? What do I put there instead? Fill my head with hot air and convert to Neon Genesis Evangelism or something? What do i celebrate? Hanukah? charismas? the birth of G.W bush? Yea we do have people in Iran celebrating Christmas and they are non Christians. When I met with them, most of them had fucking identity crisis and had the imagery of USA being the promise land, like some ppl/losers in USA have from Japan.

In middles east culture, history and land is valued. You can't just sit there on your ass in a developed country and order the struggling ones in Iran to throw away their heritage because western media blamed Islam for terrorism and saw it as a threat. God damn it, we LIVE in middle east, we don't walk around with AK47s killing each other on top of camels and reading Quran out loud, WE LIVE, as we go in a car in mornings, then to work , then back to home with money and buy stuff with it.

I have read the Quran and it never said anything about bombing random people. it did how ever say not to have seckz until night in Ramadan.

"As to which religions are compatable with democracy -- none that I'm aware of are"
strongely agreed, Iran is a sad example of how a country would turn out when you try to run it on religion, instead of adapting a religion to run under a government.

293 Name: jooje : 2006-12-13 00:12 ID:D+25bwdv

oh and above post is not directed to a specific poster on this board, just the general attitude to middle easterns that pisses me off.

294 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-13 16:03 ID:eMCqVJya

You don't need to let any religion govern your life.

By the way, STOP BAGGING ON THE USA. We are in the middle of a war, and we're rather stressed out right now. Hold all questions until the end, please.

295 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-13 22:16 ID:XkQRSE1z

Well, you don't need to let anything rule over your life. But just because a person happens to believe strongly in God doesn't automatically make him a threat to you.

I believe in Tenrikyo. I believe it's the religion from God. You get to believe in whatever you like. My belief is that God will bring you to the right path, and that He would probably rather have you as a friend than a grovelling servent. And as long as everyone can worship in peace, religion, any religion, is fine with me. I don't like either extreme -- I don't like it when people tell me I'm evil for not believing in their God, but I also don't like the secularists who try to tell people that they shouldn't act religious in public.


I really wish I knew more about the middle east. It's hard to get a clear picture of what the average muslim thinks about all the stuff going on.

296 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-18 16:56 ID:MN/VTKgp

Many people hate america?
That is vicious propaganda of commie.
See over all the commie and libertalian supported by commy.
Are they really representatives of those country?
Commy is making vicious propaganda now!
Commy is supporting rudeness people in this world!

297 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-22 10:02 ID:sr9w8i2g

North Korea thinks that I sell a nuclear weapon to Islam radical group from lack of funds at last

298 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-22 11:10 ID:oumLD+De

People don't necessarily hate America/Americans; more likely, they simply hate USA foreign policy.

Once the USA stops shoving their "might is right" attitude down the rest of our throats, and start taking account of the sensibilities of other nations, then, the rest of the world might see the US government in a better light.

299 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-05 17:37 ID:YnGmuTTI

The us government wants to be in control of the strongest country in the world and so does every other countries rulers. However the memo that the people in the white house did not seem to get was strength is nothing without the notion of when and how to use it.
Anyone can shoot a gun and kill but a sharpshooter can disarm their opponent without killing them. If we want to prove that we are the best we can have no more hiroshima's no more iraq wars other wise we will have given plenty of reasons of others to hate us. Americans are hated like a bully in its schools we have power , are not afraid to use it and we DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT !! Like the bully in the school all we do is destroy without making an scrap of mercy apparent. I just wonder what will happen when those who hate us try to gang up and overpower the world's bully? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

300 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-06 07:36 ID:G4FDPnWj

I don't think anyone can rely their counry's image from their history textbooks. Many(if not all) history textbooks are politically motivated. For America, you can read "Lies My Teacher Told Me". Woodrow Wilson is not what the US History described. I'm sure there are books about other countries and their twisted view about their own history.

301 Name: Citizen : 2007-01-06 17:00 ID:t/rkqzP+

>>300 very true. Unfortunately, most people in all countries seem not to know very much about history, and what they do know tends to be warped. I think most Americans I could talk to seem to think that America invented freedom and was founded on principles from God and the Bible. I've never heard it mentioned in a textbook that almost all of the "Founding Fathers" belonged to the Freemasons and were heavily influenced by the lodge organization.

The scary thing about the US is that most ignorant parts of the country are growing quickly. Which is increasing the influence of ... I hate to use this term, but ... "Evangelical Conservatives", basically more or less people who try to fit anything in a pre-conceived notion of how the world works. And the words of people like Pat Robertson, who is probably schizophrenic, are trusted to some degree by a lot of these people, just because he's a "Born-Again Christian". I sometimes feel that 11 September and Iraq were a result of an ignorance that is heavily influenced by religion and a misleading view of history.

302 Name: fart man : 2007-01-06 17:02 ID:IEFBz9cM

strictly speaking, i dont hate americans, but i do hate america.
i hate america because they always pretend to fight for justice but in the reality, most of the time, they just fight for their own benefit and make other countries get involved in things for americas benefit.
they never do the justice. what they do is just screwing up things.

i admit that america is the biggest country in the world, but they should fight for justice rather than benefit.

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