[Time travel]Answer the question of the person below you! (999)

245 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5242 08:21

Okay, so this is kind of topic, but my 16-year-old sister approached me with the weirdest request. After much blushing and beating around the bush, I asked her to spit it out. I knew she wanted something from me. She reluctantly said, "Well...I want you to...um...do something kind of strange for me." Well, we have a pretty good relationship, so I asked her to go on. "Well, you see, I have some fetishes..." I was surprised, but listened quietly until she finished. "I want you to pour goat's milk down my ass, wrap your dick in sandpaper, and fuck me hard."

I was speechless, and told her I would get back to her with an answer as soon as I consulted my most trusted online establishment (DQN.) What should I do?

Just tactfully offer her a breath mint.

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