Her past sexlife... (84)

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 18:33 ID:mo/zli/c

It also makes you less disgusting.

>And if she was interested in just sex she probably would have dumped me by now and found some other guy.

How is it that you know she doesn't fuck guys on the side?
Ill fix this
1)some people are whores, others aren't averages mean nothing
2)no one should be with anyone, especially not with some fuck-around, let them go fuck around, forget them, and spit at them if they so much as look at you


>Uho! Inferiority complex ahoy! The need for women with low expectations... That doesn't bode well for you. Please mature, >>6-san. (And no, maturity has nothing to do with sex).

OH fuck YOUR shit, what if it is more about making someone happy who deserves it rather than serving your own petty irrational desires that'll only lead you down a road of haha, wonderful things, talk more about maturity as if you even know what it is.

>Casual sex is casual sex: It's fun, but really awesome sex comes from being with someone that actually means more, that makes your mind tingle with happiness and love.

You forgot about the part that those two types are mutually exclusive. Well, of course idiots not being considered in this equation, but then again, since only idiots have sex I'd have to say that tis a given here.

I think I love you.

Now if only whores knew that, but no whore should look for a relationship anyway.
Enjoy your syphilis

>I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

The past will catch up with you no matter what or who you are.

>Trying to imply humanity is less than rotten. Why do you even bother?

Because humanity is below rotten, rot gets disgusted by humanity, humans are the filth of this universe, and it is not until everyone knows it or until the fact of it changes that I will ever stop trying to make sure of just that.

>'the world suxx'-rant is helped make it seemed like that.


>virginty = auto-win solitude + happy-ever-after


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