Tom Hiddleston 7 (1000)

687 Name: Anon. : 2016-03-22 02:24 ID:Ep2jQcLc

>>681 It certainly runs in the family. Do we want to place bets on whose hand EO will hold at the premiere? I feel like TH's lack of touchy-feely-ness with EO is almost proof of something between them; he's nearly fathered the children of most of his co-stars on the red carpet, and lately that of his female director. But with her, nothing. It's almost like reverse psychology.

>>683 I'm not trolling. I saw it, I reported it - as I've done many times here.

>>684 Heart Eyes! Thank you, sir knight. What little reputation I have around here hopefully points toward my status as a non-troll.

>>686 I'd be perfectly happy for that to happen. It would lift both of them in my estimation. These PR games - we're hooking up in May, theatre/dining it in July, not dating in Sept, laser tagging it in Nov - are tiresome.

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