Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

821 Name: Anonon : 2016-06-21 14:15 ID:xlRsi5kN

>>816 The photos aren't great but as I mentioned before, he chose to do this, nobody forced him.
Perhaps there would have been less ridicule in numbers. It does appear they've released this early to capitalise on his newfound infamy but I also can't see that happening without his managements approval.
On professional shoots all the poses, styling, lighting, framing and layout are designed and approved in advance and in my experience the photographer sends the creatives and his management proofs for final approval before print.
I can't see this being a slap dash amateur job considering there's 12 actors involved. Most celebs aren't professional models so they're not consistent in taking good photos. TH is very hit and miss. Thinking man pose is a perfect example.

>>818 By tinfoil timeline it's been 7 weeks, by LA stopover timeline it's nearly 5 weeks and I think it's 3 weeks since he was spotted in NY

Maybe this is actually his bid for the Fast and Furious franchise cause that's how I would describe this relationship.

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