Tom Hiddleston 8 (1000)

873 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-06-22 10:08 ID:Heaven

>>871 But I get that, I think all women have that in their lives at some point or another, when you are a teenager you tend to prefer Uni boys, when you are at Uni you like guys who work.
The thing here is that Swift is a PR machine and her love life is part of her machine. It seems to me, from what I read about her, that she doesn't actually loves men the way you are supposed to love the opposite sex (no, I'm not suggesting she is gay), I don't see her interest for them, the wish to spend time in their universe to understand them, it's all centred on her and her world. She likes them the way you like a new accessory that fits well into your new outfit, as a means to an end, and when it's time to renovate she finds another. Which is fair because if I can see this by only reading about her history, it means it's evident.

That's why I don't feel any sympathy for TH, nor I feel sorry for the backlash. This is a guy that read the first 100 pages of a journalist's book before an interview with her. There's no way that he didn't look up Taylor Swift after the dinner at Wintour's. He walked into this with full knowledge, he walked into this knowing he was about to smooch with a girl that only 2 weeks before was chirping about her other boyfriend while probably texting with TH the whole month of May. And I bet that in the month between Met and beachsmooching he talked with his sisters and they more than likely told him it was a bad idea and he more than likely got stubborn and decided to prove them wrong (the way he got stubborn about ISTL being a film with a great script and a great director).

And ironically, this is not even making him more sexy. It's a lose-lose situation, because in the same way the PowerThatBe didn't give a shit about him being internet famous, they are not going to give a shit about him being Swift famous, they only care about box-office results and this PR campaign of a love story wont' make a shit of difference with movie-goers.

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