ITT we solve the question above us [Part 4] (999)

660 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6723 03:55

>>659 Hmmm I'm in two minds about it. I'm extremely fortunate in that, looking back over my life, I've pretty much coasted through and good things have just happened to me, in my studies and my love life and other areas. But saying that, I did put the legwork in, I studied and stuff and earned my straight As but i don't feel like I made much effort, I didn't really think about studying or worry about if I'd pass, I've always lived with the assumption that things work out the way they're meant to, based on the fact that they always have in the past.

Hmm I'm rambling... I believe that people can and should do whatever they want, but whatever they choose to do, that's what was meant to happen anyway. And then everyone will die eventually.

>>661 I have two boxes. Box A is seethrough and you can see it contains $1000. Box B is opaque. You can either take the contents of both boxes, OR just the contents of box B. I have predicted already what choice you are going to make. If I was to predict you take both boxes, box B will be empty. If I was to predict you take only box B, it will contain $1,000,000. As I have already predicted your choice, the contents of box B have already been decided. Also, I am completely infallible as I am a superintelligent alien. What do you choose to do >>661, box A+B or just box B?

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