ITT we solve the question above us [Part 4] (999)

670 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6725 02:00

>>669 i did very well at school and university, I have lots of good friends and a lovely fiancé and have been extremely fortunate in all aspects of my life, yet i've still suffered from crippling depression for as long as i can remember, made worse by thinking that i really don't have anything to be depressed about. Maybe it's the pressure of living a double life, being a respectable successful person in my family's eyes but secretly getting underage girls pregnant and taking lots of drugs and getting arrested for vandalism. I'm also a kinky beast ;)

>>671What have you secretly always wanted to try? Maybe use this as an incentive to go out and do it, you'll feel really good!

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