ITT we solve the question above us [Part 4] (999)

717 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6728 12:31

A dadist exhibition of the collective unconscious as influenced and, in some cases, warped by the proliferation of information that has become available since the advent of the internet. It is an exploration into shifting beliefs, perceptions, conceptions, emotions, and ultimately, realities. Humanity lain bare, as upon a canvas. Noting the naive and childish undertones, such as the various references to animation and insignificant textual appeals for attention, one sees the basic desire for acceptance and self-preservation inherent in our species as a whole. Taking a look at the more abstract pictures, for example the diagram detailing possible models of a curved universe, we may relate to aspirations of ascension, personal understanding and objective harmony with all that is and will come to pass.

What is the nature of the cosmos?
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