( ・-・) I wouldn't say this if this wasn't an anonymous board... (999)

235 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7105 21:27

( ・-・) I have concluded that "trans" people are the furries of the 21st Century.

( ・-・) By which I mean they are delusional, self-entitled drama-whores with a persecution complex and no real problems, who create a foul miasma of artificial drama wherever they go--sad little autistic manchildren who have no grasp of how their behavior appears to others.

( ・-・) Furries desperately want to be and in some instances believe that they are of a different species than human, and wish that they could be technologically converted into, for example, chickens, by surgical installation of a beak and tailfeathers. Even if this were done, that would not make them chickens, just sad little manchildren with surgical mutilations to match their delusions and a fixation on bringing up Hitler whenever someone requests that they not behave in a disgusting manner in public. And indeed they define themselves by their fixation upon public displays of their furriness and how horribly, horribly it wounds their tender hearts whenever someone asks them, for example, to stop descending on science fiction conventions and turning one or more of the con rooms into open-air gloryholes.

( ・-・) I trust that I will not have to belabor the obvious here by completing the metaphor for my readers.

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