( ・-・) I wouldn't say this if this wasn't an anonymous board... (999)

377 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7300 07:13

( ・-・) A number of people in artistic careers are always giving advice about how if you weren't doing this shit like EVERY DAY because you love it to bits, it'd be better for you to GTFO because you'd be hating yourself too often for a job that pays and treats you like shit, and like
( ・-・) I think they're extrapolating their own self doubt, trying to absolve themselves by convincing themselves that they DO love it and that they should spare others like themselves a little grief. Or trying to save all those fools (a majority of art majors for instance) who don't understand that they're not really that good and they won't be paying the bills with it so wise up now.
( ・-・) In actuality, though, love is not about being intoxicated by a thing 100% of the time, and some of the best artists are full of crippling self-doubt and having nervous breakdowns about it all the time, but will never be optimally good at anything else. So it might be well intentioned, but I think it's not good advice. You won't be totally loving something all the time, and you won't necessarily think you're good at what you do all the time, but if you really want to do it... you kind of know.
( ・-・) Anyway, should apply to this position as a fluffer? (y/n)

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