( ・-・) I wouldn't say this if this wasn't an anonymous board... (999)

786 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8482 16:25

( ・-・) Good luck with that. The bridge between ease-of-use for the point-and-grunt casual user and high-fidelity programmability and customisability for "power users" (aka experts) must span across a non-navigable gulf emitting high concentrations of sulfuric acid and anthrax. That is so say, nobody has made that bridge successfully. (Windows "power users" are not an acceptable counterexample. They are merely well-conditioned casual users.)

( ・-・) Also, you must work on your generalisation skills. "Software nowadays is largely developed by irredeemable pricks" does not follow from "The developers changed what backspace does in this browser". (Also, define 'nowadays'. Was there a time this supposedly wasn't true?)

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