( E-E) I wouldn't say this if this wasn't an anonymous board... (999)

828 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8823 06:19

It's mostly that in practice it's used as an excuse to either exclude other people or actively make their lives worse, in the absence of any philosophically or factually sound argument. As such, it comes off as a sort of view espoused primarily by individuals who are either ignorant (they don't intend to cause damage or understand how it does) or evil (they do).

While there are many genetic predispositions common to certain ethnic populations, melanin level has essentially nothing to do with the value or potential of a human, all other things being equal. That last part is important, because people born into circumstances tend to perpetuate those circumstances unless acted upon by significant outside factors (which is how you get people both into and out of ghettos). If you don't know what it is to be a scientist, how can you be expected to desire to become one, and take any of the necessary steps?

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