We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

184 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7326 18:32

You walk out the large, ornate wooden door leading to the theatre, then turn around and look back through. It looks much the same as you left it. You also hold your unloaded handgun at the ready - ready for what, you don't know exactly.

You deface the naked Lara Croft picture with a moustache.

Given the lack of space, Lara Croft's moustache's other, smaller Lara Croft ends up little more detailed than a stick man. Well, you decide, it's the thought that counts.

You draw a tiny, tiny moustache on Lara Croft's moustache's other, smaller Lara Croft.

Game saved.

You scrape the pencil marks off the moustaches on the Lara Croft picture. It leaves unsightly marks, but the moustaches are quite thoroughly shaved off.

Game shaved.

Desperately, you attempt to undo the damage you recklessly caused with the surgical scissors. Alas, it quickly becomes apparent that it is far too late. What have you done? What sort of monster have you become, who simply shaves off a naked woman's moustache without thinking of the consequences? How can you live with yourself now? Tears stream from your eyes as you collapse onto the floor and curl into the foetal position.

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