We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

297 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7514 17:44

You're too slow! They've already fallen offscreen.

There's a serious dent in the pipe where Ao Oni punched it. On closer inspection, there's a thin crack that has clearly pierced the metal plating, but you cannot see inside. A faint, unfamiliar chemical smell emanates from the fissure.

It's about one metre in diameter and, in length, goes as far as you can see in either direction.

You make some sort of approximation of yodelling. Continue appears to interpret this sound as you being in pain or distress, and rushes over to you, waving her tentacles and trying to work out what the matter is.

Game saved.

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