We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

457 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7563 23:47

You mutter some unladylike epithet under your breath. It doesn't make you feel any better.

You decide to pour salt in your wounds, so to speak, by condemning yourself for your actions. How could you do something so heartless? You ask yourself. You have no answer. You collapse in a deluge of salty tears.

You have absolutely no idea where the Control Tower is, or, for that matter, what it is. It could be something entirely metaphorical for all you know. The only thing you know to be associated with accessing the Control Tower is the computer, which you walk over to.

Your inventory is empty; you are only in possession of your clothing. You are currently wearing: a black pleated skirt, a white blouse with slight blood staining, a dark blue cardigan, a blue neckerchief, a pair of white knee-high socks, a pair of black shoes and a pair of frilly white pantsu. You currently have the following skills:

  • Proposal (active skill): propose marriage to another entity. Both you and the other entity must be eligible for marriage. Requires engagement ring.
  • Basic healing (passive skill): body slowly regenerates from damage. Not a magic spell; your body just naturally does that.
  • Place in recovery position (active skill): able to place unconscious humanoid into a position in which they will regain consciousness more quickly and are less likely to asphyxiate.
  • Dress wound (active skill): able to apply antiseptic and/or dressing/bandage to wound to stem bleeding and promote healing.
  • Basic magical healing (active skill): able to expend mana in order to quickly heal self or other entity. One unit of mana roughly corresponds to one hour's worth of natural healing.
  • JavaScript console (active skill): Opens the JavaScript console. Requires 75 mana.

You now have level three necromancy. You have unlocked the following skills:

  • Reanimation (invertebrates)(active skill): Can revive any invertebrate, so long as bodily integrity is above 50%. Revived creatures behave as they would while alive. Requires 10 mana per minute of revival.
  • Reanimation (small vertebrates)(active skill): Can revive any vertebrate weighing less than 2kg, so long as bodily integrity is above 80%. Revived creatures behave as they would while alive. Requires 40 mana per minute of revival.
  • Reanimation (body parts)(active skill): Can revive body parts weighing less than 5kg, not including grey matter, as long as bodily integrity is above 80%. Revived body parts behave hostilely towards anything perceptible by associated sensory organs. Requires 20 mana per kg per minute of revival.

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(Error: save file missing or corrupted.)

You cut a few precious strands of Continue-chan's hair, using the very knife you just murdered her with, and put them in the pocket of your skirt. A lock of Continue-chan's hair has been added to your inventory.

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