We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

545 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7585 00:41

Take it hard.

548 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7586 00:36

Game difficulty has been set to Hard mode.

You feel that poor Sensei has been through a lot today, and deserves a little service. Whilst ascending the ladder, you make an extra effort to fan out your skirt and wiggle your backside, commenting "Ara ara, I sure hope my pantsu aren't showing!" A coy glance backwards reveals Sensei to be in the midst of a profound ethical and moral dilemma, eyes flicking back and forth between your lower body and his own feet. You catch his eye and he blushes.

After a brief struggle with the hatch, you emerge into a large room filled with various enormous pieces of machinery. The room is lit only by the dim light from the room below and a small skylight above you, which has little effect as it's currently night. There is a row of identical semicylindrical metal objects to the North, which are humming quietly. You can half-see myriad strange, angular objects beyond them to the North, as well as to the East and South. They all seem to be static.

Still rather hot from your journey through the tunnel, you are pleasantly refreshed by a light breeze blowing from the West.

Feeling somewhat tsundere, you drop Sensei's shoes onto his head as he's trying to climb the ladder after you. Without a word, he climbs back down, slips them onto his feet and resumes his ascent.

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