We seem to have lost contact with the Control Tower.[grinding noises] (999)

593 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7595 20:59

You tear the two electronic umbilical cords from the unholy nest of computerised evil. The screen goes dead. For good measure, you smother the entire contraption with your crotch, consuming it all in one.

Having wrought your mischief, you decide now would be a good time to make your exit. Dropping all pretence of subtlety, you sprint down the Southern corridor. You are pleasantly surprised to find that the tunnel - though still warm - is no longer quite so stifling, nor does it produce that odd clicking noise. Perhaps it has something to do with the reappearance of the computer.

For perhaps fifty metres, all you can hear is the sound of your bare feet padding against the concrete floor, then you hear a playful "Oh, Conundrum-cha~an..." echoing down the tunnel from behind you. You don't look back. Before long, you reach another almost identical cubic concrete room, with another dim lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. There are tunnels leading to the North (from which you just came) and South, and a metal ladder on the Eastern wall leading straight down. The bottom of the ladder is quite some distance away, and lit by a reddish glow.

You begin running down the South tunnel, when two things happen that force you to halt. First, the heat and clicking abruptly resume with redoubled intensity, and second you hear, from far to the North, a scream: "Aaaaaaaaargh! Help! Argh! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!" It's Sensei's voice.

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