[Contentless]ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought.[Brains] [Thinking] [Personal] [#11] (999)

485 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7217 22:13

Twitter Veteran here.

I recommend posting at least several times a day, but there is no standard style for it. Just try what comes naturally, people prefer a unique style. I recommend staying a little informal.

Generally, it's wise to stay away from any sort of discussion about Religion, Race or such things. Hashtags are best used occasionally, mainly to provide context or an additional comment. A good example would be: "Wow, I loved that episode of FLCL" vs "Wow, I loved that episode! #FLCL" In my opinion, the latter is a good use of hashtags, and your tweet is now easily found by other fans of FLCL. This way, people with similar interests will find you more easily.

Additionally, I don't speak for everyone when I say this but within my group of friends, text-speak is frowned upon.
So, tweet frequently, and make sure to "index" your activities when you post updates, by adding the occasional hashtag!

If your experience is anything like mine was, you'll probably find a bunch of people with similar interests and form a close group, not unlike an IRC channel. Good luck!
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