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195 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7709 14:02

From the "I bothered to type this out for a username-based forum but then decided against posting it there" department:

I do remember back when MUDs were still a thing that a fair number of people did, I went around trying various ones and at one point was checking out one that was stationed in Estonia (with all the game text in English however). As I was exploring a bit, the conversation on the chat channel was going something like this:
Couple of guys: <words in Estonian> fuck <more words in Estonian> fuck <etc>
Me: <asks question about the game in English>
Admin: Speak English guys, we have a visitor.
One of the guys: Fuck off, this is Estonian MUD, not for foreigner!
Admin: You will speak the fucking English or you will fucking shut up.
<after some time, it becomes clear that the "fucking shut up" option had been taken>

I didn't go back there.

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