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503 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8247 05:27

When has corrupting society ever been ethical?

Damn you capitalism! Truly the hero of the people. But since this is hypothetical, I could imagine some scenarios in which this works. You could provide lawyers to the competition as well, so that no one has an advantage.

Or your legal advice could not be so disadvantageous that it puts the company at any real loss. Say you advise a large tech company to add to their terms of service that some use of their sevice is prohibited. Maybe because this use of their serivce would be harmful to some investment you made.

You encourage this change by telling the tech company that allowing this use could lead to lawsuits and it's best to be safe. Most users might not use this software in that way and most won't even read the TOS, so it puts the company at no real risk. If you wanted to enforce this, you could go one step further, and have the company implement software for monitoring the user to see if they break the TOS, and have them take whatever legal actions are needed to fine or jail these users.

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