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552 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8252 01:31

I'm sure this is all obvious advice, but I suggest visiting or moving to a place with a high density of lesbians. For example, I live in the Bay Area and its reputation for being a homosexual haven is actually quite true. Over half of my female friends are lesbian and they all say it's easy to get laid here. You can do it through apps like Tinder, by visiting one of many lesbian bars, or even just in your daily life if you're confident enough to flirt with people. Of course it's still probably going to be a little difficult if you're unattractive or socially awkward, but to tell the truth I've met plenty of nerdy, awkward, unattractive women who are still happily getting laid here. (And I'm sure you're much hotter than them, fellow DQNer!)

Then again, if it's just sex you're after, vibrators+porn is probably better, honsetly. I think the main advantage to real-life sex is that feelings of affection for your partner make it feel better. In any case, I wish you luck.

560 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8252 14:24

People here might think differently, but your first time shouldn't be with a hired escort. I mean, once you get money, it won't be hard to find a hooker who's willing to do lesbian but... I don't recommend having your first time to be with a prostitute. It's terrible. Awful. Don't do it. I would've much preferred to swallow 20 minutes of awkwardness and rejection than doing that shit.
Try tinder or something.

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