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589 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8256 01:27

I was wondering that too, so I looked into it. Unless the algorithm that designates that hash is just prone to collision, then the 32 byte hash should make it statistically unlikely that a collision would occur. There are 2^256 = 1.16e77 possible hashes. Say that hashes were generated every millisecond, then you would use all the hashes at 1.16e77ms*(1s/1000ms)*(1min/60s)*(1hr/60min)*(1day/24hours)*(1year/365days)*(1(age of the universe)/(13.8e9years)) = 2.67e56(age of the universe). But if there are reasons to be concerned about hash collision other than the size of the hash, I'm not aware of them.
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