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783 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8274 23:35

Seems like it is becoming ubiquitous and permanent to me. Half due to the digital revolution, half due to the (to me) surprising effectiveness of marketing nerd culture to straight laced suburban kids. They've never smoked "dope" or heard a radio station not owned by clear channel, but they have Steam on their computers and they're going to comic con!

That feeling of being an outcast and a rebel without having any actual experience of either. The mode of escape for young americans has changed, post-hippies.

This isn't a 'kids these days' post so much as it is a rant about the commercialisation of a culture that is kinda sorta mine. I'm equally annoyed by David Bowie and his imitators aping fags for buxx.

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