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210 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10334 23:44

I can't help but feel that every OS is getting uglier and uglier and less and less usable with each new version.
Windows 11 looks like shit and is a downgrade from Windows 10 in almost every regard (with the exception of maybe WSLg, which as of right now is more of a fancy tech demo than something actually usable).
I've heard nothing good about recent MacOS versions.
And virtually every Linux DE designed for normal people is in a state of decay, both the inconsistent UIs and poorly maintained, bloated codebases. If you're autistic and use a tiling WM you spent 10000 hours configuring, you're probably unaffected.

I suspect that we're soon to reach a point where the combined lack of vision in the tech industry and the increasingly unmaintainable code of all current operating systems will result in some new corporation coming in and shitting out the OS of the future, complete with even more tracking and restrictions. Probably Google.
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